Concerns over dumping Obamacare growing among GOP lawmakers

Go get a brain moran. Then maybe we can have a conversation.

Look who's talking you didn't even read your own link idiot. Regarding Obamacare changes, 43 changes were made by the Obama administration unilaterally, and 24 changes were made by Congress and president Obama signed them into law. Goddamn how embarrassing for you :laugh:
You dumb fucking retard you took a stand and dared me to find proof that Obama had signed changes to the ACA into law. I gave you 24. Did you already forget? You and Brifag must have similar IQ's.

I thought I made it clear I'm finished with you punk, you may go now. :eusa_hand:
Yes run away little bitch

Aren't you late for your job at McDonalds, beat it punk.
Replying again little bitch?
Go get a brain moran. Then maybe we can have a conversation.
When did you start believing you have a brain?

BTW, there should be a comma after "brain" in your first sentence.
Yeah and "moran" should have 2 O's you fucking idiot. Go die in a fire.
I assumed you misspelled it on purpose, dumbass, but it seems you are admitting you made two grammatical errors in a post where you called me a "moran."

BTW, there should be a comma after "O's." Punctuation is your friend. Learn how to use it.
I did misspell it on purpose you dumbass. 17 Wicked Ways to Start a Fire
That's what I just said, dumbass. Apparently you have a problem with people give you credit for not being a total moran.
For the last few years I've been saying the GOP was partially to blame for the pig of a law that is the ACA, because they never provided America with a clear & specific alternative.

That's when they would jump and in say "of COURSE we've provided a clear & specific alternative, YOU just don't know what it IS".

And now that the ball is in their court they're starting to poop themselves.

Maybe I haven't been wrong AFTER all, huh?
Obama himself has said that if they can indeed come up with a better plan he will himself support repealing Obamacare. You people have always played politics with people's lives, make it better or accept the aftermath of whatever happens when Republicans decide what they are going to do.

Yeah, well Obama has said a lot of things, few if any being true. He's only concerned with his "legacy" and the ACA is the center-piece of it.....when it goes, all that will be remembered about his years is the chaos he created in the ME and almost 100,000,000 Americans still out of work.
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If we really wanted to be mean, we'd do nothing and just let Obamacare implode. Of course, winning elections means you have to step up. It would be irresponsible for us to allow Obamacare to blow up without trying to come up with an alternative. Sadly the lying lowlife scum liberal assholes are going to take the opportunity to pin the blame on us for Obamacare's failure. That's my point.

I don't think it would matter. Let's face it, Commie Care was written to benefit Democrat voters. If Republicans pulled the rug out from under them, they wouldn't lose many votes.
If we really wanted to be mean, we'd do nothing and just let Obamacare implode. Of course, winning elections means you have to step up. It would be irresponsible for us to allow Obamacare to blow up without trying to come up with an alternative. Sadly the lying lowlife scum liberal assholes are going to take the opportunity to pin the blame on us for Obamacare's failure. That's my point.

I don't think it would matter. Let's face it, Commie Care was written to benefit Democrat voters. If Republicans pulled the rug out from under them, they wouldn't lose many votes.

The economic damage Obama has done has extended far beyond the democrat base which is why Trump captured almost all of the indy vote. The ACA has extended far into Medicaid....that's how they got the southern and western states involved in it. You could just toss the entire ACA into Medicaid and be done with it, but that would mean we've moved to single-payer and the dems win...that was their intention from the beginning. They knew the ACC was so messed up we'd beg them to switch to Canuck-style healthcare. No way we can let that happen.
Obamacare is already falling apart all by itself. With healthy people avoiding it like the plague there's no money for the moochers and all the sick people. If the economy picks up and people switch over to employer provided healthcare it will collapse even faster.

So one way or another Obamacare is gone.
There was record enrollment this year, what are you talking about?

People don't have much of a choice. With employers dropping coverage for their employees thanks to Commie Care, they are taking the only other option available.

If people wanted this disaster, there would be no penalty for not joining. But the only way for this garbage legislation to work is to FORCE people into it.

It would kind of like me being elected Mayor of my city. I like the color green, so insist everybody has to paint their house green, and if you don't, I'm going to take a baseball bat and whack you in the knees. Then when the media comes around, I tell them how most people liked my idea of green houses based on how many painted them that color.
If we really wanted to be mean, we'd do nothing and just let Obamacare implode. Of course, winning elections means you have to step up. It would be irresponsible for us to allow Obamacare to blow up without trying to come up with an alternative. Sadly the lying lowlife scum liberal assholes are going to take the opportunity to pin the blame on us for Obamacare's failure. That's my point.

I don't think it would matter. Let's face it, Commie Care was written to benefit Democrat voters. If Republicans pulled the rug out from under them, they wouldn't lose many votes.

The economic damage Obama has done has extended far beyond the democrat base which is why Trump captured almost all of the indy vote. The ACA has extended far into Medicaid....that's how they got the southern and western states involved in it. You could just toss the entire ACA into Medicaid and be done with it, but that would mean we've moved to single-payer and the dems win...that was their intention from the beginning. They knew the ACC was so messed up we'd beg them to switch to Canuck-style healthcare. No way we can let that happen.

The main (and only) goal was for Democrats to create as many government dependents as they could. They celebrate the fact of 20 million more new government dependents. If it goes into single payer, that's all the better for them since government dependents vote Democrat.
The main (and only) goal was for Democrats to create as many government dependents as they could. They celebrate the fact of 20 million more new government dependents. If it goes into single payer, that's all the better for them since government dependents vote Democrat.

Yep, once we switch to rationed-care, they'll let us seasoned seniors, who know exactly what their game is, be shut out of healthcare and die off. Imagine going before a death-panel to beg for a hip-replacement and be told you don't qualify....good luck, get out.
If we really wanted to be mean, we'd do nothing and just let Obamacare implode. Of course, winning elections means you have to step up. It would be irresponsible for us to allow Obamacare to blow up without trying to come up with an alternative. Sadly the lying lowlife scum liberal assholes are going to take the opportunity to pin the blame on us for Obamacare's failure. That's my point.

I don't think it would matter. Let's face it, Commie Care was written to benefit Democrat voters. If Republicans pulled the rug out from under them, they wouldn't lose many votes.

The economic damage Obama has done has extended far beyond the democrat base which is why Trump captured almost all of the indy vote. The ACA has extended far into Medicaid....that's how they got the southern and western states involved in it. You could just toss the entire ACA into Medicaid and be done with it, but that would mean we've moved to single-payer and the dems win...that was their intention from the beginning. They knew the ACC was so messed up we'd beg them to switch to Canuck-style healthcare. No way we can let that happen.

The main (and only) goal was for Democrats to create as many government dependents as they could. They celebrate the fact of 20 million more new government dependents. If it goes into single payer, that's all the better for them since government dependents vote Democrat.

And they knew they could blame the GOP for taking away the handout from 20 million people. Its already started, the GOP is mean, the GOP wants to take away peoples health insurance. Dem's gifted a giant government hand out they can't pay for and now the GOP has to deal with the mess and the MSM is waiting with drool dripping down their shirts to blame the GOP.
The main (and only) goal was for Democrats to create as many government dependents as they could. They celebrate the fact of 20 million more new government dependents. If it goes into single payer, that's all the better for them since government dependents vote Democrat.

Yep, once we switch to rationed-care, they'll let us seasoned seniors, who know exactly what their game is, be shut out of healthcare and die off. Imagine going before a death-panel to beg for a hip-replacement and be told you don't qualify....good luck, get out.

If not for private pay and private insurance, Medicare and Medicaid would be a complete disaster right now. Currently they can pay only 2/3 of the cost for government patients and get away with it because providers just up their price to recoup the losses. Those losses get passed on to private insurance companies and of course, led us to nose bleed levels of premium increases.

This is why when you see facilities close down, it's mostly in the inner-cities because those places mostly treat government patients. They don't have enough private insured people to recoup that money, so they just close the doors.

So what happens if government completely takes over? They will have to pay the entire bill for their patients, and it will be almost unaffordable.
And they knew they could blame the GOP for taking away the handout from 20 million people. Its already started, the GOP is mean, the GOP wants to take away peoples health insurance. Dem's gifted a giant government hand out they can't pay for and now the GOP has to deal with the mess and the MSM is waiting with drool dripping down their shirts to blame the GOP.

Which is why Trump needs to fix ALL OF IT including the USSC, because the Rats have so many government-schooled mushheads in the pipeline, this may well be the last election we ever win.
If we really wanted to be mean, we'd do nothing and just let Obamacare implode. Of course, winning elections means you have to step up. It would be irresponsible for us to allow Obamacare to blow up without trying to come up with an alternative. Sadly the lying lowlife scum liberal assholes are going to take the opportunity to pin the blame on us for Obamacare's failure. That's my point.

I don't think it would matter. Let's face it, Commie Care was written to benefit Democrat voters. If Republicans pulled the rug out from under them, they wouldn't lose many votes.

The economic damage Obama has done has extended far beyond the democrat base which is why Trump captured almost all of the indy vote. The ACA has extended far into Medicaid....that's how they got the southern and western states involved in it. You could just toss the entire ACA into Medicaid and be done with it, but that would mean we've moved to single-payer and the dems win...that was their intention from the beginning. They knew the ACC was so messed up we'd beg them to switch to Canuck-style healthcare. No way we can let that happen.

The main (and only) goal was for Democrats to create as many government dependents as they could. They celebrate the fact of 20 million more new government dependents. If it goes into single payer, that's all the better for them since government dependents vote Democrat.

And they knew they could blame the GOP for taking away the handout from 20 million people. Its already started, the GOP is mean, the GOP wants to take away peoples health insurance. Dem's gifted a giant government hand out they can't pay for and now the GOP has to deal with the mess and the MSM is waiting with drool dripping down their shirts to blame the GOP.

That's the way it is with all government goodies. I call it my raccoon theory.

You see a raccoon digging around in your garbage can, so you bring out a nice meaty ham bone. The raccoon dines in delight. Now try taking that ham bone back and see what happens to you.

These handouts are almost impossible to reverse just for that reason. Once government gives people things, you can't ask for them back. Like the ham bone, people see those handouts as something that rightfully belongs to them.
The bottom-line of course, is that we can no longer afford much of anything after entitlement spending. Since Trump will no doubt go down in history as the skunk at the garden party, he may as well consider defaulting on the national debt before it drowns us in red ink. The tipping point is fast approaching in which we won't be able to afford a Military to protect us. Last week, we didn't have a single carrier-group deployed anywhere in the world. Imagine not having to pay those hundreds of billions in interest payments on the national debt.....buys a lot of infrastructure and weapons-systems.
The bottom-line of course, is that we can no longer afford much of anything after entitlement spending. Since Trump will no doubt go down in history as the skunk at the garden party, he may as well consider defaulting on the national debt before it drowns us in red ink. The tipping point is fast approaching in which we won't be able to afford a Military to protect us. Last week, we didn't have a single carrier-group deployed anywhere in the world. Imagine not having to pay those hundreds of billions in interest payments on the national debt.....buys a lot of infrastructure and weapons-systems.

With Democrats out of leadership, hopefully the bleeding stops. Step one is a balanced budget, and step two is start repaying this massive debt. If you think things are bad now, just imagine how they would be if the Republicans never regained leadership of Congress. We would probably be looking at 25 trillion in debt right now.
The bottom-line of course, is that we can no longer afford much of anything after entitlement spending. Since Trump will no doubt go down in history as the skunk at the garden party, he may as well consider defaulting on the national debt before it drowns us in red ink. The tipping point is fast approaching in which we won't be able to afford a Military to protect us. Last week, we didn't have a single carrier-group deployed anywhere in the world. Imagine not having to pay those hundreds of billions in interest payments on the national debt.....buys a lot of infrastructure and weapons-systems.

With Democrats out of leadership, hopefully the bleeding stops. Step one is a balanced budget, and step two is start repaying this massive debt. If you think things are bad now, just imagine how they would be if the Republicans never regained leadership of Congress. We would probably be looking at 25 trillion in debt right now.

True enough but it would be almost a miracle to ever pay it off....maybe that's why Trump is courting Putin...maybe he can sell Alaska back to them for $10T..hey, it would be a start. Another $5T could be raised by the Feds selling us our land here in the west, turning pubic property into private property. Another $5T could be expected from another 50 million tax-paying Americans going back to work...and the debt is gone. I just don't see it happening.
The bottom-line of course, is that we can no longer afford much of anything after entitlement spending. Since Trump will no doubt go down in history as the skunk at the garden party, he may as well consider defaulting on the national debt before it drowns us in red ink. The tipping point is fast approaching in which we won't be able to afford a Military to protect us. Last week, we didn't have a single carrier-group deployed anywhere in the world. Imagine not having to pay those hundreds of billions in interest payments on the national debt.....buys a lot of infrastructure and weapons-systems.

With Democrats out of leadership, hopefully the bleeding stops. Step one is a balanced budget, and step two is start repaying this massive debt. If you think things are bad now, just imagine how they would be if the Republicans never regained leadership of Congress. We would probably be looking at 25 trillion in debt right now.

True enough but it would be almost a miracle to ever pay it off....maybe that's why Trump is courting Putin...maybe he can sell Alaska back to them for $10T..hey, it would be a start. Another $5T could be raised by the Feds selling us our land here in the west, turning pubic property into private property. Another $5T could be expected from another 50 million tax-paying Americans going back to work...and the debt is gone. I just don't see it happening.

Given the fact almost half of our population pays no federal income tax at all, maybe it's time everybody had a dog in this race. A consumption tax to help pay off the debt would be a good thing. It doesn't have to be much, say five or six cents on the dollar, but if the money was exclusively for the debt, it may be possible to be on the path to paying it off provided we lived under a balanced budget or better.
Given the fact almost half of our population pays no federal income tax at all, maybe it's time everybody had a dog in this race. A consumption tax to help pay off the debt would be a good thing. It doesn't have to be much, say five or six cents on the dollar, but if the money was exclusively for the debt, it may be possible to be on the path to paying it off provided we lived under a balanced budget or better.

It has to be much better than balancing...we need MASSIVE surpluses to put a dent in the debt. One thing a consumption tax would accomplish is that everybody would be made aware of what deficit-spending has gotten us and the American people would no longer ignore it.
OK, here is what I was told today.

Those who make less than 1300 a month get subsidzed under Obamacare. This was an increase from 400 dollars which if repealed it will go back to.

So how many are willing to drop healthcare subsidizes for those making more than 400 by less than 1300 today?
As I have said from the start, no matter how bad is Obamacare it is never ever going away. What program that the government has started has ever gone away? Especially one where the government controls so much of the money. Those who voted for Trump thinking he would repeal Obamacare, sorry you will be disappointed. Those who have acted like they were scared he would, you were just lying.

The Hospitals, doctors, and insurance providers are still becoming rich, so nothing is going to change.

Does anyone know the stat for the difference between treatment at a VA hospital and the treatment at a private hospital?

Concerns over dumping Obamacare growing among GOP lawmakers

Why do we have a bunch of lawyers converted to politicians designing a healthcare system? How many experts have even been consulted? Where are the hospital/medical care professionals? When JFK set a goal of putting a man on the moon and returning him safely, he didn't sit down with a bunch of lawyers to design the rocket. They put the task to experts in a non-political organization called NASA. I HATE CONGRESS!

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