Confederate constitution legalized slavery

Not only was the Confederacy dedicated to preserving, protecting and defending their 4 millions of their black human bondage, worth more than 3 Billion (1860 dollars) -- more collective wealth than all the property in the US combined

-- they were bent on expansion. Before Lincoln even stepped into office, in January of 1861 --

HUNTSVILLE, January 12, 1861.

To Gov. A. B. MOORE:

I leave for Montgomery to-day. It is absolutely certain that Tennessee will go with the South.


Mr. Henderson, of Macon, offered the following Resolution, which was referred to the Committee on Foreign Relations:

Resolved, That the Committee on Foreign relations be instructed to inquire into the expediency of sending a special Commissioner, or Commissioners, to the Territories of New Mexico and Arizonia, for the purpose of securing, if possible, the annexation of those Territories to a Southern Confederacy, as new States, at the earliest practicable period.

A communication from the Governor was received and read, with reference to affairs at Pensacola, as follows:

Executive Department, January 12, 1861

and hey...from that same month -- January 1861 --

Be it Ordained by the people of Alabama in Convention assembled, That full power to confiscate Property belonging to enemies at war with the State of Alabama is hereby invested in the General Assembly of this State. And the power to suspend the collection of Debts, and all obligations to pay money due or owing persons, artificial or natural, in the non-slaveholding States of the United States of America, may be likewise exercised by the General Assembly of this State, in any manner they may see proper; any provisions in the Constitution of the State to the contrary notwithstanding."

"The enemies at war. " In January, 1861.

And more interest in expanding:

""It is true that the interests of the South may demand territorial expansion, for expansion seems to be the law and destiny and necessity of our institutions.

To remain healthful and prosperous within and to make sure our development and power, it seems essential that we should grow without.
Arizona and Mexico, Central America and Cuba all may yet be embraced within the limits of our Southern republic. A Gulf Confederacy may be established in the South which may well enjoy almost a monopoly in the production of cotton, rice, sugar, coffee, tobacco, and tropical fruits.

The trade of all tropical America combined with that of the Cotton States would make our Confederacy the wealthiest, the most progressive, and the most influential power on the globe. Should the border States refuse to unite their destiny with ours, then we may be compelled to look for territorial strength and for political power to those rich and beautiful lands that lie upon our southwestern frontier. Their genial climate and productive soil, their rich agricultural and mineral resources, render them admirably adapted to the institution of slavery. Under the influence of that institution these tropical lands would soon add millions to the commercial wealth of our Republic and their magnificent ports would soon be filled with ships from every nation. Slave labor would there build up for the Southern Confederacy populous and wealthy States as it has built up for the late Union the States of Georgia, Alabama, Mississippi, Louisiana, and Texas."

Lewis M. Stone, Alabama secession convention, January, 1861"

You want to get a eye-opening? Read :

William Russell Smith 1815-1896. The History and Debates of the Convention of the People of Alabama Begun and Held in the City of Montgomery on the Seventh Day of January 1861 in Which is Preserved the Speeches of the Secret Sessions and Many Valuable State Papers.
and here we've been told that the confederates just wanted to live in peace.
Nice try but on....On January 9, 1861, The U.S. Ship, the Star of the west had already began the invasion by invading South Carolina territorial waters. The Jan 12 1861, date that the Yankee posted, was three days after the U.S. invasion had begun.
Nice try Yankee, but the armistice was established one month prior to the commencement of the U.S. invasion.
Show us the documents where the South was willing to pay for every bit of federal property they stole or were going to steal, Reb, that was offered before they fired on ships - and you know, actually stole the property of the whole of the U.S.
As you requested.....

"Show us the documents where the South was willing to pay for every bit of federal property they stole or were going to steal, Reb, that was offered before they fired on ships - and you know, actually stole the property of the whole of the U.S."

South Carolina’s Isaac Hayne, representing Governor Pickens, had been in Washington DC for over two weeks. His job was to establish some sort of agreement between the United States and South Carolina over Fort Sumter. He had seen President Buchanan upon his arrival, but the President requested something in writing. Haynes had met with Southern senators and finally wrote to Governor Pickens in order to put it into words.

Pickens, through Hayne, reiterated that Fort Sumter was property of South Carolina even though the United States had a military post within it. Nevertheless, South Carolina wished to purchase the fort from the United States. If purchased, of course, Major Anderson and all Federal troops would have to leave. But the US could probably use the money much more than it could use a now-useless fort.

War Department, February G, 1861.

Sir: The President of the United States has received your
letter of the 31st ult., and has charged me with the duty of
replying thereto.
Hayne delivered the letter to Buchanan and hoped for a speedy reply.
If it be so that Fort Sumter is held as property, then,
as property, the rights, whatever they may be, of the United
States, can be ascertained, and for the satisfaction of these
rights, the pledge of the State of South Carolina, you are
authorized to give." The full scope and precise purport of
your instructions, as thus modified, you have expressed in the
following words : " I do not come as a military man to demand
the surrender of a fortress, but as the legal officer of the State,
its Attorney General, to claim for the State the exercise of
its undoubted right of eminent domain, and to pledge the State
to make good all injury to the rights of property which arise
from the exercise of the claim." And lest this explicit lan-
guage should not sufficiently define your position, you add :
'• The proposition now is that her (South Carolina's) law officer
should, under authority of the Governor and his Council, dis-
tinctly pledge the faith of South Carolina to make such com-
pensation, in regard to Fort Sumter, and its appurtenances and
contents, to the full extent of the money value of the property
of the United States
I knew you going to post that --

That does not show
where the South was willing to pay for every bit of federal property they stole or were going to steal, Reb, that was offered before they fired on ships - and you know, actually stole the property of the whole of the U.S.

They had taken control of most of the forts all across the south, as well as a shitton of federal buildings, courthouses, arsenals,post offices, yadda yadda.

One measly fort they offered to pay. Ha! A fort SC had already ceded all property rights to the US in 1836.

That's like stealing a mansion, squatting in it, declaring you own it now -- and then offering to pay the value of the used car in the driveway, and saying hey - that should cover the cost for everything. My mansion now.

Then turning around and saying: Hey! What are you complaining about? I offered to pay for it!!!
Right, the cornerstone of their "country" was slavery and that means the war had nothing to do with slavery.

The war would not have occurred had the U.S. not invaded the Confederate States. Slavery may have been one of the reasons for secession, but the reason for the war was that the U.S. invaded the Southern Confederate States. Again...Nice try.
Alllllllllllllll the federal buildings
Alllllllllllllll the forts,
Alllllllllllllll the arsenals,
Alllllllllllllll the mints,
Alllllllllllllll the courthouses -- every bit of federal property ...

All across the south --Yeah, that's what they stole and declared as theirs - even though the whole of the United States taxpayers had paid for it.

They stole it. Thief's. They did this before Lincoln ever stepped into office.
Show us the documents where the South was willing to pay for every bit of federal property they stole or were going to steal, Reb, that was offered before they fired on ships - and you know, actually stole the property of the whole of the U.S.
As you requested.....

"Show us the documents where the South was willing to pay for every bit of federal property they stole or were going to steal, Reb, that was offered before they fired on ships - and you know, actually stole the property of the whole of the U.S."

South Carolina’s Isaac Hayne, representing Governor Pickens, had been in Washington DC for over two weeks. His job was to establish some sort of agreement between the United States and South Carolina over Fort Sumter. He had seen President Buchanan upon his arrival, but the President requested something in writing. Haynes had met with Southern senators and finally wrote to Governor Pickens in order to put it into words.

Pickens, through Hayne, reiterated that Fort Sumter was property of South Carolina even though the United States had a military post within it. Nevertheless, South Carolina wished to purchase the fort from the United States. If purchased, of course, Major Anderson and all Federal troops would have to leave. But the US could probably use the money much more than it could use a now-useless fort.

War Department, February G, 1861.

Sir: The President of the United States has received your
letter of the 31st ult., and has charged me with the duty of
replying thereto.
Hayne delivered the letter to Buchanan and hoped for a speedy reply.
If it be so that Fort Sumter is held as property, then,
as property, the rights, whatever they may be, of the United
States, can be ascertained, and for the satisfaction of these
rights, the pledge of the State of South Carolina, you are
authorized to give." The full scope and precise purport of
your instructions, as thus modified, you have expressed in the
following words : " I do not come as a military man to demand
the surrender of a fortress, but as the legal officer of the State,
its Attorney General, to claim for the State the exercise of
its undoubted right of eminent domain, and to pledge the State
to make good all injury to the rights of property which arise
from the exercise of the claim." And lest this explicit lan-
guage should not sufficiently define your position, you add :
'• The proposition now is that her (South Carolina's) law officer
should, under authority of the Governor and his Council, dis-
tinctly pledge the faith of South Carolina to make such com-
pensation, in regard to Fort Sumter, and its appurtenances and
contents, to the full extent of the money value of the property
of the United States
I knew you going to post that --

That does not show
where the South was willing to pay for every bit of federal property they stole or were going to steal, Reb, that was offered before they fired on ships - and you know, actually stole the property of the whole of the U.S.

They had taken control of most of the forts all across the south, as well as a shitton of federal buildings, courthouses, arsenals,post offices, yadda yadda.

One measly fort they offered to pay. Ha! A fort SC had already ceded all property rights to the US in 1836.

That's like stealing a mansion, squatting in it, declaring you own it now -- and then offering to pay the value of the used car in the driveway, and saying hey - that should cover the cost for everything. My mansion now.

Then turning around and saying: Hey! What are you complaining about? I offered to pay for it!!!
But you miss the fact that YOUR government had already invaded South Carolina sovereign territory with the Star of the West. Now if you knew I was going to post that, then why the attempt to hide the truth?
Did you think that I was unaware of this truth, and that you could slide it past the unknowing of that truth?
Why did you ask me to supply the truth, if you already knew it existed?
Such would be dishonest on YOUR part, but then again you are a Yankee, one could expect no different than dishonesty.
Now the fact is, that before South Carolina was forced to fend off the invasion, the offer was made to purchase the Fort. The U.S. was REQUIRED to enter into a treaty with South Carolina, hence the Confederacy to which they became part, in order to traverse South Carolina waters to re-supply the U.S. Fort. Until such could be established, the troops were offered safe passage to evacuate a Forth that was no loner of use to the U.S. for no other purpose than to establish hostilities and stage an invasion.
Alllllllllllllll the federal buildings
Alllllllllllllll the forts,
Alllllllllllllll the arsenals,
Alllllllllllllll the mints,
Alllllllllllllll the courthouses -- every bit of federal property ...

All across the south --Yeah, that's what they stole and declared as theirs - even though the whole of the United States taxpayers had paid for it.

They stole it. Thief's. They did this before Lincoln ever stepped into office.
The South was funding the majority of the U.S. at that time, it was little compensation for the Souths funding of Northern interests. But again, the U.S. invaded one of our Confederate States, which constituted an act of war.
Any fort within the Southern Confederate States could not have been re-supplied without a treaty to do so, The U.S. chose invasion over establishing a treaty. All you are doing at this point is producing typical Yankee indoctrination chatter.
But you miss the fact that YOUR government had already invaded South Carolina sovereign territory with the Star of the West. Now if you knew I was going to post that, then why the attempt to hide the truth?
Did you think that I was unaware of this truth, and that you could slide it past the unknowing of that truth?
Why did you ask me to supply the truth, if you already knew it existed?

I knew you could not produce any documentation that the South offered to buy all the federal property.

They had already taken over lots more Federal govt building across the south - before the rebs fired on Star of the West.

December 20, 1860: South Carolina convention passes ordinance of secession.
December 24, 1860: Mississippi Senator Jefferson Davis introduces a "compromise" proposal which would effectively make slavery a national institution.
December 26, 1860: Major Anderson moves Federal garrison in Charleston, SC, from Fort Moultrie to Fort Sumter.
January 3, 1861: Georgia seizes Fort Pulaski. <---NOTE: THEY SEIZED THE FORT BEFORE THEY SECEDED.
January 4, 1861: Alabama seizes U.S. arsenal at Mount Vernon. <---NOTE: THEY SEIZED THE FORT BEFORE THEY SECEDED.
January 5, 1861: Alabama seizes Forts Morgan and Gaines. <---NOTE: THEY SEIZED THE FORT BEFORE THEY SECEDED.
January 6, 1861: Florida seizes Apalachicola arsenal. <---NOTE: THEY SEIZED THE ARSENAL BEFORE THEY SECEDED.
January 7, 1861: Florida seizes Fort Marion. <---NOTE: THEY SEIZED THE FORT BEFORE THEY SECEDED.
January 8, 1861: Floridians try to seize Fort Barrancas but are chased off.
January 9, 1861: Mississippi secedes.

Star of the West fired on in Charleston Harbor <-- FIRING ON A SHIP - A CLEAR ACT OF WAR

January 10, 1861: Florida secedes.

Louisiana seizes U.S. arsenal at Baton Rouge, as well as Forts Jackson and St. Philip.
January 11, 1861: Alabama secedes.

Louisiana seizes U.S. Marine Hospital....

It goes on...
Here's a clue: You just can't go and steal federal property the whole of the US paid for and think you can keep it...
Alllllllllllllll the federal buildings
Alllllllllllllll the forts,
Alllllllllllllll the arsenals,
Alllllllllllllll the mints,
Alllllllllllllll the courthouses -- every bit of federal property ...

All across the south --Yeah, that's what they stole and declared as theirs - even though the whole of the United States taxpayers had paid for it.

They stole it. Thief's. They did this before Lincoln ever stepped into office.
Oh, and I knew you would resort to your indoctrination, and attempt to marginalize the truth using terms such as....."The rest of your nonsense is Sons of Confederate Veterans pablum."
The fact is that it is truth, and you wish to project that it is not, which in turn makes you a liar. Any attempt at covering the truth is a lie. A half truth is a whole lie. The Yankee has always practiced such tactic.
The truth shall set you free.
But you miss the fact that YOUR government had already invaded South Carolina sovereign territory with the Star of the West. Now if you knew I was going to post that, then why the attempt to hide the truth?
Did you think that I was unaware of this truth, and that you could slide it past the unknowing of that truth?
Why did you ask me to supply the truth, if you already knew it existed?

I knew you could not produce any documentation that the South offered to buy all the federal property.

They had already taken over lots more Federal govt building across the south - before the rebs fired on Star of the West.

December 20, 1860: South Carolina convention passes ordinance of secession.
December 24, 1860: Mississippi Senator Jefferson Davis introduces a "compromise" proposal which would effectively make slavery a national institution.
December 26, 1860: Major Anderson moves Federal garrison in Charleston, SC, from Fort Moultrie to Fort Sumter.
January 3, 1861: Georgia seizes Fort Pulaski. <---NOTE: THEY SEIZED THE FORT BEFORE THEY SECEDED.
January 4, 1861: Alabama seizes U.S. arsenal at Mount Vernon. <---NOTE: THEY SEIZED THE FORT BEFORE THEY SECEDED.
January 5, 1861: Alabama seizes Forts Morgan and Gaines. <---NOTE: THEY SEIZED THE FORT BEFORE THEY SECEDED.
January 6, 1861: Florida seizes Apalachicola arsenal. <---NOTE: THEY SEIZED THE ARSENAL BEFORE THEY SECEDED.
January 7, 1861: Florida seizes Fort Marion. <---NOTE: THEY SEIZED THE FORT BEFORE THEY SECEDED.
January 8, 1861: Floridians try to seize Fort Barrancas but are chased off.
January 9, 1861: Mississippi secedes.

Star of the West fired on in Charleston Harbor <-- FIRING ON A SHIP - A CLEAR ACT OF WAR

January 10, 1861: Florida secedes.

Louisiana seizes U.S. arsenal at Baton Rouge, as well as Forts Jackson and St. Philip.
January 11, 1861: Alabama secedes.

Louisiana seizes U.S. Marine Hospital....

It goes on...
Here's a clue: You just can't go and steal federal property the whole of the US paid for and think you can keep it...

The final vote in Georgia was on January_2, 1861 was 42,744 in favor of co-operation and 41,717 in favor of immediate secession. In case you missed it...That was ONE DAY before the fort was taken.
Yet another lie posted by another Yankee.
Really? do we need continue exposing your lies?? Really?
"The South was funding the majority of the U.S. at that time..."

But you miss the fact that YOUR government had already invaded South Carolina sovereign territory with the Star of the West. Now if you knew I was going to post that, then why the attempt to hide the truth?
Did you think that I was unaware of this truth, and that you could slide it past the unknowing of that truth?
Why did you ask me to supply the truth, if you already knew it existed?

I knew you could not produce any documentation that the South offered to buy all the federal property.

They had already taken over lots more Federal govt building across the south - before the rebs fired on Star of the West.

December 20, 1860: South Carolina convention passes ordinance of secession.
December 24, 1860: Mississippi Senator Jefferson Davis introduces a "compromise" proposal which would effectively make slavery a national institution.
December 26, 1860: Major Anderson moves Federal garrison in Charleston, SC, from Fort Moultrie to Fort Sumter.
January 3, 1861: Georgia seizes Fort Pulaski. <---NOTE: THEY SEIZED THE FORT BEFORE THEY SECEDED.
January 4, 1861: Alabama seizes U.S. arsenal at Mount Vernon. <---NOTE: THEY SEIZED THE FORT BEFORE THEY SECEDED.
January 5, 1861: Alabama seizes Forts Morgan and Gaines. <---NOTE: THEY SEIZED THE FORT BEFORE THEY SECEDED.
January 6, 1861: Florida seizes Apalachicola arsenal. <---NOTE: THEY SEIZED THE ARSENAL BEFORE THEY SECEDED.
January 7, 1861: Florida seizes Fort Marion. <---NOTE: THEY SEIZED THE FORT BEFORE THEY SECEDED.
January 8, 1861: Floridians try to seize Fort Barrancas but are chased off.
January 9, 1861: Mississippi secedes.

Star of the West fired on in Charleston Harbor <-- FIRING ON A SHIP - A CLEAR ACT OF WAR

January 10, 1861: Florida secedes.

Louisiana seizes U.S. arsenal at Baton Rouge, as well as Forts Jackson and St. Philip.
January 11, 1861: Alabama secedes.

Louisiana seizes U.S. Marine Hospital....

It goes on...
Here's a clue: You just can't go and steal federal property the whole of the US paid for and think you can keep it...

The final vote in Georgia was on January_2, 1861 was 42,744 in favor of co-operation and 41,717 in favor of immediate secession. In case you missed it...That was ONE DAY before the fort was taken.
Yet another lie posted by another Yankee.
Really? do we need continue exposing your lies?? Really?

Your own fucking link disproves you. This is what you supplied:

January 1, 1861 Georgia votes against holding a secession convention, but the results are manipulated by Governor Joseph Brown to indicate that the state strongly supported the convention.
January 7, 1861 Robert Toombs delivers a farewell to the U. S. Senate, almost two weeks before Georgia votes to secede.
January 9, 1861 Mississippi secedes from the Union
January 10, 1861 Florida secedes from the Union
January 11, 1861 Alabama secedes from the Union
January 19, 1861 Georgia votes to secede from the Union at a convention held in Milledgeville, Georgia.
Civil War - 1861
Robert Toombs
Slavery in Georgia
January 25, 1861 The federal arsenal in Augusta is taken by the Georgia Militia

Georgia History Timeline Chronology 1861

Boy, are you ever dumb.
"The South was funding the majority of the U.S. at that time..."

But you miss the fact that YOUR government had already invaded South Carolina sovereign territory with the Star of the West. Now if you knew I was going to post that, then why the attempt to hide the truth?
Did you think that I was unaware of this truth, and that you could slide it past the unknowing of that truth?
Why did you ask me to supply the truth, if you already knew it existed?

I knew you could not produce any documentation that the South offered to buy all the federal property.

They had already taken over lots more Federal govt building across the south - before the rebs fired on Star of the West.

December 20, 1860: South Carolina convention passes ordinance of secession.
December 24, 1860: Mississippi Senator Jefferson Davis introduces a "compromise" proposal which would effectively make slavery a national institution.
December 26, 1860: Major Anderson moves Federal garrison in Charleston, SC, from Fort Moultrie to Fort Sumter.
January 3, 1861: Georgia seizes Fort Pulaski. <---NOTE: THEY SEIZED THE FORT BEFORE THEY SECEDED.
January 4, 1861: Alabama seizes U.S. arsenal at Mount Vernon. <---NOTE: THEY SEIZED THE FORT BEFORE THEY SECEDED.
January 5, 1861: Alabama seizes Forts Morgan and Gaines. <---NOTE: THEY SEIZED THE FORT BEFORE THEY SECEDED.
January 6, 1861: Florida seizes Apalachicola arsenal. <---NOTE: THEY SEIZED THE ARSENAL BEFORE THEY SECEDED.
January 7, 1861: Florida seizes Fort Marion. <---NOTE: THEY SEIZED THE FORT BEFORE THEY SECEDED.
January 8, 1861: Floridians try to seize Fort Barrancas but are chased off.
January 9, 1861: Mississippi secedes.

Star of the West fired on in Charleston Harbor <-- FIRING ON A SHIP - A CLEAR ACT OF WAR

January 10, 1861: Florida secedes.

Louisiana seizes U.S. arsenal at Baton Rouge, as well as Forts Jackson and St. Philip.
January 11, 1861: Alabama secedes.

Louisiana seizes U.S. Marine Hospital....

It goes on...
Here's a clue: You just can't go and steal federal property the whole of the US paid for and think you can keep it...

The final vote in Georgia was on January_2, 1861 was 42,744 in favor of co-operation and 41,717 in favor of immediate secession. In case you missed it...That was ONE DAY before the fort was taken.
Yet another lie posted by another Yankee.
Really? do we need continue exposing your lies?? Really?

Your own fucking link disproves you. This is what you supplied:

January 1, 1861 Georgia votes against holding a secession convention, but the results are manipulated by Governor Joseph Brown to indicate that the state strongly supported the convention.
January 7, 1861 Robert Toombs delivers a farewell to the U. S. Senate, almost two weeks before Georgia votes to secede.
January 9, 1861 Mississippi secedes from the Union
January 10, 1861 Florida secedes from the Union
January 11, 1861 Alabama secedes from the Union
January 19, 1861 Georgia votes to secede from the Union at a convention held in Milledgeville, Georgia.
Civil War - 1861
Robert Toombs
Slavery in Georgia
January 25, 1861 The federal arsenal in Augusta is taken by the Georgia Militia

Georgia History Timeline Chronology 1861

Boy, are you ever dumb.
I stand corrected on those dates.
"The South was funding the majority of the U.S. at that time..."

But you miss the fact that YOUR government had already invaded South Carolina sovereign territory with the Star of the West. Now if you knew I was going to post that, then why the attempt to hide the truth?
Did you think that I was unaware of this truth, and that you could slide it past the unknowing of that truth?
Why did you ask me to supply the truth, if you already knew it existed?

I knew you could not produce any documentation that the South offered to buy all the federal property.

They had already taken over lots more Federal govt building across the south - before the rebs fired on Star of the West.

December 20, 1860: South Carolina convention passes ordinance of secession.
December 24, 1860: Mississippi Senator Jefferson Davis introduces a "compromise" proposal which would effectively make slavery a national institution.
December 26, 1860: Major Anderson moves Federal garrison in Charleston, SC, from Fort Moultrie to Fort Sumter.
January 3, 1861: Georgia seizes Fort Pulaski. <---NOTE: THEY SEIZED THE FORT BEFORE THEY SECEDED.
January 4, 1861: Alabama seizes U.S. arsenal at Mount Vernon. <---NOTE: THEY SEIZED THE FORT BEFORE THEY SECEDED.
January 5, 1861: Alabama seizes Forts Morgan and Gaines. <---NOTE: THEY SEIZED THE FORT BEFORE THEY SECEDED.
January 6, 1861: Florida seizes Apalachicola arsenal. <---NOTE: THEY SEIZED THE ARSENAL BEFORE THEY SECEDED.
January 7, 1861: Florida seizes Fort Marion. <---NOTE: THEY SEIZED THE FORT BEFORE THEY SECEDED.
January 8, 1861: Floridians try to seize Fort Barrancas but are chased off.
January 9, 1861: Mississippi secedes.

Star of the West fired on in Charleston Harbor <-- FIRING ON A SHIP - A CLEAR ACT OF WAR

January 10, 1861: Florida secedes.

Louisiana seizes U.S. arsenal at Baton Rouge, as well as Forts Jackson and St. Philip.
January 11, 1861: Alabama secedes.

Louisiana seizes U.S. Marine Hospital....

It goes on...
Here's a clue: You just can't go and steal federal property the whole of the US paid for and think you can keep it...

The final vote in Georgia was on January_2, 1861 was 42,744 in favor of co-operation and 41,717 in favor of immediate secession. In case you missed it...That was ONE DAY before the fort was taken.
Yet another lie posted by another Yankee.
Really? do we need continue exposing your lies?? Really?

Your own fucking link disproves you. This is what you supplied:

January 1, 1861 Georgia votes against holding a secession convention, but the results are manipulated by Governor Joseph Brown to indicate that the state strongly supported the convention.
January 7, 1861 Robert Toombs delivers a farewell to the U. S. Senate, almost two weeks before Georgia votes to secede.
January 9, 1861 Mississippi secedes from the Union
January 10, 1861 Florida secedes from the Union
January 11, 1861 Alabama secedes from the Union
January 19, 1861 Georgia votes to secede from the Union at a convention held in Milledgeville, Georgia.
Civil War - 1861
Robert Toombs
Slavery in Georgia
January 25, 1861 The federal arsenal in Augusta is taken by the Georgia Militia

Georgia History Timeline Chronology 1861

Boy, are you ever dumb.
I stand corrected on those dates.
You should probably rethink this whole support of the loser confederate thing while you are standing corrected. You seem to have a lot things you need to stand corrected on.
"The South was funding the majority of the U.S. at that time..."

But you miss the fact that YOUR government had already invaded South Carolina sovereign territory with the Star of the West. Now if you knew I was going to post that, then why the attempt to hide the truth?
Did you think that I was unaware of this truth, and that you could slide it past the unknowing of that truth?
Why did you ask me to supply the truth, if you already knew it existed?

I knew you could not produce any documentation that the South offered to buy all the federal property.

They had already taken over lots more Federal govt building across the south - before the rebs fired on Star of the West.

December 20, 1860: South Carolina convention passes ordinance of secession.
December 24, 1860: Mississippi Senator Jefferson Davis introduces a "compromise" proposal which would effectively make slavery a national institution.
December 26, 1860: Major Anderson moves Federal garrison in Charleston, SC, from Fort Moultrie to Fort Sumter.
January 3, 1861: Georgia seizes Fort Pulaski. <---NOTE: THEY SEIZED THE FORT BEFORE THEY SECEDED.
January 4, 1861: Alabama seizes U.S. arsenal at Mount Vernon. <---NOTE: THEY SEIZED THE FORT BEFORE THEY SECEDED.
January 5, 1861: Alabama seizes Forts Morgan and Gaines. <---NOTE: THEY SEIZED THE FORT BEFORE THEY SECEDED.
January 6, 1861: Florida seizes Apalachicola arsenal. <---NOTE: THEY SEIZED THE ARSENAL BEFORE THEY SECEDED.
January 7, 1861: Florida seizes Fort Marion. <---NOTE: THEY SEIZED THE FORT BEFORE THEY SECEDED.
January 8, 1861: Floridians try to seize Fort Barrancas but are chased off.
January 9, 1861: Mississippi secedes.

Star of the West fired on in Charleston Harbor <-- FIRING ON A SHIP - A CLEAR ACT OF WAR

January 10, 1861: Florida secedes.

Louisiana seizes U.S. arsenal at Baton Rouge, as well as Forts Jackson and St. Philip.
January 11, 1861: Alabama secedes.

Louisiana seizes U.S. Marine Hospital....

It goes on...
Here's a clue: You just can't go and steal federal property the whole of the US paid for and think you can keep it...

The final vote in Georgia was on January_2, 1861 was 42,744 in favor of co-operation and 41,717 in favor of immediate secession. In case you missed it...That was ONE DAY before the fort was taken.
Yet another lie posted by another Yankee.
Really? do we need continue exposing your lies?? Really?

Your own fucking link disproves you. This is what you supplied:

January 1, 1861 Georgia votes against holding a secession convention, but the results are manipulated by Governor Joseph Brown to indicate that the state strongly supported the convention.
January 7, 1861 Robert Toombs delivers a farewell to the U. S. Senate, almost two weeks before Georgia votes to secede.
January 9, 1861 Mississippi secedes from the Union
January 10, 1861 Florida secedes from the Union
January 11, 1861 Alabama secedes from the Union
January 19, 1861 Georgia votes to secede from the Union at a convention held in Milledgeville, Georgia.
Civil War - 1861
Robert Toombs
Slavery in Georgia
January 25, 1861 The federal arsenal in Augusta is taken by the Georgia Militia

Georgia History Timeline Chronology 1861

Boy, are you ever dumb.
I stand corrected on those dates.
You should probably rethink this whole support of the loser confederate thing while you are standing corrected. You seem to have a lot things you need to stand corrected on.
No, you will need to show wherever else I have been incorrect. One mistake does not make all other statements incorrect. I doubt that you even understand why I support the Confederacy. We still must refer to the FACT that secession was legal regardless of the war, and subsequent 150 years occupation
"The South was funding the majority of the U.S. at that time..."

I knew you could not produce any documentation that the South offered to buy all the federal property.

They had already taken over lots more Federal govt building across the south - before the rebs fired on Star of the West.

December 20, 1860: South Carolina convention passes ordinance of secession.
December 24, 1860: Mississippi Senator Jefferson Davis introduces a "compromise" proposal which would effectively make slavery a national institution.
December 26, 1860: Major Anderson moves Federal garrison in Charleston, SC, from Fort Moultrie to Fort Sumter.
January 3, 1861: Georgia seizes Fort Pulaski. <---NOTE: THEY SEIZED THE FORT BEFORE THEY SECEDED.
January 4, 1861: Alabama seizes U.S. arsenal at Mount Vernon. <---NOTE: THEY SEIZED THE FORT BEFORE THEY SECEDED.
January 5, 1861: Alabama seizes Forts Morgan and Gaines. <---NOTE: THEY SEIZED THE FORT BEFORE THEY SECEDED.
January 6, 1861: Florida seizes Apalachicola arsenal. <---NOTE: THEY SEIZED THE ARSENAL BEFORE THEY SECEDED.
January 7, 1861: Florida seizes Fort Marion. <---NOTE: THEY SEIZED THE FORT BEFORE THEY SECEDED.
January 8, 1861: Floridians try to seize Fort Barrancas but are chased off.
January 9, 1861: Mississippi secedes.

Star of the West fired on in Charleston Harbor <-- FIRING ON A SHIP - A CLEAR ACT OF WAR

January 10, 1861: Florida secedes.

Louisiana seizes U.S. arsenal at Baton Rouge, as well as Forts Jackson and St. Philip.
January 11, 1861: Alabama secedes.

Louisiana seizes U.S. Marine Hospital....

It goes on...
Here's a clue: You just can't go and steal federal property the whole of the US paid for and think you can keep it...

The final vote in Georgia was on January_2, 1861 was 42,744 in favor of co-operation and 41,717 in favor of immediate secession. In case you missed it...That was ONE DAY before the fort was taken.
Yet another lie posted by another Yankee.
Really? do we need continue exposing your lies?? Really?

Your own fucking link disproves you. This is what you supplied:

January 1, 1861 Georgia votes against holding a secession convention, but the results are manipulated by Governor Joseph Brown to indicate that the state strongly supported the convention.
January 7, 1861 Robert Toombs delivers a farewell to the U. S. Senate, almost two weeks before Georgia votes to secede.
January 9, 1861 Mississippi secedes from the Union
January 10, 1861 Florida secedes from the Union
January 11, 1861 Alabama secedes from the Union
January 19, 1861 Georgia votes to secede from the Union at a convention held in Milledgeville, Georgia.
Civil War - 1861
Robert Toombs
Slavery in Georgia
January 25, 1861 The federal arsenal in Augusta is taken by the Georgia Militia

Georgia History Timeline Chronology 1861

Boy, are you ever dumb.
I stand corrected on those dates.
You should probably rethink this whole support of the loser confederate thing while you are standing corrected. You seem to have a lot things you need to stand corrected on.
No, you will need to show wherever else I have been incorrect. One mistake does not make all other statements incorrect. I doubt that you even understand why I support the Confederacy. We still must refer to the FACT that secession was legal regardless of the war, and subsequent 150 years occupation
Debating with James Everett is like talking to mentally handicapped beaver.
I stand corrected on that date.
Yeah I know. Thats not the only error in knowledge you have displayed though.
Please cite any other.

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