Confederate constitution legalized slavery

No, you cannot read this and state that slavery was constitutional:

We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defence, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America.

At the time, of course, they were only granting liberty to white men. Ignorant fools. That it took a civil war to rectify what should have been clear by the above words is the fault of those that couldn't understand their own words.
Ravi. You're wrong.

Slavery was constitutional until the passage of the Thirteenth Amendment.

You are the one who is wrong.
The Constitution did not address the legality of slavery.
It left it up to the individual States.

No. You said : "Then why did they pass a bill for all new states to be slave free?"

Then you posted the 1787 Northwest Ordinance.

Now you yourself listed the many states that were admitted as slave states after the NO.

If that was he case, then your comment about "the [Feds] passing a bill for all new states to be slave free." is not correct, is it?

No, it is not.

Again, we: :lol:

Whether you like it or not there was more slave free states than slave states.
That doesnt change the fact you either lied or didnt know what you were talking about.
Based on her responses, she doesn't know what she's talking about.

Stick to knitting, Peach. Or hit the books and do some dedicated reading.
Ravi. You're wrong.

Slavery was constitutional until the passage of the Thirteenth Amendment.

You are the one who is wrong.
The Constitution did not address the legality of slavery.
It left it up to the individual States.

No. You said : "Then why did they pass a bill for all new states to be slave free?"

Then you posted the 1787 Northwest Ordinance.

Now you yourself listed the many states that were admitted as slave states after the NO.

If that was he case, then your comment about "the [Feds] passing a bill for all new states to be slave free." is not correct, is it?

No, it is not.

Again, we: :lol:

Whether you like it or not there was more slave free states than slave states.
That doesnt change the fact you either lied or didnt know what you were talking about.
Based on her responses, she doesn't know what she's talking about.

Stick to knitting, Peach. Or hit the books and do some dedicated reading.

It is you that needs to do that.
You are the one who is wrong.
The Constitution did not address the legality of slavery.
It left it up to the individual States.

No. You said : "Then why did they pass a bill for all new states to be slave free?"

Then you posted the 1787 Northwest Ordinance.

Now you yourself listed the many states that were admitted as slave states after the NO.

If that was he case, then your comment about "the [Feds] passing a bill for all new states to be slave free." is not correct, is it?

No, it is not.

Again, we: :lol:

Whether you like it or not there was more slave free states than slave states.
That doesnt change the fact you either lied or didnt know what you were talking about.
Based on her responses, she doesn't know what she's talking about.

Stick to knitting, Peach. Or hit the books and do some dedicated reading.

It is you that needs to do that.
I'm content to let the readers decide who is more educated on the subject.
No. You said : "Then why did they pass a bill for all new states to be slave free?"

Then you posted the 1787 Northwest Ordinance.

Now you yourself listed the many states that were admitted as slave states after the NO.

If that was he case, then your comment about "the [Feds] passing a bill for all new states to be slave free." is not correct, is it?

No, it is not.

Again, we: :lol:

Whether you like it or not there was more slave free states than slave states.
That doesnt change the fact you either lied or didnt know what you were talking about.
Based on her responses, she doesn't know what she's talking about.

Stick to knitting, Peach. Or hit the books and do some dedicated reading.

It is you that needs to do that.
I'm content to let the readers decide who is more educated on the subject.

So am I.
Tell us where in the Federal Constitution it says Slavery is legal and uses the words Negros and Slaves?
It has provisions and compromises but no where does it say Legal Slavery.
In the Confederate Constitution it mentions Negro's and Slaves.
Whether you like it or not there was more slave free states than slave states.
That doesnt change the fact you either lied or didnt know what you were talking about.
Based on her responses, she doesn't know what she's talking about.

Stick to knitting, Peach. Or hit the books and do some dedicated reading.

It is you that needs to do that.
I'm content to let the readers decide who is more educated on the subject.

So am I.
Tell us where in the Federal Constitution it says Slavery is legal and uses the words Negros and Slaves?
It has provisions and compromises but no where does it say Legal Slavery.
In the Confederate Constitution it mentions Negro's and Slaves.
Read the part where it says "interests" or "all other Persons" in lieu of slavery. Slavery was a very large issue at the writing of the constitution. It was an embarrassment so they left out the word slavery and tiptoed around it while allowing the south to remain slave holders. So the term "interests" and "all other Persons" was used much like the word "urban population".

However, it seems you are trying to deflect from your claim that all the new states would be slave free states. Why are you trying to pretend like you didnt say that now?
Last edited:
Whether you like it or not there was more slave free states than slave states.
That doesnt change the fact you either lied or didnt know what you were talking about.
Based on her responses, she doesn't know what she's talking about.

Stick to knitting, Peach. Or hit the books and do some dedicated reading.

It is you that needs to do that.
I'm content to let the readers decide who is more educated on the subject.

So am I.
Tell us where in the Federal Constitution it says Slavery is legal and uses the words Negros and Slaves?
It has provisions and compromises but no where does it say Legal Slavery.
In the Confederate Constitution it mentions Negro's and Slaves.
Oh gawd.

Here we go again.

To repeat:

The constitution legalized slaves being returned to their masters in other states, it charged an "importation fee" for the human property coming in from the transatlantic slave trade,

It said "other persons" -- Who do you think they were talking about being "imported?"

The Constitution told Congress they could not pass a bill for 20 years affecting the slave trade and it assigned 3/5 representation to that human property, who were not citizens and were not represented.

Who do you think the 3/5th clause referred to?


There were long debates at the convention about specifically excluding the word, because they were so ashamed of it.
Article 1 Section 9 of the constitution.

"The Migration and Importation of such Persons as any of the States now existing shall think proper to admit, shall not be prohibited by the Congress prior to the Year one thousand eight hundred and eight, but a Tax or duty may be imposed on such Importation, not exceeding ten dollars for each Person."

In this case, who does she think "such Persons" refers to?

Need more hints peachy?

How about looking, for one, at the Notes of Debates in the Federal Convention of 1787
by James Madison.

Here's a snippet:

Genl. PINKNEY moved to strike out the words "the year eighteen hundred" as the year limiting the importation of slaves, and to insert the words "the year eighteen hundred and eight"

Mr. GHORUM 2ded. the motion

Mr. MADISON. Twenty years will produce all the mischief that can be apprehended from the liberty to import slaves. So long a term will be more dishonorable to the National character than to say nothing about it in the Constitution.

[Click the link for an eyeful. Some good reading there.]

And did you really think the Constitution was making an allowance for congress to prohibit immigrants or something after 1808, but not before? Think about that.

Slaves were merchandise, and as such were being taxed as merchandise. Importation refers to merchandise.

& Something DID happen in 1808. Can you guess what it was?

In this case, who does she think "such Persons" refers to?

Need more hints peachy?

How about looking, for one, at the Notes of Debates in the Federal Convention of 1787
by James Madison.

Here's a snippet:

Genl. PINKNEY moved to strike out the words "the year eighteen hundred" as the year limiting the importation of slaves, and to insert the words "the year eighteen hundred and eight"

Mr. GHORUM 2ded. the motion

Mr. MADISON. Twenty years will produce all the mischief that can be apprehended from the liberty to import slaves. So long a term will be more dishonorable to the National character than to say nothing about it in the Constitution.

[Click the link for an eyeful. Some good reading there.]

And did you really think the Constitution was making an allowance for congress to prohibit immigrants or something after 1808, but not before? Think about that.

Slaves were merchandise, and as such were being taxed as merchandise. Importation refers to merchandise.

& Something DID happen in 1808. Can you guess what it was?
Once the breeding programs were in place and slaves were reproducing, the US outlawed the importation of slaves in 1808 without dismantling slavery completely. In fact they did this primarily to raise the value on their existing slaves which many a white politician owned at the time.
Remember that when the nutters try to claim that the Civil War wasn't about slavery.
Remember when the asshole lying POS OPs knew what the word only meant? The civil war wasn't only about slavery, dumb ass.
Touchy, aren't you? The nutters I refer to claim it wasn't about slavery at all.
The north did not attack the south over slavery. The south did not defend it's people from attack by the north over slavery. The north did not refuse to remove it's troops from sovereign lands over slavery. The first shots were not over slavery. The fight was over land and control, not slavery. Slavery was the excuse given.
Actually slavery was exactly what the South went to war for. It says so in the Cornerstone speech and articles of secession from various confederate states. In these declarations you rarely got past the first 2-3 sentences without slavery being mentioned as the reason.

Cornerstone Speech - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

"Our new Government is founded upon exactly the opposite ideas; its foundations are laid, its cornerstone rests, upon the great truth that the negro is not equal to the white man; that slavery, subordination to the superior race, is his natural and moral condition."
You are confused.
You mix secession with war.
Not all the States that seceded mentioned slavery as a reason for severing their relationship with the Northern States, however there is no doubt that was one of the reasons, and likely the main reason.
The Confederate States went to war as a defense against the U.S. Invasion.
Get your facts straight, and stop relying on Yankee indoctrination.
Remember that when the nutters try to claim that the Civil War wasn't about slavery.
Remember when the asshole lying POS OPs knew what the word only meant? The civil war wasn't only about slavery, dumb ass.
Touchy, aren't you? The nutters I refer to claim it wasn't about slavery at all.
The north did not attack the south over slavery. The south did not defend it's people from attack by the north over slavery. The north did not refuse to remove it's troops from sovereign lands over slavery. The first shots were not over slavery. The fight was over land and control, not slavery. Slavery was the excuse given.
Actually slavery was exactly what the South went to war for. It says so in the Cornerstone speech and articles of secession from various confederate states. In these declarations you rarely got past the first 2-3 sentences without slavery being mentioned as the reason.

Cornerstone Speech - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

"Our new Government is founded upon exactly the opposite ideas; its foundations are laid, its cornerstone rests, upon the great truth that the negro is not equal to the white man; that slavery, subordination to the superior race, is his natural and moral condition."
You are confused.
You mix secession with war.
Not all the States that seceded mentioned slavery as a reason for severing their relationship with the Northern States, however there is no doubt that was one of the reasons, and likely the main reason.
The Confederate States went to war as a defense against the U.S. Invasion.
Get your facts straight, and stop relying on Yankee indoctrination.
You must be confused or illiterate. "Various" states doesnt mean all states. There is no doubt it was the primary reason. It says so in the loser confederate speech called the cornerstone speech as I pointed out. The losers documented their reasons. Their reason was slavery. Stop pretending the south will rise again. It wont. Face it.... the confederates were losers. The best part was that Black soldiers ensured their demise.
Remember when the asshole lying POS OPs knew what the word only meant? The civil war wasn't only about slavery, dumb ass.
Touchy, aren't you? The nutters I refer to claim it wasn't about slavery at all.
The north did not attack the south over slavery. The south did not defend it's people from attack by the north over slavery. The north did not refuse to remove it's troops from sovereign lands over slavery. The first shots were not over slavery. The fight was over land and control, not slavery. Slavery was the excuse given.
Actually slavery was exactly what the South went to war for. It says so in the Cornerstone speech and articles of secession from various confederate states. In these declarations you rarely got past the first 2-3 sentences without slavery being mentioned as the reason.

Cornerstone Speech - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

"Our new Government is founded upon exactly the opposite ideas; its foundations are laid, its cornerstone rests, upon the great truth that the negro is not equal to the white man; that slavery, subordination to the superior race, is his natural and moral condition."
You are confused.
You mix secession with war.
Not all the States that seceded mentioned slavery as a reason for severing their relationship with the Northern States, however there is no doubt that was one of the reasons, and likely the main reason.
The Confederate States went to war as a defense against the U.S. Invasion.
Get your facts straight, and stop relying on Yankee indoctrination.
You must be confused or illiterate. "Various" states doesnt mean all states. There is no doubt it was the primary reason. It says so in the loser confederate speech called the cornerstone speech as I pointed out. The losers documented their reasons. Their reason was slavery. Stop pretending the south will rise again. It wont. Face it.... the confederates were losers. The best part was that Black soldiers ensured their demise.
Nice try at deflection. You stated slavery was the main reason the Southern States went to war. I corrected your ignorance. Stop crying like a Yankee child because you made a fool of yourself.
The VP's cornerstone speech was not about the war. You see, your Yankee indoctrination makes it difficult for you get your facts straight, it's no different than any lie, it's just using half truths which = whole lies. You really should educate yourself out of the indoctrination. The Southern States were simply defending themselves from invasion.
Touchy, aren't you? The nutters I refer to claim it wasn't about slavery at all.
The north did not attack the south over slavery. The south did not defend it's people from attack by the north over slavery. The north did not refuse to remove it's troops from sovereign lands over slavery. The first shots were not over slavery. The fight was over land and control, not slavery. Slavery was the excuse given.
Actually slavery was exactly what the South went to war for. It says so in the Cornerstone speech and articles of secession from various confederate states. In these declarations you rarely got past the first 2-3 sentences without slavery being mentioned as the reason.

Cornerstone Speech - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

"Our new Government is founded upon exactly the opposite ideas; its foundations are laid, its cornerstone rests, upon the great truth that the negro is not equal to the white man; that slavery, subordination to the superior race, is his natural and moral condition."
You are confused.
You mix secession with war.
Not all the States that seceded mentioned slavery as a reason for severing their relationship with the Northern States, however there is no doubt that was one of the reasons, and likely the main reason.
The Confederate States went to war as a defense against the U.S. Invasion.
Get your facts straight, and stop relying on Yankee indoctrination.
You must be confused or illiterate. "Various" states doesnt mean all states. There is no doubt it was the primary reason. It says so in the loser confederate speech called the cornerstone speech as I pointed out. The losers documented their reasons. Their reason was slavery. Stop pretending the south will rise again. It wont. Face it.... the confederates were losers. The best part was that Black soldiers ensured their demise.
Nice try at deflection. You stated slavery was the main reason the Southern States went to war. I corrected your ignorance. Stop crying like a Yankee child because you made a fool of yourself.
The VP's cornerstone speech was not about the war. You see, your Yankee indoctrination makes it difficult for you get your facts straight, it's no different than any lie, it's just using half truths which = whole lies. You really should educate yourself out of the indoctrination. The Southern States were simply defending themselves from invasion.
Thats correct. Slavery was the reason the losers went to war. The Cornerstone speech doubles down on that. You must be confused about history. If Stephens speech had nothing to do with war why did he try to retract the below statement after the losers got their asses beat?

"Our new Government is founded upon exactly the opposite ideas; its foundations are laid, its cornerstone rests, upon the great truth that the negro is not equal to the white man; that slavery, subordination to the superior race, is his natural and moral condition."
The north did not attack the south over slavery. The south did not defend it's people from attack by the north over slavery. The north did not refuse to remove it's troops from sovereign lands over slavery. The first shots were not over slavery. The fight was over land and control, not slavery. Slavery was the excuse given.
Actually slavery was exactly what the South went to war for. It says so in the Cornerstone speech and articles of secession from various confederate states. In these declarations you rarely got past the first 2-3 sentences without slavery being mentioned as the reason.

Cornerstone Speech - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

"Our new Government is founded upon exactly the opposite ideas; its foundations are laid, its cornerstone rests, upon the great truth that the negro is not equal to the white man; that slavery, subordination to the superior race, is his natural and moral condition."
You are confused.
You mix secession with war.
Not all the States that seceded mentioned slavery as a reason for severing their relationship with the Northern States, however there is no doubt that was one of the reasons, and likely the main reason.
The Confederate States went to war as a defense against the U.S. Invasion.
Get your facts straight, and stop relying on Yankee indoctrination.
You must be confused or illiterate. "Various" states doesnt mean all states. There is no doubt it was the primary reason. It says so in the loser confederate speech called the cornerstone speech as I pointed out. The losers documented their reasons. Their reason was slavery. Stop pretending the south will rise again. It wont. Face it.... the confederates were losers. The best part was that Black soldiers ensured their demise.
Nice try at deflection. You stated slavery was the main reason the Southern States went to war. I corrected your ignorance. Stop crying like a Yankee child because you made a fool of yourself.
The VP's cornerstone speech was not about the war. You see, your Yankee indoctrination makes it difficult for you get your facts straight, it's no different than any lie, it's just using half truths which = whole lies. You really should educate yourself out of the indoctrination. The Southern States were simply defending themselves from invasion.
Thats correct. Slavery was the reason the losers went to war. The Cornerstone speech doubles down on that. You must be confused about history. If Stephens speech had nothing to do with war why did he try to retract the below statement after the losers got their asses beat?

"Our new Government is founded upon exactly the opposite ideas; its foundations are laid, its cornerstone rests, upon the great truth that the negro is not equal to the white man; that slavery, subordination to the superior race, is his natural and moral condition."
You are so pathetically indoctrinated into ignorance that you can't even comprehend how ignorant that you are.
The VP's cornerstone speech was not about why the South went to war you idiot. The Southern Confederate States were forced into war in defense of your Country's invasion. As I suggested, go educate yourself.
Actually slavery was exactly what the South went to war for. It says so in the Cornerstone speech and articles of secession from various confederate states. In these declarations you rarely got past the first 2-3 sentences without slavery being mentioned as the reason.

Cornerstone Speech - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

"Our new Government is founded upon exactly the opposite ideas; its foundations are laid, its cornerstone rests, upon the great truth that the negro is not equal to the white man; that slavery, subordination to the superior race, is his natural and moral condition."
You are confused.
You mix secession with war.
Not all the States that seceded mentioned slavery as a reason for severing their relationship with the Northern States, however there is no doubt that was one of the reasons, and likely the main reason.
The Confederate States went to war as a defense against the U.S. Invasion.
Get your facts straight, and stop relying on Yankee indoctrination.
You must be confused or illiterate. "Various" states doesnt mean all states. There is no doubt it was the primary reason. It says so in the loser confederate speech called the cornerstone speech as I pointed out. The losers documented their reasons. Their reason was slavery. Stop pretending the south will rise again. It wont. Face it.... the confederates were losers. The best part was that Black soldiers ensured their demise.
Nice try at deflection. You stated slavery was the main reason the Southern States went to war. I corrected your ignorance. Stop crying like a Yankee child because you made a fool of yourself.
The VP's cornerstone speech was not about the war. You see, your Yankee indoctrination makes it difficult for you get your facts straight, it's no different than any lie, it's just using half truths which = whole lies. You really should educate yourself out of the indoctrination. The Southern States were simply defending themselves from invasion.
Thats correct. Slavery was the reason the losers went to war. The Cornerstone speech doubles down on that. You must be confused about history. If Stephens speech had nothing to do with war why did he try to retract the below statement after the losers got their asses beat?

"Our new Government is founded upon exactly the opposite ideas; its foundations are laid, its cornerstone rests, upon the great truth that the negro is not equal to the white man; that slavery, subordination to the superior race, is his natural and moral condition."
You are so pathetically indoctrinated into ignorance that you can't even comprehend how ignorant that you are.
The VP's cornerstone speech was not about why the South went to war you idiot. The Southern Confederate States were forced into war in defense of your Country's invasion. As I suggested, go educate yourself.
Calling me names doesnt answer the question I posed. The fact you cant answer the question lets me know you are poorly educated and thoroughly ignorant of facts regarding your losers....the confederates.
You are confused.
You mix secession with war.
Not all the States that seceded mentioned slavery as a reason for severing their relationship with the Northern States, however there is no doubt that was one of the reasons, and likely the main reason.
The Confederate States went to war as a defense against the U.S. Invasion.
Get your facts straight, and stop relying on Yankee indoctrination.
You must be confused or illiterate. "Various" states doesnt mean all states. There is no doubt it was the primary reason. It says so in the loser confederate speech called the cornerstone speech as I pointed out. The losers documented their reasons. Their reason was slavery. Stop pretending the south will rise again. It wont. Face it.... the confederates were losers. The best part was that Black soldiers ensured their demise.
Nice try at deflection. You stated slavery was the main reason the Southern States went to war. I corrected your ignorance. Stop crying like a Yankee child because you made a fool of yourself.
The VP's cornerstone speech was not about the war. You see, your Yankee indoctrination makes it difficult for you get your facts straight, it's no different than any lie, it's just using half truths which = whole lies. You really should educate yourself out of the indoctrination. The Southern States were simply defending themselves from invasion.
Thats correct. Slavery was the reason the losers went to war. The Cornerstone speech doubles down on that. You must be confused about history. If Stephens speech had nothing to do with war why did he try to retract the below statement after the losers got their asses beat?

"Our new Government is founded upon exactly the opposite ideas; its foundations are laid, its cornerstone rests, upon the great truth that the negro is not equal to the white man; that slavery, subordination to the superior race, is his natural and moral condition."
You are so pathetically indoctrinated into ignorance that you can't even comprehend how ignorant that you are.
The VP's cornerstone speech was not about why the South went to war you idiot. The Southern Confederate States were forced into war in defense of your Country's invasion. As I suggested, go educate yourself.
Calling me names doesnt answer the question I posed. The fact you cant answer the question lets me know you are poorly educated and thoroughly ignorant of facts regarding your losers....the confederates.
Good grief, you are an idiot.
(The Southern Confederates did not go to war over slavey.)
There is your answer, idiot.
They were forced into war because your country invaded our Confederate States.
As an addition to educating yourself, you may wish also to work on your comprehension skills. Good grief, Yankees are stewpid!!!!!!
You must be confused or illiterate. "Various" states doesnt mean all states. There is no doubt it was the primary reason. It says so in the loser confederate speech called the cornerstone speech as I pointed out. The losers documented their reasons. Their reason was slavery. Stop pretending the south will rise again. It wont. Face it.... the confederates were losers. The best part was that Black soldiers ensured their demise.
Nice try at deflection. You stated slavery was the main reason the Southern States went to war. I corrected your ignorance. Stop crying like a Yankee child because you made a fool of yourself.
The VP's cornerstone speech was not about the war. You see, your Yankee indoctrination makes it difficult for you get your facts straight, it's no different than any lie, it's just using half truths which = whole lies. You really should educate yourself out of the indoctrination. The Southern States were simply defending themselves from invasion.
Thats correct. Slavery was the reason the losers went to war. The Cornerstone speech doubles down on that. You must be confused about history. If Stephens speech had nothing to do with war why did he try to retract the below statement after the losers got their asses beat?

"Our new Government is founded upon exactly the opposite ideas; its foundations are laid, its cornerstone rests, upon the great truth that the negro is not equal to the white man; that slavery, subordination to the superior race, is his natural and moral condition."
You are so pathetically indoctrinated into ignorance that you can't even comprehend how ignorant that you are.
The VP's cornerstone speech was not about why the South went to war you idiot. The Southern Confederate States were forced into war in defense of your Country's invasion. As I suggested, go educate yourself.
Calling me names doesnt answer the question I posed. The fact you cant answer the question lets me know you are poorly educated and thoroughly ignorant of facts regarding your losers....the confederates.
Good grief, you are an idiot.
(The Southern Confederates did not go to war over slavey.)
There is your answer, idiot.
They were forced into war because your country invaded our Confederate States.
As an addition to educating yourself, you may wish also to work on your comprehension skills. Good grief, Yankees are stewpid!!!!!!
You didnt answer my question again. For that I have to assume you are afraid you just got caught up in your ignorance and I will let it slide.
Remember that when the nutters try to claim that the Civil War wasn't about slavery.
Remember when the asshole lying POS OPs knew what the word only meant? The civil war wasn't only about slavery, dumb ass.
Touchy, aren't you? The nutters I refer to claim it wasn't about slavery at all.
The north did not attack the south over slavery. The south did not defend it's people from attack by the north over slavery. The north did not refuse to remove it's troops from sovereign lands over slavery. The first shots were not over slavery. The fight was over land and control, not slavery. Slavery was the excuse given.
Nice try at deflection. You stated slavery was the main reason the Southern States went to war. I corrected your ignorance. Stop crying like a Yankee child because you made a fool of yourself.
The VP's cornerstone speech was not about the war. You see, your Yankee indoctrination makes it difficult for you get your facts straight, it's no different than any lie, it's just using half truths which = whole lies. You really should educate yourself out of the indoctrination. The Southern States were simply defending themselves from invasion.
Thats correct. Slavery was the reason the losers went to war. The Cornerstone speech doubles down on that. You must be confused about history. If Stephens speech had nothing to do with war why did he try to retract the below statement after the losers got their asses beat?

"Our new Government is founded upon exactly the opposite ideas; its foundations are laid, its cornerstone rests, upon the great truth that the negro is not equal to the white man; that slavery, subordination to the superior race, is his natural and moral condition."
You are so pathetically indoctrinated into ignorance that you can't even comprehend how ignorant that you are.
The VP's cornerstone speech was not about why the South went to war you idiot. The Southern Confederate States were forced into war in defense of your Country's invasion. As I suggested, go educate yourself.
Calling me names doesnt answer the question I posed. The fact you cant answer the question lets me know you are poorly educated and thoroughly ignorant of facts regarding your losers....the confederates.
Good grief, you are an idiot.
(The Southern Confederates did not go to war over slavey.)
There is your answer, idiot.
They were forced into war because your country invaded our Confederate States.
As an addition to educating yourself, you may wish also to work on your comprehension skills. Good grief, Yankees are stewpid!!!!!!
You didnt answer my question again. For that I have to assume you are afraid you just got caught up in your ignorance and I will let it slide.
I didn't answer you question because the question itself is based on an incorrect assertion. The speech was not about the war you moron.
There is no answer to a question that is based in your delusional mind and a fiction.

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