Confederate flags to be banned from CMA country music festival

You are such a LYING FUCKING SCUMBAG it boggles the mind.

Our Founders we're worst than Stalin? Worse than Mao? Worse than Hitler, Pol Pot, Castro, and Kim?


Oh yeah, and a racist too.

What a bunch of complete maxipads you fuckwad leftists are.
The racist with whom you are conversing there is normally kept in my shut-the-fuck-up cage, but I occasionally let it out to fuck with its teensy-weensy little racist head. Suggest you might try that, so it doesn't get too uppity.
So if you run into a James Farmer and get your head blown off for taking that flag somewhere you shouldn't, then consider that a stop.
Who's James Farmer?

I live in a Constitutional Carry state so there might be some fun if that were to happen.
So you're going to buy an anti america flag that represented people who were traitors and waged war against the United States just because you want to irritate somebody.

Find a life.

It takes a special kind of person to pretend to not be aware of how that symbol has evolved over the last 150 years.

Very special.

The racist with whom you are conversing there is normally kept in my shut-the-fuck-up cage, but I occasionally let it out to fuck with its teensy-weensy little racist head. Suggest you might try that, so it doesn't get too uppity.
I love how these clowns brag about needing a safe space from me. 😄
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You're proud that people consider you a troll not worthy of talking to?

That's an incredibly sad self image you have there, that that counts as a "win" for you.
You don't have to hide from me to not talk to me you clown. 😄
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You're proud that people consider you a troll not worthy of talking to?

That's an incredibly sad self image you have there, that that counts as a "win" for you.
A lot of those who have that special protective melanin coating act like this. I think it's called "chest-thumping". There are so many examples of this in the natural world.
A lot of those who have that special protective melanin coating act like this. I think it's called "chest-thumping". There are so many examples of this in the natural world.
Not just chest thumping. We keep pushing your deplorable culture to the fringes. You're no longer welcome at CMT you mutants. 😁
57 years ago that population of deplorable, Confederate flag waving, white southerners were still opposed to ending segregation. Go ahead clowns tell us when they switched from being deplorable mutants.
The flag was never limited to segregationists. For generations it was a harmless symbol of regional pride. More recently it has started to be seen as a symbol of rural Americans, ie "rednecks".

That you pretend to have missed this, is just you being a dishonest troll.
The flag was never limited to segregationists. For generations it was a harmless symbol of regional pride. More recently it has started to be seen as a symbol of rural Americans, ie "rednecks".

That you pretend to have missed this, is just you being a dishonest troll.
Who would take what is affectively a symbol for American Nazis as their symbol of pride? That you think we're all so stupid that we can't connect nazi flags to nazis is either a reflection of your own stupidity or how weak your political strategy is. That argument ain't workin son. 😄
A lot of those who have that special protective melanin coating act like this. I think it's called "chest-thumping". There are so many examples of this in the natural world.

I find white libs to be the worst. THey have that white guilt they need to work off. And their brains seem to have a special setting, where you can talk to them and look in their eyes, and it's like looking into an infinite, but utterly empty space.

Throwing a fact in there, is like standing on the Earth and tossing a pebble the night sky. It is just gone, touching nothing, meaning nothing, causing no change.
Said the man who made a point about being proud of being a troll, and now is already avoiding his own point.
The reality is I'm not even a troll. All my arguments are based in fact. You just think it's trolling because facts hurt your feelings. Like the fact that the biggest bunch of lazy leeches America has ever had were the Founder slavers you mutants venerate as heroes. Those are facts. Sorry not sorry if they hurt your little feelings. 😁
I find white libs to be the worst. THey have that white guilt they need to work off. And their brains seem to have a special setting, where you can talk to them and look in their eyes, and it's like looking into an infinite, but utterly empty space.

Throwing a fact in there, is like standing on the Earth and tossing a pebble the night sky. It is just gone, touching nothing, meaning nothing, causing no change.
That's the most perfect description I've ever heard of what happens when you try to have productive conversation with the white leftist ghouls. I have had this experience so many times, and finally just decided to give up and not even try to engage them any more. When I smell the stench of leftism, I just turn politely and walk away.
Who would take what is affectively a symbol for American Nazis as their symbol of pride? That you think we're all so stupid that we can't connect nazi flags to nazis is either a reflection of your own stupidity or how weak your political strategy is. That argument ain't workin son. 😄

Nazism arose as an ideology in the 1920s. The Confederate Battle flag was from a war in the 1860s.

What you just said that, was nothing but word salad. You took some negative sounding slurs and put them physically close to references to your enemy in the hope that stupid people would be tricked into thinking there was some connection.

Meanwhile, in the real world, my point stands.

The Confederate Battle Flag has been a harmless symbol of regional pride for generatins. More recently it has started to be seen as a symbol of rural Americans, ie "rednecks".

Real people are being punished by assholes, for no reason.

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