Concealed Carry has increased crime dramatically

You're as bad as he came here...argued the same point as your doppelganger for a half dozen posts...but then when his initial post was shown to be total loudly declare "Hey, that's some OTHER House...not me!!!" Pathetic in it's own right...
I didn't check his links, nor do I care to, it's his thread, I just read the OP.
Random people don't get issued concealed carry permits.

To get mine I had to take a class, pass a test at the gun range have a background check and have my fingerprints taken at a State Police barracks.
Just two questions do you carry all the time? when you leave your house you get your keys, wallet, now cell phone and don't forget to bring the gun.

If you answered yes... My second question is why?

The reason why I ask you this is because if there comes a time when I feel the need to carry all the time, this is not the country I want to live in anymore. Its not freedom to me.
I do carry all the time. Same as I have a spare tire in my car all the time. I cannot predict when I will need either one. And if I do I will be cursing myself that I left it at home.
sounds creepy to me and uncomfortable, I get a woman having one in her purse all the time, but a guy????

Don't get it.
I am sorry you are scared of weapons. Perhaps therapy could help.
No, I had my glock 9 forever, the only ones That need pysho mental help is guys that need to carry to go to the local store, all it tells me you are affraid of your own shadow

Yes, because one always knows when there will be a threat.


Now folks... anyone who's ever been mugged, or ever been present in an armed robbery, or where someone else was being attacked, dam' well knows that they did not get in their car and drive to get mugged or to watch the robbery.

If you're licensed to carry, you carry everyday, everywhere you go. And that is because THE TIME AND PLACE WHERE YOU ARE GOING TO NEED YOUR PIECE THE MOST... is the time and place when and where you do not have it.

Not carrying is simply foolish and that is all there is to it.
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Random people don't get issued concealed carry permits.

To get mine I had to take a class, pass a test at the gun range have a background check and have my fingerprints taken at a State Police barracks.
Just two questions do you carry all the time? when you leave your house you get your keys, wallet, now cell phone and don't forget to bring the gun.

If you answered yes... My second question is why?

The reason why I ask you this is because if there comes a time when I feel the need to carry all the time, this is not the country I want to live in anymore. Its not freedom to me.
I do carry all the time. Same as I have a spare tire in my car all the time. I cannot predict when I will need either one. And if I do I will be cursing myself that I left it at home.
sounds creepy to me and uncomfortable, I get a woman having one in her purse all the time, but a guy????

Don't get it.

Unlike you, Rabbi doesn't carry a purse.
Upset.much pussy?

I never would bother to carry my gun even in my drug dealing days up in Chicago.

Now down here in South Carolina, I never even bother to lock my house.

Where's your house?
The only people that get their panties in a knot about CCP's and guns are liberals. Ever wonder about that?
Here's what happens when you let random people carry guns:

1. There were over 400 murders in Chicago in 2014 by people who conceal carried. Statistics/Crime Statistics Year End

2. The results are even more pronounced in Washington DC. There are 44 murders by people with concealed handguns this year alone, and the year is not even halfway through. More importantly though, the passing of concealed carry caused a rise in crime, breaking a record of decreasing crime since 1995.

3. Over 95 percent of the victims were racial minorities. That's bound to happen when you let a bunch of George Zimmerman's walk around packing heat. 2015 Stats Chicago Murder Crime Mayhem HeyJackass

4. Compare this to New York City, which bans concealed carry, and has far lower crime: NYPD - Office of the Chief of Department

As a law enforcement officer in a suburb of one of the aforementioned cities, I can reassure you that the police officers which guard these two fine cities are NOT pleased at all with being forced to let random lunatics and gangbangers carry guns everywhere.

Concealed carry has made two relatively unsafe cities into nothing short of a war zone.

Random people don't get issued concealed carry permits.

To get mine I had to take a class, pass a test at the gun range have a background check and have my fingerprints taken at a State Police barracks.
Just two questions do you carry all the time? when you leave your house you get your keys, wallet, now cell phone and don't forget to bring the gun.

If you answered yes... My second question is why?

The reason why I ask you this is because if there comes a time when I feel the need to carry all the time, this is not the country I want to live in anymore. Its not freedom to me.
I do carry all the time. Same as I have a spare tire in my car all the time. I cannot predict when I will need either one. And if I do I will be cursing myself that I left it at home.
I carry a Ruger .380 in my shirt pocket, always. If I think something could happen and I'm with the family, I carry a Glock 17. Plus, I have a titanium ball point pen that can be driven through a pine 2 X 4. In over 40 years I have had to pull a gun twice and only had to show it.
I also frequrntly pack a Glock 17, although someties its the G27 or even the G20. Never had to pul
Nothing personal, Paint but why would anyone want to pretend to be an idiot? You're not exactly the brightest poster on this board!
No clue. Maybe he just wanted to be like the guy who kicks your collective asses all day long, which I do.

BTW, that's personal...

Here's a little clue for ya', House...the people that actually DO kick ass...seldom have to TELL people that they kick ass! The ones that DO have to tell people how much of an ass kicker they are...are usually the ones that only THINK they kick ass!
my question is, why not carry? if you need it and don't have it, you wont be needing the cell phone and other stuff that you lug around. We've got sub 1 lb,pocket sized 9mm's these days. They look like a wallet in your front pants pocket, if you use the right holster. I've needed a gun several times in my life, some of those times were vs dogs. If you never have, you must have lived a VERY sheltered existence.

for the anti-gun punk. I've got news for you. Connecticut has ALWAYS allowed "just random people" to concealed carry. It's never been a problem. Its also not a problem in Alaska, Arizona, Wyoming, and now Arksanas, with Kansas soon to join the ranks of the Constitutional Carry states, or so I understand, at least. :) Most people who get shot are either suicides (good riddance) or pos's who NEEDED shooting, really badly. Again, good riddance, with vehemence Do you understand that?
Here's what happens when you let random people carry guns:

1. There were over 400 murders in Chicago in 2014 by people who conceal carried. Statistics/Crime Statistics Year End

2. The results are even more pronounced in Washington DC. There are 44 murders by people with concealed handguns this year alone, and the year is not even halfway through. More importantly though, the passing of concealed carry caused a rise in crime, breaking a record of decreasing crime since 1995.

3. Over 95 percent of the victims were racial minorities. That's bound to happen when you let a bunch of George Zimmerman's walk around packing heat. 2015 Stats Chicago Murder Crime Mayhem HeyJackass

4. Compare this to New York City, which bans concealed carry, and has far lower crime: NYPD - Office of the Chief of Department

As a law enforcement officer in a suburb of one of the aforementioned cities, I can reassure you that the police officers which guard these two fine cities are NOT pleased at all with being forced to let random lunatics and gangbangers carry guns everywhere.

Concealed carry has made two relatively unsafe cities into nothing short of a war zone.

Are you actually this stupid or do you just play stupid on t.v...........

the criminals are doing the shooting and studies show concealed carry permit holders are more law abiding than the average citizen and more law abiding than sworn police officers......New York is going to have a spike in gun murders, they just stopped stop and frisk........

Blacks are shooting blacks in the inner cities....and they aren't carrying guns legally......


Washington D.C. is still haggling over their permit process moron.........
Here's what happens when you let random people carry guns:

1. There were over 400 murders in Chicago in 2014 by people who conceal carried. Statistics/Crime Statistics Year End

2. The results are even more pronounced in Washington DC. There are 44 murders by people with concealed handguns this year alone, and the year is not even halfway through. More importantly though, the passing of concealed carry caused a rise in crime, breaking a record of decreasing crime since 1995.

3. Over 95 percent of the victims were racial minorities. That's bound to happen when you let a bunch of George Zimmerman's walk around packing heat. 2015 Stats Chicago Murder Crime Mayhem HeyJackass

4. Compare this to New York City, which bans concealed carry, and has far lower crime: NYPD - Office of the Chief of Department

As a law enforcement officer in a suburb of one of the aforementioned cities, I can reassure you that the police officers which guard these two fine cities are NOT pleased at all with being forced to let random lunatics and gangbangers carry guns everywhere.

Concealed carry has made two relatively unsafe cities into nothing short of a war zone.

Random people don't get issued concealed carry permits.

To get mine I had to take a class, pass a test at the gun range have a background check and have my fingerprints taken at a State Police barracks.
Just two questions do you carry all the time? when you leave your house you get your keys, wallet, now cell phone and don't forget to bring the gun.

If you answered yes... My second question is why?

The reason why I ask you this is because if there comes a time when I feel the need to carry all the time, this is not the country I want to live in anymore. Its not freedom to me.

Do you know which day you will need your gun.....two recent crimes...the family in the really nice Neighborhood in Connecticut.....father beaten with a bat, wife and 2 daughters raped and burned to death...and just last week the father, mother, son and housekeeper murdered just down the road from Joe Biden's house....probably a nice neighborhood....this country is a safe place to live...if you don't live in the cities, in small multiblock areas controlled by gangs and drug dealers that is.....

But you never know....the monsters are out there...and you never know when you will meet them....
It's his link, fight with him, only he's on vacation, maybe permanently I can't say. That's a Mod thing.

Just pointing out that this - like most gun-grabber threads - is a total and complete lie.

Leftists lie - it's what defines them..
Oh, grabbing all the guns would work, it's just unconstitutional, unfortunately.'s that "unfortunate" Constitution! Don't you hate it when a document that's protected our rights for a couple hundred years interferes with YOUR political beliefs! (eye roll)

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