Comrade tells Intel chiefs to push back on Russia probe

Trump Reportedly Asked Intel Chiefs To Publicly Deny Russia Ties | HuffPost

It is never the crime, rather the cover up that dooms the powerful.

If there's no crime, how can there be a cover-up?

Bubba, you're back? Good are you FINALLY going to address the FACT that 82% of Corp taxes are paid by CAPITAL (rich/"job creators") , and only 18% by labor (poor/middle class), OR ARE YOU GOING TO GO FIND A SAFE PLACE AGAIN BUBBA??
How conveniently you forget that "CAPITAL" is your grandmother's retirement pension, or maybe it's YOUR insurance company. Your argument is dumb .... and shallow.

Good little rightie who was going to show me how taxing Corps fall on the poor and I spank him with FACTS that according to multiple studies, including the treasury, 82% actually fall on OWNERS OF CAPITAL??? AND YOU DECIDED TO RUN TO YOUR SAFE PLACE RATHER THAN ADDRESS THE ISSUE ON THE ORIGINAL THREAD AFTER GETTING CALLED OUT??

But you right wingers MUST, at ALL costs push for the "job creators" to pay the lowest taxes on their millions and billions, as you gut the safety net for US and revenues to treasury!

Run along back to your safe space cupcake :)


HOLY SHIT! You have the unmitigated gall to call someone a "cupcake" after I explain very patiently to you how things really work? How composite "gubermint" is the majority share holder of ever Fortune 500 corporation and all their subsidiaries because your beloved "gubermint" is nothing but one huge corporate entity in itself? Have you ever heard of the "CAFR"???? The Comprehensive Annual Financial Report? Of course you haven't and you don't know how to read one either. There are two sets of books one is the budget of the corporate entity and the other one is their holdings and assets which is called the "CAFR". I looked up Houston, Texas Inc and found that they had enough hard assets to fund the city's financial needs for the next 17 years without collecting one dime of tax, one dime in fees just on what they are holding in stocks, bonds and real estate. Every state is a subsidiary of USA.INC, every city, town and county is incorporated and is a subsidiary of the state.........see how this works? Have you ever traveled and just as you entered a town there was a sign that said "Entering Corporate Limits"???? What that means is that you are entering the jurisdiction of that particular corporate entity and that the county no longer can collect fees from you should you violate one of their acts, statutes, codes or ordinances.

I had to laugh at how you bailed on HJR 92 and how I gave you the ruling ownership of all property is at the behest of the "state" are so "small time". You try and pick at others while running away when I confront you with your utter bullshit. I see that you are averaging nearly 60 posts a day....better pace yourself.


Is Brennan really a Muslim convert?

Remember, the scumbag testified that he "doesn't do facts."

Innuendo it the life blood of these deep state rodents.

Former CIA Director Tells Lawmakers About 'Very Aggressive' Russian Election Meddling
Russia "brazenly interfered in the 2016 election process," despite U.S. efforts to warn them off.

Brennan said he is "aware of information and intelligence that revealed contacts and interactions between Russian officials and U.S. persons involved in the Trump campaign." Brennan said that concerned him, "because of known Russian efforts to suborn such individuals," and that it raised questions about whether or not the Russians "were able to gain the cooperation of those individuals." Brennan added he didn't know if "collusion existed" between the Russians and those he identified as involved in the Trump campaign.

Former CIA Director Tells Lawmakers About 'Very Aggressive' Russian Election Meddling


Benedict Donald will have his day

John Brennan, a jesuit...once voted for the communist party which isn't surprising since the jesuits are the architects of communism. What totally amazes me is that the Hildebeast signed off on a HUGE uranium deal for Russia in exchange for a hefty donation to her slush fund cleverly disguised as a (snicker) "charitable foundation" and John Podesta was hired by Russia to lobby for the lifting of sanctions on Russia which should have never been put upon them to begin with.

Russia didn't expose the criminality of the DNC, that was a leak by disgruntled DNC employee Seth Rich that was murdered for doing so and this is a story that ain't going away..... break out the popcorn.

Last edited:
The NSA and Brian Hale, a spokesman for Coats, declined to comment, citing the ongoing investigation.

“The White House does not confirm or deny unsubstantiated claims based on illegal leaks from anonymous individuals,” a White House spokesman said. “The president will continue to focus on his agenda that he was elected to pursue by the American people.”}

Trump asked intelligence chiefs to push back against FBI collusion probe after Comey revealed its existence

The WaPo BS admitted they are making it all up.


Coats and Rogers refused to comply with the requests, which they both deemed to be inappropriate, according to two current and two former officials, who spoke on the condition of anonymity to discuss private communications with the president.
Trump asked intelligence chiefs to push back against FBI collusion probe after Comey revealed its existence

Again, anonymous sources - fake news, in other words.



No, douche bag, the Washington Post is lying. Their "government officials" are totally imaginary.

Your ESP working overtime Bubba?


Not at all. I just look at their record of telling the truth.
The Republicans Just Scored a Spectacular Own Goal
Trey Gowdy and co. aren't helping themselves—or President Trump.

By Charles P. Pierce
May 23, 2017

John Brennan, the former director of the CIA, stopped by the House Intelligence Committee on Tuesday. He was there to talk about Russian influence in the 2016 presidential election. The Republicans on the committee responded by chalking up a bushel of own goals. Brennan set the stage in his opening statement.

"I encountered and am aware of information and intelligence that revealed contacts and interactions between Russian officials and U.S. persons involved in the Trump campaign that I was concerned about because of known Russian efforts to suborn such individuals. It raised questions in my mind about whether Russia was able to gain the cooperation of those individuals."

Brennan also testified that he personally contacted Alexander Bortnikov, the head of the FSB, about the Russian meddling as long ago as the beginning of last August.

But it was under the questioning of the committee members, particularly under the questions of the committee's majority members, that Brennan discreetly released several kitties from the burlap. For example, Trey Gowdy, the lopheaded Javert of the endless Benghazi investigations, asked Brennan whether he had seen evidence of "collusion" between the Trump campaign and the Russians. This allowed Brennan to say that he saw evidence that "in my mind raised questions of whether it was collusion" and that he'd seen enough to encourage the FBI to keep "pulling threads" on that particular issue.


Gowdy tried to come back later—he put on his big-boy prosecutor's voice—and he got some help from other members of the committee who kept yielding their time over to him so he could fish for whatever material the Russians might have had on Hillary Rodham Clinton. But he'd screwed up, and the bell couldn't be unrung.

Later, Congressman Tom Rooney, Republican of Florida, opened a door wide enough for Brennan to sail the Nimitz through.

Can you tell us that it's looking like the intelligence shows that Moscow was actually for Donald Trump and rooting against Hillary Clinton?

Anchors aweigh!

They believed that Secretary Clinton was going to win the election and so their efforts were to diminish her efforts and I believe they had a more favorable view of Mr. Trump and trying to increase his prospects and they probably felt that they were going to increase his prospects…They felt that Mr. Trump, being a bit of an outsider, that they had in the past good relationships with businessmen who happened to elevate into positions of governmental authority…I believe they tried to damage and bloody her before but I believe that, had she been elected, their efforts to denigrate her and hurt her would have continued during her presidency. If they did collect more information that they did not release, I think they were probably husbanding it for another day.

Please, Republicans, stop helping the president*. Keep this up and he's going to end his grand tour of Europe in the dock at the Hague.

The Republicans Just Scored on Their Own Goal

That's a big load of nothing. He admitted there was no evidence of collusion.
Only the AG can appoint a special prosecutor, you brain dead douche nozzle.

A Dim hosebag said there was no intentional wrong doing? Liberals groups were also targeted? Yeah, like two of them.

Once again, you only prove that you're incapable of committing logic.

c) Request by Congress for Appointment of 1С

The Act also provided that the Judiciary Committee of either chamber of Congress, or a majority of either the majority or non majority party members on the Committee, could request that the AG invoke the Act to appoint an Independent Counsel. Upon such a Congressional request, the Act's triggering mechanisms then functioned as they would with any other receipt of information, with three differences: (1] after completing the initial determination as to the credibility and specificity of the allegations, the Attorney General was required to file a report with Congress explaining why a preliminary investigation would or would not commence; (2] if a preliminary investigation was undertaken, copies of all papers filed with the Special Division Court also had to be given to Congress and [3] if the AG declined to apply to the court for appointment of an Independent Counsel, he was required to file a report with Congress explaining his decision. In order to protect the rights of suspects, the ACT prohibited Congress from disclosing any information that it received in connection with the investigation.
Summary of U.S. Special Prosecutor Rules


You only proved that I am right, moron.

Your stupidity is beyond comprehension.

See what I mean by your posts are self-refuting?

Weird Bubba, after EVERYTHING Lerner did and the GOP Congress never asked for a special council OR held their own select committee investigation????? HOW IS THAT POSSIBLE? LMAOROG


What would be the point of asking Obama and Eric Holder for a special counsel?



They appointed a special prosecutor to investigate Clinton, so you shoot down your own argument with that post.
Benedict Donald will have his day

You just keep holding your breath and stomping your feet until that happens, princess.

Brennan stopped just short of collusion today. When Mueller gets involved, it will be over for the Orange Clown.

You mean he had to admit there was no evidence of collusion.

It's amazing how many different ways you turd have of saying that.

We are moving into obstruction of justice. More evidence, almost on a daily basis.

Coats and Rogers refused to comply with the requests, which they both deemed to be inappropriate, according to two current and two former officials, who spoke on the condition of anonymity to discuss private communications with the president.
Trump asked intelligence chiefs to push back against FBI collusion probe after Comey revealed its existence

Again, anonymous sources - fake news, in other words.



No, douche bag, the Washington Post is lying. Their "government officials" are totally imaginary.

Your ESP working overtime Bubba?


Not at all. I just look at their record of telling the truth.

If that is true, the Liar in Chief doesn't look very good.
Trump Reportedly Asked Intel Chiefs To Publicly Deny Russia Ties | HuffPost

It is never the crime, rather the cover up that dooms the powerful.

If there's no crime, how can there be a cover-up?

Bubba, you're back? Good are you FINALLY going to address the FACT that 82% of Corp taxes are paid by CAPITAL (rich/"job creators") , and only 18% by labor (poor/middle class), OR ARE YOU GOING TO GO FIND A SAFE PLACE AGAIN BUBBA??
How conveniently you forget that "CAPITAL" is your grandmother's retirement pension, or maybe it's YOUR insurance company. Your argument is dumb .... and shallow.

Good little rightie who was going to show me how taxing Corps fall on the poor and I spank him with FACTS that according to multiple studies, including the treasury, 82% actually fall on OWNERS OF CAPITAL??? AND YOU DECIDED TO RUN TO YOUR SAFE PLACE RATHER THAN ADDRESS THE ISSUE ON THE ORIGINAL THREAD AFTER GETTING CALLED OUT??

But you right wingers MUST, at ALL costs push for the "job creators" to pay the lowest taxes on their millions and billions, as you gut the safety net for US and revenues to treasury!

Run along back to your safe space cupcake :)


HOLY SHIT! You have the unmitigated gall to call someone a "cupcake" after I explain very patiently to you how things really work? How composite "gubermint" is the majority share holder of ever Fortune 500 corporation and all their subsidiaries because your beloved "gubermint" is nothing but one huge corporate entity in itself? Have you ever heard of the "CAFR"???? The Comprehensive Annual Financial Report? Of course you haven't and you don't know how to read one either. There are two sets of books one is the budget of the corporate entity and the other one is their holdings and assets which is called the "CAFR". I looked up Houston, Texas Inc and found that they had enough hard assets to fund the city's financial needs for the next 17 years without collecting one dime of tax, one dime in fees just on what they are holding in stocks, bonds and real estate. Every state is a subsidiary of USA.INC, every city, town and county is incorporated and is a subsidiary of the state.........see how this works? Have you ever traveled and just as you entered a town there was a sign that said "Entering Corporate Limits"???? What that means is that you are entering the jurisdiction of that particular corporate entity and that the county no longer can collect fees from you should you violate one of their acts, statutes, codes or ordinances.

I had to laugh at how you bailed on HJR 92 and how I gave you the ruling ownership of all property is at the behest of the "state" are so "small time". You try and pick at others while running away when I confront you with your utter bullshit. I see that you are averaging nearly 60 posts a day....better pace yourself.


Got it cupcake, you'll stick to the crazy :)


Is Brennan really a Muslim convert?

Remember, the scumbag testified that he "doesn't do facts."

Innuendo it the life blood of these deep state rodents.

Former CIA Director Tells Lawmakers About 'Very Aggressive' Russian Election Meddling
Russia "brazenly interfered in the 2016 election process," despite U.S. efforts to warn them off.

Brennan said he is "aware of information and intelligence that revealed contacts and interactions between Russian officials and U.S. persons involved in the Trump campaign." Brennan said that concerned him, "because of known Russian efforts to suborn such individuals," and that it raised questions about whether or not the Russians "were able to gain the cooperation of those individuals." Brennan added he didn't know if "collusion existed" between the Russians and those he identified as involved in the Trump campaign.

Former CIA Director Tells Lawmakers About 'Very Aggressive' Russian Election Meddling


Benedict Donald will have his day

John Brennan, a jesuit...once voted for the communist party which isn't surprising since the jesuits are the architects of communism. What totally amazes me is that the Hildebeast signed off on a HUGE uranium deal for Russia in exchange for a hefty donation to her slush fund cleverly disguised as a (snicker) "charitable foundation" and John Podesta was hired by Russia to lobby for the lifting of sanctions on Russia which should have never been put upon them to begin with.

Russia didn't expose the criminality of the DNC, that was a leak by disgruntled DNC employee Seth Rich that was murdered for doing so and this is a story that ain't going away..... break out the popcorn.


Benedict Donald will have his day

You just keep holding your breath and stomping your feet until that happens, princess.

Brennan stopped just short of collusion today. When Mueller gets involved, it will be over for the Orange Clown.

You mean he had to admit there was no evidence of collusion.

It's amazing how many different ways you turd have of saying that.

We are moving into obstruction of justice. More evidence, almost on a daily basis.

Once again, no evidence. We aren't moving anywhere.

Coats and Rogers refused to comply with the requests, which they both deemed to be inappropriate, according to two current and two former officials, who spoke on the condition of anonymity to discuss private communications with the president.
Trump asked intelligence chiefs to push back against FBI collusion probe after Comey revealed its existence

Again, anonymous sources - fake news, in other words.



No, douche bag, the Washington Post is lying. Their "government officials" are totally imaginary.

Your ESP working overtime Bubba?


Not at all. I just look at their record of telling the truth.

Brennan: Russia may have successfully recruited Trump campaign aides
The former CIA director also says the FBI probe into whether Russia meddled in the election is ‘well founded.’

Brennan: Russia may have successfully recruited Trump campaign aides
Again, anonymous sources - fake news, in other words.



No, douche bag, the Washington Post is lying. Their "government officials" are totally imaginary.

Your ESP working overtime Bubba?


Not at all. I just look at their record of telling the truth.

If that is true, the Liar in Chief doesn't look very good.

He looks 1000 times better than the Washington Compost.
Again, anonymous sources - fake news, in other words.



No, douche bag, the Washington Post is lying. Their "government officials" are totally imaginary.

Your ESP working overtime Bubba?


Not at all. I just look at their record of telling the truth.

Brennan: Russia may have successfully recruited Trump campaign aides
The former CIA director also says the FBI probe into whether Russia meddled in the election is ‘well founded.’

Brennan: Russia may have successfully recruited Trump campaign aides

Based on what? Once again, no evidence.
If there's no crime, how can there be a cover-up?

Bubba, you're back? Good are you FINALLY going to address the FACT that 82% of Corp taxes are paid by CAPITAL (rich/"job creators") , and only 18% by labor (poor/middle class), OR ARE YOU GOING TO GO FIND A SAFE PLACE AGAIN BUBBA??
How conveniently you forget that "CAPITAL" is your grandmother's retirement pension, or maybe it's YOUR insurance company. Your argument is dumb .... and shallow.

Good little rightie who was going to show me how taxing Corps fall on the poor and I spank him with FACTS that according to multiple studies, including the treasury, 82% actually fall on OWNERS OF CAPITAL??? AND YOU DECIDED TO RUN TO YOUR SAFE PLACE RATHER THAN ADDRESS THE ISSUE ON THE ORIGINAL THREAD AFTER GETTING CALLED OUT??

But you right wingers MUST, at ALL costs push for the "job creators" to pay the lowest taxes on their millions and billions, as you gut the safety net for US and revenues to treasury!

Run along back to your safe space cupcake :)


HOLY SHIT! You have the unmitigated gall to call someone a "cupcake" after I explain very patiently to you how things really work? How composite "gubermint" is the majority share holder of ever Fortune 500 corporation and all their subsidiaries because your beloved "gubermint" is nothing but one huge corporate entity in itself? Have you ever heard of the "CAFR"???? The Comprehensive Annual Financial Report? Of course you haven't and you don't know how to read one either. There are two sets of books one is the budget of the corporate entity and the other one is their holdings and assets which is called the "CAFR". I looked up Houston, Texas Inc and found that they had enough hard assets to fund the city's financial needs for the next 17 years without collecting one dime of tax, one dime in fees just on what they are holding in stocks, bonds and real estate. Every state is a subsidiary of USA.INC, every city, town and county is incorporated and is a subsidiary of the state.........see how this works? Have you ever traveled and just as you entered a town there was a sign that said "Entering Corporate Limits"???? What that means is that you are entering the jurisdiction of that particular corporate entity and that the county no longer can collect fees from you should you violate one of their acts, statutes, codes or ordinances.

I had to laugh at how you bailed on HJR 92 and how I gave you the ruling ownership of all property is at the behest of the "state" are so "small time". You try and pick at others while running away when I confront you with your utter bullshit. I see that you are averaging nearly 60 posts a day....better pace yourself.


Got it cupcake, you'll stick to the crazy :)

The Republicans Just Scored a Spectacular Own Goal
Trey Gowdy and co. aren't helping themselves—or President Trump.

By Charles P. Pierce
May 23, 2017

John Brennan, the former director of the CIA, stopped by the House Intelligence Committee on Tuesday. He was there to talk about Russian influence in the 2016 presidential election. The Republicans on the committee responded by chalking up a bushel of own goals. Brennan set the stage in his opening statement.

"I encountered and am aware of information and intelligence that revealed contacts and interactions between Russian officials and U.S. persons involved in the Trump campaign that I was concerned about because of known Russian efforts to suborn such individuals. It raised questions in my mind about whether Russia was able to gain the cooperation of those individuals."

Brennan also testified that he personally contacted Alexander Bortnikov, the head of the FSB, about the Russian meddling as long ago as the beginning of last August.

But it was under the questioning of the committee members, particularly under the questions of the committee's majority members, that Brennan discreetly released several kitties from the burlap. For example, Trey Gowdy, the lopheaded Javert of the endless Benghazi investigations, asked Brennan whether he had seen evidence of "collusion" between the Trump campaign and the Russians. This allowed Brennan to say that he saw evidence that "in my mind raised questions of whether it was collusion" and that he'd seen enough to encourage the FBI to keep "pulling threads" on that particular issue.


Gowdy tried to come back later—he put on his big-boy prosecutor's voice—and he got some help from other members of the committee who kept yielding their time over to him so he could fish for whatever material the Russians might have had on Hillary Rodham Clinton. But he'd screwed up, and the bell couldn't be unrung.

Later, Congressman Tom Rooney, Republican of Florida, opened a door wide enough for Brennan to sail the Nimitz through.

Can you tell us that it's looking like the intelligence shows that Moscow was actually for Donald Trump and rooting against Hillary Clinton?

Anchors aweigh!

They believed that Secretary Clinton was going to win the election and so their efforts were to diminish her efforts and I believe they had a more favorable view of Mr. Trump and trying to increase his prospects and they probably felt that they were going to increase his prospects…They felt that Mr. Trump, being a bit of an outsider, that they had in the past good relationships with businessmen who happened to elevate into positions of governmental authority…I believe they tried to damage and bloody her before but I believe that, had she been elected, their efforts to denigrate her and hurt her would have continued during her presidency. If they did collect more information that they did not release, I think they were probably husbanding it for another day.

Please, Republicans, stop helping the president*. Keep this up and he's going to end his grand tour of Europe in the dock at the Hague.

The Republicans Just Scored on Their Own Goal

That's a big load of nothing. He admitted there was no evidence of collusion.

Brennan: Russia may have successfully recruited Trump campaign aides
The former CIA director also says the FBI probe into whether Russia meddled in the election is ‘well founded.’

"I encountered and am aware of information and intelligence that revealed contacts and interactions between Russian officials and U.S. persons involved in the Trump campaign that I was concerned about because of known Russian efforts to suborn such individuals,"
he told lawmakers. "And it raised questions in my mind again whether or not the Russians were able to gain the cooperation of those individuals."

Brennan: Russia may have successfully recruited Trump campaign aides


The Republicans Just Scored a Spectacular Own Goal
Trey Gowdy and co. aren't helping themselves—or President Trump.

By Charles P. Pierce
May 23, 2017

John Brennan, the former director of the CIA, stopped by the House Intelligence Committee on Tuesday. He was there to talk about Russian influence in the 2016 presidential election. The Republicans on the committee responded by chalking up a bushel of own goals. Brennan set the stage in his opening statement.

"I encountered and am aware of information and intelligence that revealed contacts and interactions between Russian officials and U.S. persons involved in the Trump campaign that I was concerned about because of known Russian efforts to suborn such individuals. It raised questions in my mind about whether Russia was able to gain the cooperation of those individuals."

Brennan also testified that he personally contacted Alexander Bortnikov, the head of the FSB, about the Russian meddling as long ago as the beginning of last August.

But it was under the questioning of the committee members, particularly under the questions of the committee's majority members, that Brennan discreetly released several kitties from the burlap. For example, Trey Gowdy, the lopheaded Javert of the endless Benghazi investigations, asked Brennan whether he had seen evidence of "collusion" between the Trump campaign and the Russians. This allowed Brennan to say that he saw evidence that "in my mind raised questions of whether it was collusion" and that he'd seen enough to encourage the FBI to keep "pulling threads" on that particular issue.


Gowdy tried to come back later—he put on his big-boy prosecutor's voice—and he got some help from other members of the committee who kept yielding their time over to him so he could fish for whatever material the Russians might have had on Hillary Rodham Clinton. But he'd screwed up, and the bell couldn't be unrung.

Later, Congressman Tom Rooney, Republican of Florida, opened a door wide enough for Brennan to sail the Nimitz through.

Can you tell us that it's looking like the intelligence shows that Moscow was actually for Donald Trump and rooting against Hillary Clinton?

Anchors aweigh!

They believed that Secretary Clinton was going to win the election and so their efforts were to diminish her efforts and I believe they had a more favorable view of Mr. Trump and trying to increase his prospects and they probably felt that they were going to increase his prospects…They felt that Mr. Trump, being a bit of an outsider, that they had in the past good relationships with businessmen who happened to elevate into positions of governmental authority…I believe they tried to damage and bloody her before but I believe that, had she been elected, their efforts to denigrate her and hurt her would have continued during her presidency. If they did collect more information that they did not release, I think they were probably husbanding it for another day.

Please, Republicans, stop helping the president*. Keep this up and he's going to end his grand tour of Europe in the dock at the Hague.

The Republicans Just Scored on Their Own Goal

That's a big load of nothing. He admitted there was no evidence of collusion.

Brennan: Russia may have successfully recruited Trump campaign aides
The former CIA director also says the FBI probe into whether Russia meddled in the election is ‘well founded.’

"I encountered and am aware of information and intelligence that revealed contacts and interactions between Russian officials and U.S. persons involved in the Trump campaign that I was concerned about because of known Russian efforts to suborn such individuals,"
he told lawmakers. "And it raised questions in my mind again whether or not the Russians were able to gain the cooperation of those individuals."

Brennan: Russia may have successfully recruited Trump campaign aides


That's a long winded way of saying "no evidence."

"May have" is another way of saying "no evidence."
c) Request by Congress for Appointment of 1С

The Act also provided that the Judiciary Committee of either chamber of Congress, or a majority of either the majority or non majority party members on the Committee, could request that the AG invoke the Act to appoint an Independent Counsel. Upon such a Congressional request, the Act's triggering mechanisms then functioned as they would with any other receipt of information, with three differences: (1] after completing the initial determination as to the credibility and specificity of the allegations, the Attorney General was required to file a report with Congress explaining why a preliminary investigation would or would not commence; (2] if a preliminary investigation was undertaken, copies of all papers filed with the Special Division Court also had to be given to Congress and [3] if the AG declined to apply to the court for appointment of an Independent Counsel, he was required to file a report with Congress explaining his decision. In order to protect the rights of suspects, the ACT prohibited Congress from disclosing any information that it received in connection with the investigation.
Summary of U.S. Special Prosecutor Rules


You only proved that I am right, moron.

Your stupidity is beyond comprehension.

See what I mean by your posts are self-refuting?

Weird Bubba, after EVERYTHING Lerner did and the GOP Congress never asked for a special council OR held their own select committee investigation????? HOW IS THAT POSSIBLE? LMAOROG


What would be the point of asking Obama and Eric Holder for a special counsel?



They appointed a special prosecutor to investigate Clinton, so you shoot down your own argument with that post.

Follow along Bubba, it was about the GOP's YEARS long HILARY CLINTON WITCH HUNT. Of course the 7 years TENS OF MILLIONS spent on BJ Bill to "investigate" and they got a lie about consensual sex was totally worth it too :(




No, douche bag, the Washington Post is lying. Their "government officials" are totally imaginary.

Your ESP working overtime Bubba?


Not at all. I just look at their record of telling the truth.

Brennan: Russia may have successfully recruited Trump campaign aides
The former CIA director also says the FBI probe into whether Russia meddled in the election is ‘well founded.’

Brennan: Russia may have successfully recruited Trump campaign aides

Based on what? Once again, no evidence.

Good thing they are investigating it then right? lol

The former CIA director also says the FBI probe into whether Russia meddled in the election is ‘well founded.’

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