Confederate flags to be banned from CMA country music festival

I usually find myself agreeing with much of what you say. In this case, since I see it as a freedom of speech type issue, I disagree.

The old stars and bars are anachronistic. The Confederacy lost, thankfully. But it is not true that it represents only racism today. But, even if it did, I say we would still be wrong in principle to ban it. (I think it was bodecea who noted that this instance involves a business-group decision, not governmental censorship: and I believe her point is valid.)

There was a big legal case many years back. Some group of modern day American Nazi vermin selected Skokie Illinois as the place they just needed to march with their ludicrous swastika flags. And of course Skokie was home to significant population of Jewish survivors of the Nazi German holocaust. The local government denies the American vermin Nazis their parade permit. Governmental action on a free speech issue. So, therefore, court.

The ACLU champions free speech (and also a lot of nonsense, but hey, that’s just a side note). They took the case to court and won. Even idiotic, vile, offensive speech is protected. I don’t care much for most of the ACLU. And even as to the 1st Amendment, I’m not an absolutist. Close maybe. But not an absolutist. However, they were correct in the Skokie case.

The country music folks have a much better right to deny the right to display the stars and bars. But the basis for their decision (bending their knees to woke shit) serves as a bad precedent.
The only reason why the flag is banned is because they don't want crowds of slobbering leftists ruining the event.

If anything, the Confederacy is more revered today than the day Lee surrendered on the steps of the Appomattox courthouse. Then it was an American Civil War loss. Today that flag is known throughout the world.
The only reason why the flag is banned is because they don't want crowds of slobbering leftists ruining the event.

If anything, the Confederacy is more revered today than the day Lee surrendered on the steps of the Appomattox courthouse. Then it was an American Civil War loss. Today that flag is known throughout the world.
But not respected anywhere decent people congregate. 😁
Why don't you explain it. What does that propaganda have to do with anything? 😄
"propaganda"? It was a nation wide hit tv show. That would not have happened if the flag was seen as a symbol of wacism and tweason as you claim.

That is proof your view of how that flag has been viewed, is false.
"propaganda"? It was a nation wide hit tv show. That would not have happened if the flag was seen as a symbol of wacism and tweason as you claim.

That is proof your view of how that flag has been viewed, is false.
Explain why you think popularity proves something isn't racist. 😄 That's not how you make a logical argument you clown. 😄
Why don't you make us, tough guy?
Ummm because he's a coward that admires black killers from the safety of his keyboard.
But not respected anywhere decent people congregate. 😁
Don't try to hide among decent people (click whistle click). You have already adequately defined your worthless self (whistle whistle). Now tell us again how you aren't really black, but Filipino, Chinese, Japanese, Mexican and/or Indonesian depending on what day it is. (CLICK,click, whistle whistle, click)
It isn't being used as a "free speech" issue since it has zero standing in that regard and the ACLU was wrong since the NAZI flag represented our enemy we paid in hundreds of thousand lives to defeat.

The American NAZI groups has been caught committing crimes waving that same flag it is a symbol of murder and hate not a "free speech" symbol and their intentions are well known which again isn't a free speech issue it is to overthrow the government and establish a white only state.


Five murders across US linked to neo-Nazi group

1 Neo-Nazi Group. 5 Murders In 8 Months.

My impression is that naziism is wrong and evil but it remains a political ideology just the same. Our heritage if free speech was initially designed to protect political speech (and in the ability of full discussion to enable people to reject the false, the illogical or the idiotic). I still believe in the free marketplace of ideas.

However, while the vermin are free to speak their blithering hateful shit, of course they aren’t and shouldn’t be free to act in it in any manner harmful to individual rights and liberties.
It wasn't that long ago that the communist front and the American left won the right to deface the U.S. Flag in a 1st Amendment free speech Supreme Court decision. Veterans who fought for their Country had to watch as dumb assed lefties paraded with shit dipped Old Glory and set the thing on fire. Today we have sodomites parading in outlandish costumes that many Americans find disgusting and offensive but it boils down to a free speech issue....except for the Confederate battle flag.
Ummm because he's a coward that admires black killers from the safety of his keyboard.
Don't try to hide among decent people (click whistle click). You have already adequately defined your worthless self (whistle whistle). Now tell us again how you aren't really black, but Filipino, Chinese, Japanese, Mexican and/or Indonesian depending on what day it is. (CLICK,click, whistle whistle, click)
Who's hiding? I have no need to. The one group of people it's still socially acceptable to mock end ridicule in 2022 are racist whites. 😁
My impression is that naziism is wrong and evil but it remains a political ideology just the same. Our heritage if free speech was initially designed to protect political speech (and in the ability of full discussion to enable people to reject the false, the illogical or the idiotic). I still believe in the free marketplace of ideas.

However, while the vermin are free to speak their blithering hateful shit, of course they aren’t and shouldn’t be free to act in it in any manner harmful to individual rights and liberties.


So much of course not, that it needs not be discussed.

Defending someone's right to speech is in no way defending their right to commit murders.
It wasn't that long ago that the communist front and the American left won the right to deface the U.S. Flag in a 1st Amendment free speech Supreme Court decision. Veterans who fought for their Country had to watch as dumb assed lefties paraded with shit dipped Old Glory and set the thing on fire. Today we have sodomites parading in outlandish costumes that many Americans find disgusting and offensive but it boils down to a free speech issue....except for the Confederate battle flag.
Because the left believes that symbol has power.
Explain why you think popularity proves something isn't racist. 😄 That's not how you make a logical argument you clown. 😄

The point wasn't whether it was wacist or not. The point was how it was viewed by people.

THat the nation as a whole found it "popular" does indeed demonstrate that your claim, that it was only a symbol for "American nazis" and segregationists, was dead wrong.

That's the point. Please don't waste my time pretending to be too stupid to understand a simple point.
You are hiding. You only talk tough here, where you are anonymous.
This is nothing I wouldn't mind saying right to your face. And we both know you clowns are the ones hiding. You desperately want to argue that there was nothing wrong with the Confederacy and that Robert E Lee was a hero but you won't because we cucked you and took your balls from you. You know better boy. 😁
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The point wasn't whether it was wacist or not. The point was how it was viewed by people.

THat the nation as a whole found it "popular" does indeed demonstrate that your claim, that it was only a symbol for "American nazis" and segregationists, was dead wrong.

That's the point. Please don't waste my time pretending to be too stupid to understand a simple point.
Popularity doesn't mean it wasn't a symbol of deplorable Nazis it could also mean deplorable nazis dominated American society. And that's seems more likely. All through history when we look at Confederate flag wavers they've been deplorable twats.
This is nothing I wouldn't mind saying right to your face. And we both know you clowns are the ones hiding. You desperately want to argue that there was nothing wrong with the Confederacy and that Robert E Lee was a hero but you won't because we cucked you and took your balls from you. You know better boy. 😁

I've never said anything like what you just claimed I said. Once again, you prove yourself to be a liar and a coward.

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