Confederate flags to be banned from CMA country music festival

In your mind yes, but to others it's viewed differently.
Viewed differently by a minority of mutants and deplorables. Even the Nazis have idolaters among poor ignorant whites who need fairytales because they don't have a pot to piss in or two brain cells to rub together.
The party of trump still trying to present them selves as freedom fighters or something. If they were, they would object to all the shit the red state governors are doing to keep Blacks from voting. One link below although a year old and republicans have surely gotten even more low down and dirtier by now.
A minority of mutants and deplorables. Even the Nazis have idolaters among poor ignorant whites who need fairytales because they don't have a pot to piss in or two brain cells to rub together.

First of all, I'm pretty neutral on this. I can understand both points of view. I'm not from the south, nor do I live there. I gave what I believe is a good explanation of why this is a controversy and why it's a debate. Go back and read post #428, it should give you more of a broader perspective.
Maybe after reading it, you'll be less likely to insult and direct such derogatory language when referring to other people that you likely have no history with.
Others… you mean racists whites and anti-government shitheads?



Maybe some of them are, maybe some of them just are prideful of the area of the country they live in, and like the fact that there's always been a flag to represent it. I don't know, I don't live there like you apparently do.
You DO know the con-federacy lasted only four years, right? Other than that, Southern culture was represented by this flag:
First of all, I'm pretty neutral on this. I can understand both points of view. I'm not from the south, nor do I live there. I gave what I believe is a good explanation of why this is a controversy and why it's a debate. Go back and read post #428, it should give you more of a broader perspective.
Maybe after reading it, you'll be less likely to insult and direct such derogatory language when referring to other people that you likely have no history with.
No, I'm good. I don't care why people choose to celebrate Nazis, I do think it's hilarious though that you think you've effectively "both sides" the Nazis. If that were true American nazi symbols would be getting banned left and right.
You DO know the con-federacy lasted only four years, right? Other than that, Southern culture was represented by this flag: View attachment 653920


Why do you insist on arguing this with a black and white perspective?
It's so easy TODAY, for you to point fingers at one segment of time, and shoot it forward to 160 years later, and expect the same arguments.

The U.S. should have destroyed and banned the flag at the end of the war, BUT they didn't. It's now viewed different by a LOT of people that see it differently TODAY.
You on the other hand want to continue to fight this argument, using 1860's logic.

Yes, there are people today that are triggered by it, maybe because their great great great grandparents were slaves, or slave owners, so they see the flag differently than someone who merely lives in the region today, and loves their region of the country.

My advice, is that the flag is a lost cause, and TODAY there are no upstanding corporations, enterprises, and what not, that are going to want to associate themselves in any way with the flag, because the narrative that the flag represents slavery, or anti-black, has won the day.
I did do that. And? 😄 Are you one those "play the game the white way" advocates? Gloating in the face of your enemies is one of the perks of victory. You don't like it, stop losing so much. 😁

Did you not recognize that statement as hyperbolic? In what way can I prevent you from going out in public and sharing your deplorable views? I've never suggested anyone should meet those views with violence. In fact I find violence to be counter productive and anyone who engages in violence should be arrested. No.

What I have proposed we do in response to you voicing your deplorable views is to shame and ridicule you and encourage private entities like NASCAR and CMA to do likewise. To push the propaganda that you and your culture are deplorable mutants until your employers, neighbors, friends and children are too ashamed to be associated with you and you find yourself on the fringes of society, staring at cultural extinction.

Yes, and of course there are the actual violence from many on your side. All together, that was teh point I was making. You are using power to terrorize and force conformity though fear.

Only violent mobs are illegal, not mobs of people mocking, pointing and laughing at you. That's just our 1st amendment right. 😁

I made no point about legality. Some of what you people have done is illegal, so not. All of it is morally wrong. That has been my argument.

You haven't even tried to argue against my morality or logic, all you've done so far is cry like a bitch because I have zero respect for you or your opinions.

When I pointed out that you were lying, and pointed out that these Symbols have now and have been for generations harmless symbols of regional pride, that is arguing against, and indeed, utterly refuting your "morality" and "logic".

Where is the morality and logic in venerating a slave state and using its battle flag as a symbol of your pride? Go ahead and explain that one with morality and logic.

The symbols stopped being that shortly after the Civil War ended. It is not credible that you are not aware of that. You are a liar.

Thank you. 😁

You are proud of being a political goon? Ok. I will be happy to mention it often.

You haven't even begun to make an argument for the veneration of the Confederacy. Where is it clown boy?

The Confederate Battle flag was never a symbol of the Confederacy. It has for many generations been a harmless symbol of regional pride. More recently it is being used as a symbol of working class rural people, ie rednecks.

Absolutely false. America as a whole was not supportive of equal rights in the 60s. Segregation was outlawed in the 60s but the entire South voted in favor of maintaining segregation. You don't even know basic fucking facts about history. The frigging national guard had to be brought in to force the South to integrate. Remember that you moron? 😄

The whole south did NOT vote for segregation. You are either lying or ignorant.

From the mid 60s, this nation has had a bi-partisan consensus on equality for blacks.

Actual w.s. or hard core racists, have been marginalized since then.

you are sooooo brave, railing against an enemy that other men defeated before you were born.

You are inventing reasons to hate your fellow man.
The flag banning doesn't violate anything because the flags are for a nation that hasn't existed for over 150 years thus shouldn't be waved around in public anymore.

The Confederate flags belongs in a museum not on the streets America.
No, I'm good. I don't care why people choose to celebrate Nazis, I do think it's hilarious though that you think you've effectively "both sides" the Nazis. If that were true American nazi symbols would be getting banned left and right.

Your answer then simply demonstrates you lack the ability to comprehend how this issue has evolved.
It evolved to become even MORE racist.

More racist than when it was used to fight for slavery?

That is the most stupid and false statement that I have ever seen made.

The confederate battle flag has been a harmless symbol of regional pride for generations.

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