Comrade tells Intel chiefs to push back on Russia probe

Perhaps TRY to refute ANYTHING I post Bubba????

And no unlike the Russian trolls Cheeto had working for him, I do this because I enjoy spanking you ignorant tools :)

You haven't posted anything that I can't refute and you pretend that you don't see my replies.......why is that? Because you are a pussy..........."Can't see it....can't be real.....doesn't matter that I am walking in shit because if I don't acknowledge it? Then it's not reality". You are like one of those snobby little 2nd graders that brag about how Santa Claus is going to bring you the best bike ever......and as snot rolls down your nose? The older kids "hip" you to the fact that there is no such thing......and as you wipe your snotty nose? You defiantly declare that there is and that they will eat their words on Christmas morning when you are riding down the sidewalk with your knew bike..........

You couldn't debate me on how things really are on the best day you ever had.....because you would have tried by now....I OWN your sorry little ass........fuck with the bull and you get the horns.......thems be the facts.


Bubba, grand wizard, YOU post BS about Seth Rich and Pizza gate and expect to be taken seriously??? LMAOROG


View attachment 128261 View attachment 128261 View attachment 128262 View attachment 128263 View attachment 128264 View attachment 128264


Outside of opiates and weapons? Human and child trafficking is the third biggest sourced of income for the elites. We know from the testimony of those like Ted Gunderson, former FBI director that a blond haired, blue eyed child could bring as much as 50K back in the early 80's........have you ever heard of the Franklin Scandal? How about the Jimmy Savile cover-up? You haven't ???? Then you need to STFU and listen to those that have done due diligence.....Laura Silsby?" Do you know that name?????? I kinda doubt it.....yeah, I know more than you could ever wrap your mind around..."comrade".....

Funny. Yep, you're a legend in your own mind. Faster than a speeding bullet! More powerful than a locomotive! Able to leap tall buildings in a single bound!
You haven't posted anything that I can't refute and you pretend that you don't see my replies.......why is that? Because you are a pussy..........."Can't see it....can't be real.....doesn't matter that I am walking in shit because if I don't acknowledge it? Then it's not reality". You are like one of those snobby little 2nd graders that brag about how Santa Claus is going to bring you the best bike ever......and as snot rolls down your nose? The older kids "hip" you to the fact that there is no such thing......and as you wipe your snotty nose? You defiantly declare that there is and that they will eat their words on Christmas morning when you are riding down the sidewalk with your knew bike..........

You couldn't debate me on how things really are on the best day you ever had.....because you would have tried by now....I OWN your sorry little ass........fuck with the bull and you get the horns.......thems be the facts.


Bubba, grand wizard, YOU post BS about Seth Rich and Pizza gate and expect to be taken seriously??? LMAOROG


View attachment 128261 View attachment 128261 View attachment 128262 View attachment 128263 View attachment 128264 View attachment 128264


Outside of opiates and weapons? Human and child trafficking is the third biggest sourced of income for the elites. We know from the testimony of those like Ted Gunderson, former FBI director that a blond haired, blue eyed child could bring as much as 50K back in the early 80's........have you ever heard of the Franklin Scandal? How about the Jimmy Savile cover-up? You haven't ???? Then you need to STFU and listen to those that have done due diligence.....Laura Silsby?" Do you know that name?????? I kinda doubt it.....yeah, I know more than you could ever wrap your mind around..."comrade".....

Funny. Yep, you're a legend in your own mind. Faster than a speeding bullet! More powerful than a locomotive! Able to leap tall buildings in a single bound!

I kick your cyber ass.ALL the time........I punt your lame arguments into the proverbial "coffin corner' to be you.


Outside of opiates and weapons? Human and child trafficking is the third biggest sourced of income for the elites. We know from the testimony of those like Ted Gunderson, former FBI director that a blond haired, blue eyed child could bring as much as 50K back in the early 80's........have you ever heard of the Franklin Scandal? How about the Jimmy Savile cover-up? You haven't ???? Then you need to STFU and listen to those that have done due diligence.....Laura Silsby?" Do you know that name?????? I kinda doubt it.....yeah, I know more than you could ever wrap your mind around..."comrade".....

Funny. Yep, you're a legend in your own mind. Faster than a speeding bullet! More powerful than a locomotive! Able to leap tall buildings in a single bound!

I kick your cyber ass.ALL the time........I punt your lame arguments into the proverbial "coffin corner' to be you.


Actually, I just ignore your pompous ass while you debate yourself. Do you consider that winning? Goodnight...
Perhaps TRY to refute ANYTHING I post Bubba????

And no unlike the Russian trolls Cheeto had working for him, I do this because I enjoy spanking you ignorant tools :)

You haven't posted anything that I can't refute and you pretend that you don't see my replies.......why is that? Because you are a pussy..........."Can't see it....can't be real.....doesn't matter that I am walking in shit because if I don't acknowledge it? Then it's not reality". You are like one of those snobby little 2nd graders that brag about how Santa Claus is going to bring you the best bike ever......and as snot rolls down your nose? The older kids "hip" you to the fact that there is no such thing......and as you wipe your snotty nose? You defiantly declare that there is and that they will eat their words on Christmas morning when you are riding down the sidewalk with your knew bike..........

You couldn't debate me on how things really are on the best day you ever had.....because you would have tried by now....I OWN your sorry little ass........fuck with the bull and you get the horns.......thems be the facts.


Bubba, grand wizard, YOU post BS about Seth Rich and Pizza gate and expect to be taken seriously??? LMAOROG


View attachment 128261 View attachment 128261 View attachment 128262 View attachment 128263 View attachment 128264 View attachment 128264


Outside of opiates and weapons? Human and child trafficking is the third biggest source of income for the elites. We know from the testimony of those like Ted Gunderson, former FBI director that a blond haired, blue eyed child could bring as much as 50K back in the early 80's........have you ever heard of the Franklin Scandal? How about the Jimmy Savile cover-up? You haven't ???? Then you need to STFU and listen to those that have done due diligence.....Laura Silsby?" Do you know that name?????? I kinda doubt it.....yeah, I know more than you could ever wrap your mind around..."comrade".....

You haven't posted anything that I can't refute and you pretend that you don't see my replies.......why is that? Because you are a pussy..........."Can't see it....can't be real.....doesn't matter that I am walking in shit because if I don't acknowledge it? Then it's not reality". You are like one of those snobby little 2nd graders that brag about how Santa Claus is going to bring you the best bike ever......and as snot rolls down your nose? The older kids "hip" you to the fact that there is no such thing......and as you wipe your snotty nose? You defiantly declare that there is and that they will eat their words on Christmas morning when you are riding down the sidewalk with your knew bike..........

You couldn't debate me on how things really are on the best day you ever had.....because you would have tried by now....I OWN your sorry little ass........fuck with the bull and you get the horns.......thems be the facts.


Bubba, grand wizard, YOU post BS about Seth Rich and Pizza gate and expect to be taken seriously??? LMAOROG


View attachment 128261 View attachment 128261 View attachment 128262 View attachment 128263 View attachment 128264 View attachment 128264


Outside of opiates and weapons? Human and child trafficking is the third biggest sourced of income for the elites. We know from the testimony of those like Ted Gunderson, former FBI director that a blond haired, blue eyed child could bring as much as 50K back in the early 80's........have you ever heard of the Franklin Scandal? How about the Jimmy Savile cover-up? You haven't ???? Then you need to STFU and listen to those that have done due diligence.....Laura Silsby?" Do you know that name?????? I kinda doubt it.....yeah, I know more than you could ever wrap your mind around..."comrade".....

Funny. Yep, you're a legend in your own mind. Faster than a speeding bullet! More powerful than a locomotive! Able to leap tall buildings in a single bound!

I'd say he was a delusional ass wipe but don't want to give him any ideas :)
How could Trump's "personal" request to TWO intel chiefs to deny any evidence of Trump-Russia collusion not be obstruction of justice?

Since WaPo just made it up, what difference does it make?

The sources are named. Director of National Intelligence Daniel Coats and National Security Agency Director Michael Rogers are on the record.

I think these rw's are just screwing with you I can't believe at this point they're so gd stupid they still stand behind this clown. If they are serious it will be fun in a few months when their King or his admin are gone.

Thanks Herr Goebbels.

Say, would you or some other Nazicrat like to post all the evidence you fascist pigs have accumulated showing collusion by Trump?

I mean, you demagogue scum must have a LOT of it, given the filth you spew...
Trump Reportedly Asked Intel Chiefs To Publicly Deny Russia Ties | HuffPost

It is never the crime, rather the cover up that dooms the powerful.

If there's no crime, how can there be a cover-up?

Why is the Comrade desperately trying to kill the investigation if there is no crime. The Orange Slug is going down!

He will never win the election anyway, Hillary has it in the bag - YOU told us this Comrade Brown Shirt. Besides, if he did win you Nazicrats would just demand a recount and put Hillary it. And if that somehow didn't work you Nazicrats would threaten electors to get them to vote for Hillary though sworn to Trump.

So you are right, my jackbooted Brown Shirt, Trump will NEVER be President.

Remember, for a democrat, every night is Kristalnacht! Get out there, get violent, show your festering hate. Hate is the foundation of the party, hate what it means to be a fascist democrat.

Yes, the Washington Post, which ended the criminal administration of Richard Nixon using information from an anonymous sources known as "Deep Throat". THAT Washington Post.


WaPo is literally worse than DailyKOS. If anything they print turns out to be true, it's purely coincidental. WaPo is a demagogue rag on a mission to bring down Trump. The problem is that they have lied so much that only mindless hacks like you pay attention to what they vomit up. And face it, even YOU don't really believe them, you just hope that it somehow hurts Trump. If their blatant lies work in smearing the opposition, you're good with it, you're a fascist, it's just the way your type operate.
How is Adolf Trump going to splain this?

Who is Adolf Trump, Herr Goebbels?

If Trump were like Hitler, you would be 100% behind him. The difference between democrats today and Nazi's in 1940 simply doesn't exist. The 1940 Nazi platform could easily be the 2018 DNC platform, and we all know it - including calls to eradicate Israel. I mean, you are a rabid Antisemite, Shittingbull. We've seen you gush all over Hamas and demand the Jews be driven into the sea so your beloved Muslim terrorists can have the land and cleans the presence of infidels from the Caliphate.

The difference between you and a Nazi is... Well there is no difference, Brown Shirt.

Outside of opiates and weapons? Human and child trafficking is the third biggest sourced of income for the elites. We know from the testimony of those like Ted Gunderson, former FBI director that a blond haired, blue eyed child could bring as much as 50K back in the early 80's........have you ever heard of the Franklin Scandal? How about the Jimmy Savile cover-up? You haven't ???? Then you need to STFU and listen to those that have done due diligence.....Laura Silsby?" Do you know that name?????? I kinda doubt it.....yeah, I know more than you could ever wrap your mind around..."comrade".....

Funny. Yep, you're a legend in your own mind. Faster than a speeding bullet! More powerful than a locomotive! Able to leap tall buildings in a single bound!

I'd say he was a delusional ass wipe but don't want to give him any ideas :)

Ignorance is bliss...which is why you are such a giddy sack of shit.
Brennan: Russia may have successfully recruited Trump campaign aides
Source: Politico

By AUSTIN WRIGHT 05/23/2017 10:49 AM EDT Updated 05/23/2017 11:10 AM EDT

Former CIA Director John Brennan said on Tuesday that he had concerns that Russian officials may have successfully recruited aides from Donald Trump’s campaign to help in the Kremlin’s efforts to influence last year’s presidential election.

"I encountered and am aware of information and intelligence that revealed contacts and interactions between Russian officials and U.S. persons involved in the Trump campaign that I was concerned about because of known Russian efforts to suborn such individuals," he told lawmakers. "And it raised questions in my mind again whether or not the Russians were able to gain the cooperation of those individuals." By the time he stepped down as CIA director on Jan. 20, he added, “I had unresolved questions in my mind about whether or not the Russians had been successful in getting U.S. persons, involved in the campaign or not, to work on their behalf, again, either in a witting or unwitting fashion.”

“Therefore,” Brennan added, “I felt as though the FBI investigation was certainly well founded and needed to look into these issues.” Brennan’s remarks came in testimony before the House Intelligence Committee, which is investigating Russia’s meddling in the presidential election, including allegations of collusion between the Trump campaign and Moscow.

Asked by Rep. Tom Rooney (R-Fla.) if he saw any evidence of collusion during his time as CIA director, Brennan responded: “I was worried by a number of the contacts that the Russians had with U.S. persons.”

Read more: Brennan: Russia may have successfully recruited Trump campaign aides
Brennan: Russia may have successfully recruited Trump campaign aides
Source: Politico

By AUSTIN WRIGHT 05/23/2017 10:49 AM EDT Updated 05/23/2017 11:10 AM EDT

Former CIA Director John Brennan said on Tuesday that he had concerns that Russian officials may have successfully recruited aides from Donald Trump’s campaign to help in the Kremlin’s efforts to influence last year’s presidential election.

"I encountered and am aware of information and intelligence that revealed contacts and interactions between Russian officials and U.S. persons involved in the Trump campaign that I was concerned about because of known Russian efforts to suborn such individuals," he told lawmakers. "And it raised questions in my mind again whether or not the Russians were able to gain the cooperation of those individuals." By the time he stepped down as CIA director on Jan. 20, he added, “I had unresolved questions in my mind about whether or not the Russians had been successful in getting U.S. persons, involved in the campaign or not, to work on their behalf, again, either in a witting or unwitting fashion.”

“Therefore,” Brennan added, “I felt as though the FBI investigation was certainly well founded and needed to look into these issues.” Brennan’s remarks came in testimony before the House Intelligence Committee, which is investigating Russia’s meddling in the presidential election, including allegations of collusion between the Trump campaign and Moscow.

Asked by Rep. Tom Rooney (R-Fla.) if he saw any evidence of collusion during his time as CIA director, Brennan responded: “I was worried by a number of the contacts that the Russians had with U.S. persons.”

Read more: Brennan: Russia may have successfully recruited Trump campaign aides


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