Confederate Republicans protesting and chanting "Russia is our friend".

Protesters Chant ‘Russia Is Our Friend’ During Pro-Confederate Statue Rally (WATCH)

Demonstrators, including self-described supporters of white culture, showed up Saturday in Charlottesville, Virginia to protest the sale of a statue commemorating a Confederate general. One politician said it evoked KKK rallies meant to intimidate people of color.

At some point, they even started chanting “Russia is our friend.”


Is this really any surprise? Seriously?

Is there some point you are trying to make?
You really want Russia for an enemy?
Something evil about protests? Or white culture (if there is such a thing). Or remembering our "Civil War" patriots?
Right I'm sure you would be singing that tune if Obama supporters had done that under his administration.

You people are such childish hypocrites.
You lead nazis to rule Ukraine and you blame Russia for not allowing to mass kill people in Ukraine who disagree with new authorities...
Jesus...I am shocked with your stupidity and blind belief in you mass media.

Why is it worse to be a Western Ukrainian "Nazi" rather than an Eastern Ukrainian "Soviet"?

Didn't Soviets kill more than the Nazis?
Protesters Chant ‘Russia Is Our Friend’ During Pro-Confederate Statue Rally (WATCH)

Demonstrators, including self-described supporters of white culture, showed up Saturday in Charlottesville, Virginia to protest the sale of a statue commemorating a Confederate general. One politician said it evoked KKK rallies meant to intimidate people of color.

At some point, they even started chanting “Russia is our friend.”


Is this really any surprise? Seriously?

You're hating people because they want peaceful relations with a nuclear superpower? What would you rather they be doing, run around burning the Russian flag and attacking random Russian-Americans out of hatred?

Russia is an ally to help fight ISIS, our actual enemy that literally wants to destroy us. But treasonous c*nts would rather go to war with Russia and allow ISIS to grow.
Eastern Ukrainians must be real morons.... No people on Earth got more brutalized by the Soviet regime than Eastern Ukraine... The Holodomor mostly hit Eastern Ukraine, orchestrated by Soviets, as a result millions from Eastern Ukraine starved to death.... Millions of Eastern Ukrainians ended up in Soviet Gulags too, many even died....

Yet... There go the Eastern Ukrainians supporting Soviet symbols, and Soviet statues.
Protesters Chant ‘Russia Is Our Friend’ During Pro-Confederate Statue Rally (WATCH)

Demonstrators, including self-described supporters of white culture, showed up Saturday in Charlottesville, Virginia to protest the sale of a statue commemorating a Confederate general. One politician said it evoked KKK rallies meant to intimidate people of color.

At some point, they even started chanting “Russia is our friend.”


Is this really any surprise? Seriously?

You're hating people because they want peaceful relations with a nuclear superpower? What would you rather they be doing, run around burning the Russian flag and attacking random Russian-Americans out of hatred?

Russia is an ally to help fight ISIS, our actual enemy that literally wants to destroy us. But treasonous c*nts would rather go to war with Russia and allow ISIS to grow.

More than half of Russians said Stalin was a great Russian leader...

That's reason enough for Conservatives to be suspicious of Russians..
Protesters Chant ‘Russia Is Our Friend’ During Pro-Confederate Statue Rally (WATCH)

Demonstrators, including self-described supporters of white culture, showed up Saturday in Charlottesville, Virginia to protest the sale of a statue commemorating a Confederate general. One politician said it evoked KKK rallies meant to intimidate people of color.

At some point, they even started chanting “Russia is our friend.”


Is this really any surprise? Seriously?

You're hating people because they want peaceful relations with a nuclear superpower? What would you rather they be doing, run around burning the Russian flag and attacking random Russian-Americans out of hatred?

Russia is an ally to help fight ISIS, our actual enemy that literally wants to destroy us. But treasonous c*nts would rather go to war with Russia and allow ISIS to grow.

More than half of Russians said Stalin was a great Russian leader...

That's reason enough for Conservatives to be suspicious of Russians..

We are suspicious of Putin and the Russian government. It doesn't mean we want war with them, or that we can't find some common ground, such as fighting Islamic fascism.
You lead nazis to rule Ukraine and you blame Russia for not allowing to mass kill people in Ukraine who disagree with new authorities...
Jesus...I am shocked with your stupidity and blind belief in you mass media.

Why is it worse to be a Western Ukrainian "Nazi" rather than an Eastern Ukrainian "Soviet"?

Didn't Soviets kill more than the Nazis?
This goes to ideology of nazism/fascism and communism.

Nazism is based on a very disgusting ideas.
Communism is based on right ideas.

Nazism is impossible without murder and other crimes.
Crimes of communists are crimes of people who got power in early USSR. The same as crimes of inquisition do not prove that Christianity is evil.

Do you know the main idea of communism? It is ideal society. And humanity will come to it.
But in 20 century or even now it is too early for us to try to create communist way of living.

But speaking about eastern Ukrainians they are not "soviet" as you called them. They simply disagree to European movement of their country. They prefer better relations with Russia. Or Russia is supposed to be soviet now?
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Protesters Chant ‘Russia Is Our Friend’ During Pro-Confederate Statue Rally (WATCH)

Demonstrators, including self-described supporters of white culture, showed up Saturday in Charlottesville, Virginia to protest the sale of a statue commemorating a Confederate general. One politician said it evoked KKK rallies meant to intimidate people of color.

At some point, they even started chanting “Russia is our friend.”


Is this really any surprise? Seriously?

You're hating people because they want peaceful relations with a nuclear superpower? What would you rather they be doing, run around burning the Russian flag and attacking random Russian-Americans out of hatred?

Russia is an ally to help fight ISIS, our actual enemy that literally wants to destroy us. But treasonous c*nts would rather go to war with Russia and allow ISIS to grow.

More than half of Russians said Stalin was a great Russian leader...

That's reason enough for Conservatives to be suspicious of Russians..

We are suspicious of Putin and the Russian government. It doesn't mean we want war with them, or that we can't find some common ground, such as fighting Islamic fascism.

If Putin invades "Your Germany" no war still?
You lead nazis to rule Ukraine and you blame Russia for not allowing to mass kill people in Ukraine who disagree with new authorities...
Jesus...I am shocked with your stupidity and blind belief in you mass media.

Why is it worse to be a Western Ukrainian "Nazi" rather than an Eastern Ukrainian "Soviet"?

Didn't Soviets kill more than the Nazis?
This goes to ideology if nazism/fascism and communism.

Nazism is based on a very disgusting ideas.
Communism is based on right ideas.

Nazism is impossible without murder and other crimes.
Crimes of communists are crimes of people who got power in early USSR. The same as crimes of inquisition do not prove that Christianity is evil.

Do you know the main idea of communism? It is ideal society. And humanity will come to it.
But in 20 century or even now it is too early for us to try to create communist way of living.

But speaking about eastern Ukrainians they are not "soviet" as you called them. They simply disagree to European movement of their country. They prefer better relations with Russia. Or Russia is supposed to be soviet now?

Fascist Italy didn't really murder for about 1 decade, Nazi Germany didn't really murder for about half a decade.... While all Communist regimes murdered right away.

Between 1917 - 1922 as many as 20 million Russians were killed by the Bolsheviks between the Russian Civil War, and the Volga Famine they bought on.

That means Soviets may have immediately killed as much as Nazis did in an extended period of over 1 decade.

One could just as easily say that Egalitarian ideals are disgusting.... for one Communism has a horrible track record when it comes to economic growth, unlike Fascism which actually has the best track record of economic growth.

But, Egalitarianism allows idiocy, and degeneracy to spread by appeasing it.

Not that I support how Nazis did it.... But I do support Positive Eugenics.
You lead nazis to rule Ukraine and you blame Russia for not allowing to mass kill people in Ukraine who disagree with new authorities...
Jesus...I am shocked with your stupidity and blind belief in you mass media.

Why is it worse to be a Western Ukrainian "Nazi" rather than an Eastern Ukrainian "Soviet"?

Didn't Soviets kill more than the Nazis?

But speaking about eastern Ukrainians they are not "soviet" as you called them. They simply disagree to European movement of their country. They prefer better relations with Russia. Or Russia is supposed to be soviet now?

Sure a lot of them are... Crowds of Eastern Ukrainians gathered flying Soviet symbols.


Workers' trade unions ensure that workers get fair wages and working conditions. Hitler didn't like trade unions. He believed that they supported socialism and communism. Trade unions were banned in Germany
BBC - GCSE Bitesize: How did Nazi economic and social policy affect life in Germany?

Beauty of Labour
(Schönheit der Arbeit) was a propaganda organisation of the Nazi government from the period 1934 to its eventual disbandment in 1945. Initially a propaganda machine, the SdA worked bilaterally with its counterpart organisation Strength Through Joy (KdF) to achieve an overall appeasement of the general population. The Beauty of Labour was one of the many areas that made up the Nazi labour union, the Deutsche Arbeitsfront (DAF or "German Labour Front").

Beauty of Labour - Wikipedia


Uh, the German Labour Front was a Socialist trade Union for the Nazis.

Liberals seem to be getting really desperate, and dumb . LOL


Beauty of Labour (Schönheit der Arbeit was a propaganda organisation of the Nazi government from the period 1934 to its eventual disbandment in 1945. Initially a propaganda machine, the SdA worked bilaterally with its counterpart organisation Strength Through Joy (KdF) to achieve an overall appeasement of the general population.

The Beauty of Labour was one of the many areas that made up the Nazi labour union, the Deutsche Arbeitsfront (DAF or "German Labour Front")

Beauty of Labour - Wikipedia

Starting in 1933, KdF provided affordable leisure activities such as concerts, plays, libraries, day trips and holidays.[1] Large ships, such as Wilhelm Gustloff, were built specifically for KdF cruises. They rewarded workers with taking them and their families to the movies, to parks, keep-fit clubs, hiking, sporting activities, film shows and concerts. Borrowing from the Italian fascist organization Dopolavoro "After Work", but extending its influence into the workplace as well, KdF rapidly developed a wide range of activities, and quickly grew into one of Nazi Germany's largest organizations. The official statistics showed that in 1934, 2.3 million people took KdF holidays. By 1938, this figure rose to 10.3 million.[4]


The German Labour Front was way more Socialist... Than the Labor Unions in the U.S.A.... bubs.

Uh, the German Labour Front was a Socialist trade Union for the Nazis.

Liberals seem to be getting really desperate, and dumb . LOL


Beauty of Labour (Schönheit der Arbeit was a propaganda organisation of the Nazi government from the period 1934 to its eventual disbandment in 1945. Initially a propaganda machine, the SdA worked bilaterally with its counterpart organisation Strength Through Joy (KdF) to achieve an overall appeasement of the general population.

The Beauty of Labour was one of the many areas that made up the Nazi labour union, the Deutsche Arbeitsfront (DAF or "German Labour Front")

Beauty of Labour - Wikipedia

Starting in 1933, KdF provided affordable leisure activities such as concerts, plays, libraries, day trips and holidays.[1] Large ships, such as Wilhelm Gustloff, were built specifically for KdF cruises. They rewarded workers with taking them and their families to the movies, to parks, keep-fit clubs, hiking, sporting activities, film shows and concerts. Borrowing from the Italian fascist organization Dopolavoro "After Work", but extending its influence into the workplace as well, KdF rapidly developed a wide range of activities, and quickly grew into one of Nazi Germany's largest organizations. The official statistics showed that in 1934, 2.3 million people took KdF holidays. By 1938, this figure rose to 10.3 million.[4]


The German Labour Front was way more Socialist... Than the Labor Unions in the U.S.A.... bubs.


Yet, they created cruises for workers.... When was the last time American unions did that?
Protesters Chant ‘Russia Is Our Friend’ During Pro-Confederate Statue Rally (WATCH)

Demonstrators, including self-described supporters of white culture, showed up Saturday in Charlottesville, Virginia to protest the sale of a statue commemorating a Confederate general. One politician said it evoked KKK rallies meant to intimidate people of color.

At some point, they even started chanting “Russia is our friend.”


Is this really any surprise? Seriously?

The ignorance coming out of 2016 election year is absolutely astounding. Someone needs to start a campaign "Make America Smart again."

Russia has been a very bad actor--just 1-1/2 years ago hacking into the Pentagon to get into the Joint Chiefs of staffs emails. It was moving so fast through the system they had to shut it down, and it took 2 weeks to get new hardware and software. They're constantly trying to get into our utiliies so they can disrupt power sources (especially around U.S. military bases.) It is a constant battle against Russian cyber attacks--which is why cyber attacks are now considered the 21st century Act of War.
Russian hack almost brought the U.S. military to its knees
Report: Moscow-Backed Hackers Target US Infrastructure


But really nothing surprises me anymore.


White Supremacists chanting "Russia is our :beer: friend is no surprise, Trump was endorsed by every single white hate group in this county. They are YUUUUGGE fans of Donald Trump. So they're just backing up what Trump told them.
KKK’s official newspaper supports Donald Trump for president
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You lead nazis to rule Ukraine and you blame Russia for not allowing to mass kill people in Ukraine who disagree with new authorities...
Jesus...I am shocked with your stupidity and blind belief in you mass media.
Do you know the main idea of communism? It is ideal society. And humanity will come to it.
But in 20 century or even now it is too early for us to try to create communist way of living.

Contrary to popular belief.... A lot of Communist regimes were pretty Socially Conservative.... Look at Communist Cuba's concentration camps for Gays... Soviet Poland's barring of Jews from holding positions of power in the Zionist purges..... Stalin targeted many groups who were threats to the state.... Stalin also supported mass deportations of groups which were seen as troublemakers
You lead nazis to rule Ukraine and you blame Russia for not allowing to mass kill people in Ukraine who disagree with new authorities...
Jesus...I am shocked with your stupidity and blind belief in you mass media.

Why is it worse to be a Western Ukrainian "Nazi" rather than an Eastern Ukrainian "Soviet"?

Didn't Soviets kill more than the Nazis?
This goes to ideology if nazism/fascism and communism.

Nazism is based on a very disgusting ideas.
Communism is based on right ideas.

Nazism is impossible without murder and other crimes.
Crimes of communists are crimes of people who got power in early USSR. The same as crimes of inquisition do not prove that Christianity is evil.

Do you know the main idea of communism? It is ideal society. And humanity will come to it.
But in 20 century or even now it is too early for us to try to create communist way of living.

But speaking about eastern Ukrainians they are not "soviet" as you called them. They simply disagree to European movement of their country. They prefer better relations with Russia. Or Russia is supposed to be soviet now?

Fascist Italy didn't really murder for about 1 decade, Nazi Germany didn't really murder for about half a decade.... While all Communist regimes murdered right away.

Between 1917 - 1922 as many as 20 million Russians were killed by the Bolsheviks between the Russian Civil War, and the Volga Famine they bought on.

That means Soviets may have immediately killed as much as Nazis did in an extended period of over 1 decade.

One could just as easily say that Egalitarian ideals are disgusting.... for one Communism has a horrible track record when it comes to economic growth, unlike Fascism which actually has the best track record of economic growth.

But, Egalitarianism allows idiocy, and degeneracy to spread by appeasing it.

Not that I support how Nazis did it.... But I do support Positive Eugenics.

"Fascist Italy didn't really murder for about 1 decade, Nazi Germany didn't really murder for about half a decade.... While all Communist regimes murdered right away."

Not sure if you are a moron or propagandist Bubs? Hint there was EVOLUTION of ALL the mentioned groups!

Example, Italy's fascists started to the left and wanted "socialism", it took about 5 years before they veered far right, and then started the violence

The RUSSIANS (ok, Bolsheviks), did basically the same thing, and no murder didn't start right away. AUTHORITARIAN GOV'T WAS THE PROBLEM HOWEVER!

Why is it worse to be a Western Ukrainian "Nazi" rather than an Eastern Ukrainian "Soviet"?

Didn't Soviets kill more than the Nazis?

The RUSSIANS (ok, Bolsheviks), did basically the same thing, and no murder didn't start right away. AUTHORITARIAN GOV'T WAS THE PROBLEM HOWEVER!


The Bolsheviks weren't elected to power.... They killed their way to power in a brutal civil war they started against Tsarist Russia.... RIGHT AWAY.

The 3rd biggest death toll in a war in Europe's history was the Russian Civil War... Just behind WW1, and WW2.

However, the Soviets killed much more, they continued killing all the way to the end.... In the Afghan-Soviet war... Their Achilles heel
Protesters Chant ‘Russia Is Our Friend’ During Pro-Confederate Statue Rally (WATCH)

Demonstrators, including self-described supporters of white culture, showed up Saturday in Charlottesville, Virginia to protest the sale of a statue commemorating a Confederate general. One politician said it evoked KKK rallies meant to intimidate people of color.

At some point, they even started chanting “Russia is our friend.”


Is this really any surprise? Seriously?

You're hating people because they want peaceful relations with a nuclear superpower? What would you rather they be doing, run around burning the Russian flag and attacking random Russian-Americans out of hatred?

Russia is an ally to help fight ISIS, our actual enemy that literally wants to destroy us. But treasonous c*nts would rather go to war with Russia and allow ISIS to grow.

Keep repeating the BS line that Russia is an ally against Isis, lol

Because they fight Isis in their support of Assad DOESN'T make them allies!

Why is it worse to be a Western Ukrainian "Nazi" rather than an Eastern Ukrainian "Soviet"?

Didn't Soviets kill more than the Nazis?
This goes to ideology if nazism/fascism and communism.

Nazism is based on a very disgusting ideas.
Communism is based on right ideas.

Nazism is impossible without murder and other crimes.
Crimes of communists are crimes of people who got power in early USSR. The same as crimes of inquisition do not prove that Christianity is evil.

Do you know the main idea of communism? It is ideal society. And humanity will come to it.
But in 20 century or even now it is too early for us to try to create communist way of living.

But speaking about eastern Ukrainians they are not "soviet" as you called them. They simply disagree to European movement of their country. They prefer better relations with Russia. Or Russia is supposed to be soviet now?

Fascist Italy didn't really murder for about 1 decade, Nazi Germany didn't really murder for about half a decade.... While all Communist regimes murdered right away.

Between 1917 - 1922 as many as 20 million Russians were killed by the Bolsheviks between the Russian Civil War, and the Volga Famine they bought on.

That means Soviets may have immediately killed as much as Nazis did in an extended period of over 1 decade.

One could just as easily say that Egalitarian ideals are disgusting.... for one Communism has a horrible track record when it comes to economic growth, unlike Fascism which actually has the best track record of economic growth.

But, Egalitarianism allows idiocy, and degeneracy to spread by appeasing it.

Not that I support how Nazis did it.... But I do support Positive Eugenics.

"Fascist Italy didn't really murder for about 1 decade, Nazi Germany didn't really murder for about half a decade.... While all Communist regimes murdered right away."

Not sure if you are a moron or propagandist Bubs? Hint there was EVOLUTION of ALL the mentioned groups!

Example, Italy's fascists started to the left and wanted "socialism", it took about 5 years before they veered far right, and then started the violence

The RUSSIANS (ok, Bolsheviks), did basically the same thing, and no murder didn't start right away. AUTHORITARIAN GOV'T WAS THE PROBLEM HOWEVER!

Funny you should mention Italy


Looks familar to me.
You lead nazis to rule Ukraine and you blame Russia for not allowing to mass kill people in Ukraine who disagree with new authorities...
Jesus...I am shocked with your stupidity and blind belief in you mass media.

Why is it worse to be a Western Ukrainian "Nazi" rather than an Eastern Ukrainian "Soviet"?

Didn't Soviets kill more than the Nazis?
This goes to ideology if nazism/fascism and communism.

Nazism is based on a very disgusting ideas.
Communism is based on right ideas.

Nazism is impossible without murder and other crimes.
Crimes of communists are crimes of people who got power in early USSR. The same as crimes of inquisition do not prove that Christianity is evil.

Do you know the main idea of communism? It is ideal society. And humanity will come to it.
But in 20 century or even now it is too early for us to try to create communist way of living.

But speaking about eastern Ukrainians they are not "soviet" as you called them. They simply disagree to European movement of their country. They prefer better relations with Russia. Or Russia is supposed to be soviet now?

Fascist Italy didn't really murder for about 1 decade, Nazi Germany didn't really murder for about half a decade.... While all Communist regimes murdered right away.

Between 1917 - 1922 as many as 20 million Russians were killed by the Bolsheviks between the Russian Civil War, and the Volga Famine they bought on.

That means Soviets may have immediately killed as much as Nazis did in an extended period of over 1 decade.

One could just as easily say that Egalitarian ideals are disgusting.... for one Communism has a horrible track record when it comes to economic growth, unlike Fascism which actually has the best track record of economic growth.

But, Egalitarianism allows idiocy, and degeneracy to spread by appeasing it.

Not that I support how Nazis did it.... But I do support Positive Eugenics.


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