Comrade Trump criticizes mother of fallen Captain

She explained very clearly why she did not talk.

Trump's attack her makes His Comradeship look ever more dark. Comrade Donald is a piece of shit.
Trump didn't attack her. He just wondered out loud if she was even allowed to speak.
Yes, he attacked her. No doubt about that.

He is digging his own political grave when he says such things, yet he keeps on digging.
He didn't attack her. You're just making something out of nothing once again, while ignoring the fact Hillary called Sean Smith's mother a liar Sunday morning.
Trump faces backlash over attacks on family of slain Muslim US soldier -

He said she was prohibited from speaking as he husband tore Comrade Trump a new one. Republican are going to curse the day that Comrade Trump announced he would run for the Republican nomination. I tell you, the man is imbalanced...

Standard lefty tactic.

Find a spokesperson with a sad story. Put them on the attack.

When their target gets defensive, attack them personally for daring to speak against the poor soul(s) who just attacked them.

It is a vile and dishonest tactic.

Khan's dad had nothing new to say. He said the same stupid shit that stupid lefties say on this site every fucking day.

Fuck him. And fuck all the lefties.
The RNC didn't try to use that tactic with Pat Smith?

Where it fell flat is when Hillary didn't react/attack her personally.

Drumpf and his minions fell for the very trick they wanted Hillary to fall for...................brilliant!
She explained very clearly why she did not talk.

Trump's attack her makes His Comradeship look ever more dark. Comrade Donald is a piece of shit.
Trump didn't attack her. He just wondered out loud if she was even allowed to speak.
Yes, he attacked her. No doubt about that.

He is digging his own political grave when he says such things, yet he keeps on digging.
He didn't attack her. You're just making something out of nothing once again, while ignoring the fact Hillary called Mrs Smith a liar Sunday morning.
War is Peace
Freedom is Slavery
Ignorance is Strength

- Melania Trump

TE="Tilly, post: 14908710, member: 56137"]
Even if I support science, infrastructure, and R&D?

Zander has always been a dishonorable person, a fit compaion for Correll and Yurt and bripat and so forth and so on. Comrade Donald criticized the parents of a war hero. Dishonorable.
It is pure speculation that every soldier that dies in battle is a hero. Sometimes they die from disease or an accident.

You are sicker than Comrade Trump. He could have said, "He died a hero defending his country," and let it go. But he can't! Comrade Trump has no filter. He has never had anyone tell him to just shut up and leave it alone.

In November, US voters will tell him to "Shut up and Go Away!"
Trump did say the son was a hero. And he wondered - as did many viewers - and women in particular - why the wife stood their mute.
Now, If only the leftards expressed as much outrage over Islamist terrorism on their own soil and all over Europe and the world, as they do with their completely faux outrage over an observation, America would be much better off.
Democrats boo soldiers......but they'll shed a tear for them when it becomes politically advantageous.[/QUOTE]

We've seen who boos soldiers.
Trump faces backlash over attacks on family of slain Muslim US soldier -

He said she was prohibited from speaking as he husband tore Comrade Trump a new one. Republican are going to curse the day that Comrade Trump announced he would run for the Republican nomination. I tell you, the man is imbalanced...

Standard lefty tactic.

Find a spokesperson with a sad story. Put them on the attack.

When their target gets defensive, attack them personally for daring to speak against the poor soul(s) who just attacked them.

It is a vile and dishonest tactic.

Khan's dad had nothing new to say. He said the same stupid shit that stupid lefties say on this site every fucking day.

Fuck him. And fuck all the lefties.
The RNC didn't try to use that tactic with Pat Smith?

Where it fell flat is when Hillary didn't react/attack her personally.

Drumpf and his minions fell for the very trick they wanted Hillary to fall for...................brilliant!

You need a complaint media to parrot your talking points to make the tactic work.

The conservative media, even if it tried to gin up a scandal about that fact that Hillary said that Pat Smith was "wrong" does not have any ability to do so in the field of the Conventional Wisdom.

IF the GOP leadership thought that was what they were doing, they were fools.
What can you say about someone who attacks then cowers behind the ghost of a dead son?
"cowers behind the ghost of a dead son".....the RW is just making this election easier and easier.

Says the woman that can't be bothered to repeat the oh so important point Khan had to say,

nor who can't actually disagree with that point that she is ridiculing.

Or at least, can't explain what she feels is incorrect about it.
What can you say about someone who attacks then cowers behind the ghost of a dead son?
"cowers behind the ghost of a dead son".....the RW is just making this election easier and easier.

Says the woman that can't be bothered to repeat the oh so important point Khan had to say,

nor who can't actually disagree with that point that she is ridiculing.

Or at least, can't explain what she feels is incorrect about it.
What is lost is the fallacious nature of Mr Khan's statements in the first place. It was a cheap stunt. I would have ignored it.
What can you say about someone who attacks then cowers behind the ghost of a dead son?
"cowers behind the ghost of a dead son".....the RW is just making this election easier and easier.

Says the woman that can't be bothered to repeat the oh so important point Khan had to say,

nor who can't actually disagree with that point that she is ridiculing.

Or at least, can't explain what she feels is incorrect about it.
What is lost is the fallacious nature of Mr Khan's statements in the first place. It was a cheap stunt. I would have ignored it.

You take the "High Road" and let them spew their filth unchallenged, and you allow them to define the Conventional Wisdom though the Logical Fallacy of Argumentum ad nauseam - RationalWiki

"An argumentum ad nauseam is the logical fallacy that something becomes true if it is repeated often enough. An ad nauseam argument that can be easily shown to be false leads to the "point refuted a thousand times".

Due to the modern 24 hour cable news cycle and the fact every idiot now has a blog, argumentum ad nauseam has become particularly prevalent. In politics it is usually used in the form of a talking point, which is then reduced to a three second sound bite and is repeated at every available opportunity. On the blogosphere it takes the form of a meme, where every like minded blogger repeats a statement used by a fellow blogger. Twitter, where every message has to be less than 140 characters, has only made this latter form of viral propaganda worse."

Repeating an opinion again and again seems to convince people that it is true — maybe because it simulates the effect of many people having that opinion.
Comrade Donald and his trumpanzees continue to march on the low road of attacking the Khan family.
Trump faces backlash over attacks on family of slain Muslim US soldier -

He said she was prohibited from speaking as he husband tore Comrade Trump a new one. Republican are going to curse the day that Comrade Trump announced he would run for the Republican nomination. I tell you, the man is imbalanced...

Standard lefty tactic.

Find a spokesperson with a sad story. Put them on the attack.

When their target gets defensive, attack them personally for daring to speak against the poor soul(s) who just attacked them.

It is a vile and dishonest tactic.

Khan's dad had nothing new to say. He said the same stupid shit that stupid lefties say on this site every fucking day.

Fuck him. And fuck all the lefties.
The RNC didn't try to use that tactic with Pat Smith?

Where it fell flat is when Hillary didn't react/attack her personally.

Drumpf and his minions fell for the very trick they wanted Hillary to fall for...................brilliant!

That is Comrade Drumpf. to you!
She didn't say shit, did she?

And her husband said that she can hardly stand up, but still drug her dreary ass out onto the stage. Sounds like he had an agenda and wasn't looking out for dear wifey.............
Still attacking a Gold Star mom, I see. You are a good Drumpf minion.

Still Muzzie baiting I see.......(Now only if most Muzzies' would consistently condemn IS and other Jihadists with such vitriol as the Kahns have denounced Trump, you might have a valid point).
From Social media....

How many Americans have lost their lives in service to their country? How many Americans have lost their lives in service to there country fighting radical Islam?

The reason I ask is what is Mr.and Mrs. Kahn opinion on Donald Trump have any more merit than any other Gold Star Family?

With the thousands and thousands of American families that have lost loved ones in the war on terror alone.. I imagine you'll find every political opinion under the sun so why does mr. Khan's lost somehow give his opinion having greater weight?

How is mr. Khan's opinion on Donald Trump even relevant to the fact that he lost a son in 2004? Trump had no involvement in that At least the Benghazi mothers are directing their opinion Hillary based on Hillary having something to do with the death of their sons... Trump has zero to do with the death of Mr. Khan son

Is mr. Khan's son's death relevant to his political opinion on Donald Trump?... why is Mr.Kahn political opinion Donald any more relevant than any other mother our father that has lost a child in these wars with Islam?

If you are a gold star mother or father .. your opinion on Donald Trump or Hillary carries just as much weight as Mr. or Mrs Kahns so speak up

And if your family that has lost a loved one to Islamic Terror here.. as a civilian in your own country .

if you lost a loved one in Fort Hood, if you have lost a loved one in San Bernardino, if you lost a loved one in Orlando or if you even lost a loved one in 9/11 or in any other Act of Islamic terrorism in this country your opinion on Trump or Hillery carry as much weight as Mr. Khan's because you also suffered.. . So speak up because your opinion also matters, just as much as mr. Khan and you know there's different opinions than just his.

So make your voice matter and don't let one man and the DNC try and hijack the moral authority of all your losses
The only reason this story still has legs 4 days out is due to US Pravda media in the bag for the Hill-Beast and Hillary minions with large nose rings.

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