Concealed Carry has increased crime dramatically

House quotes how many blacks have been killed in Chicago this year as proof that stricter gun control laws are needed. My question for him is how many of those murders were committed with guns used by someone with a concealed carry permit? I would hazard a guess of ZERO?
From the OP:

1. There were over 400 murders in Chicago in 2014 by people who conceal carried. Statistics/Crime Statistics Year End

Where in that site do you see 400 murders committed by people with concealed carry permits?
House quotes how many blacks have been killed in Chicago this year as proof that stricter gun control laws are needed. My question for him is how many of those murders were committed with guns used by someone with a concealed carry permit? I would hazard a guess of ZERO?

And you'd be correct...

The inverse of your question is:

'How many of those murders were committed by the product of Left-think?

Which is to say "how many of those murders were by people who BELIEVE that they are entitled to the possessions of others, that there is a RIGHT to murder those who are INCONVENIENT... by people who REJECT ALL SENSE OF RESPONSIBILITY, WHO REJECT GOD, WHO REJECT THAT THEIR RIGHTS COME ONLY FROM GOD AND ARE SUSTAINED BY RESPECT FOR THE GIFT AND RECOGNIZING THAT THE PEOPLE THEY MURDERED WERE ENDOWED WITH THE SAME GIFT< FORM THE SAME SOURCE... and so on down the line of the unprincipled 'ideology' advanced by THE LEFT?

The answer to which is: 100%
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House quotes how many blacks have been killed in Chicago this year as proof that stricter gun control laws are needed. My question for him is how many of those murders were committed with guns used by someone with a concealed carry permit? I would hazard a guess of ZERO?
From the OP:

1. There were over 400 murders in Chicago in 2014 by people who conceal carried. Statistics/Crime Statistics Year End

Carrying Concealed?

What's that got do so with being LICENSED TO DO SO?

Answer: 0
This liberal notion that you can stop crime by making something against the law is laughable. When someone has no qualms about murdering someone...which is ALREADY against the law...what makes you think they're going to care if you pass a law against having a firearm? The only people gun control laws take guns away from are law abiding citizens who DO follow the laws. Thugs LOVE stricter gun control laws because they could care less about obeying the law and passing them simply makes it less likely that one of their victims will be armed.
We don't want no guns for a reason. Fuck the laws, give me the guns. Got it?
Why don't you reveal the fact that Liberal Progressive pukes want our guns in order that ISIS and Islam will have a walk-over when they decide to control America?
From the OP:

1. There were over 400 murders in Chicago in 2014 by people who conceal carried. Statistics/Crime Statistics Year End

The OP was lying, the link in no way supports the claim and just points to generic crime statistics.

There were 407 murders in total in Chicago in 14 - not even gun murders, just murders in general. public report 2014 yearend 31-dec.pdf

Leftists lie - about everything - so this is no surprise.
I challenge House to cut and paste the part of that Chicago Police report that mentions concealed carry permits!
From the OP:

1. There were over 400 murders in Chicago in 2014 by people who conceal carried. Statistics/Crime Statistics Year End

The OP was lying, the link in no way supports the claim and just points to generic crime statistics.

There were 407 murders in total in Chicago in 14 - not even gun murders, just murders in general. Statistics/Crime Statistics Year End/1_pdfsam_compstat public report 2014 yearend 31-dec.pdf

Leftists lie - about everything - so this is no surprise.
It's his link, fight with him, only he's on vacation, maybe permanently I can't say. That's a Mod thing.
Nothing personal, Paint but why would anyone want to pretend to be an idiot? You're not exactly the brightest poster on this board!
You're as bad as he came here...argued the same point as your doppelganger for a half dozen posts...but then when his initial post was shown to be total loudly declare "Hey, that's some OTHER House...not me!!!" Pathetic in it's own right...
I challenge House to cut and paste the part of that Chicago Police report that mentions concealed carry permits!

Good Challenge...

But the point of the OP is DECEPTION... decidedly NOT honest, open debate toward the pursuit of the truth.
Random people don't get issued concealed carry permits.

To get mine I had to take a class, pass a test at the gun range have a background check and have my fingerprints taken at a State Police barracks.
Just two questions do you carry all the time? when you leave your house you get your keys, wallet, now cell phone and don't forget to bring the gun.

If you answered yes... My second question is why?

The reason why I ask you this is because if there comes a time when I feel the need to carry all the time, this is not the country I want to live in anymore. Its not freedom to me.
I do carry all the time. Same as I have a spare tire in my car all the time. I cannot predict when I will need either one. And if I do I will be cursing myself that I left it at home.
sounds creepy to me and uncomfortable, I get a woman having one in her purse all the time, but a guy????

Don't get it.
I am sorry you are scared of weapons. Perhaps therapy could help.
No, I had my glock 9 forever, the only ones That need pysho mental help is guys that need to carry to go to the local store, all it tells me you are affraid of your own shadow
No it doesn't...

Its like saying that putting a seat belt on is stupid because I'm just running down to the corner store.....

Completely ignoring the fact that most car accidents happen within a mile of the home...

The same principle applies to carrying a weapon as putting on a seat belt. It has nothing to do with fear, and everything to do with simply taking a precaution.

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