Confederate flags to be banned from CMA country music festival

The flag was never limited to segregationists. For generations it was a harmless symbol of regional pride. More recently it has started to be seen as a symbol of rural Americans, ie "rednecks".

That you pretend to have missed this, is just you being a dishonest troll.
What regional pride? In starting and LOSING a four year war? That region only existed for four bloody years?
Who would take what is affectively a symbol for American Nazis as their symbol of pride? That you think we're all so stupid that we can't connect nazi flags to nazis is either a reflection of your own stupidity or how weak your political strategy is. That argument ain't workin son. 😄
Ironically, the NAZIs lasted twice as long as their so-called region did.
I find white libs to be the worst. THey have that white guilt they need to work off. And their brains seem to have a special setting, where you can talk to them and look in their eyes, and it's like looking into an infinite, but utterly empty space.

Throwing a fact in there, is like standing on the Earth and tossing a pebble the night sky. It is just gone, touching nothing, meaning nothing, causing no change.
No white guilt. But it's telling that the Republican white-wingers have to pretend it exists to excuse themselves. :heehee:
This thread is hilarious.....

The Left keeps yanking the Conservative Rights cultural icons and Constitutional Rights......
And their response is to CRY LOUDER


Damn BL you were right !!!
Easy now...I side with Conservatives, I vote with Conservatives BUT they are the most nutless, spinless, big mouth pieces of shit that ever were. Come on man...they didn’t have the balls to keep heterosexual white Christians cool in a nation founded, built, run and funded by heterosexual white Christians. The Left has owned their sackless asses for decades....Sad but true.
If that's the reality why is it getting banned and shit on everywhere? These safe space fantasy worlds you clowns create in your minds might give you comfort at home behind your computer screens, but in the real real world we all know that's a symbol of deplorable mutants and it ain't welcome around decent folk.
You just KNOW the LOSER flag is part of their computer wallpaper.
YOu are part of the violent mob.

You might want to read up on history, on how that works out for people.

The violent mob.
The god Eros? Yes.

I actually support gay marriage 100% and see nothing at all wrong about two adults indulging in activities that do not involve coercion or predation, but this whole virtue signaling mania on the left has become downright ridiculous.

If people were really comfortable with gay people and saw being gay as no big deal, they wouldn't have to PROMOTE them so constantly and conspicuously.

I say, let people express themselves with gay flags or confederate flags alike. Right now, our current government is flying one at various embassies, while working with private enterprise to restrict the other. Government is not supposed to DO that. It is not government's job to manufacture culture, yet here we are in 2022 with government seeing the shaping of culture as its #1 priority.

I feel like I am living in China under the Maoist cultural revolution, so thoroughly do these totalitarians inject their agenda into every possible aspect of our lives.
The Rainbow represent s God's covenant with Man after the Flood.
It a culture war you moron, causing harm to the enemy is the point. And its not anti- white hatred which is why you clowns can't get all the whites at the CMA on your side. It's anti white racist hate and what's wrong with hating racists?
Same thing with hating fascists. The Republican white-wing doesn't like that either.
Future generations of historians will comb though these forums, and make careers over the madness shown by the Left and used to craft the policy that runs and probably ruins this country.
You act like the parties are different in how they act.
I did do that. And? 😄 Are you one those "play the game the white way" advocates? Gloating in the face of your enemies is one of the perks of victory. You don't like it, stop losing so much. 😁

Did you not recognize that statement as hyperbolic? In what way can I prevent you from going out in public and sharing your deplorable views? I've never suggested anyone should meet those views with violence. In fact I find violence to be counter productive and anyone who engages in violence should be arrested. No.

What I have proposed we do in response to you voicing your deplorable views is to shame and ridicule you and encourage private entities like NASCAR and CMA to do likewise. To push the propaganda that you and your culture are deplorable mutants until your employers, neighbors, friends and children are too ashamed to be associated with you and you find yourself on the fringes of society, staring at cultural extinction.

Only violent mobs are illegal, not mobs of people mocking, pointing and laughing at you. That's just our 1st amendment right. 😁

You haven't even tried to argue against my morality or logic, all you've done so far is cry like a bitch because I have zero respect for you or your opinions.

Where is the morality and logic in venerating a slave state and using its battle flag as a symbol of your pride? Go ahead and explain that one with morality and logic.

Thank you. 😁

You haven't even begun to make an argument for the veneration of the Confederacy. Where is it clown boy?

Absolutely false. America as a whole was not supportive of equal rights in the 60s. Segregation was outlawed in the 60s but the entire South voted in favor of maintaining segregation. You don't even know basic fucking facts about history. The frigging national guard had to be brought in to force the South to integrate. Remember that you moron? 😄
Army first actually.
It’s a flag that stands for rebellion and death in defense of slavery

Fuck it. It’s little different than flying a Nazi flag

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