Confederate flags to be banned from CMA country music festival

It's you who dodged my point you moron. I have no problem addressing anything you want to ask.

You talked about how safe you are and how your enemies have to live in fear, ie you bragged about being part of the mob.

I made the point that being in the mob, historically, doesn't generally work out for people.

You did not address that point. You dodged. it. You are the one dodging my points, Because you know that you cannot honestly refute them, so you have to talk shit.

It is the only way you can even pretend to not be on the wrong side of this, and the VAST majority of issues.

EVERYTIME you do shit like that, you admit that you know you are the Bad Guy, with ill intent.
The symbol of God's covenant with Man?
The god Eros? Yes.

I actually support gay marriage 100% and see nothing at all wrong about two adults indulging in activities that do not involve coercion or predation, but this whole virtue signaling mania on the left has become downright ridiculous.

If people were really comfortable with gay people and saw being gay as no big deal, they wouldn't have to PROMOTE them so constantly and conspicuously.

I say, let people express themselves with gay flags or confederate flags alike. Right now, our current government is flying one at various embassies, while working with private enterprise to restrict the other. Government is not supposed to DO that. It is not government's job to manufacture culture, yet here we are in 2022 with government seeing the shaping of culture as its #1 priority.

I feel like I am living in China under the Maoist cultural revolution, so thoroughly do these totalitarians inject their agenda into every possible aspect of our lives.
What generation was that?

I have not studied it closely, but I would say from the end of Reconstruction to very recently, very, very, very recently.


I learned just how evil the first time I encountered that bot, on another board, ironically. I got it banned from that board and it will eventually be banned on this board as well. Just a matter of time and a few words.

They troll and troll until they get someone banned, and that is how they count "wins".

On some level, they know that they cannot defend their vile beliefs and positions, so silencing their enemies is their only way of "winning" the Contest of Ideas.

The level of cognitive dissonance in their minds must be beyond our comprehension.
They troll and troll until they get someone banned, and that is how they count "wins".

On some level, they know that they cannot defend their vile beliefs and positions, so silencing their enemies is their only way of "winning" the Contest of Ideas.

The level of cognitive dissonance in their minds must be beyond our comprehension.
The funny thing is -- these ultra-authoritarians call OTHER people the fascists.

I swear that this modern left of ours views 1984 as an operating manual instead of a cautionary tale.
The funny thing is -- these ultra-authoritarians call OTHER people the fascists.

I swear that this modern left of ours views 1984 as an operating manual instead of a cautionary tale.

Future generations of historians will comb though these forums, and make careers over the madness shown by the Left and used to craft the policy that runs and probably ruins this country.
You made a false claim, that the confederate flag stood for "American nazis".
They are the equivalent to Nazis. Your "nuh-uh" is not an argument to the contrary. They started a country specifically centered around the enslavement of black people. Like the Nazis, their culture was deplorable through and through.
I pointed out that that was false, truthfully.
I see you stating that what I don't see is anyone in the mainstream agreeing with it.
You asked, if that was true, than why has the confederate flag been being banned and marginalized.

I answered that because people like you have power and are using it marginalize your enemies.
What power do I hold other than to make an argument centered around truth and logic? Did I brainwash or hold a gun to the heads of NASCAR and the CMA?
And here you gladly admit that that it true.
I gladly admit that your arguments and claims are laughed at in mainstream society. That is true.
Thus, it is established. You are lying to gin up hate and rage against your enemies to advance your political and cultural agenda.
I don't need to lie about the deplorable culture of the Confederacy, we can read their own deplorable words for ourselves.
You know it is false. You don't even try to defend your arguments. You just pepper your posts with assertions and when challenged, dodge weave, talk in circles, to avoid and hide the truth.
You're the one who hasn't spent one second trying to make the argument that the Confederates were decent people because you can't.
Every time you do the shit you do, ie lie and dodge, you are admitting not only that you are Evil. but that you know you are Evil.
Haven't dodged a single comment by you yet soy boy.
You talked about how safe you are and how your enemies have to live in fear, ie you bragged about being part of the mob.
I have. I've asked you repeatedly to tell me what's wrong with cheering on the extinction of a deplorable culture? Would you weep for extinction of Islamic fundamentalists?
I made the point that being in the mob, historically, doesn't generally work out for people.
And I countered by pointing out its the Confederates who have been historical losers and then you started crying like a little bitch. Hey clown, I heard your warning, not even a little bit concerned about you simps. 😄
You did not address that point. You dodged. it. You are the one dodging my points, Because you know that you cannot honestly refute them, so you have to talk shit.
I did address your warning. I laughed at it.
It is the only way you can even pretend to not be on the wrong side of this, and the VAST majority of issues.
Maybe try to convince more than just the mutants and morons on the fringes of that 😁
EVERYTIME you do shit like that, you admit that you know you are the Bad Guy, with ill intent.
What good is going to do you? Is it going to get me banned from NASCAR? 😂
Future generations of historians will comb though these forums, and make careers over the madness shown by the Left and used to craft the policy that runs and probably ruins this country.

You have a very delusional sense of self importance.
What power do I hold other than to make an argument centered around truth and logic? Did I brainwash or hold a gun to the heads of NASCAR and the CMA?

You gloated that you are safe to go out side and talk your viewpoints while those that disagree are not.

That is you being part of a mob.

That is the power you have. and that power is the basis of your argument, not Truth or any type of Morality or Logic.

You are a political thug, a goon.

The rest of your talk is just you trolling to distract from how I have refuted all your silly claims.

America as a whole have been supportive of equal rights for blacks since the mid 60s. Your talk of w.s. in American today is bullshit whose only purpose is to justify your own bad behavior.
It a culture war you moron, causing harm to the enemy is the point. And its not anti- white hatred which is why you clowns can't get all the whites at the CMA on your side. It's anti white racist hate and what's wrong with hating racists?
With a statement like that you gotta know the Progs and the globalists are in control. Why you and others are spouting someone else is doing the real work.
Resnic said:
People who think the Confederate flag is about racism and hate have no idea what the flag stands for.

That's exactly what that flag stood for and you're delusional if you think it didn't.

Yes and no.

At the end of WWII, the Allies destroyed as much Nazi symbols, paraphernalia, etc as possible.
This forever locked in, and tied the symbols to that horrific time and ideology. From that point on, the entire world recognized and associated those symbols with pure evil. This killed any debate of what the symbols stood for.

At the end of the Civil War on the other hand, the United States government, allowed the Confederate flag to live on, and even flourish as it ended up even being incorporated into official state flags of several states.
By allowing this, the flag slowly evolved away from the original representation of states that approved of slavery, into more of a representation of a region of the country. This is why it's been so difficult in today's world to completely rid the nation of it.
When you see it flying, you immediately view it, and associate it with slavery, and possibly even believe the people flying it as believing black people should be slaves.
The people flying it today on the other hand, likely view it more as a symbol of a region of the country that they live in and have pride in.

Had the U.S. government banned the flag and it's use right at the end of the war, it would have been locked in to that time, and there wouldn't be a debate today.
You gloated that you are safe to go out side and talk your viewpoints while those that disagree are not.
I did do that. And? 😄 Are you one those "play the game the white way" advocates? Gloating in the face of your enemies is one of the perks of victory. You don't like it, stop losing so much. 😁

Did you not recognize that statement as hyperbolic? In what way can I prevent you from going out in public and sharing your deplorable views? I've never suggested anyone should meet those views with violence. In fact I find violence to be counter productive and anyone who engages in violence should be arrested. No.

What I have proposed we do in response to you voicing your deplorable views is to shame and ridicule you and encourage private entities like NASCAR and CMA to do likewise. To push the propaganda that you and your culture are deplorable mutants until your employers, neighbors, friends and children are too ashamed to be associated with you and you find yourself on the fringes of society, staring at cultural extinction.
That is you being part of a mob.
Only violent mobs are illegal, not mobs of people mocking, pointing and laughing at you. That's just our 1st amendment right. 😁
That is the power you have. and that power is the basis of your argument, not Truth or any type of Morality or Logic.
You haven't even tried to argue against my morality or logic, all you've done so far is cry like a bitch because I have zero respect for you or your opinions.

Where is the morality and logic in venerating a slave state and using its battle flag as a symbol of your pride? Go ahead and explain that one with morality and logic.
You are a political thug, a goon.
Thank you. 😁
The rest of your talk is just you trolling to distract from how I have refuted all your silly claims.
You haven't even begun to make an argument for the veneration of the Confederacy. Where is it clown boy?
America as a whole have been supportive of equal rights for blacks since the mid 60s. Your talk of w.s. in American today is bullshit whose only purpose is to justify your own bad behavior.
Absolutely false. America as a whole was not supportive of equal rights in the 60s. Segregation was outlawed in the 60s but the entire South voted in favor of maintaining segregation. You don't even know basic fucking facts about history. The frigging national guard had to be brought in to force the South to integrate. Remember that you moron? 😄
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