Confederate Memorial at Arlington will be removed despite GOP opposition

The piles of shit refer to confederate statutes and monuments...

OK, but when you talk about removing piles of shit people today would take that literally since Democrats are literally doing that. You may want to work on communicating clearly. Easy rule, don't use figurative arguments that make too much sense literally to be effective figuratively.

I'm for moving them to museums, but I like leaving them there to make people remember what Democrats are. Though whatever is fine as long as it's done legally rather than the typical Democrat style of using an angry mob, MAGA man
Stupid democrat Taliban. Just can't handle American history.

Next they'll be erecting statues to perverts and deviants.
Let them. Then when those are defaced or destroyed and their cops try to impose biased enforcement, show them what resistance really means. Hint - it AIN'T what we saw on J6.
Confederate Memorial at Arlington will be removed despite GOP opposition
Though dozens of congressional Republicans protested the move, the Army says it will begin work in coming days

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The U.S. Army intends to remove a Confederate memorial from Arlington National Cemetery next week as part of its ongoing work to rid Defense Department property of divisive rebel imagery, defying dozens of congressional Republicans who have vociferously protested the move.

Why would Republicans object to the removal of Confederate monuments if the Confederates were Democrats??? 🤔

All the Confederates WERE democrats.
Lincoln had just started the Republican party.
That's Confederate history you dumb Bingo. Their soldiers killed American soldiers. It's about time we put the Confederacy in its proper place.

They fought a defensive war, on their soil.
Gettysburg was the only exception.
They fought a defensive war, on their soil.
Gettysburg was the only exception.
They fought a war in defense of slavery you stupid cowardly fuck. When one of you pussy Confederate lovers can say that with your chest maybe I'll have a little respect for one of you. I don't give a fuck about the claimed soil of a Slave State. I think they're claim over human beings as property is more relevant than their claim to soil.
Liberals are proud that they are erasing our history.
It's not "out" history, it's the history of traitors who not only sought to maintain human bondage but spread it to the western territories.

These pieces of shit monuments were never meant to share history, they were there to maintain the image of white supremacy as per the daughters of the Confederacy.
Liberals are proud that they are erasing our history.

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