Confederate flags to be banned from CMA country music festival

I can't help but wonder how well the tickets will sell for next year's gathering no rhyme intended there of course. :D :D :D

God bless you always!!!


P.S. I wonder how many people will want their money back considering this year's gathering?
You think people are going to get their dicks out of joint because they can't be rude.
They walked out AFTER the election you idiot!

The Election was NOVEMBER 2,1860.


The eleven states of the CSA, in order of their secession dates (listed in parentheses), were: South Carolina (December 20, 1860), Mississippi (January 9, 1861), Florida (January 10, 1861), Alabama (January 11, 1861), Georgia (January 19, 1861), Louisiana (January 26, 1861), Texas (February 1, 1861), Virginia (April 17, 1861), Arkansas (May 6, 1861), North Carolina (May 20, 1861), and Tennessee (June 8, 1861). Secession was declared by pro-Confederate governments in Missouri and Kentucky (see Confederate government of Missouri and Confederate government of Kentucky), but did not become effective as it was opposed by their pro-Union state governments.

No there were no new political parties as the South was already dominated by the Democrat party as the 1856 Presidential election shows clearly where Buchanan a DEMOCRAT won ALL of the Southern states.


View attachment 653603

You really should stop now as you keep making a fool of yourself.

From your source ...

Southern Democrats, historically sometimes known colloquially as Dixiecrats, are members of the U.S. Democratic Party who reside in the Southern United States.[1] Southern Democrats were generally much more conservative than non-Southern Democrats[2] and most of them voted against the Civil Rights Act of 1964 by holding the longest filibuster in the American Senate history while Democrats in non-Southern states supported the Civil Rights Act of 1964.[3] After 1994 the Republicans typically won most elections in the South.

Conservatives are racist, no matter which political party they hijack.
No the Southern Segregationists all but one voted AGAINST the 1964 Civil Rights act.

They were over the next 30 years gradually replaced by Republicans.

The divide was north vs. south, not Republican vs. Democrat...


And when broken down by north versus south, Democrats voted for in greater percentages:

Dem/North (95%)
GOP/North (85%)

Dem/South (9%)
GOP/South (0%)

So it's not that the vote was divided over party lines, it wasn't...

Dem: 64%
GOP: 80%

It's that the vote was divided by region:


North: 353 (90%)
South: 9 (7%)


North: 38 (10%)
South: 115 (93%)

There were just so few Republicans in the racist conservative south.
You haven't once posted the evidence to support your assertions.

No, I posted the evidence that they were still there and have been solid Democrats all the way up to 1952 before Republican Eisenhower finally after 92 years finally WON one of the southern states.

Carter won all but one southern state of the Southern States and he was DEMOCRAT.

View attachment 653612

Starting in 1880 when the Democrats reestablished full control of the Souther states sent ALL of the Southern States to Hancock a Democrat.

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1884 Cleveland a DEMOCRAT wins ALL of the South

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1888 Cleveland Repeats still a DEMOCRAT

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Cleveland in 1892 still won all the Southern States as Democrat

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William Jennings Bryan in 1896 wins ALL of the Souther States he is a DEMOCRAT

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Jennings in 1900 wins ALL of the South as Democrat

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Parker a DEMOCRAT wins ALL of the South in 1904

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Bryan a DEMOCRAT in 1908 wins ALL of the South

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Moving up to 1952 when Republicans for the FIRST time since 1880 win at least one southern state

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Your denials of history is stupid since it is clear Democrats had TOTAL control of the South for Presidential elections for 68 years.

Yes, in 1952 the switch slowly began after the Dixiecrats splintered off from the Democrats. The only election since 1964 the Republicans didn't win the south was, as you pointed out in a fleeting attempt to show there was no switch, 1976, the year a southerner ran as a Democrat.
Looks like I won't be tuning in. What a travesty to ban the Confederate flags which are southern pride cultural icons. These triggered woke sensitive cowards that banned the flags have no sense of reality and respect for beautiful southern heritage, traditions, and culture.

One of the biggest country music festivals has put its boot down: No more Confederate flags. The Country Music Association added “Confederate flag imagery of any kind” to the prohibited items list at the upcoming CMA Fest in Nashville, Tennessee. The four-day festival is scheduled June 9-12 after a two-year postponement during the COVID-19 pandemic, the association announced online.

The association said the decision to ban Confederate flag imagery was an updated part of the policy to protect the safety of fans, according to a statement obtained by The Tennessean. “This year’s CMA Fest is our first major fan-facing event in nearly three years. We have always had policies in place that protect the safety of our fans and ban discrimination, but we felt it was important to further refine our language to explicitly outline what will and will not be tolerated,” the CMA said in the statement, according to The Tennessean.

"In line with our first CMA Fest lineup announcement in early April, our event policy was published on our website, which states any behavior that causes one of our attendees to fear for their personal safety will not be tolerated, and that is inclusive of any displays of the Confederate flag.” McClatchy News reached out to the CMA for comment on June 2 and was awaiting a response. Organizations such as the Stagecoach Festival in California and NASCAR have banned Confederate flags as well. NASCAR driver Bubba Wallace told NPR that he was proud of the racing organization, which banned the symbol in June 2020. “No one should feel uncomfortable when they come to a NASCAR race. So it starts with Confederate flags. Get them out of here. They have no place for them,”

What is the matter whitey? Your racist sensibilities are offended. Good. Get rid of the white trash in this country. The Confederate flag should be buried. It is in their past. This is the United States of America.
Of course. But you’re still suggesting that the US was the ultimate bad guy by being slower to do the right thing. And historically, you’re wrong. Some places still have slavery. And if we had to fight to end it, still that’s what we did.

So if you were imagining that you were making some telling point, you’ve failed again.
[IMG alt="SassyIrishLass"][/IMG]


Diamond Member​

JoinedMar 31, 2009Messages74,720Reaction score38,995Points2,605
Because you're a rightwing racist and bigot.
You're a what, Jones? I mean really?

You whining little bitches don't know jack about why the south seceded except SLAVERY
Looks like I won't be tuning in. What a travesty to ban the Confederate flags which are southern pride cultural icons. These triggered woke sensitive cowards that banned the flags have no sense of reality and respect for beautiful southern heritage, traditions, and culture.

One of the biggest country music festivals has put its boot down: No more Confederate flags. The Country Music Association added “Confederate flag imagery of any kind” to the prohibited items list at the upcoming CMA Fest in Nashville, Tennessee. The four-day festival is scheduled June 9-12 after a two-year postponement during the COVID-19 pandemic, the association announced online.

The association said the decision to ban Confederate flag imagery was an updated part of the policy to protect the safety of fans, according to a statement obtained by The Tennessean. “This year’s CMA Fest is our first major fan-facing event in nearly three years. We have always had policies in place that protect the safety of our fans and ban discrimination, but we felt it was important to further refine our language to explicitly outline what will and will not be tolerated,” the CMA said in the statement, according to The Tennessean.

"In line with our first CMA Fest lineup announcement in early April, our event policy was published on our website, which states any behavior that causes one of our attendees to fear for their personal safety will not be tolerated, and that is inclusive of any displays of the Confederate flag.” McClatchy News reached out to the CMA for comment on June 2 and was awaiting a response. Organizations such as the Stagecoach Festival in California and NASCAR have banned Confederate flags as well. NASCAR driver Bubba Wallace told NPR that he was proud of the racing organization, which banned the symbol in June 2020. “No one should feel uncomfortable when they come to a NASCAR race. So it starts with Confederate flags. Get them out of here. They have no place for them,”

Any fag that says "Safety" from a symbol, is a lying p.o.s.
I might buy a Stars and Bars BATTLE flag just to irrate left loons

8n fact I think I will...and have my morning coffee watching leftists melt down
So you're going to buy an anti america flag that represented people who were traitors and waged war against the United States just because you want to irritate somebody.

Find a life.

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