Confederate flags to be banned from CMA country music festival


Why do you insist on arguing this with a black and white perspective?
It's so easy TODAY, for you to point fingers at one segment of time, and shoot it forward to 160 years later, and expect the same arguments.

The U.S. should have destroyed and banned the flag at the end of the war, BUT they didn't. It's now viewed different by a LOT of people that see it differently TODAY.
You on the other hand want to continue to fight this argument, using 1860's logic.

Yes, there are people today that are triggered by it, maybe because their great great great grandparents were slaves, or slave owners, so they see the flag differently than someone who merely lives in the region today, and loves their region of the country.

My advice, is that the flag is a lost cause, and TODAY there are no upstanding corporations, enterprises, and what not, that are going to want to associate themselves in any way with the flag, because the narrative that the flag represents slavery, or anti-black, has won the day.
It's not the narrative you clown, it's a fact. You can't argue the Confederacy was anything but a nation of deplorable mutants. But hell no to the US government banning that flag. That would be a violation of the first amendment. If deplorable mutants want to take it as their symbol of pride the social repercussions of that are on them.
What regional pride? In starting and LOSING a four year war? That region only existed for four bloody years?

The region existed before and after. The region exists today. Your denial of this fact is utterly stupid.
What is the matter whitey? Your racist sensibilities are offended. Good. Get rid of the white trash in this country. The Confederate flag should be buried. It is in their past. This is the United States of America.
It’s not YOUR choice to erase history
Your answer then simply demonstrates you lack the ability to comprehend how this issue has evolved.
No, I simply don't buy your insistence that it has evolved. Certainly an effort was made to rehabilitate the culture and history of the Confederacy because their snowflake Sons and Daughters couldn't face the fact that their ancestors were deplorable assclowns but now we are starting to see the push back on that ridiculous narrative.
No white guilt. But it's telling that the Republican white-wingers have to pretend it exists to excuse themselves. :heehee:

Just trying to understand the insane behavior of white libs.

Teh case I was thinking of, a young white woman was at a party in teh suburbs, and voiced unhappiness at the lack of diversity in the gathering, too many white people.

I pointed out to her that despite our having the same skin tone, that the two of us could not have been more different. Also that she was judging the people of the party by their race and judging them WRONG because of their race.

I looked in her eyes, and there was nothing there. Not a single flicker of anything. I might as well have been talking to potted plant. A dead potted plant.

Mmm, no. We had ONE riot. That is not a mob setting standards of behavior that exist today that have the majority fo the country living in fear of speaking what they truly believe.

Ask yourself how many people believe that a man can get pregnant or that a woman can have a penis and yet, how many of those people dare say so out loud in public?

That is you people, being dangerous, political thugs. ie a mob.
It's not the narrative you clown, it's a fact. You can't argue the Confederacy was anything but a nation of deplorable mutants. But hell no to the US government banning that flag. That would be a violation of the first amendment. If deplorable mutants want to take it as their symbol of pride the social repercussions of that are on them.

I'm not arguing that DUMMY!

The Confederacy and slavery was by far the biggest stain on this country, and nothing could ever surpass that!!!

That's not the argument here!! This is about what their region's flag has evolved into in the 160 years since the fucking war!

Your family doesn't have the history here that millions of others have, since as I recall you mentioned you are a first generation American. So it's easy to have a sophomoric view on this, so I'll cut you some slack.
The flag banning doesn't violate anything because the flags are for a nation that hasn't existed for over 150 years thus shouldn't be waved around in public anymore.

The Confederate flags belongs in a museum not on the streets America.
I usually find myself agreeing with much of what you say. In this case, since I see it as a freedom of speech type issue, I disagree.

The old stars and bars are anachronistic. The Confederacy lost, thankfully. But it is not true that it represents only racism today. But, even if it did, I say we would still be wrong in principle to ban it. (I think it was bodecea who noted that this instance involves a business-group decision, not governmental censorship: and I believe her point is valid.)

There was a big legal case many years back. Some group of modern day American Nazi vermin selected Skokie Illinois as the place they just needed to march with their ludicrous swastika flags. And of course Skokie was home to significant population of Jewish survivors of the Nazi German holocaust. The local government denies the American vermin Nazis their parade permit. Governmental action on a free speech issue. So, therefore, court.

The ACLU champions free speech (and also a lot of nonsense, but hey, that’s just a side note). They took the case to court and won. Even idiotic, vile, offensive speech is protected. I don’t care much for most of the ACLU. And even as to the 1st Amendment, I’m not an absolutist. Close maybe. But not an absolutist. However, they were correct in the Skokie case.

The country music folks have a much better right to deny the right to display the stars and bars. But the basis for their decision (bending their knees to woke shit) serves as a bad precedent.
The country music folks have a much better right to deny the right to display the stars and bars. But the basis for their decision (bending their knees to woke shit) serves as a bad precedent.

And that's the way I see this as well. I could care less whether they ban it, fly it, or use it for toilet paper in their rest rooms. It's knowing they, like so many other enterprises, businesses, and what not, have bent over and grabbed their ankles for the mob.
I'm not arguing that DUMMY!

The Confederacy and slavery was by far the biggest stain on this country, and nothing could ever surpass that!!!
Good, glad we could establish that basic fact.
That's not the argument here!! This is about what their region's flag has evolved into in the 160 years since the fucking war!
I hear that claim and I'm unconvinced just as I would be if the man waving a Nazi flag tried to tell me he wasn't a Nazi. It seems more likely that white Southerners who wave that flag are just as deplorable as they've always been. That flag gained popularity again as the symbol for segregationists. That's its evolution. It went from being waved by slavers to being waved by the Sons and Daughters of Slavers who wanted to keep blacks as second class citizens.
Your family doesn't have the history here that millions of others have, since as I recall you mentioned you are a first generation American. So it's easy to have a sophomoric view on this, so I'll cut you some slack.
Now that you've admitted this about the family of slavers not wanting to admit their family's deplorable past we can dispense with this evolution nonsense.
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And that's the way I see this as well. I could care less whether they ban it, fly it, or use it for toilet paper in their rest rooms. It's knowing they, like so many other enterprises, businesses, and what not, have bent over and grabbed their ankles for the mob.
I guess when Trump doesn't allow BLM to fly their flag at his golf courses that is also bending over to the woke mob.
I usually find myself agreeing with much of what you say. In this case, since I see it as a freedom of speech type issue, I disagree.

The old stars and bars are anachronistic. The Confederacy lost, thankfully. But it is not true that it represents only racism today. But, even if it did, I say we would still be wrong in principle to ban it. (I think it was bodecea who noted that this instance involves a business-group decision, not governmental censorship: and I believe her point is valid.)

There was a big legal case many years back. Some group of modern day American Nazi vermin selected Skokie Illinois as the place they just needed to march with their ludicrous swastika flags. And of course Skokie was home to significant population of Jewish survivors of the Nazi German holocaust. The local government denies the American vermin Nazis their parade permit. Governmental action on a free speech issue. So, therefore, court.

The ACLU champions free speech (and also a lot of nonsense, but hey, that’s just a side note). They took the case to court and won. Even idiotic, vile, offensive speech is protected. I don’t care much for most of the ACLU. And even as to the 1st Amendment, I’m not an absolutist. Close maybe. But not an absolutist. However, they were correct in the Skokie case.

The country music folks have a much better right to deny the right to display the stars and bars. But the basis for their decision (bending their knees to woke shit) serves as a bad precedent.

It isn't being used as a "free speech" issue since it has zero standing in that regard and the ACLU was wrong since the NAZI flag represented our enemy we paid in hundreds of thousand lives to defeat.

The American NAZI groups has been caught committing crimes waving that same flag it is a symbol of murder and hate not a "free speech" symbol and their intentions are well known which again isn't a free speech issue it is to overthrow the government and establish a white only state.


Five murders across US linked to neo-Nazi group

1 Neo-Nazi Group. 5 Murders In 8 Months.

I hear that claim and I'm unconvinced just as I would be if the man waving a Nazi flag tried to tell me he wasn't a Nazi. It seems more likely that white Southerners who wave that flag are just as deplorable as they've always been. That flag gained popularity again as the symbol for segregationists.

How do you explain this?


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