Confederate constitution legalized slavery

Remember that when the nutters try to claim that the Civil War wasn't about slavery.
Remember when the asshole lying POS OPs knew what the word only meant? The civil war wasn't only about slavery, dumb ass.
Touchy, aren't you? The nutters I refer to claim it wasn't about slavery at all.
The north did not attack the south over slavery. The south did not defend it's people from attack by the north over slavery. The north did not refuse to remove it's troops from sovereign lands over slavery. The first shots were not over slavery. The fight was over land and control, not slavery. Slavery was the excuse given.
Actually slavery was exactly what the South went to war for. It says so in the Cornerstone speech and articles of secession from various confederate states. In these declarations you rarely got past the first 2-3 sentences without slavery being mentioned as the reason.

Cornerstone Speech - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

"Our new Government is founded upon exactly the opposite ideas; its foundations are laid, its cornerstone rests, upon the great truth that the negro is not equal to the white man; that slavery, subordination to the superior race, is his natural and moral condition."
Please provide the class with any evidence you have that secession was a declaration of war. While you may have a point that one big reason for secession was slavery. The reason for the war was northern aggression.
Remember that when the nutters try to claim that the Civil War wasn't about slavery.
Remember when the asshole lying POS OPs knew what the word only meant? The civil war wasn't only about slavery, dumb ass.
Touchy, aren't you? The nutters I refer to claim it wasn't about slavery at all.
The north did not attack the south over slavery. The south did not defend it's people from attack by the north over slavery. The north did not refuse to remove it's troops from sovereign lands over slavery. The first shots were not over slavery. The fight was over land and control, not slavery. Slavery was the excuse given.
Actually slavery was exactly what the South went to war for. It says so in the Cornerstone speech and articles of secession from various confederate states. In these declarations you rarely got past the first 2-3 sentences without slavery being mentioned as the reason.

Cornerstone Speech - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

"Our new Government is founded upon exactly the opposite ideas; its foundations are laid, its cornerstone rests, upon the great truth that the negro is not equal to the white man; that slavery, subordination to the superior race, is his natural and moral condition."
Please provide the class with any evidence you have that secession was a declaration of war. While you may have a point that one big reason for secession was slavery. The reason for the war was northern aggression.
You just replied to my evidence. Like most students that dont pay attention you missed the most important notes you needed to take.
Remember that when the nutters try to claim that the Civil War wasn't about slavery.
Remember when the asshole lying POS OPs knew what the word only meant? The civil war wasn't only about slavery, dumb ass.
Touchy, aren't you? The nutters I refer to claim it wasn't about slavery at all.
The north did not attack the south over slavery. The south did not defend it's people from attack by the north over slavery. The north did not refuse to remove it's troops from sovereign lands over slavery. The first shots were not over slavery. The fight was over land and control, not slavery. Slavery was the excuse given.
Actually slavery was exactly what the South went to war for. It says so in the Cornerstone speech and articles of secession from various confederate states. In these declarations you rarely got past the first 2-3 sentences without slavery being mentioned as the reason.

Cornerstone Speech - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

"Our new Government is founded upon exactly the opposite ideas; its foundations are laid, its cornerstone rests, upon the great truth that the negro is not equal to the white man; that slavery, subordination to the superior race, is his natural and moral condition."
Please provide the class with any evidence you have that secession was a declaration of war. While you may have a point that one big reason for secession was slavery. The reason for the war was northern aggression.
He cannot, he is just another ignorant Yankee. Secession was legal, it was not a declaration of war, the war was provoked by the invasion of the Southern Confederate States by His Country.
By January 1861, the South had already commenced hostilities, seizing Federal buildings, forts, arsenals, post offices, Custom house, courthouses, etc all across the south...and firing on Union Ships. Acts of War.

Before Lincoln ever stepped into office.
Remember when the asshole lying POS OPs knew what the word only meant? The civil war wasn't only about slavery, dumb ass.
Touchy, aren't you? The nutters I refer to claim it wasn't about slavery at all.
The north did not attack the south over slavery. The south did not defend it's people from attack by the north over slavery. The north did not refuse to remove it's troops from sovereign lands over slavery. The first shots were not over slavery. The fight was over land and control, not slavery. Slavery was the excuse given.
Actually slavery was exactly what the South went to war for. It says so in the Cornerstone speech and articles of secession from various confederate states. In these declarations you rarely got past the first 2-3 sentences without slavery being mentioned as the reason.

Cornerstone Speech - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

"Our new Government is founded upon exactly the opposite ideas; its foundations are laid, its cornerstone rests, upon the great truth that the negro is not equal to the white man; that slavery, subordination to the superior race, is his natural and moral condition."
Please provide the class with any evidence you have that secession was a declaration of war. While you may have a point that one big reason for secession was slavery. The reason for the war was northern aggression.
You just replied to my evidence. Like most students that dont pay attention you missed the most important notes you needed to take.
No. Your link shows what I said. Which is that a main reason for session was slavery.

not sure why this is confusing you so much... I'll put in bigger letters, maybe that will help.

Remember when the asshole lying POS OPs knew what the word only meant? The civil war wasn't only about slavery, dumb ass.
Touchy, aren't you? The nutters I refer to claim it wasn't about slavery at all.
The north did not attack the south over slavery. The south did not defend it's people from attack by the north over slavery. The north did not refuse to remove it's troops from sovereign lands over slavery. The first shots were not over slavery. The fight was over land and control, not slavery. Slavery was the excuse given.
Actually slavery was exactly what the South went to war for. It says so in the Cornerstone speech and articles of secession from various confederate states. In these declarations you rarely got past the first 2-3 sentences without slavery being mentioned as the reason.

Cornerstone Speech - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

"Our new Government is founded upon exactly the opposite ideas; its foundations are laid, its cornerstone rests, upon the great truth that the negro is not equal to the white man; that slavery, subordination to the superior race, is his natural and moral condition."
Please provide the class with any evidence you have that secession was a declaration of war. While you may have a point that one big reason for secession was slavery. The reason for the war was northern aggression.
He cannot, he is just another ignorant Yankee. Secession was legal, it was not a declaration of war, the war was provoked by the invasion of the Southern Confederate States by His Country.
The loser confederates had already provoked hostilities long before the north finally said "enough" and got into that ass. (and not how the confederates liked it!)
Touchy, aren't you? The nutters I refer to claim it wasn't about slavery at all.
The north did not attack the south over slavery. The south did not defend it's people from attack by the north over slavery. The north did not refuse to remove it's troops from sovereign lands over slavery. The first shots were not over slavery. The fight was over land and control, not slavery. Slavery was the excuse given.
Actually slavery was exactly what the South went to war for. It says so in the Cornerstone speech and articles of secession from various confederate states. In these declarations you rarely got past the first 2-3 sentences without slavery being mentioned as the reason.

Cornerstone Speech - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

"Our new Government is founded upon exactly the opposite ideas; its foundations are laid, its cornerstone rests, upon the great truth that the negro is not equal to the white man; that slavery, subordination to the superior race, is his natural and moral condition."
Please provide the class with any evidence you have that secession was a declaration of war. While you may have a point that one big reason for secession was slavery. The reason for the war was northern aggression.
You just replied to my evidence. Like most students that dont pay attention you missed the most important notes you needed to take.
No. Your link shows what I said. Which is that a main reason for session was slavery.

not sure why this is confusing you so much... I'll put in bigger letters, maybe that will help.

Who said secession was a declaration of war? I said thats the reason the losers went to war. Thanks for agreeing with me.
By January 1861, the South had already commenced hostilities, seizing Federal buildings, forts, arsenals, post offices, Custom house, courthouses, etc all across the south...and firing on Union Ships. Acts of War.

Before Lincoln ever stepped into office.
Actually, at that time, a coastal States territorial waters extended to three miles out from the low tide mark, in order to re supply the U.S. Forts it would require a treaty to traverse these waters, Ft Sumter existing withinCharleston harbor. The U.S. Committed an act of war by entering these waters. The forts were no longer of use to the U.s. And the Confederate govt offered to purchase them, it is of no matter however as the U. S. Was invading Our territorial waters. See YOUR SCOTUS opinion in pollards lessee v hagan and various others concerning State jurisdiction and the only jurisdiction of the U. S. Government being the ten miles square of the DC and docks armories forts and needful federal buildings. No the U.S. Were the invaders and provoked the war.
By January 1861, the South had already commenced hostilities, seizing Federal buildings, forts, arsenals, post offices, Custom house, courthouses, etc all across the south...and firing on Union Ships. Acts of War.

Before Lincoln ever stepped into office.
Actually, at that time, a coastal States territorial waters extended to three miles out from the low tide mark, in order to re supply the U.S. Forts it would require a treaty to traverse these waters, Ft Sumter existing withinCharleston harbor. The U.S. Committed an act of war by entering these waters. The forts were no longer of use to the U.s. And the Confederate govt offered to purchase them, it is of no matter however as the U. S. Was invading Our territorial waters. See YOUR SCOTUS opinion in pollards lessee v hagan and various others concerning State jurisdiction and the only jurisdiction of the U. S. Government being the ten miles square of the DC and docks armories forts and needful federal buildings. No the U.S. Were the invaders and provoked the war.
Its amusing you are living vicariously through people that are losers. "Our"? :laugh:
Sorry Bub, you don't get to take property that belongs to the whole of the United States, that the whole of the United Stated payed taxes to build and maintain - and say - "it's ours now."

That's theft.

You don't get to fire on Federal ships, and think you are not declaring war in the process.

"There can be no such thing as peaceable secession. Peaceable secession is an utter impossibility!" - Daniel Webster, in 1850, when the south was flirting with secession again.
I just explained the law to you concerning territorial waters and jurisdiction. Read YOUR SCOTUS opinions prior opinions. I am not where I can post them for you at present, but I will later tonight.
The north did not attack the south over slavery. The south did not defend it's people from attack by the north over slavery. The north did not refuse to remove it's troops from sovereign lands over slavery. The first shots were not over slavery. The fight was over land and control, not slavery. Slavery was the excuse given.
Actually slavery was exactly what the South went to war for. It says so in the Cornerstone speech and articles of secession from various confederate states. In these declarations you rarely got past the first 2-3 sentences without slavery being mentioned as the reason.

Cornerstone Speech - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

"Our new Government is founded upon exactly the opposite ideas; its foundations are laid, its cornerstone rests, upon the great truth that the negro is not equal to the white man; that slavery, subordination to the superior race, is his natural and moral condition."
Please provide the class with any evidence you have that secession was a declaration of war. While you may have a point that one big reason for secession was slavery. The reason for the war was northern aggression.
You just replied to my evidence. Like most students that dont pay attention you missed the most important notes you needed to take.
No. Your link shows what I said. Which is that a main reason for session was slavery.

not sure why this is confusing you so much... I'll put in bigger letters, maybe that will help.

Who said secession was a declaration of war? I said thats the reason the losers went to war. Thanks for agreeing with me.
No moron. The reason the losers went to war was not BECAUSE THEY SECEDED it was to defend themselves from the INVADING ARMY OF THE NORTH who were sent by THE ASSHOLE IN CHIEF LINCOLN TO KILL SOUTHERNERS. LINCOLN WAS A PROPONENT OF SLAVERY AT THE TIME.
Show us the documents where the South was willing to pay for every bit of federal property they stole or were going to steal, Reb, that was offered before they fired on ships - and you know, actually stole the property of the whole of the U.S.
By January 1861, the South had already commenced hostilities, seizing Federal buildings, forts, arsenals, post offices, Custom house, courthouses, etc all across the south...and firing on Union Ships. Acts of War.

Before Lincoln ever stepped into office.
Actually, at that time, a coastal States territorial waters extended to three miles out from the low tide mark, in order to re supply the U.S. Forts it would require a treaty to traverse these waters, Ft Sumter existing withinCharleston harbor. The U.S. Committed an act of war by entering these waters. The forts were no longer of use to the U.s. And the Confederate govt offered to purchase them, it is of no matter however as the U. S. Was invading Our territorial waters. See YOUR SCOTUS opinion in pollards lessee v hagan and various others concerning State jurisdiction and the only jurisdiction of the U. S. Government being the ten miles square of the DC and docks armories forts and needful federal buildings. No the U.S. Were the invaders and provoked the war.
Its amusing you are living vicariously through people that are losers. "Our"? :laugh:
need to read the law as I posted for Paperview. I will post it in more detail tonight.
Actually slavery was exactly what the South went to war for. It says so in the Cornerstone speech and articles of secession from various confederate states. In these declarations you rarely got past the first 2-3 sentences without slavery being mentioned as the reason.

Cornerstone Speech - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

"Our new Government is founded upon exactly the opposite ideas; its foundations are laid, its cornerstone rests, upon the great truth that the negro is not equal to the white man; that slavery, subordination to the superior race, is his natural and moral condition."
Please provide the class with any evidence you have that secession was a declaration of war. While you may have a point that one big reason for secession was slavery. The reason for the war was northern aggression.
You just replied to my evidence. Like most students that dont pay attention you missed the most important notes you needed to take.
No. Your link shows what I said. Which is that a main reason for session was slavery.

not sure why this is confusing you so much... I'll put in bigger letters, maybe that will help.

Who said secession was a declaration of war? I said thats the reason the losers went to war. Thanks for agreeing with me.
No moron. The reason the losers went to war was not BECAUSE THEY SECEDED it was to defend themselves from the INVADING ARMY OF THE NORTH who were sent by THE ASSHOLE IN CHIEF LINCOLN TO KILL SOUTHERNERS. LINCOLN WAS A PROPONENT OF SLAVERY AT THE TIME.
Dont get emotional. it doesnt impact me any differently other than to make me laugh. The losers went to war for the same reasons they seceded.
By January 1861, the South had already commenced hostilities, seizing Federal buildings, forts, arsenals, post offices, Custom house, courthouses, etc all across the south...and firing on Union Ships. Acts of War.

Before Lincoln ever stepped into office.
Actually, at that time, a coastal States territorial waters extended to three miles out from the low tide mark, in order to re supply the U.S. Forts it would require a treaty to traverse these waters, Ft Sumter existing withinCharleston harbor. The U.S. Committed an act of war by entering these waters. The forts were no longer of use to the U.s. And the Confederate govt offered to purchase them, it is of no matter however as the U. S. Was invading Our territorial waters. See YOUR SCOTUS opinion in pollards lessee v hagan and various others concerning State jurisdiction and the only jurisdiction of the U. S. Government being the ten miles square of the DC and docks armories forts and needful federal buildings. No the U.S. Were the invaders and provoked the war.
Its amusing you are living vicariously through people that are losers. "Our"? :laugh:
need to read the law as I posted for Paperview. I will post it in more detail tonight.
You need to learn how to read before posting. Your education on the matter is sorely lacking, That tends to be the case with loser confederate supporters. You have this romantic dream in your head which has nothing to do with facts or reality.
Please provide the class with any evidence you have that secession was a declaration of war. While you may have a point that one big reason for secession was slavery. The reason for the war was northern aggression.
You just replied to my evidence. Like most students that dont pay attention you missed the most important notes you needed to take.
No. Your link shows what I said. Which is that a main reason for session was slavery.

not sure why this is confusing you so much... I'll put in bigger letters, maybe that will help.

Who said secession was a declaration of war? I said thats the reason the losers went to war. Thanks for agreeing with me.
No moron. The reason the losers went to war was not BECAUSE THEY SECEDED it was to defend themselves from the INVADING ARMY OF THE NORTH who were sent by THE ASSHOLE IN CHIEF LINCOLN TO KILL SOUTHERNERS. LINCOLN WAS A PROPONENT OF SLAVERY AT THE TIME.
Dont get emotional. it doesnt impact me any differently other than to make me laugh. The losers went to war for the same reasons they seceded.
Not true. Would you not defend your family, your home, your town from an invader that was killing your family? When the North sent their armies south it was for power. When the South sent their armies to meet them it was for their own freedom. Granted the assholes included many slavers. But that is just a "part" of the scene, not the reason for the actions.
You just replied to my evidence. Like most students that dont pay attention you missed the most important notes you needed to take.
No. Your link shows what I said. Which is that a main reason for session was slavery.

not sure why this is confusing you so much... I'll put in bigger letters, maybe that will help.

Who said secession was a declaration of war? I said thats the reason the losers went to war. Thanks for agreeing with me.
No moron. The reason the losers went to war was not BECAUSE THEY SECEDED it was to defend themselves from the INVADING ARMY OF THE NORTH who were sent by THE ASSHOLE IN CHIEF LINCOLN TO KILL SOUTHERNERS. LINCOLN WAS A PROPONENT OF SLAVERY AT THE TIME.
Dont get emotional. it doesnt impact me any differently other than to make me laugh. The losers went to war for the same reasons they seceded.
Not true. Would you not defend your family, your home, your town from an invader that was killing your family? When the North sent their armies south it was for power. When the South sent their armies to meet them it was for their own freedom. Granted the assholes included many slavers. But that is just a "part" of the scene, not the reason for the actions.
Bullshit. The loser confederates seceded over slavery and they fought a war to preserve slavery. All they had to do was simply abolished slavery and they would not have gotten their asses kicked or "invaded" as you put it.

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