Concerns over dumping Obamacare growing among GOP lawmakers

Obamacare is already falling apart all by itself. With healthy people avoiding it like the plague there's no money for the moochers and all the sick people. If the economy picks up and people switch over to employer provided healthcare it will collapse even faster.

So one way or another Obamacare is gone.
There was record enrollment this year, what are you talking about?

Enrollment of what, moochers and sick people who pay $100 a month and cost $2,000 month? I know you libs suck at math but come on.
Write your congressman and press them to use your "let them die" argument, should get them lots of votes next time.

Somehow humans have survived for thousands of years without Obamacare.
Ask your congressman to use that argument also. If you people work at it hard enough you can make health care into a luxury item as it once was.
Perfect example of what I'm saying the GOP should NOT do. Little Marco is an idiot, as is pretty much the entire GOP establishment RINO clan. They are some of the dumbest idiots on the planet. Hell in some ways they are even dumber than liberals.
Oh so you're aware that the GOP is behind Obamacare's problems, but you want them to lie about it. I guess I can live with that. Don't know how you can though.
How is the GOP responsible for Obamacare's problems?
Christ you're like a toddler. I already answered that. You probably forgot because your brain is broken.
You haven't answered jack shit.
Go get a brain moran. Then maybe we can have a conversation.

Look who's talking you didn't even read your own link idiot. Regarding Obamacare changes, 43 changes were made by the Obama administration unilaterally, and 24 changes were made by Congress and president Obama signed them into law. Goddamn how embarrassing for you :laugh:
Perfect example of what I'm saying the GOP should NOT do. Little Marco is an idiot, as is pretty much the entire GOP establishment RINO clan. They are some of the dumbest idiots on the planet. Hell in some ways they are even dumber than liberals.
Oh so you're aware that the GOP is behind Obamacare's problems, but you want them to lie about it. I guess I can live with that. Don't know how you can though.
How is the GOP responsible for Obamacare's problems?
Christ you're like a toddler. I already answered that. You probably forgot because your brain is broken.
You haven't answered jack shit.
Go get a brain moran. Then maybe we can have a conversation.
When did you start believing you have a brain?

BTW, there should be a comma after "brain" in your first sentence.
Then stop people like Little Marco running around bragging about sabotaging the law

Perfect example of what I'm saying the GOP should NOT do. Little Marco is an idiot, as is pretty much the entire GOP establishment RINO clan. They are some of the dumbest idiots on the planet. Hell in some ways they are even dumber than liberals.
Oh so you're aware that the GOP is behind Obamacare's problems, but you want them to lie about it. I guess I can live with that. Don't know how you can though.

Name one I call BS. Go ahead tell us what changes Obama has signed into law...ooops GOTCHA!
Gotcha my ass you little bitch. Here you go:

Who has to sign off on changes punk, yes Obama who is still the chief executive. OWN Obamacare fool OWN it 100%. Its the gift that keeps on giving, the primary reason the Democratic party has been destroyed. :laugh:
I'll own Obamacare all day. More Americans are insured than ever before, and Trump's surrogates have said that nobody will lose their healthcare with his changes, and people with pre-existing conditions will still be covered. The most important parts of Obamacare's legacy will stay intact.

Now, for the first time in 8 years, republicans will have to think about and act on what's best for the American people, instead of sabotaging the ACA and holding dog and pony votes so they can brag about trying to repeal it. I think they'll fuck this chance up badly. But we may be in so much shit after Trump takes over maybe nobody will notice.
Oh so you're aware that the GOP is behind Obamacare's problems, but you want them to lie about it. I guess I can live with that. Don't know how you can though.
How is the GOP responsible for Obamacare's problems?
Christ you're like a toddler. I already answered that. You probably forgot because your brain is broken.
You haven't answered jack shit.
Go get a brain moran. Then maybe we can have a conversation.

Look who's talking you didn't even read your own link idiot. Regarding Obamacare changes, 43 changes were made by the Obama administration unilaterally, and 24 changes were made by Congress and president Obama signed them into law. Goddamn how embarrassing for you :laugh:
You dumb fucking retard you took a stand and dared me to find proof that Obama had signed changes to the ACA into law. I gave you 24. Did you already forget? You and Brifag must have similar IQ's.
Whatever the GOP does, they cannot allow the Dem's to blame the GOP for Obamacare's failure. Dem's OWN 100% of that mess.
Then stop people like Little Marco running around bragging about sabotaging the law

Perfect example of what I'm saying the GOP should NOT do. Little Marco is an idiot, as is pretty much the entire GOP establishment RINO clan. They are some of the dumbest idiots on the planet. Hell in some ways they are even dumber than liberals.
Oh so you're aware that the GOP is behind Obamacare's problems, but you want them to lie about it. I guess I can live with that. Don't know how you can though.

^^^ you see this shit, the Democrats are desperate to blame Obamacare's failure on the GOP. Mark my words the Democrats and the MSM are going to pin the blame on the GOP the first chance they get.
If the republicans sabotage or end the ACA they deserve the blame for the aftermath. Why would you think they wouldn't?

^^^ yet another example of the left trying to pin the blame for Obamacare on us. Obamacare has already failed, its in the process of collapsing, Dem's own that 100%. The entire house of cards assumed healthy people would spend thousands of dollars a year more than they need to on Obamacare to fund handouts to the moochers and sick people. Well healthy people said fuck that, leaving mostly moochers and sick people on Obamacare. Hence the health insurance companies are losing their ass on Obamacare and dropping out. Hence Obamacare's collapse.

If we really wanted to be mean, we'd do nothing and just let Obamacare implode. Of course, winning elections means you have to step up. It would be irresponsible for us to allow Obamacare to blow up without trying to come up with an alternative. Sadly the lying lowlife scum liberal assholes are going to take the opportunity to pin the blame on us for Obamacare's failure. That's my point.
Oh so you're aware that the GOP is behind Obamacare's problems, but you want them to lie about it. I guess I can live with that. Don't know how you can though.
How is the GOP responsible for Obamacare's problems?
Christ you're like a toddler. I already answered that. You probably forgot because your brain is broken.
You haven't answered jack shit.
Go get a brain moran. Then maybe we can have a conversation.
When did you start believing you have a brain?

BTW, there should be a comma after "brain" in your first sentence.
Yeah and "moran" should have 2 O's you fucking idiot. Go die in a fire.
How is the GOP responsible for Obamacare's problems?
Christ you're like a toddler. I already answered that. You probably forgot because your brain is broken.
You haven't answered jack shit.
Go get a brain moran. Then maybe we can have a conversation.
When did you start believing you have a brain?

BTW, there should be a comma after "brain" in your first sentence.
Yeah and "moran" should have 2 O's you fucking idiot. Go die in a fire.
I assumed you misspelled it on purpose, dumbass, but it seems you are admitting you made two grammatical errors in a post where you called me a "moran."

BTW, there should be a comma after "O's." Punctuation is your friend. Learn how to use it.
Oh so you're aware that the GOP is behind Obamacare's problems, but you want them to lie about it. I guess I can live with that. Don't know how you can though.
How is the GOP responsible for Obamacare's problems?
Christ you're like a toddler. I already answered that. You probably forgot because your brain is broken.
You haven't answered jack shit.
Go get a brain moran. Then maybe we can have a conversation.
When did you start believing you have a brain?

BTW, there should be a comma after "brain" in your first sentence.

This lib is especially stupid.
Believe NOTHING you read about what the new Congress is doing...the lapdog media is still in total-destroy mode with no end in sight. The MSM will lie and deceive you about even the smallest details of Trump's's all they have left....revenge. According to Rand Paul, there are dozens of bills written in legislative form, ready to go, that both fix the ACA and repeal/replace it. There has to be a budget reconciliation done along with the defunding of Barry-Care and it's replacement. Rand prefers all three be passed in the same day but doesn't like the new budget. The overhaul will include medical savings accounts, interstate access to any and all insurance companies in the US, and insurance pools small business and individuals can join for group-rates. Give them time; they've picked the toughest problem first off.
How is the GOP responsible for Obamacare's problems?
Christ you're like a toddler. I already answered that. You probably forgot because your brain is broken.
You haven't answered jack shit.
Go get a brain moran. Then maybe we can have a conversation.

Look who's talking you didn't even read your own link idiot. Regarding Obamacare changes, 43 changes were made by the Obama administration unilaterally, and 24 changes were made by Congress and president Obama signed them into law. Goddamn how embarrassing for you :laugh:
You dumb fucking retard you took a stand and dared me to find proof that Obama had signed changes to the ACA into law. I gave you 24. Did you already forget? You and Brifag must have similar IQ's.

I thought I made it clear I'm finished with you punk, you may go now. :eusa_hand:
Then stop people like Little Marco running around bragging about sabotaging the law

Perfect example of what I'm saying the GOP should NOT do. Little Marco is an idiot, as is pretty much the entire GOP establishment RINO clan. They are some of the dumbest idiots on the planet. Hell in some ways they are even dumber than liberals.
Oh so you're aware that the GOP is behind Obamacare's problems, but you want them to lie about it. I guess I can live with that. Don't know how you can though.

^^^ you see this shit, the Democrats are desperate to blame Obamacare's failure on the GOP. Mark my words the Democrats and the MSM are going to pin the blame on the GOP the first chance they get.
If the republicans sabotage or end the ACA they deserve the blame for the aftermath. Why would you think they wouldn't?

^^^ yet another example of the left trying to pin the blame for Obamacare on us. Obamacare has already failed, its in the process of collapsing, Dem's own that 100%. The entire house of cards assumed healthy people would spend thousands of dollars a year more than they need to on Obamacare to fund handouts to the moochers and sick people. Well healthy people said fuck that, leaving mostly moochers and sick people on Obamacare. Hence the health insurance companies are losing their ass on Obamacare and dropping out. Hence Obamacare's collapse.

If we really wanted to be mean, we'd do nothing and just let Obamacare implode. Of course, winning elections means you have to step up. It would be irresponsible for us to allow Obamacare to blow up without trying to come up with an alternative. Sadly the lying lowlife scum liberal assholes are going to take the opportunity to pin the blame on us for Obamacare's failure. That's my point.
Obama himself has said that if they can indeed come up with a better plan he will himself support repealing Obamacare. You people have always played politics with people's lives, make it better or accept the aftermath of whatever happens when Republicans decide what they are going to do.
Believe NOTHING you read about what the new Congress is doing...the lapdog media is still in total-destroy mode with no end in sight. The MSM will lie and deceive you about even the smallest details of Trump's's all they have left....revenge. According to Rand Paul, there are dozens of bills written in legislative form, ready to go, that both fix the ACA and repeal/replace it. There has to be a budget reconciliation done along with the defunding of Barry-Care and it's replacement. Rand prefers all three be passed in the same day but doesn't like the new budget. The overhaul will include medical savings accounts, interstate access to any and all insurance companies in the US, and insurance pools small business and individuals can join for group-rates. Give them time; they've picked the toughest problem first off.

Its going to be bad, Trump will get no honeymoon period the left are unhinged and will be attacking like rabies infested rats, its already begun.

Trump can't spent half his day swatting down the MSM's lies that's going to be the problem.
Christ you're like a toddler. I already answered that. You probably forgot because your brain is broken.
You haven't answered jack shit.
Go get a brain moran. Then maybe we can have a conversation.
When did you start believing you have a brain?

BTW, there should be a comma after "brain" in your first sentence.
Yeah and "moran" should have 2 O's you fucking idiot. Go die in a fire.
I assumed you misspelled it on purpose, dumbass, but it seems you are admitting you made two grammatical errors in a post where you called me a "moran."

BTW, there should be a comma after "O's." Punctuation is your friend. Learn how to use it.
I did misspell it on purpose you dumbass. 17 Wicked Ways to Start a Fire
Christ you're like a toddler. I already answered that. You probably forgot because your brain is broken.
You haven't answered jack shit.
Go get a brain moran. Then maybe we can have a conversation.

Look who's talking you didn't even read your own link idiot. Regarding Obamacare changes, 43 changes were made by the Obama administration unilaterally, and 24 changes were made by Congress and president Obama signed them into law. Goddamn how embarrassing for you :laugh:
You dumb fucking retard you took a stand and dared me to find proof that Obama had signed changes to the ACA into law. I gave you 24. Did you already forget? You and Brifag must have similar IQ's.

I thought I made it clear I'm finished with you punk, you may go now. :eusa_hand:
Yes run away little bitch
Perfect example of what I'm saying the GOP should NOT do. Little Marco is an idiot, as is pretty much the entire GOP establishment RINO clan. They are some of the dumbest idiots on the planet. Hell in some ways they are even dumber than liberals.
Oh so you're aware that the GOP is behind Obamacare's problems, but you want them to lie about it. I guess I can live with that. Don't know how you can though.

^^^ you see this shit, the Democrats are desperate to blame Obamacare's failure on the GOP. Mark my words the Democrats and the MSM are going to pin the blame on the GOP the first chance they get.
If the republicans sabotage or end the ACA they deserve the blame for the aftermath. Why would you think they wouldn't?

^^^ yet another example of the left trying to pin the blame for Obamacare on us. Obamacare has already failed, its in the process of collapsing, Dem's own that 100%. The entire house of cards assumed healthy people would spend thousands of dollars a year more than they need to on Obamacare to fund handouts to the moochers and sick people. Well healthy people said fuck that, leaving mostly moochers and sick people on Obamacare. Hence the health insurance companies are losing their ass on Obamacare and dropping out. Hence Obamacare's collapse.

If we really wanted to be mean, we'd do nothing and just let Obamacare implode. Of course, winning elections means you have to step up. It would be irresponsible for us to allow Obamacare to blow up without trying to come up with an alternative. Sadly the lying lowlife scum liberal assholes are going to take the opportunity to pin the blame on us for Obamacare's failure. That's my point.
Obama himself has said that if they can indeed come up with a better plan he will himself support repealing Obamacare. You people have always played politics with people's lives, make it better or accept the aftermath of whatever happens when Republicans decide what they are going to do.

Of course he'd love to repeal it. Obama and the libs thought the people would love them for passing ACA, instead it pissed the people off so bad they lost the House, then the Senate, and now the White House. ACA is largely responsible for the destruction of the Democratic party.

In 2014 when it had become clear Obama lied his ass off in the 2012 election about keeping your plan and doctor, about saving $2,500 a year, voters were mad as hell. Dem's were returning to their districts and getting screamed at. Dem's in congress pleaded with Obama to go on tv and take the blame to save their seats which he did. But voters didn't buy it and bitch slapped the Dem's, costing them the Senate. It was worse at the state level with the GOP now controlling 33 governorships and 69 of 99 state legislatures.

Dem's are so beat up as a party you have to go all the way back to 1921 to find a time when Dem's where that beat to a pulp.
Just let people know what the new health care program is, or what changes are planned for the ACA, in PLAN language that people can understand. so we can voice our opinion & come together on something that works for most people. we will never have any plan on any thing that every one will want.
You haven't answered jack shit.
Go get a brain moran. Then maybe we can have a conversation.

Look who's talking you didn't even read your own link idiot. Regarding Obamacare changes, 43 changes were made by the Obama administration unilaterally, and 24 changes were made by Congress and president Obama signed them into law. Goddamn how embarrassing for you :laugh:
You dumb fucking retard you took a stand and dared me to find proof that Obama had signed changes to the ACA into law. I gave you 24. Did you already forget? You and Brifag must have similar IQ's.

I thought I made it clear I'm finished with you punk, you may go now. :eusa_hand:
Yes run away little bitch

Aren't you late for your job at McDonalds, beat it punk.
Its going to be bad, Trump will get no honeymoon period the left are unhinged and will be attacking like rabies infested rats, its already begun.

Trump can't spent half his day swatting down the MSM's lies that's going to be the problem.

And remember even sites like Fox use the Associated Press for many of their news stories and the AP is as leftist as it gets. Can the coverage get any worse than during the campaign? It can and it will, so hunker down and bristle up, it's going to get ugly.
You haven't answered jack shit.
Go get a brain moran. Then maybe we can have a conversation.
When did you start believing you have a brain?

BTW, there should be a comma after "brain" in your first sentence.
Yeah and "moran" should have 2 O's you fucking idiot. Go die in a fire.
I assumed you misspelled it on purpose, dumbass, but it seems you are admitting you made two grammatical errors in a post where you called me a "moran."

BTW, there should be a comma after "O's." Punctuation is your friend. Learn how to use it.
I did misspell it on purpose you dumbass. 17 Wicked Ways to Start a Fire
That's what I just said, dumbass. Apparently you have a problem with people give you credit for not being a total moran.

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