Confederate flags to be banned from CMA country music festival

That was over a century and a half ago. Every time this subject comes up, today's Republicans try to pretend they're as decent as those of the party of Lincoln. They're not, which is why Blacks overwhelmingly vote Democratic. I think today's Republicans ought to fly the Confederate flag. Let it all hang out.

The democrat lies flow on and on since It was in the 1920's did the Democrats began to get an increasing number of the Black vote going their way.
You are too stupid to understand why I posted it, but I will point out the Democrat party in the ENTIRE south voted for a Democrat Buchanan in 1856 as they voted for DEMOCRATS Douglass and Breckenridge who are both DEMOCRATS.

Your brain turned on yet?
Yes they voted Democrat in 1856....they ABANDONED the party in 1860....they walked out of the Democrat con-vention and started two other parties, Breckenridge being the nominee of one of those new parties. Thus the DEMOCRAT nominee, Stephen Douglas, won only Missouri in 1860. DO try to keep up.
History may not repeat itself, but it often rhymes. The Southern slave owners abandoned the Democrat Party in 1860.....and then Southern Segregationists abandoned the party again in the 1960s over Civil Rights.

No the Southern Segregationists all but one voted AGAINST the 1964 Civil Rights act.

They were over the next 30 years gradually replaced by Republicans.
No the Southern Segregationists all but one voted AGAINST the 1964 Civil Rights act.

They were over the next 30 years gradually replaced by Republicans.
All Southern Republicans voted against the 1964 Civil Rights Act....most Southern Democrats (but not all) voted against the 1964 Civil Rights Act.

The House of Representatives:[3][34]

Note that four Representatives voted Present while 13 did not vote.

The Senate:[34]

Notice that in the House, 153 Democrats (North and South) voted FOR the Civil Rights Act while only 136 Republicans (North and South voted FOR that Act...more Democrats voted FOR the Civil Rights Act

In the Senate, 46 Democrats (North and South) voted FOR the Act while only 27 Republicans (North and South) voted FOR the Act.

And, of course, it was a Democratic President that signed it.
You are lying sack of shit!

You should try using that small brain more often since ALL of the deep south were run by Democrats heck Lincoln didn't win a single southern state while the TWO democrat candidates did as shown here:


View attachment 653580

Presidential Election results map. Red denotes states won by Lincoln/Hamlin, green by Breckinridge/Lane, orange by Bell/Everett, and blue by Douglas/Johnson. Numbers indicate electoral votes cast by each state.


You are truly a stupid person who commonly run off at the mouth making stupid unsupported assertions.

Thanks, that shows an early split in the Democratic party where the racist conservatives, decades later known as Dixiecrats, held the south, calling themselves at that time, Southern Democrats. Douglas, running as a Democrat, one only one state, Missouri.

But it does show what I've maintained for a long time... it was the conservative Bible belt where racism was at its worst and ugliest. Whether they were Democrats before secession, or Southern Democrats during, or Dixiecrats in the 1940's, or Republicans now -- they've always been conservatives. We see it on this forum where most of the unabashed racists are on the right.

Thanks for pointing that out.
Thanks, that shows an early split in the Democratic party where the racist conservatives, decades later known as Dixiecrats, held the south, calling themselves at that time, Southern Democrats. Douglas, running as a Democrat, one only one state, Missouri.

But it does show what I've maintained for a long time... it was the conservative Bible belt where racism was at its worst and ugliest. Whether they were Democrats before secession, or Southern Democrats during, or Dixiecrats in the 1940's, or Republicans now -- they've always been conservatives. We see it on this forum where most of the unabashed racists are on the right.

Thanks for pointing that out.
Which shows....they will change parties but WILL NOT give up their racism.
Yes they voted Democrat in 1856....they ABANDONED the party in 1860....they walked out of the Democrat con-vention and started two other parties, Breckenridge being the nominee of one of those new parties. Thus the DEMOCRAT nominee, Stephen Douglas, won only Missouri in 1860. DO try to keep up.

You haven't once posted the evidence to support your assertions.

No, I posted the evidence that they were still there and have been solid Democrats all the way up to 1952 before Republican Eisenhower finally after 92 years finally WON one of the southern states.

Carter won all but one southern state of the Southern States and he was DEMOCRAT.


Starting in 1880 when the Democrats reestablished full control of the Souther states sent ALL of the Southern States to Hancock a Democrat.


1884 Cleveland a DEMOCRAT wins ALL of the South


1888 Cleveland Repeats still a DEMOCRAT


Cleveland in 1892 still won all the Southern States as Democrat


William Jennings Bryan in 1896 wins ALL of the Souther States he is a DEMOCRAT


Jennings in 1900 wins ALL of the South as Democrat


Parker a DEMOCRAT wins ALL of the South in 1904


Bryan a DEMOCRAT in 1908 wins ALL of the South


Moving up to 1952 when Republicans for the FIRST time since 1880 win at least one southern state


Your denials of history is stupid since it is clear Democrats had TOTAL control of the South for Presidential elections for 68 years.
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I can't help but wonder how well the tickets will sell for next year's gathering no rhyme intended there of course. :D :D :D

God bless you always!!!


P.S. I wonder how many people will want their money back considering this year's gathering?
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All Southern Republicans voted against the 1964 Civil Rights Act....most Southern Democrats (but not all) voted against the 1964 Civil Rights Act.

Notice that in the House, 153 Democrats (North and South) voted FOR the Civil Rights Act while only 136 Republicans (North and South voted FOR that Act...more Democrats voted FOR the Civil Rights Act

In the Senate, 46 Democrats (North and South) voted FOR the Act while only 27 Republicans (North and South) voted FOR the Act.

And, of course, it was a Democratic President that signed it.

If you could think you would notice that the SOUTHERN Democrats strongly resisted the Bill while the Northern Democrats strongly supported the bill

LOL, really you just keep making a fool of yourself denying that Southern Democrats were racist killers and in control of the South for many decades.

Meanwhile here is what YOU didn't see from YOUR link:

"Kennedy called the congressional leaders to the White House in late October 1963 to line up the necessary votes in the House for passage.[21] The bill was reported out of the Judiciary Committee in November 1963 and referred to the Rules Committee, whose chairman, Howard W. Smith, a Democrat and staunch segregationist from Virginia, indicated his intention to keep the bill bottled up indefinitely."


more from YOUR link:

"Normally, the bill would have been referred to the Senate Judiciary Committee, which was chaired by James O. Eastland, a Democrat from Mississippi, whose firm opposition made it seem impossible that the bill would reach the Senate floor. Senate Majority Leader Mike Mansfield took a novel approach to prevent the bill from being kept in limbo by the Judiciary Committee: initially waiving a second reading immediately after the first reading, which would have sent it to the Judiciary Committee, he took the unprecedented step of giving the bill a second reading on February 26, 1964, thereby bypassing the Judiciary Committee, and sending it to the Senate floor for debate immediately."

Mansfield a moderate NORTHERN Democrat from MONTANA

But more drama from the racist Southern Democrats, they couldn't hide their hate of Blacks being free.

"When the bill came before the full Senate for debate on March 30, 1964, the "Southern Bloc" of 18 southern Democratic Senators and lone Republican John Tower of Texas, led by Richard Russell, launched a filibuster to prevent its passage.[25] Russell proclaimed, "We will resist to the bitter end any measure or any movement which would tend to bring about social equality and intermingling and amalgamation of the races in our [Southern] states."

"Strong opposition to the bill also came from Senator Strom Thurmond, who was still a Democrat at the time:..."

Northern moderate Democrats along with some Republicans then decided to compromise to end the long Democrat supported Filibuster,

"After the filibuster had gone on for 54 days, Senators Mansfield, Hubert Humphrey, Everett Dirksen, and Thomas Kuchel introduced a substitute bill that they hoped would overcome it by combining a sufficient number of Republicans as well as core liberal Democrats."

"Senator Robert Byrd ended his filibuster in opposition to the bill on the morning of June 10, 1964, after 14 hours and 13 minutes. Up to then, the measure had occupied the Senate for 60 working days, including six Saturdays."

It was with exception of John Tower R who was a racist all the opposition were from the Democrats and ZERO open opposition from the Northern Republicans.

The Republican party voted in favor at a HIGHER % rate than the Democrats did,

By party​

The original House version:[32]

Democratic Party: 152–96 (61–39%)
Republican Party: 138–34 (80–20%)

The Senate version:[32]

Democratic Party: 46–21 (69–31%)

Republican Party: 27–6 (82–18%)

The Senate version, voted on by the House:[32]

Democratic Party: 153–91 (63–37%)
Republican Party: 136–35 (80–20%)


House Republican 80% yea

House Democrats 61% yea

Senate Republicans 82% yea

Senate Democrats 63% yea

Republicans 80% Yea

Democrats 63% Yea.

Once again you look foolish.
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Why would they ban such a flag?

It kinda looks like our colonial flag.

Most of those shitlibs wouldn't know the difference anyway.
I'm sure it was for the young who grew up to adults in those 30
Of course. But you’re still suggesting that the US was the ultimate bad guy by being slower to do the right thing. And historically, you’re wrong. Some places still have slavery. And if we had to fight to end it, still that’s what we did.

So if you were imagining that you were making some telling point, you’ve failed again.
You haven't once posted the evidence to support your assertions.

No, I posted the evidence that they were still there and have been solid Democrats all the way up to 1952 before Republican Eisenhower finally after 92 years finally WON one of the southern states.

Carter won all but one southern state of the Southern States and he was DEMOCRAT.

View attachment 653612

Starting in 1880 when the Democrats reestablished full control of the Souther states sent ALL of the Southern States to Hancock a Democrat.

View attachment 653613

1884 Cleveland a DEMOCRAT wins ALL of the South

View attachment 653615

1888 Cleveland Repeats still a DEMOCRAT

View attachment 653616

Cleveland in 1892 still won all the Southern States as Democrat

View attachment 653617

William Jennings Bryan in 1896 wins ALL of the Souther States he is a DEMOCRAT

View attachment 653619

Jennings in 1900 wins ALL of the South as Democrat

View attachment 653621

Parker a DEMOCRAT wins ALL of the South in 1904

View attachment 653622

Bryan a DEMOCRAT in 1908 wins ALL of the South

View attachment 653623

Moving up to 1952 when Republicans for the FIRST time since 1880 win at least one southern state

View attachment 653625
Your denials of history is stupid since it is clear Democrats had TOTAL control of the South for Presidential elections for 68 years.
I love how you want us to completely forget that the South gave up on the Democrats in 1860....and when they lost the election (big surprise when you split the vote)...they walked away COMPLETELY from the U.S. and seceded. It wasn't until after their FAILED war they went back to the Democrats....they sure as hell weren't gonna go Republican now, were they?
History may not repeat itself, but it often rhymes. The Southern slave owners abandoned the Democrat Party in 1860.....and then Southern Segregationists abandoned the party again in the 1960s over Civil Rights.
Whatever this party issue is, Progs and you know it take any issue and twist it around like a pretzel.
I love how you want us to completely forget that the South gave up on the Democrats in 1860....and when they lost the election (big surprise when you split the vote)...they walked away COMPLETELY from the U.S. and seceded. It wasn't until after their FAILED war they went back to the Democrats....they sure as hell weren't gonna go Republican now, were they?

You haven't posted any evidence, you had opportunities and still no evidence come from you.

It is clear you don't have any.

You imply they were Democrats up to year November 2 1860 then suddenly they were not then after the war ended they were suddenly back to being Democrats.

You are stupid as hell.
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Of course. But you’re still suggesting that the US was the ultimate bad guy by being slower to do the right thing. And historically, you’re wrong. Some places still have slavery. And if we had to fight to end it, still that’s what we did.

So if you were imagining that you were making some telling point, you’ve failed again.
I am replying to a catfish making comments about the UK and slavery. DO keep up.

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