Confederate Republicans protesting and chanting "Russia is our friend".

The elites are terrified about Fascism.... Because Fascism puts them on a short leash.... The elite Capitalists wouldn't be able to import millions of illegals from Mexico.. or export millions of jobs to China... At our expense in a Fascist system, because Fascism micro-manages businesses for National Interest.

And who is in charge with a Fascist Government? Dumbass.

It may not be perfect.. But it's better than what we have... a government run by Capitalist, and Liberal Goys, and Jews.... Who both agree that it's amazing to import millions of illegals from Mexico.... Even if it undermine wages, even though they pay less in taxes which puts extra pressures on our country, Balkanizes our nation, and to top it off many of them don't even seem to like America.
Yet another alt-right, nazi, putin loving, trumptard, white nationalist who's childish dreams will be dashed.

I don't support the Nazis, and even see them as catastrophic for European peoples... Even question how legit they were....Considering people like Jew Warburg, or Liberal Goy Rockerfeller bankrolled the Nazis, and also the Soviets..

I'm anti-Putin who's a big multiculturalist.,, Who has bought division to the Slavic / White World.

I don't love Trump either, but see him as better than Hillary.... Actually I think Trump's a big mouth jerk.... I wonder if he's an elite plant to foil Nationalism in the U.S.A by making it as clownish as possible.

I'm not a White Nationalist.... I don't support White unity... I support White diversity.... Furthermore I don't like Western Europeans, and don't care for Russians, or Ukrainians much either, even though I think Russians, and Ukrainians are better than Western Europeans.
The elites are terrified about Fascism.... Because Fascism puts them on a short leash.... The elite Capitalists wouldn't be able to import millions of illegals from Mexico.. or export millions of jobs to China... At our expense in a Fascist system, because Fascism micro-manages businesses for National Interest.

And who is in charge with a Fascist Government? Dumbass.

It may not be perfect.. But it's better than what we have... a government run by Capitalist, and Liberal Goys, and Jews.... Who both agree that it's amazing to import millions of illegals from Mexico.... Even if it undermine wages, even though they pay less in taxes which puts extra pressures on our country, Balkanizes our nation, and to top it off many of them don't even seem to like America.
Yet another alt-right, nazi, putin loving, trumptard, white nationalist who's childish dreams will be dashed.

I don't support the Nazis, and even see them as catastrophic for European peoples... Even question how legit they were....Considering people like Jew Warburg, or Liberal Goy Rockerfeller bankrolled the Nazis, and also the Soviets..

I'm anti-Putin who's a big multiculturalist.,, Who has bought division to the Slavic / White World.

I don't love Trump either, but see him as better than Hillary.... Actually I think Trump's a big mouth jerk.... I wonder if he's an elite plant to foil Nationalism in the U.S.A by making it as clownish as possible.

I'm not a White Nationalist.... I don't support White unity... I support White diversity.... Furthermore I don't like Western Europeans, and don't care for Russians, or Ukrainians much either, even though I think Russians, and Ukrainians are better than Western Europeans.
I don't believe you.
The elites are terrified about Fascism.... Because Fascism puts them on a short leash.... The elite Capitalists wouldn't be able to import millions of illegals from Mexico.. or export millions of jobs to China... At our expense in a Fascist system, because Fascism micro-manages businesses for National Interest.

And who is in charge with a Fascist Government? Dumbass.

It may not be perfect.. But it's better than what we have... a government run by Capitalist, and Liberal Goys, and Jews.... Who both agree that it's amazing to import millions of illegals from Mexico.... Even if it undermine wages, even though they pay less in taxes which puts extra pressures on our country, Balkanizes our nation, and to top it off many of them don't even seem to like America.
Yet another alt-right, nazi, putin loving, trumptard, white nationalist who's childish dreams will be dashed.

I don't support the Nazis, and even see them as catastrophic for European peoples... Even question how legit they were....Considering people like Jew Warburg, or Liberal Goy Rockerfeller bankrolled the Nazis, and also the Soviets..

I'm anti-Putin who's a big multiculturalist.,, Who has bought division to the Slavic / White World.

I don't love Trump either, but see him as better than Hillary.... Actually I think Trump's a big mouth jerk.... I wonder if he's an elite plant to foil Nationalism in the U.S.A by making it as clownish as possible.

I'm not a White Nationalist.... I don't support White unity... I support White diversity.... Furthermore I don't like Western Europeans, and don't care for Russians, or Ukrainians much either, even though I think Russians, and Ukrainians are better than Western Europeans.
I don't believe you.

I loosely consider myself as a Polish Nationalistic Fascist, Racialist, and Social Darwinian.
The elites are terrified about Fascism.... Because Fascism puts them on a short leash.... The elite Capitalists wouldn't be able to import millions of illegals from Mexico.. or export millions of jobs to China... At our expense in a Fascist system, because Fascism micro-manages businesses for National Interest.

And who is in charge with a Fascist Government? Dumbass.

It may not be perfect.. But it's better than what we have... a government run by Capitalist, and Liberal Goys, and Jews.... Who both agree that it's amazing to import millions of illegals from Mexico.... Even if it undermine wages, even though they pay less in taxes which puts extra pressures on our country, Balkanizes our nation, and to top it off many of them don't even seem to like America.
Yet another alt-right, nazi, putin loving, trumptard, white nationalist who's childish dreams will be dashed.

I don't support the Nazis, and even see them as catastrophic for European peoples... Even question how legit they were....Considering people like Jew Warburg, or Liberal Goy Rockerfeller bankrolled the Nazis, and also the Soviets..

I'm anti-Putin who's a big multiculturalist.,, Who has bought division to the Slavic / White World.

I don't love Trump either, but see him as better than Hillary.... Actually I think Trump's a big mouth jerk.... I wonder if he's an elite plant to foil Nationalism in the U.S.A by making it as clownish as possible.

I'm not a White Nationalist.... I don't support White unity... I support White diversity.... Furthermore I don't like Western Europeans, and don't care for Russians, or Ukrainians much either, even though I think Russians, and Ukrainians are better than Western Europeans.

Good for you. Fortunately America is a country where you can make those choices, or pretty much make almost any choice you want. Not quite so much in a Fascist country.
The elites are terrified about Fascism.... Because Fascism puts them on a short leash.... The elite Capitalists wouldn't be able to import millions of illegals from Mexico.. or export millions of jobs to China... At our expense in a Fascist system, because Fascism micro-manages businesses for National Interest.

And who is in charge with a Fascist Government? Dumbass.

It may not be perfect.. But it's better than what we have... a government run by Capitalist, and Liberal Goys, and Jews.... Who both agree that it's amazing to import millions of illegals from Mexico.... Even if it undermine wages, even though they pay less in taxes which puts extra pressures on our country, Balkanizes our nation, and to top it off many of them don't even seem to like America.
putin loving,

I support Intermarium.... To combat the West, and Russia.... To unite nations from the Baltics to the Balkans into a Nationalist confederation.
The elites are terrified about Fascism.... Because Fascism puts them on a short leash.... The elite Capitalists wouldn't be able to import millions of illegals from Mexico.. or export millions of jobs to China... At our expense in a Fascist system, because Fascism micro-manages businesses for National Interest.

And who is in charge with a Fascist Government? Dumbass.

It may not be perfect.. But it's better than what we have... a government run by Capitalist, and Liberal Goys, and Jews.... Who both agree that it's amazing to import millions of illegals from Mexico.... Even if it undermine wages, even though they pay less in taxes which puts extra pressures on our country, Balkanizes our nation, and to top it off many of them don't even seem to like America.
Yet another alt-right, nazi, putin loving, trumptard, white nationalist who's childish dreams will be dashed.

I don't support the Nazis, and even see them as catastrophic for European peoples... Even question how legit they were....Considering people like Jew Warburg, or Liberal Goy Rockerfeller bankrolled the Nazis, and also the Soviets..

I'm anti-Putin who's a big multiculturalist.,, Who has bought division to the Slavic / White World.

I don't love Trump either, but see him as better than Hillary.... Actually I think Trump's a big mouth jerk.... I wonder if he's an elite plant to foil Nationalism in the U.S.A by making it as clownish as possible.

I'm not a White Nationalist.... I don't support White unity... I support White diversity.... Furthermore I don't like Western Europeans, and don't care for Russians, or Ukrainians much either, even though I think Russians, and Ukrainians are better than Western Europeans.

Good for you. Fortunately America is a country where you can make those choices, or pretty much make almost any choice you want. Not quite so much in a Fascist country.

Especially the elite Capitalist class... Who have the freedom to hire illegals from Mexico, and outsource jobs to China...At our expense.

They should be put behind bars... The free ride SHOULD be over.... But unfortunately the American masses cherish Capitalism, and Individualism freedom too much.... Therefor there's little hope of turning around the increasing problems of our society.
Protesters Chant ‘Russia Is Our Friend’ During Pro-Confederate Statue Rally (WATCH)

Demonstrators, including self-described supporters of white culture, showed up Saturday in Charlottesville, Virginia to protest the sale of a statue commemorating a Confederate general. One politician said it evoked KKK rallies meant to intimidate people of color.

At some point, they even started chanting “Russia is our friend.”


Is this really any surprise? Seriously?

You're hating people because they want peaceful relations with a nuclear superpower? What would you rather they be doing, run around burning the Russian flag and attacking random Russian-Americans out of hatred?

Russia is an ally to help fight ISIS, our actual enemy that literally wants to destroy us. But treasonous c*nts would rather go to war with Russia and allow ISIS to grow.

Keep repeating the BS line that Russia is an ally against Isis, lol

Because they fight Isis in their support of Assad DOESN'T make them allies!

ISIS is our enemy, period. I could care less if they ally themselves with Assad, it's not my concern.
You lead nazis to rule Ukraine and you blame Russia for not allowing to mass kill people in Ukraine who disagree with new authorities...
Jesus...I am shocked with your stupidity and blind belief in you mass media.

Why is it worse to be a Western Ukrainian "Nazi" rather than an Eastern Ukrainian "Soviet"?

Didn't Soviets kill more than the Nazis?
This goes to ideology if nazism/fascism and communism.

Nazism is based on a very disgusting ideas.
Communism is based on right ideas.

Nazism is impossible without murder and other crimes.
Crimes of communists are crimes of people who got power in early USSR. The same as crimes of inquisition do not prove that Christianity is evil.

Do you know the main idea of communism? It is ideal society. And humanity will come to it.
But in 20 century or even now it is too early for us to try to create communist way of living.

But speaking about eastern Ukrainians they are not "soviet" as you called them. They simply disagree to European movement of their country. They prefer better relations with Russia. Or Russia is supposed to be soviet now?

Fascist Italy didn't really murder for about 1 decade, Nazi Germany didn't really murder for about half a decade.... While all Communist regimes murdered right away.

Between 1917 - 1922 as many as 20 million Russians were killed by the Bolsheviks between the Russian Civil War, and the Volga Famine they bought on.

That means Soviets may have immediately killed as much as Nazis did in an extended period of over 1 decade.

One could just as easily say that Egalitarian ideals are disgusting.... for one Communism has a horrible track record when it comes to economic growth, unlike Fascism which actually has the best track record of economic growth.

But, Egalitarianism allows idiocy, and degeneracy to spread by appeasing it.

Not that I support how Nazis did it.... But I do support Positive Eugenics.
I guess I cannot explain...
Communism in Russia came too early. Society wasn't ready. Even now it is not ready for such way of living.
But the idea is right. And that idea doesn't mean killing someone, on the contrary idea is that all people are equal.
As for Nazism the main idea is that one certain nation is the highest one and the others must be either eliminated or be slaves. This ideology is sick in its nature.

If we start talking about murders of soviet regime in the beginning of the USSR than I can remind slavery and genocide of Indians which took place in the beginning of American history.

Why is it worse to be a Western Ukrainian "Nazi" rather than an Eastern Ukrainian "Soviet"?

Didn't Soviets kill more than the Nazis?
This goes to ideology if nazism/fascism and communism.

Nazism is based on a very disgusting ideas.
Communism is based on right ideas.

Nazism is impossible without murder and other crimes.
Crimes of communists are crimes of people who got power in early USSR. The same as crimes of inquisition do not prove that Christianity is evil.

Do you know the main idea of communism? It is ideal society. And humanity will come to it.
But in 20 century or even now it is too early for us to try to create communist way of living.

But speaking about eastern Ukrainians they are not "soviet" as you called them. They simply disagree to European movement of their country. They prefer better relations with Russia. Or Russia is supposed to be soviet now?

Fascist Italy didn't really murder for about 1 decade, Nazi Germany didn't really murder for about half a decade.... While all Communist regimes murdered right away.

Between 1917 - 1922 as many as 20 million Russians were killed by the Bolsheviks between the Russian Civil War, and the Volga Famine they bought on.

That means Soviets may have immediately killed as much as Nazis did in an extended period of over 1 decade.

One could just as easily say that Egalitarian ideals are disgusting.... for one Communism has a horrible track record when it comes to economic growth, unlike Fascism which actually has the best track record of economic growth.

But, Egalitarianism allows idiocy, and degeneracy to spread by appeasing it.

Not that I support how Nazis did it.... But I do support Positive Eugenics.
I guess I cannot explain...
Communism in Russia came too early. Society wasn't ready. Even now it is not ready for such way of living.
But the idea is right. And that idea doesn't mean killing someone, on the contrary idea is that all people are equal.
As for Nazism the main idea is that one certain nation is the highest one and the others must be either eliminated or be slaves. This ideology is sick in its nature.

If we start talking about murders of soviet regime in the beginning of the USSR than I can remind slavery and genocide of Indians which took place in the beginning of American history.

What about Communism in North Korea which still fails to achieve results?
You lead nazis to rule Ukraine and you blame Russia for not allowing to mass kill people in Ukraine who disagree with new authorities...
Jesus...I am shocked with your stupidity and blind belief in you mass media.

Why is it worse to be a Western Ukrainian "Nazi" rather than an Eastern Ukrainian "Soviet"?

Didn't Soviets kill more than the Nazis?

But speaking about eastern Ukrainians they are not "soviet" as you called them. They simply disagree to European movement of their country. They prefer better relations with Russia. Or Russia is supposed to be soviet now?

Sure a lot of them are... Crowds of Eastern Ukrainians gathered flying Soviet symbols.


Photos are very old. That is Kharkov, city of the eastern Ukraine but controlled by Kiev. That is meeting of communist party. They like to use flags of former soviet republics and Lenin's face. But today such event is impossible. If it happen nazists will start killings. It's very easy today in Ukraine.
4 days ago Piroshenko said that Ukraine today has the highest level of freedom ever. 2 days ago they blocked Russian social networks OK, VK, and
It goes in addition to forbidden all Russian tv channels and movies.
You lead nazis to rule Ukraine and you blame Russia for not allowing to mass kill people in Ukraine who disagree with new authorities...
Jesus...I am shocked with your stupidity and blind belief in you mass media.
Do you know the main idea of communism? It is ideal society. And humanity will come to it.
But in 20 century or even now it is too early for us to try to create communist way of living.

Contrary to popular belief.... A lot of Communist regimes were pretty Socially Conservative.... Look at Communist Cuba's concentration camps for Gays... Soviet Poland's barring of Jews from holding positions of power in the Zionist purges..... Stalin targeted many groups who were threats to the state.... Stalin also supported mass deportations of groups which were seen as troublemakers
As for gays my opinion is they must be either isolated or cured. If those camps were in Cuba I applaud.

Poland and their policy to Jew is not about communism. It's about their polish point of view.

Stalin... you like to use him as an example but you always forget the time he ruled the country.
You must know he wasn't Russian, but Georgian. That's why he paid much attention on national question. Russians by origin never paid attention on the nation of people.
Stalin had to get fast result of his reforms. How could it be done? - only by strict radical measures. I don't like those methods but I agree that without them results would never be achieved.

Why is it worse to be a Western Ukrainian "Nazi" rather than an Eastern Ukrainian "Soviet"?

Didn't Soviets kill more than the Nazis?
This goes to ideology if nazism/fascism and communism.

Nazism is based on a very disgusting ideas.
Communism is based on right ideas.

Nazism is impossible without murder and other crimes.
Crimes of communists are crimes of people who got power in early USSR. The same as crimes of inquisition do not prove that Christianity is evil.

Do you know the main idea of communism? It is ideal society. And humanity will come to it.
But in 20 century or even now it is too early for us to try to create communist way of living.

But speaking about eastern Ukrainians they are not "soviet" as you called them. They simply disagree to European movement of their country. They prefer better relations with Russia. Or Russia is supposed to be soviet now?

Fascist Italy didn't really murder for about 1 decade, Nazi Germany didn't really murder for about half a decade.... While all Communist regimes murdered right away.

Between 1917 - 1922 as many as 20 million Russians were killed by the Bolsheviks between the Russian Civil War, and the Volga Famine they bought on.

That means Soviets may have immediately killed as much as Nazis did in an extended period of over 1 decade.

One could just as easily say that Egalitarian ideals are disgusting.... for one Communism has a horrible track record when it comes to economic growth, unlike Fascism which actually has the best track record of economic growth.

But, Egalitarianism allows idiocy, and degeneracy to spread by appeasing it.

Not that I support how Nazis did it.... But I do support Positive Eugenics.
I guess I cannot explain...
Communism in Russia came too early. Society wasn't ready. Even now it is not ready for such way of living.
But the idea is right. And that idea doesn't mean killing someone, on the contrary idea is that all people are equal.
As for Nazism the main idea is that one certain nation is the highest one and the others must be either eliminated or be slaves. This ideology is sick in its nature.

If we start talking about murders of soviet regime in the beginning of the USSR than I can remind slavery and genocide of Indians which took place in the beginning of American history.

Didn't the founders of Communism Marx, and Engels say similar?

The Anti-Marxists Internet Archive Official Blog: Marx and Engels quotes on War, Terror, and Genocide

Did you not read our articles about the June revolution, and was not the essence of the June revolution the essence of our paper? Why then your hypocritical phrases, your attempt to find an impossible pretext? We have no compassion and we ask no compassion from you. When our turn comes, we shall not make excuses for the terror. But the royal terrorists, the terrorists by the grace of God and the law, are in practice brutal, disdainful, and mean, in theory cowardly, secretive, and deceitful, and in both respects disreputable.
--Karl Marx, in the final issue of Neue Rheinische Zeitung (18 May 1849) Marx-Engels Gesamt-Ausgabe, Vol. VI, p. 503

"Until its complete extermination or loss of national status, this racial trash always becomes the most fanatical bearer there is of counter-revolution, and it remains that. That is because its entire existence is nothing more than a protest against a great historical revolution... The next world war will cause not only reactionary classes and dynasties, but also entire reactionary peoples, to disappear from the earth. And that too is progress." -Karl Marx, 1849, Neue Rheinische Zeitung.

"The classes and the races too weak to master the new conditions of life must give way.... They must perish in the revolutionary holocaust." -Karl Marx (Marx People's Paper, April 16, 1856, Journal of the History of Idea, 1981)

“To the sentimental phrases about brotherhood which we are being offered here on behalf of the most counter-revolutionary nations of Europe, we reply that hatred of Russians was and still is the primary revolutionary passion among Germans; that since the revolution hatred of Czechs and Croats has been added, and that only by the most determined use of terror against these Slav peoples can we, jointly with the Poles and Magyars, safeguard the revolution. We know where the enemies of the revolution are concentrated, viz. in Russia and the Slav regions of Austria, and no fine phrases, no allusions to an undefined democratic future for these countries can deter us from treating our enemies as enemies. Slav nationality leaves the revolution entirely out of account, then we too know what we have to do” –Engles, Neue Rheinische Zeitung No. 223, February 16, 1849
Do you know the main idea of communism? It is ideal society. And humanity will come to it.
But in 20 century or even now it is too early for us to try to create communist way of living.

Contrary to popular belief.... A lot of Communist regimes were pretty Socially Conservative.... Look at Communist Cuba's concentration camps for Gays... Soviet Poland's barring of Jews from holding positions of power in the Zionist purges..... Stalin targeted many groups who were threats to the state.... Stalin also supported mass deportations of groups which were seen as troublemakers
As for gays my opinion is they must be either isolated or cured. If those camps were in Cuba I applaud.

Poland and their policy to Jew is not about communism. It's about their polish point of view.

Stalin... you like to use him as an example but you always forget the time he ruled the country.
You must know he wasn't Russian, but Georgian. That's why he paid much attention on national question. Russians by origin never paid attention on the nation of people.
Stalin had to get fast result of his reforms. How could it be done? - only by strict radical measures. I don't like those methods but I agree that without them results would never be achieved.

Stalin was Georgian, but still a Communist, none the less.

Why is it worse to be a Western Ukrainian "Nazi" rather than an Eastern Ukrainian "Soviet"?

Didn't Soviets kill more than the Nazis?

The RUSSIANS (ok, Bolsheviks), did basically the same thing, and no murder didn't start right away. AUTHORITARIAN GOV'T WAS THE PROBLEM HOWEVER!


The Bolsheviks weren't elected to power.... They killed their way to power in a brutal civil war they started against Tsarist Russia.... RIGHT AWAY.

The 3rd biggest death toll in a war in Europe's history was the Russian Civil War... Just behind WW1, and WW2.

However, the Soviets killed much more, they continued killing all the way to the end.... In the Afghan-Soviet war... Their Achilles heel
All former Yugoslavian states were not elected to power. They were set by the USA after the war in the middle of Europe in the end of 20 century. Colored revolutions all over Middle East and former USSR - the same picture. USA secretly organizes revolution and sets its loyal government.
In 90s USA financed nationalistic and religion war in all former soviet republics- Moldova, Azerbaijan, Armenia, 3-Baltics, Tajikistan, Kirghizia.
USA creates Taliban, Al-caeda which grows into ISIS.
So, how many deaths? How many countries ruined and put into chaos?

If speaking about Afghanistan, that was calm and piecfull project of the USSR there - to built Afghanistan as they did in Tajikistan, Uzbekistan, Azerbaijan, Kirghizia before. Factories, hospitals, schools...many Russian specialists came there, many afghanisns went to the USSR for study.
But the USA didn't like it and started war against growth of education, wealth and industry. They started war by hands of terrorists- Taliban which grew into ISIS now.

So who killed more?
I guess USA is world's evil, terrorist #1.
Why is it worse to be a Western Ukrainian "Nazi" rather than an Eastern Ukrainian "Soviet"?

Didn't Soviets kill more than the Nazis?

The RUSSIANS (ok, Bolsheviks), did basically the same thing, and no murder didn't start right away. AUTHORITARIAN GOV'T WAS THE PROBLEM HOWEVER!


The Bolsheviks weren't elected to power.... They killed their way to power in a brutal civil war they started against Tsarist Russia.... RIGHT AWAY.

The 3rd biggest death toll in a war in Europe's history was the Russian Civil War... Just behind WW1, and WW2.

However, the Soviets killed much more, they continued killing all the way to the end.... In the Afghan-Soviet war... Their Achilles heel
All former Yugoslavian states were not elected to power. They were set by the USA after the war in the middle of Europe in the end of 20 century. Colored revolutions all over Middle East and former USSR - the same picture. USA secretly organizes revolution and sets its loyal government.
In 90s USA financed nationalistic and religion war in all former soviet republics- Moldova, Azerbaijan, Armenia, 3-Baltics, Tajikistan, Kirghizia.
USA creates Taliban, Al-caeda which grows into ISIS.
So, how many deaths? How many countries ruined and put into chaos?

If speaking about Afghanistan, that was calm and piecfull project of the USSR there - to built Afghanistan as they did in Tajikistan, Uzbekistan, Azerbaijan, Kirghizia before. Factories, hospitals, schools...many Russian specialists came there, many afghanisns went to the USSR for study.
But the USA didn't like it and started war against growth of education, wealth and industry. They started war by hands of terrorists- Taliban which grew into ISIS now.

So who killed more?
I guess USA is world's evil, terrorist #1.

I never said that the U.S.A, or Capitalism was angelic... As a Fascist I take equal offense to the Capitalists, as the Communists.
If Crimean isn't Ukrainian, because it's majority Russian.... Then Chechnya isn't Russian, because it's majority Chechen.

Putin's a moron..... He got Russians killed in Chechnya... All Russia got was free movement of Chechen Muslims into Moscow, Saint Petersburg etc... Which includes some terrorist attacks.

Let's not forget Putin's Russia has 4 million or so illegal immigrants... Most whom are Muslims.
Crimea voted for leaving Ukraine for Russia not because f national reason but because people living there didn't want a war like in Donbass. Nazis from Kiev moved to Crimea by train but they were met by armed Crimeans.
As for Chechnya- that was not war of chechens willing to separate from Russia but it was American & Saudi project to tear Russia into pieces. If I am wrong why today Chechnya is the most loyal for Putin region?

Muslims always lived all over Russia not only after Chechen war. And terroristic attacks were financed by Islamic radical organizations...again financed by Saudi, Qatar and the USA.
If Crimean isn't Ukrainian, because it's majority Russian.... Then Chechnya isn't Russian, because it's majority Chechen.

Putin's a moron..... He got Russians killed in Chechnya... All Russia got was free movement of Chechen Muslims into Moscow, Saint Petersburg etc... Which includes some terrorist attacks.

Let's not forget Putin's Russia has 4 million or so illegal immigrants... Most whom are Muslims.
Crimea voted for leaving Ukraine for Russia not because f national reason but because people living there didn't want a war like in Donbass. Nazis from Kiev moved to Crimea by train but they were met by armed Crimeans.
As for Chechnya- that was not war of chechens willing to separate from Russia but it was American & Saudi project to tear Russia into pieces. If I am wrong why today Chechnya is the most loyal for Putin region?

Muslims always lived all over Russia not only after Chechen war. And terroristic attacks were financed by Islamic radical organizations...again financed by Saudi, Qatar and the USA.

Do you support Kosovo is Serbia, or not?

The situation between Kosovo, and Crimea are pretty similar.
If Crimean isn't Ukrainian, because it's majority Russian.... Then Chechnya isn't Russian, because it's majority Chechen.

Putin's a moron..... He got Russians killed in Chechnya... All Russia got was free movement of Chechen Muslims into Moscow, Saint Petersburg etc... Which includes some terrorist attacks.

Let's not forget Putin's Russia has 4 million or so illegal immigrants... Most whom are Muslims.
Crimea voted for leaving Ukraine...
Like the Sudetenland begged Hitler to invade, right?

You do realize Putin has invaded more of the Ukraine than just Crimea, right?
Protesters Chant ‘Russia Is Our Friend’ During Pro-Confederate Statue Rally (WATCH)

Demonstrators, including self-described supporters of white culture, showed up Saturday in Charlottesville, Virginia to protest the sale of a statue commemorating a Confederate general. One politician said it evoked KKK rallies meant to intimidate people of color.

At some point, they even started chanting “Russia is our friend.”


Is this really any surprise? Seriously?

Is there some point you are trying to make?
You really want Russia for an enemy?
Something evil about protests? Or white culture (if there is such a thing). Or remembering our "Civil War" patriots?

Remember when Russia had ten thousand tanks sitting in the middle of Europe and liberals wanted to be their friends?

If you remember, there must be links. Provide them.

Maybe you remember that reset button, didn't that make them our friend

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
If Crimean isn't Ukrainian, because it's majority Russian.... Then Chechnya isn't Russian, because it's majority Chechen.

Putin's a moron..... He got Russians killed in Chechnya... All Russia got was free movement of Chechen Muslims into Moscow, Saint Petersburg etc... Which includes some terrorist attacks.

Let's not forget Putin's Russia has 4 million or so illegal immigrants... Most whom are Muslims.
Crimea voted for leaving Ukraine for Russia not because f national reason but because people living there didn't want a war like in Donbass. Nazis from Kiev moved to Crimea by train but they were met by armed Crimeans.
As for Chechnya- that was not war of chechens willing to separate from Russia but it was American & Saudi project to tear Russia into pieces. If I am wrong why today Chechnya is the most loyal for Putin region?

Muslims always lived all over Russia not only after Chechen war. And terroristic attacks were financed by Islamic radical organizations...again financed by Saudi, Qatar and the USA.

Magyars (Hungarians) and Tatars (Turkics) were in much of Ukraine before Slavs, anyways.

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