Comrade De Blasio Takes Over (2nd Detroit)

I'm sure there were some voters that voted for him because he is married to a black woman. Do you deny that some voters voted for Obama simply because he was black?

Sure, avoid what I asked you. But I'll play your game....

I'm sure there some voters who didn't vote for him because he is married to a black woman. Do you deny that there some voters who didn't vote for Obama because he is black?

So back to my original question. Why didn't you call out your fellow hack for bringing up race as a voting issue but felt the need to skip over his post and say something to me?

Because you're a raging hypocrite. That's why.

He said luddy probably voted for Diblasio because of his bi-racial family. Considering what a mouth breather luddy is, I wouldnt be surprised (if he does live in NYC and actually vote).

YOU were the one that purported takeastepback voted against Diblasio because of his biracial family.

Race can be a voting issue, do you deny that?

And I feel the need to correct asshats like you because you are always so very fucking wrong.

And I said TakeAStepBack probably didn't vote for him because of his bi-racial family. Considering he's an extremist asshole, my over-generalization is probably true.

Yet you called me out and not him.......why...because you're a hypocritical asshole. Face it, you're either a hypocrite or racist yourself. Either way, I'd make sure your bengali girlfriend is aware of whichever one it is.
Sure, avoid what I asked you. But I'll play your game....

I'm sure there some voters who didn't vote for him because he is married to a black woman. Do you deny that there some voters who didn't vote for Obama because he is black?

So back to my original question. Why didn't you call out your fellow hack for bringing up race as a voting issue but felt the need to skip over his post and say something to me?

Because you're a raging hypocrite. That's why.

He said luddy probably voted for Diblasio because of his bi-racial family. Considering what a mouth breather luddy is, I wouldnt be surprised (if he does live in NYC and actually vote).

YOU were the one that purported takeastepback voted against Diblasio because of his biracial family.

Race can be a voting issue, do you deny that?

And I feel the need to correct asshats like you because you are always so very fucking wrong.

And I said TakeAStepBack probably didn't vote for him because of his bi-racial family. Considering he's an extremist asshole, my over-generalization is probably true.

Yet you called me out and not him.......why...because you're a hypocritical asshole. Face it, you're either a hypocrite or racist yourself. Either way, I'd make sure your bengali girlfriend is aware of whichever one it is.

Being an "extremist" does not make one a rascist automatically, despite how much idiots like you try to make that the case.

I'm neither a racist or a hypocrite. Again, omission does not imply acceptance, and this is a fucking message board, and not a court of law. Also "racist" doesnt mean anything anymore, because idiots like you use it without any context whatsoever against anyone who disagrees with you.

You are harping on this one point because you have nothing meaningful to add to the thread.
1. I dont listen to Limbaugh
2. Fuck you. Dont lump me in with certain people, even if I do agree with him/her on certain viewpoints.
3. Fuck you, just in general.

LOL Sorry pal, vulgarity in this instance isn't offensive, it's funny. When your posts are violently anti-liberal you are a member of the set of the right wing extreme. I to would be offended to be considered like Katzndogz, TASB, Redfish, Bripat or you.

So, define far left or prove you're not as dumb as the four others noted above.

How are my posts "violent?"

Far left is "far left." He's a progressive statist. He likes higher taxes, new resrtrictions on building high end housing, more government control of people's lives, and increases in municipal government and the cost of municipal government. He's against the NYPD as well, more than likely.

He's even called himself out as a progressive, i.e. far left.

Good effort, I do appreciate your attempt.

The far left are those who wear masks and destroy public and private property, we see them at demonstrations when there are WTO/G-8 meetings; they seek an immediate change to society and believe it can only ocurr by disruptive and sometimes the violent upheaval of cultural and economic activity; they generally disregard laws and the rights of those who don't hold to their fervent actions, and they seek to remake society into a utopia.

Progressive seek change within the system and to change laws which they feel are wrong and inconsistent with the vision of Jefferson:

"We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness. That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed"

Progressive work the halls of Congress (leftist do not) and State Legislatures; they rich out to the voters using emotion and reason to recruit supporters - not hate and fear. They are patient, persistent and effective.

Liberals too support change and work within the system to change policies and practices which they feel are unfair. One recent example was the OWS movement which asked legitimate questions about the greed of those financial institution too big to fail Sadly, the right cast all of them with the few on the far left who disrupted civilized protests by the vast majority.

"Fuck you" isn't violent? Okay, I'll stipulate to uncivilized and ridiculous.
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He said luddy probably voted for Diblasio because of his bi-racial family. Considering what a mouth breather luddy is, I wouldnt be surprised (if he does live in NYC and actually vote).

YOU were the one that purported takeastepback voted against Diblasio because of his biracial family.

Race can be a voting issue, do you deny that?

And I feel the need to correct asshats like you because you are always so very fucking wrong.

And I said TakeAStepBack probably didn't vote for him because of his bi-racial family. Considering he's an extremist asshole, my over-generalization is probably true.

Yet you called me out and not him.......why...because you're a hypocritical asshole. Face it, you're either a hypocrite or racist yourself. Either way, I'd make sure your bengali girlfriend is aware of whichever one it is.

Being an "extremist" does not make one a rascist automatically, despite how much idiots like you try to make that the case.

I'm neither a racist or a hypocrite. Again, omission does not imply acceptance, and this is a fucking message board, and not a court of law. Also "racist" doesnt mean anything anymore, because idiots like you use it without any context whatsoever against anyone who disagrees with you.

You are harping on this one point because you have nothing meaningful to add to the thread.

LOL, nothing meaningful?

I called out one racist asshole and another comes to defend him. Thanks for your "contribution".
LOL Sorry pal, vulgarity in this instance isn't offensive, it's funny. When your posts are violently anti-liberal you are a member of the set of the right wing extreme. I to would be offended to be considered like Katzndogz, TASB, Redfish, Bripat or you.

So, define far left or prove you're not as dumb as the four others noted above.

How are my posts "violent?"

Far left is "far left." He's a progressive statist. He likes higher taxes, new resrtrictions on building high end housing, more government control of people's lives, and increases in municipal government and the cost of municipal government. He's against the NYPD as well, more than likely.

He's even called himself out as a progressive, i.e. far left.

Good effort, I do appreciate your attempt.

The far left are those who wear masks and destroy public and private property, we see them at demonstrations when there are WTO/G-8 meetings; they seek an immediate change to society and believe it can only be occurred by a violent upheaval of cultural and economic activity; they generally disregard laws and the rights of those who don't hold to their fervent actions, and they seek to remake society into a utopia.

Progressive seek change within the system and to change laws which they feel are wrong and inconsistent with the vision of Jefferson:

"We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness. That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed"

Progressive work the halls of Congress (leftist do not) and State Legislatures; they rich out to the voters using emotion and reason to recruit supporters - not hate and fear. They are patient, persistent and effective.

Liberals too support change and work within the system to change policies and practices which they feel are unfair. One recent example was the OWS movement which asked legitimate questions about the greed of those financial institution too big to fail Sadly, the right cast all of them with the few on the far left who disrupted civilized protests by the vast majority.

"Fuck you" isn't violent? Okay, I'll stipulate to uncivilized and ridiculous.

It's cool though....he has a bengali girlfriend.
LOL Sorry pal, vulgarity in this instance isn't offensive, it's funny. When your posts are violently anti-liberal you are a member of the set of the right wing extreme. I to would be offended to be considered like Katzndogz, TASB, Redfish, Bripat or you.

So, define far left or prove you're not as dumb as the four others noted above.

How are my posts "violent?"

Far left is "far left." He's a progressive statist. He likes higher taxes, new resrtrictions on building high end housing, more government control of people's lives, and increases in municipal government and the cost of municipal government. He's against the NYPD as well, more than likely.

He's even called himself out as a progressive, i.e. far left.

Good effort, I do appreciate your attempt.

The far left are those who wear masks and destroy public and private property, we see them at demonstrations when there are WTO/G-8 meetings; they seek an immediate change to society and believe it can only be occurred by a violent upheaval of cultural and economic activity; they generally disregard laws and the rights of those who don't hold to their fervent actions, and they seek to remake society into a utopia.

Progressive seek change within the system and to change laws which they feel are wrong and inconsistent with the vision of Jefferson:

"We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness. That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed"

Progressive work the halls of Congress (leftist do not) and State Legislatures; they rich out to the voters using emotion and reason to recruit supporters - not hate and fear. They are patient, persistent and effective.

Liberals too support change and work within the system to change policies and practices which they feel are unfair. One recent example was the OWS movement which asked legitimate questions about the greed of those financial institution too big to fail Sadly, the right cast all of them with the few on the far left who disrupted civilized protests by the vast majority.

"Fuck you" isn't violent? Okay, I'll stipulate to uncivilized and ridiculous.

Far left doesnt have to involve revolution and active participation in resistance. One can be in the system and still espouse to far left ideals about property ownership and the role of government. DeBlasio is a far left agitiator with nice clothes and the ability to appear to be willing to work within the system. His ideals are still those of the perennial commie and socialist protestors.

As for the uncivilized and ridiculous part, methinks thou doth protest too much.

Gee, how cute, another echo chamber circle jerk

Too bad, you clowns got what you sowed

Instead of putting all your misplaced energy into a circle jerk you jerks need to ask why?
Thanks for sharing your opinion. I have a few toilets to flush in order to weigh in those opinions.

And then you use ad hom while calling others out for using ad hom. Not oonly are you a moron, you're also a hypocrite. The hallmarks of the modern day LOLberal.

Wow. Ad Hominem is to attack the person and not their argument. Something you've done repeatedly and I did not. I proffered an argument as to why the voters rejected the current ideology of the extreme members of the GOP and posted verifiable facts.

In fact I do call some "dumb"; mostly because they never provide an argument to support their ideology - kinda like what you do repeatedly.

You call people dumbest of the dumb and claim it's not an ad hom?

You're even more fuckin' stupiid than can be described.

Calling some of you "the dumbest of the dumb" is a statement of fact. Why don't you go to google and type in "logical fallacies". There will be dozens of links, all of which will provide a definition of an Ad Hominem logical fallacy with examples.

You may then 'call me back' and apologize. As for now, your post calling me "more fuckin' stupiid than can be described" is more evidence your are one of the dumbest.
How are my posts "violent?"

Far left is "far left." He's a progressive statist. He likes higher taxes, new resrtrictions on building high end housing, more government control of people's lives, and increases in municipal government and the cost of municipal government. He's against the NYPD as well, more than likely.

He's even called himself out as a progressive, i.e. far left.

Good effort, I do appreciate your attempt.

The far left are those who wear masks and destroy public and private property, we see them at demonstrations when there are WTO/G-8 meetings; they seek an immediate change to society and believe it can only be occurred by a violent upheaval of cultural and economic activity; they generally disregard laws and the rights of those who don't hold to their fervent actions, and they seek to remake society into a utopia.

Progressive seek change within the system and to change laws which they feel are wrong and inconsistent with the vision of Jefferson:

"We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness. That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed"

Progressive work the halls of Congress (leftist do not) and State Legislatures; they rich out to the voters using emotion and reason to recruit supporters - not hate and fear. They are patient, persistent and effective.

Liberals too support change and work within the system to change policies and practices which they feel are unfair. One recent example was the OWS movement which asked legitimate questions about the greed of those financial institution too big to fail Sadly, the right cast all of them with the few on the far left who disrupted civilized protests by the vast majority.

"Fuck you" isn't violent? Okay, I'll stipulate to uncivilized and ridiculous.

It's cool though....he has a bengali girlfriend.

Better than yours, otherwise know as "Mr. Right Hand"
Good effort, I do appreciate your attempt.

The far left are those who wear masks and destroy public and private property, we see them at demonstrations when there are WTO/G-8 meetings; they seek an immediate change to society and believe it can only be occurred by a violent upheaval of cultural and economic activity; they generally disregard laws and the rights of those who don't hold to their fervent actions, and they seek to remake society into a utopia.

Progressive seek change within the system and to change laws which they feel are wrong and inconsistent with the vision of Jefferson:

"We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness. That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed"

Progressive work the halls of Congress (leftist do not) and State Legislatures; they rich out to the voters using emotion and reason to recruit supporters - not hate and fear. They are patient, persistent and effective.

Liberals too support change and work within the system to change policies and practices which they feel are unfair. One recent example was the OWS movement which asked legitimate questions about the greed of those financial institution too big to fail Sadly, the right cast all of them with the few on the far left who disrupted civilized protests by the vast majority.

"Fuck you" isn't violent? Okay, I'll stipulate to uncivilized and ridiculous.

It's cool though....he has a bengali girlfriend.

Better than yours, otherwise know as "Mr. Right Hand"

Good one.

No really.
How are my posts "violent?"

Far left is "far left." He's a progressive statist. He likes higher taxes, new resrtrictions on building high end housing, more government control of people's lives, and increases in municipal government and the cost of municipal government. He's against the NYPD as well, more than likely.

He's even called himself out as a progressive, i.e. far left.

Good effort, I do appreciate your attempt.

The far left are those who wear masks and destroy public and private property, we see them at demonstrations when there are WTO/G-8 meetings; they seek an immediate change to society and believe it can only be occurred by a violent upheaval of cultural and economic activity; they generally disregard laws and the rights of those who don't hold to their fervent actions, and they seek to remake society into a utopia.

Progressive seek change within the system and to change laws which they feel are wrong and inconsistent with the vision of Jefferson:

"We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness. That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed"

Progressive work the halls of Congress (leftist do not) and State Legislatures; they rich out to the voters using emotion and reason to recruit supporters - not hate and fear. They are patient, persistent and effective.

Liberals too support change and work within the system to change policies and practices which they feel are unfair. One recent example was the OWS movement which asked legitimate questions about the greed of those financial institution too big to fail Sadly, the right cast all of them with the few on the far left who disrupted civilized protests by the vast majority.

"Fuck you" isn't violent? Okay, I'll stipulate to uncivilized and ridiculous.

Far left doesnt have to involve revolution and active participation in resistance. One can be in the system and still espouse to far left ideals about property ownership and the role of government. DeBlasio is a far left agitiator with nice clothes and the ability to appear to be willing to work within the system. His ideals are still those of the perennial commie and socialist protestors.

Wrong. There is a difference and you know it. Otherwise you lump together those who commit vandalism and arson, block commerce and put spikes in trees with those who march peacefully.

As for the uncivilized and ridiculous part, methinks thou doth protest too much.

Too bad, you clowns got what you sowed
Yep, how is that not an accurate description of the first pages of this thread?

Instead of putting all your misplaced energy into a circle jerk you jerks need to ask why?
Indelicate, but a question not answered even now.

So, the use of "far left" as defined by me seems far different than what you and your set mean by the use of the phrase. Yet, you and the others never offer a definition. Why is that?

I'll answer, you use "far left" as a pejorative to characterize progressives, liberals, Democrats, in fact anyone who doesn't believe in the ideology you and the rest of the echo chamber support. So far you haven't proved your any different than that set.
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my prediction on him is that he will be the non-story of 2014. It just wont be a big deal whatever he does. Fact of the matter is that whatever you think of the job of being mayor of NYC it really doesnt mean much nationally -- much the same as being mayor of any city doesnt. Look at Bloomberg - sure some of his wacky stupid ideas got national press but he really has never been much of a player nationally despite his best efforts. He had no real political base (because mayor never do) - and whatever attention he got was the result of his willingness to buy it.

If despite all his efforts and money he got nowhere this guy wont have any great impact either. He runs a very liberla city -- it really doesnt mean anything just as being mayor of salt lake city or anchorage doesnt either.

Mayors just arent terribly significant.

Sarah Palin might disagree.

Except that she was governor of Alaska. If she hadnt been that niether of us would have ever heard of her.
Good effort, I do appreciate your attempt.

The far left are those who wear masks and destroy public and private property, we see them at demonstrations when there are WTO/G-8 meetings; they seek an immediate change to society and believe it can only be occurred by a violent upheaval of cultural and economic activity; they generally disregard laws and the rights of those who don't hold to their fervent actions, and they seek to remake society into a utopia.

Progressive seek change within the system and to change laws which they feel are wrong and inconsistent with the vision of Jefferson:

"We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness. That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed"

Progressive work the halls of Congress (leftist do not) and State Legislatures; they rich out to the voters using emotion and reason to recruit supporters - not hate and fear. They are patient, persistent and effective.

Liberals too support change and work within the system to change policies and practices which they feel are unfair. One recent example was the OWS movement which asked legitimate questions about the greed of those financial institution too big to fail Sadly, the right cast all of them with the few on the far left who disrupted civilized protests by the vast majority.

"Fuck you" isn't violent? Okay, I'll stipulate to uncivilized and ridiculous.

Far left doesnt have to involve revolution and active participation in resistance. One can be in the system and still espouse to far left ideals about property ownership and the role of government. DeBlasio is a far left agitiator with nice clothes and the ability to appear to be willing to work within the system. His ideals are still those of the perennial commie and socialist protestors.

Wrong. There is a difference and you know it. Otherwise you lump together those who commit vandalism and arson, block commerce and put spikes in trees with those who march peacefully.

As for the uncivilized and ridiculous part, methinks thou doth protest too much.

Yep, how is that not an accurate description of the first pages of this thread?

Instead of putting all your misplaced energy into a circle jerk you jerks need to ask why?
Indelicate, but a question not answered even now.

So, the use of "far left" as defined by me seems far different than what you and your set mean by the use of the phrase. Yet, you and the others never offer a definition. Why is that?


Your definition of far left only includes those who seek violent revolution, which is of course, bunk, considering you lump those who want to follow normal political procedures into the far right.

I'll answer, you use "far right" as a pejorative to characterize conservatives, libertarians, Republicans, in fact anyone who doesn't believe in the ideology you and the rest of the echo chamber support. So far you haven't proved your any different than that set.

See, fixed that for ya.

Lets see. Clintons? not far left. Deblasio, far left. Cuomo, not far left. Obama, pretty damn close to far left.
my prediction on him is that he will be the non-story of 2014. It just wont be a big deal whatever he does. Fact of the matter is that whatever you think of the job of being mayor of NYC it really doesnt mean much nationally -- much the same as being mayor of any city doesnt. Look at Bloomberg - sure some of his wacky stupid ideas got national press but he really has never been much of a player nationally despite his best efforts. He had no real political base (because mayor never do) - and whatever attention he got was the result of his willingness to buy it.

If despite all his efforts and money he got nowhere this guy wont have any great impact either. He runs a very liberla city -- it really doesnt mean anything just as being mayor of salt lake city or anchorage doesnt either.

Mayors just arent terribly significant.

Sarah Palin might disagree.

Except that she was governor of Alaska. If she hadnt been that niether of us would have ever heard of her.

That and the Kardashians wouldn't make me sad.

Lets see. Clintons? not far left. Deblasio, far left. Cuomo, not far left. Obama, pretty damn close to far left.

You just invited a hijack as people try to argue that Obama isn't anywhere near far left.

So here's my preemptive comment -- Obama has no principles -- he's schizoid. He wears a far left coat sometimes and a pseudo-centrist coat sometimes while he's out there blaming the right for his failures and his dearth of conviction.

Lets see. Clintons? not far left. Deblasio, far left. Cuomo, not far left. Obama, pretty damn close to far left.

You just invited a hijack as people try to argue that Obama isn't anywhere near far left.

So here's my preemptive comment -- Obama has no principles -- he's schizoid. He wears a far left coat sometimes and a pseudo-centrist coat sometimes while he's out there blaming the right for his failures and his dearth of conviction.

Yep, I know.
Far left doesnt have to involve revolution and active participation in resistance. One can be in the system and still espouse to far left ideals about property ownership and the role of government. DeBlasio is a far left agitiator with nice clothes and the ability to appear to be willing to work within the system. His ideals are still those of the perennial commie and socialist protestors.

Wrong. There is a difference and you know it. Otherwise you lump together those who commit vandalism and arson, block commerce and put spikes in trees with those who march peacefully.

As for the uncivilized and ridiculous part, methinks thou doth protest too much.

Yep, how is that not an accurate description of the first pages of this thread?
Indelicate, but a question not answered even now.

So, the use of "far left" as defined by me seems far different than what you and your set mean by the use of the phrase. Yet, you and the others never offer a definition. Why is that?


Your definition of far left only includes those who seek violent revolution, which is of course, bunk, considering you lump those who want to follow normal political procedures into the far right.

I'll answer, you use "far right" as a pejorative to characterize conservatives, libertarians, Republicans, in fact anyone who doesn't believe in the ideology you and the rest of the echo chamber support. So far you haven't proved your any different than that set.

See, fixed that for ya.

Lets see. Clintons? not far left. Deblasio, far left. Cuomo, not far left. Obama, pretty damn close to far left.

I didn't include RINOs in my 'rant', did I? The GOP has moved far right and that is described by political scientists as Reactionary, not revolutionary. Can you argue the current crop of Republicans don't want to go back in time?

There is a difference between moderate R's and moderate D's, and a greater difference between conservative R's and liberal D's, but for you to comport the Clinton's, Cuomo and Obama as anything but moderate or liberal is pure bullshit.

It's been fun, but it's time to take our dog to the dog park. She is much more interesting (as as a border collie/cattle dog) than this 'debate'.
Indelicate, but a question not answered even now.

So, the use of "far left" as defined by me seems far different than what you and your set mean by the use of the phrase. Yet, you and the others never offer a definition. Why is that?


Your definition of far left only includes those who seek violent revolution, which is of course, bunk, considering you lump those who want to follow normal political procedures into the far right.

I'll answer, you use "far right" as a pejorative to characterize conservatives, libertarians, Republicans, in fact anyone who doesn't believe in the ideology you and the rest of the echo chamber support. So far you haven't proved your any different than that set.

See, fixed that for ya.

Lets see. Clintons? not far left. Deblasio, far left. Cuomo, not far left. Obama, pretty damn close to far left.

I didn't include RINOs in my 'rant', did I? The GOP has moved far right and that is described by political scientists as Reactionary, not revolutionary. Can you argue the current crop of Republicans don't want to go back in time?

There is a difference between moderate R's and moderate D's, and a greater difference between conservative R's and liberal D's, but for you to comport the Clinton's, Cuomo and Obama as anything but moderate or liberal is pure bullshit.

It's been fun, but it's time to take our dog to the dog park. She is much more interesting (as as a border collie/cattle dog) than this 'debate'.

All of your points are simply bias observation, you think people that agree with you are "mainstream" or at worst slightly off mainstream, while everyone who disagrees with you gets lumped into the old reactionary hole.
The most interesting part of watching this disaster unfold will be the inevitable excuses for failure that liberals will devise.

Comrade De Blasio Takes Over | FrontPage Magazine

Communist-sympathizing radical Bill de Blasio has laid out an ambitious, far-left agenda as he begins what is destined to be a disastrous reign as New York’s 109th mayor.

Leveling left-wingers, with their perverse obsession with income equality, are looking eagerly to the city in the hope that the new mayor will “morph New York City’s municipal machinery into a closely watched laboratory for populist theories of government that have never before been enacted on such a large scale,” according to a fawning New York Times profile.


Get ready to see the pattern repeated as people get tired of the silly ass theories of government that the 'Conservatives' have brought to the table.
Far left doesnt have to involve revolution and active participation in resistance. One can be in the system and still espouse to far left ideals about property ownership and the role of government. DeBlasio is a far left agitiator with nice clothes and the ability to appear to be willing to work within the system. His ideals are still those of the perennial commie and socialist protestors.

Wrong. There is a difference and you know it. Otherwise you lump together those who commit vandalism and arson, block commerce and put spikes in trees with those who march peacefully.

As for the uncivilized and ridiculous part, methinks thou doth protest too much.

Yep, how is that not an accurate description of the first pages of this thread?
Indelicate, but a question not answered even now.

So, the use of "far left" as defined by me seems far different than what you and your set mean by the use of the phrase. Yet, you and the others never offer a definition. Why is that?


Your definition of far left only includes those who seek violent revolution, which is of course, bunk, considering you lump those who want to follow normal political procedures into the far right.

I'll answer, you use "far right" as a pejorative to characterize conservatives, libertarians, Republicans, in fact anyone who doesn't believe in the ideology you and the rest of the echo chamber support. So far you haven't proved your any different than that set.

See, fixed that for ya.

Lets see. Clintons? not far left. Deblasio, far left. Cuomo, not far left. Obama, pretty damn close to far left.
Hahahahahahaha, so people on the far left are usually in bed with private insurance companies as a part of their signature piece of legislation?

How fucking dumb can you be?

The fact that you think Obama is far left proves how far right you are. You're so far right, even people close to the center look really far away.

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