Confederate flags to be banned from CMA country music festival

Was Lee a part of the Confederacy shit for brains?
Wow, you are an idiot because you wrote why would she buy the Confederate Flag and when you looked you realized Lee Battle Flag isn’t the Confederate Flag you moron confuse all the time!

So let be clear learn your damn history and stop confusing Lee Battle Flag with the Actual Confederate Flag you fucking moron!
I might buy a Stars and Bars BATTLE flag just to irrate left loons

8n fact I think I will...and have my morning coffee watching leftists melt down
Why would the left be "irritated" by confederate flags if the left are all racist kkk confederate Democrats??
Wow, you are an idiot because you wrote why would she buy the Confederate Flag and when you looked you realized Lee Battle Flag isn’t the Confederate Flag you moron confuse all the time!

So let be clear learn your damn history and stop confusing Lee Battle Flag with the Actual Confederate Flag you fucking moron!

Was Lee a part of the Confederacy? It's a very simple question you moron.
How can you advocate force against another and their property in good conscience simply because you don't like what they stand for? Now if they were committing slavery, then sure, violence against them is warranted but violence because you don't like different points of view? Though I suppose I shouldn't be surprised to find a sympathizer of Confederate flag wavers expressing that deplorable view. That's just par for the course at this point.

But if you are a firm believer that the flag represents the belief that black people should still be enslaved, whether it's personal property or not, how can you tolerate this kind of expression, if it's only being flown to represent that point of view? Why would you sit back and allow it to stand?
But if you are a firm believer that the flag represents the belief that black people should still be enslaved, whether it's personal property or not, how can you tolerate this kind of expression, if it's only being flown to represent that point of view? Why would you sit back and allow it to stand?
Because I don't believe violence is an appropriate response to view points you don't like and disagree with. Did you really need that explained to you as if you were a particularly slow child?

Was Lee a part of the Confederacy? It's a very simple question you moron.
That is not what you wrote first moron!

Lee Flag was not the Confederate Flag no matter how much you try to save your sorry ass!

It isn’t my fault your Progressive Transsexual Teacher didn’t educate you on the damn difference, so do you know the difference between Lee Battle Flag vs The Confederate Flag of are you going to claim it does not matter and claim because Lee fought for the Confederate States you assumed his flag was their national flag?

It was incorporated into the Confederate Flag at the end but was never the Confederate Flag on it own and you proclaiming he fought for the South does not excuse your fucking ignorance or retardation on history you fucking loser!
That is not what you wrote first moron!

Lee Flag was not the Confederate Flag no matter how much you try to save your sorry ass!

It isn’t my fault your Progressive Transsexual Teacher didn’t educate you on the damn difference, so do you know the difference between Lee Battle Flag vs The Confederate Flag of are you going to claim it does not matter and claim because Lee fought for the Confederate States you assumed his flag was their national flag?

It was incorporated into the Confederate Flag at the end but was never the Confederate Flag on it own and you proclaiming he fought for the South does not excuse your fucking ignorance or retardation on history you fucking loser!

Hey moron, I don't know if you know this, but Lee went to battle for the Confederacy. Whether or not his battle flag was the national flag of the Confederacy (which is not something I claimed) it was a flag of the Confederacy thus calling it a confederate flag in general passing is perfectly acceptable. It was a flag used by the Confederacy. It's not that hard to sus out you dipshit.
Same. It was only later that I learned that it was the slaver traitor flag.
Apparently, there's more slaves today than in the past. Everything in the past is meaningless because every person and action will fail against today's standards. Everything today will fail against future laws and culture, so trying to erase the past is done in the hands of thickos.
Apparently, there's more slaves today than in the past. Everything in the past is meaningless because every person and action will fail against today's standards. Everything today will fail against future laws and culture, so trying to erase the past is done in the hands of thickos.
That's a stupid argument. No one here is trying to erase the past but you are clearly trying to excuse some of the more uncomfortable parts under the guise that time has standards. It doesn't. People have standards. You people have no problem using your own standards to judge people like Washington heroes and great men for standing against tyranny and creating a country built on the idea of individual freedom but when we point out his tyrannical treatment of slaves that is when you trot out the old, "we can't judge them by today's standards" trope. Why can't I exactly?
I love how these clowns brag about needing a safe space from me. 😄
There are no safe spaces.

Fuck with my family and I'll make your life miserable, it's that simple.

Not only that, I'll come after you, to make your life miserable.

Fuck with me, and I'll fuck back ten times as hard

I ain't one of these blowhard Republicans. I'm the real thing, I'm the meanest son of a bitch in the valley.

I lmao @ safe spaces. I => am <= the safe space. If you're with me, you're safe. If you're against me, you're very unsafe and there's no "place" you can hide.

Come on, let's stop blowing smoke. Wanna play for real? Bring it, I'm ready
There are no safe spaces.

Fuck with my family and I'll make your life miserable, it's that simple.

Not only that, I'll come after you, to make your life miserable.

Fuck with me, and I'll fuck back ten times as hard

I ain't one of these blowhard Republicans. I'm the real thing, I'm the meanest son of a bitch in the valley.

I lmao @ safe spaces. I => am <= the safe space. If you're with me, you're safe. If you're against me, you're very unsafe and there's no "place" you can hide.

Come on, let's stop blowing smoke. Wanna play for real? Bring it, I'm ready

You're trying way too hard clown...
There are no safe spaces.

Fuck with my family and I'll make your life miserable, it's that simple.

Not only that, I'll come after you, to make your life miserable.

Fuck with me, and I'll fuck back ten times as hard

I ain't one of these blowhard Republicans. I'm the real thing, I'm the meanest son of a bitch in the valley.

I lmao @ safe spaces. I => am <= the safe space. If you're with me, you're safe. If you're against me, you're very unsafe and there's no "place" you can hide.

Come on, let's stop blowing smoke. Wanna play for real? Bring it, I'm ready
Shut it because all you are doing is pissing in the wind that is blowing at you…

Fuck the retardation and I need to delete Duck Duck Go again for another week and come back to see if this place is cleaned up…
If that's the reality why is it getting banned and shit on everywhere? These safe space fantasy worlds you clowns create in your minds might give you comfort at home behind your computer screens, but in the real real world we all know that's a symbol of deplorable mutants and it ain't welcome around decent folk.
You are NOT "decent folks".

YOU PERSONALLY just threatened to shoot a pregnant woman based on her race

You are a RACIST ASSHOLE, end of story
The flag was never limited to segregationists. For generations it was a harmless symbol of regional pride. More recently it has started to be seen as a symbol of rural Americans, ie "rednecks".

That you pretend to have missed this, is just you being a dishonest troll.

There’s nothing to be ‘proud’ of – one shouldn’t be ‘proud’ of racism, bigotry, treason, and hate.

Again, it’s the symbol of white grievance politics and racist replacement theory.
You DO know the con-federacy lasted only four years, right? Other than that, Southern culture was represented by this flag: View attachment 653920
Actually, there was no ‘confederacy,’ no state ‘seceded’ from the Union; the states in lawless rebellion were always part of the United States and residents of those states were always American citizens – citizens who committed the crime of treason against the United States.

There’s nothing to be ‘proud’ of – one shouldn’t be ‘proud’ of racism, bigotry, treason, and hate.

Again, it’s the symbol of white grievance politics and racist replacement theory.

You get aroused at a fag flag don't ya?

What you know about the south, secession, state's rights, etc would fit in a thimble.

Good grief, Jones your entire Constitutional expert went down in flames and you've resorted to flaming with "hate, bigotry, white people bad and faux racism

Grow the fck up
Actually, there was no ‘confederacy,’ no state ‘seceded’ from the Union; the states in lawless rebellion were always part of the United States and residents of those states were always American citizens – citizens who committed the crime of treason against the United States.

That's a fckn lie

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