Comrade tells Intel chiefs to push back on Russia probe

How is Adolf Trump going to splain this?
Lakhota SEZ????????

"It was the Rooskies that exposed the cheating of the DNC!!!! So they cheated by exposing our cheating!!!!!!!!!

No, dumb was one of your idealistic insiders that spilled the with it.
She took the Fifth Amendment rather than testify. According to you that makes her guilty.

Regarding Lois Lerner - NaziCons were on a witch hunt. The Trump mess is totally different - because Republicans are in total control.
it's a simple question: Is she guilty or not?


So then taking the fifth doesn't necessarily mean you are guilty, right douche bag?

You are avoiding the Comrade's obstruction of justice. Please stay on topic.

What does that have to do with whether taking the fifth means you are guilty?

You're a moron.
Trump Reportedly Asked Intel Chiefs To Publicly Deny Russia Ties | HuffPost

It is never the crime, rather the cover up that dooms the powerful.
According to Diane Feinstein, Joe Manchin and Maxine Waters there's nothing to cover up.

The innocent never plead the 5th. That is what your, so called, president has said...ohhhh, about five times. Trump is fighting to keep something secret. Mueller will find it.

So Lois Lerner is guilt of using the IRS to persecute U.S. citizens she doesn't agree with?

Weird, you'd think the GOP House or GOP Senate would've had a special prosecutor on THAT Bubs, IF true?

On September 5, 2014, the Senate Permanent Subcommittee on Investigations released its report on the controversy.[ The subcommittee's majority report, authored by subcommittee chairman Senator Carl Levin and submitted for the subcommittee's Democrats, concurred with TIGTA's finding that inappropriate screening criteria were used but concluded that there was no intentional wrongdoing or political bias in the use of the criteria. The majority faulted TIGTA for omitting from its report that liberal groups were also selected for additional screening and that previous TIGTA inquiries found no indication of political bias at the IRS

U.S. Senate investigators split on party lines over IRS scandal

LMAO!!!! You believe that leftard cause groups were taken to task using the same mathematics as they did for the "Taxed Enough Party"????? If Lois Lerner did nothing wrong and if her hard drive was (snicker) "broken"? Why did she plead the fifth????????? Inquiring minds need to know. What Flynn did or did not do as a private citizen that was under surveillance by the snooping authority of the jug-eared mulatto you worship as "Barack Obama" doesn't mean shit to me.

Flynn talked to a Russian ambassador after the election like he did other numerous leaders. Sanctions or the withdrawal there of were not discussed in length concerning Russia that should have never been placed on Russia to begin with and why that is? Well, you lack the intellect to understand because your beady little eyes do not see the "big picture"/.......

Got it, Lerner using her constitutional rights - BAD

Flynn using his constitutional right- GOOD

And you are the decider on sanctions dumbass?

Trump Reportedly Asked Intel Chiefs To Publicly Deny Russia Ties | HuffPost

It is never the crime, rather the cover up that dooms the powerful.
According to Diane Feinstein, Joe Manchin and Maxine Waters there's nothing to cover up.

The innocent never plead the 5th. That is what your, so called, president has said...ohhhh, about five times. Trump is fighting to keep something secret. Mueller will find it.

So Lois Lerner is guilt of using the IRS to persecute U.S. citizens she doesn't agree with?

Weird, you'd think the GOP House or GOP Senate would've had a special prosecutor on THAT Bubs, IF true?

On September 5, 2014, the Senate Permanent Subcommittee on Investigations released its report on the controversy.[ The subcommittee's majority report, authored by subcommittee chairman Senator Carl Levin and submitted for the subcommittee's Democrats, concurred with TIGTA's finding that inappropriate screening criteria were used but concluded that there was no intentional wrongdoing or political bias in the use of the criteria. The majority faulted TIGTA for omitting from its report that liberal groups were also selected for additional screening and that previous TIGTA inquiries found no indication of political bias at the IRS

U.S. Senate investigators split on party lines over IRS scandal

Only the AG can appoint a special prosecutor, you brain dead douche nozzle.

A Dim hosebag said there was no intentional wrong doing? Liberals groups were also targeted? Yeah, like two of them.

Once again, you only prove that you're incapable of committing logic.
According to Diane Feinstein, Joe Manchin and Maxine Waters there's nothing to cover up.

The innocent never plead the 5th. That is what your, so called, president has said...ohhhh, about five times. Trump is fighting to keep something secret. Mueller will find it.

So Lois Lerner is guilt of using the IRS to persecute U.S. citizens she doesn't agree with?

Weird, you'd think the GOP House or GOP Senate would've had a special prosecutor on THAT Bubs, IF true?

On September 5, 2014, the Senate Permanent Subcommittee on Investigations released its report on the controversy.[ The subcommittee's majority report, authored by subcommittee chairman Senator Carl Levin and submitted for the subcommittee's Democrats, concurred with TIGTA's finding that inappropriate screening criteria were used but concluded that there was no intentional wrongdoing or political bias in the use of the criteria. The majority faulted TIGTA for omitting from its report that liberal groups were also selected for additional screening and that previous TIGTA inquiries found no indication of political bias at the IRS

U.S. Senate investigators split on party lines over IRS scandal

LMAO!!!! You believe that leftard cause groups were taken to task using the same mathematics as they did for the "Taxed Enough Party"????? If Lois Lerner did nothing wrong and if her hard drive was (snicker) "broken"? Why did she plead the fifth????????? Inquiring minds need to know. What Flynn did or did not do as a private citizen that was under surveillance by the snooping authority of the jug-eared mulatto you worship as "Barack Obama" doesn't mean shit to me.

Flynn talked to a Russian ambassador after the election like he did other numerous leaders. Sanctions or the withdrawal there of were not discussed in length concerning Russia that should have never been placed on Russia to begin with and why that is? Well, you lack the intellect to understand because your beady little eyes do not see the "big picture"/.......

Got it, Lerner using her constitutional rights - BAD

Flynn using his constitutional right- GOOD

And you are the decider on sanctions dumbass?


Flynn wasn't in charge of an illegal collection agency of USA.INC that is used as a weapon against political was he?

HOLY shit, dude....kicking your ass is too fucking much are you being paid?

So, let's say that I am an idealistic young man with my whole life before me (Instead of a 53 year old man that knows how things really are) and I am working for the RNC....I believe in the system and that each and every candidate will be give a fair shake to get the nomination. BUT? To my horror, I find that MY candidate Rand Paul was purposely sabotaged and that the media was complicit in it and every dirty trick in the book was being used to cheat Rand Paul out of the nomination and I had the ability to prove it by copying e-mails and putting it on a thumb drive so I could pass it off to someone I trusted to Wikileaks? I would do it with no reservations whatsoever....wouldn't even think twice about it because if the system is real? That kind of shit shouldn't be going on. AND if I had evidence that the RNC was involved in child trafficking and engaging in "spirit cooking" and acts of pedophilia per the " Law Of Thelema" and the Ordo Templi Orientis per Aliester Crowley? Yeah, I would say that people needed to know.

Why am I saying all of this? Because Seth Rich was that idealistic young man that saw what was done to Bernie Sanders and he saw all this weird e-mails that had an obsession with "pizza, pasta, walnut sauce, hot dogs, cheese" which are code words pedophiles use on the deep web. So, Seth Rich downloaded the proof on a thumb drive and gave it to a U.K ambassador that would pass it on to Julian Assange at the Ecuador embasy in London. That is when the shit hit the fan and the DNC knew right away it was a leaker but they didn't know whom it would take some investigating to find "the dirty rat". In the mean time, Seth Rich was copying more e-mails about the outrage of the leaks including one by John "Skippy Molesta" Podesta that said the leaker needed to be made an example of whether they had concrete proof or not.

So, on July 10th during the early morning hours while Seth Rich was on the phone to his girlfriend, someone comes up and shoots him twice in the back and took nothing... .but here is even the weirder part......Julian Assange offered a reward for the murderer of Seth Rich,....the DNC? Crickets chirping....they didn't even take advantage of his death by insinuating that the Trump campaign was behind it....imagine that?

Fast forward to today and the revelation that the Seth Rich family hired a private investigator to look in as to why there have been no leads concerning Seth Rich's murder and as to why the D.C police seemed to be dragging their feet....but when the D.C police found out that the Seth Rich family had hired a private investigator? The D.C police contacted the DNC to keep them in the loop. The DNC then offered a crisis specialist to be the spokes person for the Seth Rich Family..... so many questions abound but you lack the intellectual curiosity as to even question as to what that is.....because it was the "ROOSKIES"........end of chapter, end of story.......hands over your to be you.

MORE of your right wing BS


Seth Rich? You f*cking nutjob

Seth Rich’s family sent cease and desist to Fox News contributor behind evidence-free smears. On May 19, NBC News reported “the family of slain Democratic staffer Seth Rich is threatening legal action against a private investigator after his ‘outrageous behavior’ has given fuel to right-wing conspiracy theories about the unsolved murder of their son,” writing “an attorney representing the family of Rich … sent a cease and desist letter Friday to Rod Wheeler,” a Fox News contributor responsible for promoting the conspiracy. NBC additionally reported the cease and desist letter stated Wheeler’s “statements and actions have caused, and continue to cause, the Family severe mental anguish and emotional distress”

Seth Rich’s family has previously demanded Fox News apologize for pushing baseless smears about their son

Fox News continues to push Seth Rich conspiracy after Rich family sent cease and desist to Fox contributor, demanded apology

The private investigator stands by his contentions as does Julian Assange, punkinpuss........View attachment 128256

Wait, you telling me part of the right wing infotainment complex's BS team is standing behind their BS? I'm shocked Bubba, shocked

A lawyer for the Rich family sent a cease and desist letter Thursday to Rod Wheeler, a private investigator and Fox News contributor who had been working on behalf of the family.

Anyone who continues to push this fake news story after it was so thoroughly debunked is proving to the world they have a transparent political agenda or are a sociopath.— Brad Bauman, Rich family spokesman

Family of slain DNC staffer Seth Rich sends 'cease and desist' letter to Fox News contributor

Link? Proof?

The NSA and Brian Hale, a spokesman for Coats, declined to comment, citing the ongoing investigation.

“The White House does not confirm or deny unsubstantiated claims based on illegal leaks from anonymous individuals,” a White House spokesman said. “The president will continue to focus on his agenda that he was elected to pursue by the American people.”}

Trump asked intelligence chiefs to push back against FBI collusion probe after Comey revealed its existence

The WaPo BS admitted they are making it all up.


Coats and Rogers refused to comply with the requests, which they both deemed to be inappropriate, according to two current and two former officials, who spoke on the condition of anonymity to discuss private communications with the president.
Trump asked intelligence chiefs to push back against FBI collusion probe after Comey revealed its existence

Again, anonymous sources - fake news, in other words.
JonKoch is in full "damage control"!!!! He has been on line since early this morning!!!

Seriously, douche bag, you are not giving the DNC their money's worth because you can't back up your claims.......are you being paid by the hour????

Perhaps TRY to refute ANYTHING I post Bubba????

And no unlike the Russian trolls Cheeto had working for him, I do this because I enjoy spanking you ignorant tools :)
JonKoch is in full "damage control"!!!! He has been on line since early this morning!!!

Seriously, douche bag, you are not giving the DNC their money's worth because you can't back up your claims.......are you being paid by the hour????

Perhaps TRY to refute ANYTHING I post Bubba????

And no unlike the Russian trolls Cheeto had working for him, I do this because I enjoy spanking you ignorant tools :)

Everything you post is self-refuting. We know it's wrong the minute we see your name attached to it.
Trump Reportedly Asked Intel Chiefs To Publicly Deny Russia Ties | HuffPost

It is never the crime, rather the cover up that dooms the powerful.
According to Diane Feinstein, Joe Manchin and Maxine Waters there's nothing to cover up.

The innocent never plead the 5th. That is what your, so called, president has said...ohhhh, about five times. Trump is fighting to keep something secret. Mueller will find it.

So Lois Lerner is guilt of using the IRS to persecute U.S. citizens she doesn't agree with?

Weird, you'd think the GOP House or GOP Senate would've had a special prosecutor on THAT Bubs, IF true?

On September 5, 2014, the Senate Permanent Subcommittee on Investigations released its report on the controversy.[ The subcommittee's majority report, authored by subcommittee chairman Senator Carl Levin and submitted for the subcommittee's Democrats, concurred with TIGTA's finding that inappropriate screening criteria were used but concluded that there was no intentional wrongdoing or political bias in the use of the criteria. The majority faulted TIGTA for omitting from its report that liberal groups were also selected for additional screening and that previous TIGTA inquiries found no indication of political bias at the IRS

U.S. Senate investigators split on party lines over IRS scandal

Only the AG can appoint a special prosecutor, you brain dead douche nozzle.

A Dim hosebag said there was no intentional wrong doing? Liberals groups were also targeted? Yeah, like two of them.

Once again, you only prove that you're incapable of committing logic.

c) Request by Congress for Appointment of 1С

The Act also provided that the Judiciary Committee of either chamber of Congress, or a majority of either the majority or non majority party members on the Committee, could request that the AG invoke the Act to appoint an Independent Counsel. Upon such a Congressional request, the Act's triggering mechanisms then functioned as they would with any other receipt of information, with three differences: (1] after completing the initial determination as to the credibility and specificity of the allegations, the Attorney General was required to file a report with Congress explaining why a preliminary investigation would or would not commence; (2] if a preliminary investigation was undertaken, copies of all papers filed with the Special Division Court also had to be given to Congress and [3] if the AG declined to apply to the court for appointment of an Independent Counsel, he was required to file a report with Congress explaining his decision. In order to protect the rights of suspects, the ACT prohibited Congress from disclosing any information that it received in connection with the investigation.
Summary of U.S. Special Prosecutor Rules

According to Diane Feinstein, Joe Manchin and Maxine Waters there's nothing to cover up.

The innocent never plead the 5th. That is what your, so called, president has said...ohhhh, about five times. Trump is fighting to keep something secret. Mueller will find it.

So Lois Lerner is guilt of using the IRS to persecute U.S. citizens she doesn't agree with?

Weird, you'd think the GOP House or GOP Senate would've had a special prosecutor on THAT Bubs, IF true?

On September 5, 2014, the Senate Permanent Subcommittee on Investigations released its report on the controversy.[ The subcommittee's majority report, authored by subcommittee chairman Senator Carl Levin and submitted for the subcommittee's Democrats, concurred with TIGTA's finding that inappropriate screening criteria were used but concluded that there was no intentional wrongdoing or political bias in the use of the criteria. The majority faulted TIGTA for omitting from its report that liberal groups were also selected for additional screening and that previous TIGTA inquiries found no indication of political bias at the IRS

U.S. Senate investigators split on party lines over IRS scandal

Only the AG can appoint a special prosecutor, you brain dead douche nozzle.

A Dim hosebag said there was no intentional wrong doing? Liberals groups were also targeted? Yeah, like two of them.

Once again, you only prove that you're incapable of committing logic.

c) Request by Congress for Appointment of 1С

The Act also provided that the Judiciary Committee of either chamber of Congress, or a majority of either the majority or non majority party members on the Committee, could request that the AG invoke the Act to appoint an Independent Counsel. Upon such a Congressional request, the Act's triggering mechanisms then functioned as they would with any other receipt of information, with three differences: (1] after completing the initial determination as to the credibility and specificity of the allegations, the Attorney General was required to file a report with Congress explaining why a preliminary investigation would or would not commence; (2] if a preliminary investigation was undertaken, copies of all papers filed with the Special Division Court also had to be given to Congress and [3] if the AG declined to apply to the court for appointment of an Independent Counsel, he was required to file a report with Congress explaining his decision. In order to protect the rights of suspects, the ACT prohibited Congress from disclosing any information that it received in connection with the investigation.
Summary of U.S. Special Prosecutor Rules


You only proved that I am right, moron.

Your stupidity is beyond comprehension.

See what I mean by your posts are self-refuting?
The innocent never plead the 5th. That is what your, so called, president has said...ohhhh, about five times. Trump is fighting to keep something secret. Mueller will find it.

So Lois Lerner is guilt of using the IRS to persecute U.S. citizens she doesn't agree with?

Weird, you'd think the GOP House or GOP Senate would've had a special prosecutor on THAT Bubs, IF true?

On September 5, 2014, the Senate Permanent Subcommittee on Investigations released its report on the controversy.[ The subcommittee's majority report, authored by subcommittee chairman Senator Carl Levin and submitted for the subcommittee's Democrats, concurred with TIGTA's finding that inappropriate screening criteria were used but concluded that there was no intentional wrongdoing or political bias in the use of the criteria. The majority faulted TIGTA for omitting from its report that liberal groups were also selected for additional screening and that previous TIGTA inquiries found no indication of political bias at the IRS

U.S. Senate investigators split on party lines over IRS scandal

LMAO!!!! You believe that leftard cause groups were taken to task using the same mathematics as they did for the "Taxed Enough Party"????? If Lois Lerner did nothing wrong and if her hard drive was (snicker) "broken"? Why did she plead the fifth????????? Inquiring minds need to know. What Flynn did or did not do as a private citizen that was under surveillance by the snooping authority of the jug-eared mulatto you worship as "Barack Obama" doesn't mean shit to me.

Flynn talked to a Russian ambassador after the election like he did other numerous leaders. Sanctions or the withdrawal there of were not discussed in length concerning Russia that should have never been placed on Russia to begin with and why that is? Well, you lack the intellect to understand because your beady little eyes do not see the "big picture"/.......

Got it, Lerner using her constitutional rights - BAD

Flynn using his constitutional right- GOOD

And you are the decider on sanctions dumbass?


Flynn wasn't in charge of an illegal collection agency of USA.INC that is used as a weapon against political was he?

HOLY shit, dude....kicking your ass is too fucking much are you being paid?


Flynn? Oh right the guy whose either going to prison or flipping on the Cheeto :)

Flynn made false statements to investigators about who funded his foreign trips, including a 2015 trip to Russia where Flynn was paid roughly $45,000 to speak at an event in Moscow. According to the letter released Monday by Democrats on the committee, Flynn claimed that his trips were funded by "US companies."
The report stated that Flynn said he "had not received any benefit from a foreign country."
Dems: New documents show Flynn lied to investigators about Russian trips -

Link? Proof?

The NSA and Brian Hale, a spokesman for Coats, declined to comment, citing the ongoing investigation.

“The White House does not confirm or deny unsubstantiated claims based on illegal leaks from anonymous individuals,” a White House spokesman said. “The president will continue to focus on his agenda that he was elected to pursue by the American people.”}

Trump asked intelligence chiefs to push back against FBI collusion probe after Comey revealed its existence

The WaPo BS admitted they are making it all up.


Coats and Rogers refused to comply with the requests, which they both deemed to be inappropriate, according to two current and two former officials, who spoke on the condition of anonymity to discuss private communications with the president.
Trump asked intelligence chiefs to push back against FBI collusion probe after Comey revealed its existence

Again, anonymous sources - fake news, in other words.



Link? Proof?

The NSA and Brian Hale, a spokesman for Coats, declined to comment, citing the ongoing investigation.

“The White House does not confirm or deny unsubstantiated claims based on illegal leaks from anonymous individuals,” a White House spokesman said. “The president will continue to focus on his agenda that he was elected to pursue by the American people.”}

Trump asked intelligence chiefs to push back against FBI collusion probe after Comey revealed its existence

The WaPo BS admitted they are making it all up.


Coats and Rogers refused to comply with the requests, which they both deemed to be inappropriate, according to two current and two former officials, who spoke on the condition of anonymity to discuss private communications with the president.
Trump asked intelligence chiefs to push back against FBI collusion probe after Comey revealed its existence

Again, anonymous sources - fake news, in other words.



No, douche bag, the Washington Post is lying. Their "government officials" are totally imaginary.
So, let's say that I am an idealistic young man with my whole life before me (Instead of a 53 year old man that knows how things really are) and I am working for the RNC....I believe in the system and that each and every candidate will be give a fair shake to get the nomination. BUT? To my horror, I find that MY candidate Rand Paul was purposely sabotaged and that the media was complicit in it and every dirty trick in the book was being used to cheat Rand Paul out of the nomination and I had the ability to prove it by copying e-mails and putting it on a thumb drive so I could pass it off to someone I trusted to Wikileaks? I would do it with no reservations whatsoever....wouldn't even think twice about it because if the system is real? That kind of shit shouldn't be going on. AND if I had evidence that the RNC was involved in child trafficking and engaging in "spirit cooking" and acts of pedophilia per the " Law Of Thelema" and the Ordo Templi Orientis per Aliester Crowley? Yeah, I would say that people needed to know.

Why am I saying all of this? Because Seth Rich was that idealistic young man that saw what was done to Bernie Sanders and he saw all this weird e-mails that had an obsession with "pizza, pasta, walnut sauce, hot dogs, cheese" which are code words pedophiles use on the deep web. So, Seth Rich downloaded the proof on a thumb drive and gave it to a U.K ambassador that would pass it on to Julian Assange at the Ecuador embasy in London. That is when the shit hit the fan and the DNC knew right away it was a leaker but they didn't know whom it would take some investigating to find "the dirty rat". In the mean time, Seth Rich was copying more e-mails about the outrage of the leaks including one by John "Skippy Molesta" Podesta that said the leaker needed to be made an example of whether they had concrete proof or not.

So, on July 10th during the early morning hours while Seth Rich was on the phone to his girlfriend, someone comes up and shoots him twice in the back and took nothing... .but here is even the weirder part......Julian Assange offered a reward for the murderer of Seth Rich,....the DNC? Crickets chirping....they didn't even take advantage of his death by insinuating that the Trump campaign was behind it....imagine that?

Fast forward to today and the revelation that the Seth Rich family hired a private investigator to look in as to why there have been no leads concerning Seth Rich's murder and as to why the D.C police seemed to be dragging their feet....but when the D.C police found out that the Seth Rich family had hired a private investigator? The D.C police contacted the DNC to keep them in the loop. The DNC then offered a crisis specialist to be the spokes person for the Seth Rich Family..... so many questions abound but you lack the intellectual curiosity as to even question as to what that is.....because it was the "ROOSKIES"........end of chapter, end of story.......hands over your to be you.

MORE of your right wing BS


Seth Rich? You f*cking nutjob

Seth Rich’s family sent cease and desist to Fox News contributor behind evidence-free smears. On May 19, NBC News reported “the family of slain Democratic staffer Seth Rich is threatening legal action against a private investigator after his ‘outrageous behavior’ has given fuel to right-wing conspiracy theories about the unsolved murder of their son,” writing “an attorney representing the family of Rich … sent a cease and desist letter Friday to Rod Wheeler,” a Fox News contributor responsible for promoting the conspiracy. NBC additionally reported the cease and desist letter stated Wheeler’s “statements and actions have caused, and continue to cause, the Family severe mental anguish and emotional distress”

Seth Rich’s family has previously demanded Fox News apologize for pushing baseless smears about their son

Fox News continues to push Seth Rich conspiracy after Rich family sent cease and desist to Fox contributor, demanded apology

The private investigator stands by his contentions as does Julian Assange, punkinpuss........View attachment 128256

Wait, you telling me part of the right wing infotainment complex's BS team is standing behind their BS? I'm shocked Bubba, shocked

A lawyer for the Rich family sent a cease and desist letter Thursday to Rod Wheeler, a private investigator and Fox News contributor who had been working on behalf of the family.

Anyone who continues to push this fake news story after it was so thoroughly debunked is proving to the world they have a transparent political agenda or are a sociopath.— Brad Bauman, Rich family spokesman

Family of slain DNC staffer Seth Rich sends 'cease and desist' letter to Fox News contributor

LMAO!!!!!!!!!! Brad Bauman is a DNC crisis operative like the Harvey Keitel charachter "The Wolf" in the movie "Pulp Fiction".....little Bradley is the "fixer" and I have no doubt that the Seth Rich family has been leaned on heavily. Why would the D.C detective unit contact the DNC to let them know that the Seth Rich family had hired a former D.C officer to investigate the stalled murder case of their son?????? Think, little fella....THINK!!! It would be a new and liberating experience for you.

Seth Rich was the leaker of the e-mails, pedophile Podesta wanted an example made out of ANYONE suspected....thus it happened........those are the facts, ugly as they are and TRUST ME on this one, it goes beyond disgusting and elites from both sides of the political fence are shitting bricks because a thorough investigation of "Pizzagate" would show and prove that it's just the tip of a huge iceberg of child trafficking that has world wide tentacles.....debate me on this......declare me a "conspiracy theorist" and watch in amazement as I kick your fucking ass from one side of this forum to the other. I am a dedicated researcher of the truth....political parties be damned.
The innocent never plead the 5th. That is what your, so called, president has said...ohhhh, about five times. Trump is fighting to keep something secret. Mueller will find it.

So Lois Lerner is guilt of using the IRS to persecute U.S. citizens she doesn't agree with?

Weird, you'd think the GOP House or GOP Senate would've had a special prosecutor on THAT Bubs, IF true?

On September 5, 2014, the Senate Permanent Subcommittee on Investigations released its report on the controversy.[ The subcommittee's majority report, authored by subcommittee chairman Senator Carl Levin and submitted for the subcommittee's Democrats, concurred with TIGTA's finding that inappropriate screening criteria were used but concluded that there was no intentional wrongdoing or political bias in the use of the criteria. The majority faulted TIGTA for omitting from its report that liberal groups were also selected for additional screening and that previous TIGTA inquiries found no indication of political bias at the IRS

U.S. Senate investigators split on party lines over IRS scandal

Only the AG can appoint a special prosecutor, you brain dead douche nozzle.

A Dim hosebag said there was no intentional wrong doing? Liberals groups were also targeted? Yeah, like two of them.

Once again, you only prove that you're incapable of committing logic.

c) Request by Congress for Appointment of 1С

The Act also provided that the Judiciary Committee of either chamber of Congress, or a majority of either the majority or non majority party members on the Committee, could request that the AG invoke the Act to appoint an Independent Counsel. Upon such a Congressional request, the Act's triggering mechanisms then functioned as they would with any other receipt of information, with three differences: (1] after completing the initial determination as to the credibility and specificity of the allegations, the Attorney General was required to file a report with Congress explaining why a preliminary investigation would or would not commence; (2] if a preliminary investigation was undertaken, copies of all papers filed with the Special Division Court also had to be given to Congress and [3] if the AG declined to apply to the court for appointment of an Independent Counsel, he was required to file a report with Congress explaining his decision. In order to protect the rights of suspects, the ACT prohibited Congress from disclosing any information that it received in connection with the investigation.
Summary of U.S. Special Prosecutor Rules


You only proved that I am right, moron.

Your stupidity is beyond comprehension.

See what I mean by your posts are self-refuting?

Weird Bubba, after EVERYTHING Lerner did and the GOP Congress never asked for a special council OR held their own select committee investigation????? HOW IS THAT POSSIBLE? LMAOROG


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