Confederate Republicans protesting and chanting "Russia is our friend".

Why is it worse to be a Western Ukrainian "Nazi" rather than an Eastern Ukrainian "Soviet"?

Didn't Soviets kill more than the Nazis?
This goes to ideology if nazism/fascism and communism.

Nazism is based on a very disgusting ideas.
Communism is based on right ideas.

Nazism is impossible without murder and other crimes.
Crimes of communists are crimes of people who got power in early USSR. The same as crimes of inquisition do not prove that Christianity is evil.

Do you know the main idea of communism? It is ideal society. And humanity will come to it.
But in 20 century or even now it is too early for us to try to create communist way of living.

But speaking about eastern Ukrainians they are not "soviet" as you called them. They simply disagree to European movement of their country. They prefer better relations with Russia. Or Russia is supposed to be soviet now?

Fascist Italy didn't really murder for about 1 decade, Nazi Germany didn't really murder for about half a decade.... While all Communist regimes murdered right away.

Between 1917 - 1922 as many as 20 million Russians were killed by the Bolsheviks between the Russian Civil War, and the Volga Famine they bought on.

That means Soviets may have immediately killed as much as Nazis did in an extended period of over 1 decade.

One could just as easily say that Egalitarian ideals are disgusting.... for one Communism has a horrible track record when it comes to economic growth, unlike Fascism which actually has the best track record of economic growth.

But, Egalitarianism allows idiocy, and degeneracy to spread by appeasing it.

Not that I support how Nazis did it.... But I do support Positive Eugenics.

"Fascist Italy didn't really murder for about 1 decade, Nazi Germany didn't really murder for about half a decade.... While all Communist regimes murdered right away."

Not sure if you are a moron or propagandist Bubs? Hint there was EVOLUTION of ALL the mentioned groups!

Example, Italy's fascists started to the left and wanted "socialism", it took about 5 years before they veered far right, and then started the violence

The RUSSIANS (ok, Bolsheviks), did basically the same thing, and no murder didn't start right away. AUTHORITARIAN GOV'T WAS THE PROBLEM HOWEVER!

Funny you should mention Italy


Looks familar to me.

Oh please...Fascist Italy killed only hundreds of thousands in Ethiopia, or Albania etc.

Capitalist Churchill killed 25,000 civilians in Dresden, and a famine under his rule killed 3 million in India.

The Capitalist U.S.A has killed 20 - 30 million since WW2, by some estimates.

Mussolini was really a pip squeak compared to some Capitalists of the 20th century.
this coming from a left wing tool who can't even make sense of their own statements.

17 said so! here's 3 of them!!! private firms!!! WAHGUAH!!!!! STOP MAKING ME GIVE *FACTS* CAUSE I CAN'T!!!

I know you can't be honest Bubs, there is no denial from honest people that Russia attacked US and influenced the US Prez election in favor of Trumpov, the ONLY debate left is how much influence AND whether Trumpov and co,p were involved Bubs
they attacked us? where? what should we do? oh no ewwwwwww.
Russia is being accused of sharing intelligence and providing weapons to the Taliban in Afghanistan. Same Taliban being fought by US Troops.

US intelligence agencies insist Russia interfered with US Presidential elections.

Russia enjoys and benefits from rw dupes who echo the Russian lines of propaganda, misinformation and fake news.

Republicans chant "Russia is our friend" during protests in the US.

US Troops are deployed in Europe to reinforce troops already there and to be able to respond to Russian forces who have deployed on borders and threaten nations allied with the US. The deployed Russian forces consistently take aggressive actions against US military ships and aircraft operating in international waters.

See how the far left will justify the illegal wars of Obama?

What wars did Clinton or Obama start? Libya was Obama's only military incursion and that was a UN Security Council/NATO operation lasting 2 weeks.

2 weeks? It was over 3 months....

You also have Obama fighting in Syria, Pakistan, blowing shit up Yemen , Somalia....

Opinion | Legal Acrobatics, Illegal War


Why is it worse to be a Western Ukrainian "Nazi" rather than an Eastern Ukrainian "Soviet"?

Didn't Soviets kill more than the Nazis?

The RUSSIANS (ok, Bolsheviks), did basically the same thing, and no murder didn't start right away. AUTHORITARIAN GOV'T WAS THE PROBLEM HOWEVER!


The Bolsheviks weren't elected to power.... They killed their way to power in a brutal civil war they started against Tsarist Russia.... RIGHT AWAY.

The 3rd biggest death toll in a war in Europe's history was the Russian Civil War... Just behind WW1, and WW2.

However, the Soviets killed much more, they continued killing all the way to the end.... In the Afghan-Soviet war... Their Achilles heel

Yeah, Actually the Bols took over about 6 months AFTER Tsarists were removed

Beauty of Labour (Schönheit der Arbeit was a propaganda organisation of the Nazi government from the period 1934 to its eventual disbandment in 1945. Initially a propaganda machine, the SdA worked bilaterally with its counterpart organisation Strength Through Joy (KdF) to achieve an overall appeasement of the general population.

The Beauty of Labour was one of the many areas that made up the Nazi labour union, the Deutsche Arbeitsfront (DAF or "German Labour Front")

Beauty of Labour - Wikipedia

Starting in 1933, KdF provided affordable leisure activities such as concerts, plays, libraries, day trips and holidays.[1] Large ships, such as Wilhelm Gustloff, were built specifically for KdF cruises. They rewarded workers with taking them and their families to the movies, to parks, keep-fit clubs, hiking, sporting activities, film shows and concerts. Borrowing from the Italian fascist organization Dopolavoro "After Work", but extending its influence into the workplace as well, KdF rapidly developed a wide range of activities, and quickly grew into one of Nazi Germany's largest organizations. The official statistics showed that in 1934, 2.3 million people took KdF holidays. By 1938, this figure rose to 10.3 million.[4]


The German Labour Front was way more Socialist... Than the Labor Unions in the U.S.A.... bubs.


Yet, they created cruises for workers.... When was the last time American unions did that?

Goodie, the NAZI's created good propaganda as they killed millions of their own *shaking head*
The elites are terrified about Fascism.... Because Fascism puts them on a short leash.... The elite Capitalists wouldn't be able to import millions of illegals from Mexico.. or export millions of jobs to China... At our expense in a Fascist system, because Fascism micro-manages businesses for National Interest.
There's no doubt that Democrats like Truman, or Lyndon B. Johnson killed far more than Mussolini did..

So.... Why all the screeching about Mussolini?

How big was Italy? Don't understand the difference with authoritarian regimes versus democrat ones huh?
The elites are terrified about Fascism.... Because Fascism puts them on a short leash.... The elite Capitalists wouldn't be able to import millions of illegals from Mexico.. or export millions of jobs to China... At our expense in a Fascist system, because Fascism micro-manages businesses for National Interest.

Yet will LEGALLY murder, go figure!
Starting in 1933, KdF provided affordable leisure activities such as concerts, plays, libraries, day trips and holidays.[1] Large ships, such as Wilhelm Gustloff, were built specifically for KdF cruises. They rewarded workers with taking them and their families to the movies, to parks, keep-fit clubs, hiking, sporting activities, film shows and concerts. Borrowing from the Italian fascist organization Dopolavoro "After Work", but extending its influence into the workplace as well, KdF rapidly developed a wide range of activities, and quickly grew into one of Nazi Germany's largest organizations. The official statistics showed that in 1934, 2.3 million people took KdF holidays. By 1938, this figure rose to 10.3 million.[4]


The German Labour Front was way more Socialist... Than the Labor Unions in the U.S.A.... bubs.


Yet, they created cruises for workers.... When was the last time American unions did that?

Goodie, the NAZI's created good propaganda as they killed millions of their own *shaking head*

The Soviets didn't kill millions?
There's no doubt that Democrats like Truman, or Lyndon B. Johnson killed far more than Mussolini did..

So.... Why all the screeching about Mussolini?

How big was Italy? Don't understand the difference with authoritarian regimes versus democrat ones huh?

How big was Britain?
The book the Late Victorian Holocausts is pretty damning for the British Capitalists, and their crimes.
The elites are terrified about Fascism.... Because Fascism puts them on a short leash.... The elite Capitalists wouldn't be able to import millions of illegals from Mexico.. or export millions of jobs to China... At our expense in a Fascist system, because Fascism micro-manages businesses for National Interest.

And who is in charge with a Fascist Government? Dumbass.
The elites are terrified about Fascism.... Because Fascism puts them on a short leash.... The elite Capitalists wouldn't be able to import millions of illegals from Mexico.. or export millions of jobs to China... At our expense in a Fascist system, because Fascism micro-manages businesses for National Interest.

And who is in charge with a Fascist Government? Dumbass.

It may not be perfect.. But it's better than what we have... a government run by Capitalist, and Liberal Goys, and Jews.... Who both agree that it's amazing to import millions of illegals from Mexico.... Even if it undermine wages, even though they pay less in taxes which puts extra pressures on our country, Balkanizes our nation, and to top it off many of them don't even seem to like America.

The German Labour Front was way more Socialist... Than the Labor Unions in the U.S.A.... bubs.


Yet, they created cruises for workers.... When was the last time American unions did that?

Goodie, the NAZI's created good propaganda as they killed millions of their own *shaking head*

The Soviets didn't kill millions?

Did you write about their guys going on cruises?
There's no doubt that Democrats like Truman, or Lyndon B. Johnson killed far more than Mussolini did..

So.... Why all the screeching about Mussolini?

How big was Italy? Don't understand the difference with authoritarian regimes versus democrat ones huh?

How big was Britain?
The book the Late Victorian Holocausts is pretty damning for the British Capitalists, and their crimes.

LMAOROG, The place that at one time controlled about 25% of the world???
There's no doubt that Democrats like Truman, or Lyndon B. Johnson killed far more than Mussolini did..

So.... Why all the screeching about Mussolini?

How big was Italy? Don't understand the difference with authoritarian regimes versus democrat ones huh?

How big was Britain?
The book the Late Victorian Holocausts is pretty damning for the British Capitalists, and their crimes.

LMAOROG, The place that at one time controlled about 25% of the world???

You don't even have to have much power to mass murder... Even if it helps.... The Rwanda Genocide where many Hutu, and Tutsi took out machetes, or crude guns to create the fastest killing genocide... Or Wolyn Massacre by Ukrainians who were without a nation... Who killed about 100,000 Poles with saws by cutting them in half, by burning villages, and crude guns.
The German Labour Front was way more Socialist... Than the Labor Unions in the U.S.A.... bubs.


Yet, they created cruises for workers.... When was the last time American unions did that?

Goodie, the NAZI's created good propaganda as they killed millions of their own *shaking head*

The Soviets didn't kill millions?

Did you write about their guys going on cruises?

Those Capitalist Nazi Germans... Using government to give their workers cruises... Wow... Not Capitalist... Hahaha.
The elites are terrified about Fascism.... Because Fascism puts them on a short leash.... The elite Capitalists wouldn't be able to import millions of illegals from Mexico.. or export millions of jobs to China... At our expense in a Fascist system, because Fascism micro-manages businesses for National Interest.

And who is in charge with a Fascist Government? Dumbass.

It may not be perfect.. But it's better than what we have... a government run by Capitalist, and Liberal Goys, and Jews.... Who both agree that it's amazing to import millions of illegals from Mexico.... Even if it undermine wages, even though they pay less in taxes which puts extra pressures on our country, Balkanizes our nation, and to top it off many of them don't even seem to like America.

Pretty clear you have no idea what occurs in Fascist country, all you can do is complain about ours.
The elites are terrified about Fascism.... Because Fascism puts them on a short leash.... The elite Capitalists wouldn't be able to import millions of illegals from Mexico.. or export millions of jobs to China... At our expense in a Fascist system, because Fascism micro-manages businesses for National Interest.

And who is in charge with a Fascist Government? Dumbass.

It may not be perfect.. But it's better than what we have... a government run by Capitalist, and Liberal Goys, and Jews.... Who both agree that it's amazing to import millions of illegals from Mexico.... Even if it undermine wages, even though they pay less in taxes which puts extra pressures on our country, Balkanizes our nation, and to top it off many of them don't even seem to like America.
Yet another alt-right, nazi, putin loving, trumptard, white nationalist who's childish dreams will be dashed.
The elites are terrified about Fascism.... Because Fascism puts them on a short leash.... The elite Capitalists wouldn't be able to import millions of illegals from Mexico.. or export millions of jobs to China... At our expense in a Fascist system, because Fascism micro-manages businesses for National Interest.

And who is in charge with a Fascist Government? Dumbass.

It may not be perfect.. But it's better than what we have... a government run by Capitalist, and Liberal Goys, and Jews.... Who both agree that it's amazing to import millions of illegals from Mexico.... Even if it undermine wages, even though they pay less in taxes which puts extra pressures on our country, Balkanizes our nation, and to top it off many of them don't even seem to like America.

Pretty clear you have no idea what occurs in Fascist country, all you can do is complain about ours.

Fascism achieved enormous economic growth, while maintaining a Socially Conservative environment.

Franco used many Fascist elements ,and achieved the fastest economic growth in 20th century Europe.

FDR used many Fascist elements, and achieved the fastest economic growth in 20th century America.

The German economy under the Nazis grew even faster than FDR.

Other notable mentions include Peron using Fascist elements to create Argentina's biggest boom.
You lead nazis to rule Ukraine and you blame Russia for not allowing to mass kill people in Ukraine who disagree with new authorities...
Jesus...I am shocked with your stupidity and blind belief in you mass media.

Why is it worse to be a Western Ukrainian "Nazi" rather than an Eastern Ukrainian "Soviet"?

Didn't Soviets kill more than the Nazis?

But speaking about eastern Ukrainians they are not "soviet" as you called them. They simply disagree to European movement of their country. They prefer better relations with Russia. Or Russia is supposed to be soviet now?

Sure a lot of them are... Crowds of Eastern Ukrainians gathered flying Soviet symbols.



This picture must be in support of what Trump and his surrogates installed in the Republican platform in July at the RNC Convention. "That the United States wouldn't arm Ukranians against pro-Russian separatists." So Russia came out for this rally also--LOL

'Another national security adviser to the Trump campaign, J.D. Gordon, also disclosed Thursday that he had met with Kislyak, this time during the Republican National Convention in Cleveland in July. That meeting was first reported by USA Today. Gordon told CNN that along with national security advisers Carter Page and Walid Phares, Gordon stressed to the Russian envoy that he would like to improve relations with Russia.

Gordon had advocated for language in the GOP platform that the Ukrainians not be armed in their battle against pro-Russian separatists, an effort was ultimately successful. But Gordon says he was simply advocating what Trump himself had expressed -- that he did not wish to see major war break out over the situation in Ukraine."
More Trump advisers disclose meeting with Russia's ambassador -

So they sat across the table from a Foreign adversary (in the middle of a campaign season) to write foreign policy--and this is what sent off tornado sirens to every intelligence agency in this country including the 5 eyes. This is when Comey testified that the investigation started between the Trump campaign and the Russians. July 2016 at that RNC Convention.

John McCain wants to know why this clause was put into the Republican campaign platform also.

It sure didn't help that the Trump administration denied 5 times that they or any of their surrogates had any contact with any Russians during the campaign season.
Analysis | 5 times Donald Trump’s team denied contact with Russia

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