Confederate flags to be banned from CMA country music festival

The reality is I'm not even a troll. All my arguments are based in fact. You just think it's trolling because facts hurt your feelings. Like the fact that the biggest bunch of lazy leeches America has ever had were the Founder slavers you mutants venerate as heroes. Those are facts. Sorry not sorry if they hurt your little feelings. 😁

Your arguments are utter nonsense, based on your troll ability to say utterly untrue things and stand by them without normal human shame.
That's the most perfect description I've ever heard of what happens when you try to have productive conversation with the white leftist ghouls. I have had this experience so many times, and finally just decided to give up and not even try to engage them any more. When I smell the stench of leftism, I just turn politely and walk away.
Good. It helps when trying to push your culture towards extinction if you marginalize yourself. 😄 You can lock your front door to me all you like but it's you deplorable mutants who aren't welcome out in public around decent folk. I am though. 😂
That's the most perfect description I've ever heard of what happens when you try to have productive conversation with the white leftist ghouls. I have had this experience so many times, and finally just decided to give up and not even try to engage them any more. When I smell the stench of leftism, I just turn politely and walk away.

Yeah, I need to do that more often.
Nazism arose as an ideology in the 1920s. The Confederate Battle flag was from a war in the 1860s.

What you just said that, was nothing but word salad. You took some negative sounding slurs and put them physically close to references to your enemy in the hope that stupid people would be tricked into thinking there was some connection.

Meanwhile, in the real world, my point stands.

The Confederate Battle Flag has been a harmless symbol of regional pride for generatins. More recently it has started to be seen as a symbol of rural Americans, ie "rednecks".

Real people are being punished by assholes, for no reason.
If that's the reality why is it getting banned and shit on everywhere? These safe space fantasy worlds you clowns create in your minds might give you comfort at home behind your computer screens, but in the real real world we all know that's a symbol of deplorable mutants and it ain't welcome around decent folk.
Good. It helps when trying to push your culture towards extinction if you marginalize yourself. 😄 You can lock your front door to me all you like but it's you deplorable mutants who aren't welcome out in public around decent folk. I am though. 😂

YOu are part of the violent mob.

You might want to read up on history, on how that works out for people.
If that's the reality why is it getting banned and shit on everywhere? ...

Because people like you are using lies to justify your anti-white racial bigotry, in an attempt to, as you said, "marginalize" your enemies.

You have power and you are using it effectively and without mercy or consideration for the costs or who you hurt.
I read history, I know how it worked out for Confederate flag wavers. They're history's losers. 😄

And again, you felt you had to dodge my point.

See, on some level you know that you cannot defend your positions or actions with the truth or reasoned arguments,

so you need to instead use tactics like pretending that some rednecks wearing a confederate flag belt buckle are "EVUL WACISTS" and need to be the target of an hysterical mob.

Your entire strategy is based on you being a sociopathic troll, without any good human qualities, and tearing down all that is good and decent in American society.

How you think this will work out for you as a good thing in the long run, is a mystery.
Because people like you are using lies to justify your anti-white racial bigotry, in an attempt to, as you said, "marginalize" your enemies.

You have power and you are using it effectively and without mercy or consideration for the costs or who you hurt.
It a culture war you moron, causing harm to the enemy is the point. And its not anti- white hatred which is why you clowns can't get all the whites at the CMA on your side. It's anti white racist hate and what's wrong with hating racists?
And again, you felt you had to dodge my point.

See, on some level you know that you cannot defend your positions or actions with the truth or reasoned arguments,

so you need to instead use tactics like pretending that some rednecks wearing a confederate flag belt buckle are "EVUL WACISTS" and need to be the target of an hysterical mob.

Your entire strategy is based on you being a sociopathic troll, without any good human qualities, and tearing down all that is good and decent in American society.

How you think this will work out for you as a good thing in the long run, is a mystery.
It's you who dodged my point you moron. I have no problem addressing anything you want to ask.

The redneck with a Confederate flag belt buckle can claim he's not a racist but he's wearing the symbol of racists and so you can't really fault anyone for not believing him anymore than you can fault people for assuming a man wearing a nazi belt buckle is a Nazi.
This is the only flag that has meaning to me:
This is the only one that matters to our current ruling junta, though.

This is the only one that matters to our current ruling junta, though.

I bet NASCAR and the CMA would have no problem with that flag. It warms my heart to see gays more acceptable in the mainstream than Confederate idolaters. 😁
You have a heart?

I had not considered the possibility.
Not for idolaters of slavers though and what's wrong with that? To this day none of you can explain to me what's wrong with enjoying getting to see a culture of deplorable mutants go extinct. 😁
It a culture war you moron, causing harm to the enemy is the point. And its not anti- white hatred which is why you clowns can't get all the whites at the CMA on your side. It's anti white racist hate and what's wrong with hating racists?

You made a false claim, that the confederate flag stood for "American nazis".

I pointed out that that was false, truthfully.

You asked, if that was true, than why has the confederate flag been being banned and marginalized.

I answered that because people like you have power and are using it marginalize your enemies.

And here you gladly admit that that it true.

Thus, it is established. You are lying to gin up hate and rage against your enemies to advance your political and cultural agenda.

You know it is false. You don't even try to defend your arguments. You just pepper your posts with assertions and when challenged, dodge weave, talk in circles, to avoid and hide the truth.

Every time you do the shit you do, ie lie and dodge, you are admitting not only that you are Evil. but that you know you are Evil.
You made a false claim, that the confederate flag stood for "American nazis".

I pointed out that that was false, truthfully.

You asked, if that was true, than why has the confederate flag been being banned and marginalized.

I answered that because people like you have power and are using it marginalize your enemies.

And here you gladly admit that that it true.

Thus, it is established. You are lying to gin up hate and rage against your enemies to advance your political and cultural agenda.

You know it is false. You don't even try to defend your arguments. You just pepper your posts with assertions and when challenged, dodge weave, talk in circles, to avoid and hide the truth.

Every time you do the shit you do, ie lie and dodge, you are admitting not only that you are Evil. but that you know you are Evil.
I learned just how evil the first time I encountered that bot, on another board, ironically. I got it banned from that board and it will eventually be banned on this board as well. Just a matter of time and a few words.

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