Condoleezza Rice reacts to report Trump called her ‘a b---h‘

No, asking AND interrupting, and leading the comments of Secretary Rice was being an attack dog........all the while protecting their gal Jamie Gorelick who was hiding behind the panel. Secretary Rice should have said, "At this point, what difference does it make?" and Liberals would have accepted that as a valid answer.

Not really. Frankly, I think the Bush Crime Family got off lite on 9/11. I kind of what to know why when the CIA presented Dubya with a breifing a month before the attack that said, "Bin Laden Determined to Strike US" and specifically talked about airplanes, and he said, "You Covered Your Ass" and went fishing.

I want to know if it's true that she had no idea what "Al Qaeda" was when she showed up to work, as Richard Clarke said.

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