Comrade De Blasio Takes Over (2nd Detroit)

And low brows such as yourself voted against him simply because of his bi-racial family.

Actually, I voted against him because:

1) He is unqualified.
2) He could not propose any details or backup to his debate rhetoric/plans
3) I disagree with him about punishing successful people
4) He's corrupt
5) He's Democrat (see #4)

I voted for Lhota because he is actually qualified, and while I didn't agree with everything he stood for, he was leaps and bounds more qualified than the Limo LOLberal.

But toolsheds without tools like yourself are just here to troll.

6) He is part of a bi-racial family.

I'm dating a bengali, and I think Deblasio is a useless tool, a progressive asshole, and a fucking jackass.

Try that one for size.
You're projecting again, Dullard. How quaint. Trollololol lol lol lol

Let me guess, "Dullard" is your new favorite term for 2014. I hope you still plan to include "LOLberal" at least 26 times per thread again this year.
Actually, I voted against him because:

1) He is unqualified.
2) He could not propose any details or backup to his debate rhetoric/plans
3) I disagree with him about punishing successful people
4) He's corrupt
5) He's Democrat (see #4)

I voted for Lhota because he is actually qualified, and while I didn't agree with everything he stood for, he was leaps and bounds more qualified than the Limo LOLberal.

But toolsheds without tools like yourself are just here to troll.

6) He is part of a bi-racial family.

I'm dating a bengali, and I think Deblasio is a useless tool, a progressive asshole, and a fucking jackass.

Try that one for size.

Pretty sure I wasn't talking to you. But feel free to get worked up about it. It's cute.
6) He is part of a bi-racial family.

I'm dating a bengali, and I think Deblasio is a useless tool, a progressive asshole, and a fucking jackass.

Try that one for size.

Pretty sure I wasn't talking to you. But feel free to get worked up about it. It's cute.

When you go with the opposition=racism line of "logic" you invite outside comment.

Your statment was idiotic and general, and had to be called out.
A small portion of the people of NYC have spoken, and considering the Republicans/Independents didnt run a viable candidate against him, the results were a forseeable event.

DeBlasio is an extremist, just one you agree with.

We'll see if I agree with him, all I know about him is he has a black wife which put your fellow echo chamber pal Katzndogz into a racist tizzy. How far 'left' he governs will be interesting to watch. BTW, define far left - it's a term used by many on the right and never defined.

What I find most interesting is the reaction of you and the other anti- liberals. What scares your kind so much? Fear that not following your dear leader Limbaugh's path might prove an effective method of governance for all?

1. I dont listen to Limbaugh
2. Fuck you. Dont lump me in with certain people, even if I do agree with him/her on certain viewpoints.
3. Fuck you, just in general.

LOL Sorry pal, vulgarity in this instance isn't offensive, it's funny. When your posts are violently anti-liberal you are a member of the set of the right wing extreme. I too would be offended to be considered like Katzndogz, TASB, Redfish, Bripat or you.

So, define far left & prove you're not as dumb as the four others noted above.
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A small portion of the people of NYC have spoken, and considering the Republicans/Independents didnt run a viable candidate against him, the results were a forseeable event.

DeBlasio is an extremist, just one you agree with.

We'll see if I agree with him, all I know about him is he has a black wife which put your fellow echo chamber pal Katzndogz into a racist tizzy. How far 'left' he governs will be interesting to watch. BTW, define far left - it's a term used by many on the right and never defined.

What I find most interesting is the reaction of you and the other anti- liberals. What scares your kind so much? Fear that not following your dear leader Limbaugh's path might prove an effective method of governance for all?

What scares us? is that your question? Take a look at Detroit, the state of California, the state of michigan, the country of Greece, the country of Spain.

Liberalism always fails, always destroys economies, always destroys people's lives. But yet, roughly half of the US population is too stupid to see that-----------that is what scares us----and it should scare you as well.

Define what you man as "Liberalism". I bet you have no idea.
We'll see if I agree with him, all I know about him is he has a black wife which put your fellow echo chamber pal Katzndogz into a racist tizzy. How far 'left' he governs will be interesting to watch. BTW, define far left - it's a term used by many on the right and never defined.

What I find most interesting is the reaction of you and the other anti- liberals. What scares your kind so much? Fear that not following your dear leader Limbaugh's path might prove an effective method of governance for all?

1. I dont listen to Limbaugh
2. Fuck you. Dont lump me in with certain people, even if I do agree with him/her on certain viewpoints.
3. Fuck you, just in general.

LOL Sorry pal, vulgarity in this instance isn't offensive, it's funny. When your posts are violently anti-liberal you are a member of the set of the right wing extreme. I to would be offended to be considered like Katzndogz, TASB, Redfish, Bripat or you.

So, define far left or prove you're not as dumb as the four others noted above.

How are my posts "violent?"

Far left is "far left." He's a progressive statist. He likes higher taxes, new resrtrictions on building high end housing, more government control of people's lives, and increases in municipal government and the cost of municipal government. He's against the NYPD as well, more than likely.

He's even called himself out as a progressive, i.e. far left.
I'm dating a bengali, and I think Deblasio is a useless tool, a progressive asshole, and a fucking jackass.

Try that one for size.

Pretty sure I wasn't talking to you. But feel free to get worked up about it. It's cute.

When you go with the opposition=racism line of "logic" you invite outside comment.

Your statment was idiotic and general, and had to be called out.

Since you felt the need to butt in. Why don't you look at this idiotic comment that I first replied to and the fact that he felt the need to say that the only reason people voted for him was because he is in a bi-racial family.

Yet you didn't get all butthurt over his comment, just mine. Why is that?

I'll wait for your apology.
Gee, how cute, another echo chamber circle jerk. The People of NYC have spoken, and created a great fear in the empty space of the their heads.

Too bad, you clowns got what you sowed. Americans have always moved away from extremism and extreme failure. Instead of putting all your misplaced energy into a circle jerk you jerks need to ask why? Because this isn't a plea for far left policy, it's a repudiation of far right callous conservatives, their bigotry and greed.

A small portion of the people of NYC have spoken, and considering the Republicans/Independents didnt run a viable candidate against him, the results were a forseeable event.

DeBlasio is an extremist, just one you agree with.

We'll see if I agree with him, all I know about him is he has a black wife which put your fellow echo chamber pal Katzndogz into a racist tizzy. How far 'left' he governs will be interesting to watch. BTW, define far left - it's a term used by many on the right and never defined.

What I find most interesting is the reaction of you and the other anti- liberals. What scares your kind so much? Fear that not following your dear leader Limbaugh's path might prove an effective method of governance for all?

That's about all that any of us know....he has a black wife. You can thank the media for their racist disingenuity.
Pretty sure I wasn't talking to you. But feel free to get worked up about it. It's cute.

When you go with the opposition=racism line of "logic" you invite outside comment.

Your statment was idiotic and general, and had to be called out.

Since you felt the need to butt in. Why don't you look at this idiotic comment that I first replied to and the fact that he felt the need to say that the only reason people voted for him was because he is in a bi-racial family.

Yet you didn't get all butthurt over his comment, just mine. Why is that?

I'll wait for your apology.

I'm sure there were some voters that voted for him because he is married to a black woman. Do you deny that some voters voted for Obama simply because he was black?
A small portion of the people of NYC have spoken, and considering the Republicans/Independents didnt run a viable candidate against him, the results were a forseeable event.

DeBlasio is an extremist, just one you agree with.

We'll see if I agree with him, all I know about him is he has a black wife which put your fellow echo chamber pal Katzndogz into a racist tizzy. How far 'left' he governs will be interesting to watch. BTW, define far left - it's a term used by many on the right and never defined.

What I find most interesting is the reaction of you and the other anti- liberals. What scares your kind so much? Fear that not following your dear leader Limbaugh's path might prove an effective method of governance for all?

That's about all that any of us know....he has a black wife. You can thank the media for their racist disingenuity.

No, we know he's a "progressive" authoritarian by the views and plans expressed through the campaign. Only the lowest information turds like RDD give a fuck about his bi-racial family. As if in NYC, that is some kind of new social statement. :lmao:
Voting for a communist is moving away from extremism? What did we "sow" that we deserve? The people of New York are the ones who are going to get what they deserve, at least the ones who voted for De Blasio will.

So in your opinion the new Mayor will do what to prove he is a Communist?

Asking what the New Right seeded by their callous disregard for the poor, the working poor and members of unions, government workers and those who receive SS, Medicare and UE is very naïve.People do deserve a fair wage, access to health care and treatment which doesn't put them into bankruptcy.

That you don't get any of this is why I refer to you as one of the dumbest of the dumb.

Thanks for sharing your opinion. I have a few toilets to flush in order to weigh in those opinions.

And then you use ad hom while calling others out for using ad hom. Not oonly are you a moron, you're also a hypocrite. The hallmarks of the modern day LOLberal.

Wow. Ad Hominem is to attack the person and not their argument. Something you've done repeatedly and I did not. I proffered an argument as to why the voters rejected the current ideology of the extreme members of the GOP and posted verifiable facts.

In fact I do call some "dumb"; mostly because they never provide an argument to support their ideology - kinda like what you do repeatedly.
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We'll see if I agree with him, all I know about him is he has a black wife which put your fellow echo chamber pal Katzndogz into a racist tizzy. How far 'left' he governs will be interesting to watch. BTW, define far left - it's a term used by many on the right and never defined.

What I find most interesting is the reaction of you and the other anti- liberals. What scares your kind so much? Fear that not following your dear leader Limbaugh's path might prove an effective method of governance for all?

That's about all that any of us know....he has a black wife. You can thank the media for their racist disingenuity.

No, we know he's a "progressive" authoritarian by the views and plans expressed through the campaign. Only the lowest information turds like RDD give a fuck about his bi-racial family. As if in NYC, that is some kind of new social statement. :lmao:

Yes, the ones that do their research know that. The majority of the populace only listens to the retards in the media and their drumbeat is everything race and no substance on any issue.
We'll see if I agree with him, all I know about him is he has a black wife which put your fellow echo chamber pal Katzndogz into a racist tizzy. How far 'left' he governs will be interesting to watch. BTW, define far left - it's a term used by many on the right and never defined.

What I find most interesting is the reaction of you and the other anti- liberals. What scares your kind so much? Fear that not following your dear leader Limbaugh's path might prove an effective method of governance for all?

What scares us? is that your question? Take a look at Detroit, the state of California, the state of michigan, the country of Greece, the country of Spain.

Liberalism always fails, always destroys economies, always destroys people's lives. But yet, roughly half of the US population is too stupid to see that-----------that is what scares us----and it should scare you as well.

Define what you man as "Liberalism". I bet you have no idea.

we all know what liberalism means in current jargon. Big nanny government, social "justice", high taxation, punishment of the successful, free rides for the unsuccessful, socialized medicine, priority rights for minorities of all kinds, suppression of religion, statism, anti-military, pro muslim------------in a word---obama.
So in your opinion the new Mayor will do what to prove he is a Communist?

Asking what the New Right seeded by their callous disregard for the poor, the working poor and members of unions, government workers and those who receive SS, Medicare and UE is very naïve.People do deserve a fair wage, access to health care and treatment which doesn't put them into bankruptcy.

That you don't get any of this is why I refer to you as one of the dumbest of the dumb.

Thanks for sharing your opinion. I have a few toilets to flush in order to weigh in those opinions.

And then you use ad hom while calling others out for using ad hom. Not oonly are you a moron, you're also a hypocrite. The hallmarks of the modern day LOLberal.

Wow. Ad Hominem is to attack the person and not their argument. Something you've done repeatedly and I did not. I proffered an argument as to why the voters rejected the current ideology of the extreme members of the GOP and posted verifiable facts.

In fact I do call some "dumb"; mostly because they never provide an argument to support their ideology - kinda like what you do repeatedly.

You call people dumbest of the dumb and claim it's not an ad hom?

You're even more fuckin' stupiid than can be described.
When you go with the opposition=racism line of "logic" you invite outside comment.

Your statment was idiotic and general, and had to be called out.

Since you felt the need to butt in. Why don't you look at this idiotic comment that I first replied to and the fact that he felt the need to say that the only reason people voted for him was because he is in a bi-racial family.

Yet you didn't get all butthurt over his comment, just mine. Why is that?

I'll wait for your apology.

I'm sure there were some voters that voted for him because he is married to a black woman. Do you deny that some voters voted for Obama simply because he was black?

Sure, avoid what I asked you. But I'll play your game....

I'm sure there some voters who didn't vote for him because he is married to a black woman. Do you deny that there some voters who didn't vote for Obama because he is black?

So back to my original question. Why didn't you call out your fellow hack for bringing up race as a voting issue but felt the need to skip over his post and say something to me?

Because you're a raging hypocrite. That's why.
Since you felt the need to butt in. Why don't you look at this idiotic comment that I first replied to and the fact that he felt the need to say that the only reason people voted for him was because he is in a bi-racial family.

Yet you didn't get all butthurt over his comment, just mine. Why is that?

I'll wait for your apology.

I'm sure there were some voters that voted for him because he is married to a black woman. Do you deny that some voters voted for Obama simply because he was black?

Sure, avoid what I asked you. But I'll play your game....

I'm sure there some voters who didn't vote for him because he is married to a black woman. Do you deny that there some voters who didn't vote for Obama because he is black?

So back to my original question. Why didn't you call out your fellow hack for bringing up race as a voting issue but felt the need to skip over his post and say something to me?

Because you're a raging hypocrite. That's why.

Omission is not hypocricy, and silence is not acceptance, but thanks for trying.

Of course people didnt vote for Obama because he is black, or against DeBlasio because he married a black retired lesbian. The funny thing is you condemn this but not the other.
I'm sure there were some voters that voted for him because he is married to a black woman. Do you deny that some voters voted for Obama simply because he was black?

Sure, avoid what I asked you. But I'll play your game....

I'm sure there some voters who didn't vote for him because he is married to a black woman. Do you deny that there some voters who didn't vote for Obama because he is black?

So back to my original question. Why didn't you call out your fellow hack for bringing up race as a voting issue but felt the need to skip over his post and say something to me?

Because you're a raging hypocrite. That's why.

Omission is not hypocricy, and silence is not acceptance, but thanks for trying.

Of course people didnt vote for Obama because he is black, or against DeBlasio because he married a black retired lesbian. The funny thing is you condemn this but not the other.

And the hypocrite tries to justify himself. How cute.

Let's be honest, you didn't say shit to him because he's a fellow low brow conservative and the first rule in your playbook is to turn the other way when they say something you "claim" to disagree with.

Either that or you agree with what he said. So which is it?
Since you felt the need to butt in. Why don't you look at this idiotic comment that I first replied to and the fact that he felt the need to say that the only reason people voted for him was because he is in a bi-racial family.

Yet you didn't get all butthurt over his comment, just mine. Why is that?

I'll wait for your apology.

I'm sure there were some voters that voted for him because he is married to a black woman. Do you deny that some voters voted for Obama simply because he was black?

Sure, avoid what I asked you. But I'll play your game....

I'm sure there some voters who didn't vote for him because he is married to a black woman. Do you deny that there some voters who didn't vote for Obama because he is black?

So back to my original question. Why didn't you call out your fellow hack for bringing up race as a voting issue but felt the need to skip over his post and say something to me?

Because you're a raging hypocrite. That's why.

He said luddy probably voted for Diblasio because of his bi-racial family. Considering what a mouth breather luddy is, I wouldnt be surprised (if he does live in NYC and actually vote).

YOU were the one that purported takeastepback voted against Diblasio because of his biracial family.

Race can be a voting issue, do you deny that?

And I feel the need to correct asshats like you because you are always so very fucking wrong.

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