Confederate Republicans protesting and chanting "Russia is our friend".

Eastern Ukrainians must be real morons.... No people on Earth got more brutalized by the Soviet regime than Eastern Ukraine... The Holodomor mostly hit Eastern Ukraine, orchestrated by Soviets, as a result millions from Eastern Ukraine starved to death.... Millions of Eastern Ukrainians ended up in Soviet Gulags too, many even died....

Yet... There go the Eastern Ukrainians supporting Soviet symbols, and Soviet statues.
Lies! I tell you that being Ukrainian!!!
So called 'holodomor' was a great tragedy. Millions suffered in Russia, Ukraine and Kazakhstan. It happened due to fatal mistake of government. They sold too much corn abroad to gain money and next 2 years were unusually dry resulting very low harvest.
Ukrainian anti Russian propaganda insists that was genocide of Ukrainians but it is absolute nonsense. Tragedy which is used today in political games...very dirty trick. As we call it 'dancing on the bones'

Eastern Ukraine was region most industrially developed in the USSR. Ukraine in common was the richest republic. Ukraine was never supposed to be another country, its name is translated as edge...Ukraine was always edge of Russia, its border region.
Protesters Chant ‘Russia Is Our Friend’ During Pro-Confederate Statue Rally (WATCH)

Demonstrators, including self-described supporters of white culture, showed up Saturday in Charlottesville, Virginia to protest the sale of a statue commemorating a Confederate general. One politician said it evoked KKK rallies meant to intimidate people of color.

At some point, they even started chanting “Russia is our friend.”


Is this really any surprise? Seriously?

You're hating people because they want peaceful relations with a nuclear superpower? What would you rather they be doing, run around burning the Russian flag and attacking random Russian-Americans out of hatred?

Russia is an ally to help fight ISIS, our actual enemy that literally wants to destroy us. But treasonous c*nts would rather go to war with Russia and allow ISIS to grow.

Keep repeating the BS line that Russia is an ally against Isis, lol

Because they fight Isis in their support of Assad DOESN'T make them allies!
If speaking about Syria, Russia there fights against all terrorists - ISIS, An-nusra and it's branches. But USA is trying to divide terrorists to bad and good ones calling some of them rebels while those rebels cut heads of civilians.

Obviously USA is not ally for Russia in Syria. USA is reason of chaos there.
Until Russia came to Syria territory controlled by ISIS grew for 3 years. After a year of Russian army's presence they are close to their end. Doesn't it look suspicious for you?

Why is it worse to be a Western Ukrainian "Nazi" rather than an Eastern Ukrainian "Soviet"?

Didn't Soviets kill more than the Nazis?
This goes to ideology if nazism/fascism and communism.

Nazism is based on a very disgusting ideas.
Communism is based on right ideas.

Nazism is impossible without murder and other crimes.
Crimes of communists are crimes of people who got power in early USSR. The same as crimes of inquisition do not prove that Christianity is evil.

Do you know the main idea of communism? It is ideal society. And humanity will come to it.
But in 20 century or even now it is too early for us to try to create communist way of living.

But speaking about eastern Ukrainians they are not "soviet" as you called them. They simply disagree to European movement of their country. They prefer better relations with Russia. Or Russia is supposed to be soviet now?

Fascist Italy didn't really murder for about 1 decade, Nazi Germany didn't really murder for about half a decade.... While all Communist regimes murdered right away.

Between 1917 - 1922 as many as 20 million Russians were killed by the Bolsheviks between the Russian Civil War, and the Volga Famine they bought on.

That means Soviets may have immediately killed as much as Nazis did in an extended period of over 1 decade.

One could just as easily say that Egalitarian ideals are disgusting.... for one Communism has a horrible track record when it comes to economic growth, unlike Fascism which actually has the best track record of economic growth.

But, Egalitarianism allows idiocy, and degeneracy to spread by appeasing it.

Not that I support how Nazis did it.... But I do support Positive Eugenics.
I guess I cannot explain...
Communism in Russia came too early. Society wasn't ready. Even now it is not ready for such way of living.
But the idea is right. And that idea doesn't mean killing someone, on the contrary idea is that all people are equal.
As for Nazism the main idea is that one certain nation is the highest one and the others must be either eliminated or be slaves. This ideology is sick in its nature.

If we start talking about murders of soviet regime in the beginning of the USSR than I can remind slavery and genocide of Indians which took place in the beginning of American history.

What about Communism in North Korea which still fails to achieve results?
Idea of communism and realization are quite different things. Who told you that there was communism in the USSR? Who told you that it is communism today in N. Korea?
Both are full of authorities' mistakes under the flag of very bright fairy ideas.
If Crimean isn't Ukrainian, because it's majority Russian.... Then Chechnya isn't Russian, because it's majority Chechen.

Putin's a moron..... He got Russians killed in Chechnya... All Russia got was free movement of Chechen Muslims into Moscow, Saint Petersburg etc... Which includes some terrorist attacks.

Let's not forget Putin's Russia has 4 million or so illegal immigrants... Most whom are Muslims.
Crimea voted for leaving Ukraine for Russia not because f national reason but because people living there didn't want a war like in Donbass. Nazis from Kiev moved to Crimea by train but they were met by armed Crimeans.
As for Chechnya- that was not war of chechens willing to separate from Russia but it was American & Saudi project to tear Russia into pieces. If I am wrong why today Chechnya is the most loyal for Putin region?

Muslims always lived all over Russia not only after Chechen war. And terroristic attacks were financed by Islamic radical organizations...again financed by Saudi, Qatar and the USA.

Do you support Kosovo is Serbia, or not?

The situation between Kosovo, and Crimea are pretty similar.
First serbians living in Kosovo were forced to escape away from NATO backed Albanians away from their motherland.
Than referendum was organized without allowance to present to international observers.
Finally none Serbian took part in that referendum.

How can such a referendum be supposed legal and honest?

A referendum organized after bloody war...organized by and for winners.

In Crimea there wasn't a single shot. No one was killed. Most of the population living there took part in referendum (80% voted) and more than 90% voted for joining Russia.
Nobody escaped! Very very few. Tatars now are happy as they have got a lot of problems solved which Ukrainian authorities refused to solve for 25 years - right to own their historical territory, right to have Tatar last they got mosque built, etc.

And which is probably most important: Kosovo is territory historically Serbian and it is torn away while Crimea is territory historically Russian and it is returned back.
If Crimean isn't Ukrainian, because it's majority Russian.... Then Chechnya isn't Russian, because it's majority Chechen.

Putin's a moron..... He got Russians killed in Chechnya... All Russia got was free movement of Chechen Muslims into Moscow, Saint Petersburg etc... Which includes some terrorist attacks.

Let's not forget Putin's Russia has 4 million or so illegal immigrants... Most whom are Muslims.
Crimea voted for leaving Ukraine...
Like the Sudetenland begged Hitler to invade, right?

You do realize Putin has invaded more of the Ukraine than just Crimea, right?
if nazis didn't come to power in Kiev and if nazi fighters didn't move to Crimea that territory would still be Ukrainian.

So, you pidor, don't try to blame Putin and Russia in actions which saved people's lifes. You'd better blame US authorities for initiating revolution and civil war in Kiev and Donbass which lead to more than 50000 deaths!
Protesters Chant ‘Russia Is Our Friend’ During Pro-Confederate Statue Rally (WATCH)

Demonstrators, including self-described supporters of white culture, showed up Saturday in Charlottesville, Virginia to protest the sale of a statue commemorating a Confederate general. One politician said it evoked KKK rallies meant to intimidate people of color.

At some point, they even started chanting “Russia is our friend.”


Is this really any surprise? Seriously?

You're hating people because they want peaceful relations with a nuclear superpower? What would you rather they be doing, run around burning the Russian flag and attacking random Russian-Americans out of hatred?

Russia is an ally to help fight ISIS, our actual enemy that literally wants to destroy us. But treasonous c*nts would rather go to war with Russia and allow ISIS to grow.

Keep repeating the BS line that Russia is an ally against Isis, lol

Because they fight Isis in their support of Assad DOESN'T make them allies!

ISIS is our enemy, period. I could care less if they ally themselves with Assad, it's not my concern.

Of course, you're a CONservative who doesn't think long term, you want instant gratification....
Protesters Chant ‘Russia Is Our Friend’ During Pro-Confederate Statue Rally (WATCH)

Demonstrators, including self-described supporters of white culture, showed up Saturday in Charlottesville, Virginia to protest the sale of a statue commemorating a Confederate general. One politician said it evoked KKK rallies meant to intimidate people of color.

At some point, they even started chanting “Russia is our friend.”


Is this really any surprise? Seriously?

You're hating people because they want peaceful relations with a nuclear superpower? What would you rather they be doing, run around burning the Russian flag and attacking random Russian-Americans out of hatred?

Russia is an ally to help fight ISIS, our actual enemy that literally wants to destroy us. But treasonous c*nts would rather go to war with Russia and allow ISIS to grow.

Keep repeating the BS line that Russia is an ally against Isis, lol

Because they fight Isis in their support of Assad DOESN'T make them allies!
If speaking about Syria, Russia there fights against all terrorists - ISIS, An-nusra and it's branches. But USA is trying to divide terrorists to bad and good ones calling some of them rebels while those rebels cut heads of civilians.

Obviously USA is not ally for Russia in Syria. USA is reason of chaos there.
Until Russia came to Syria territory controlled by ISIS grew for 3 years. After a year of Russian army's presence they are close to their end. Doesn't it look suspicious for you?

LMAOROG, Yes there wasn't a "spring uprising" in ME and in Syria where they wanted to overthrow the DICTATOR Assad, it was just terror groups springing up *shaking head*

Good job conflating terrorist with rebels though :(
Last edited:
What 'lies' about Clinton did the 'Russians post?'

Too funny, the Trumpov Russians get to throw out BS with no "there, there" to confuse the low informed and Trumpov admits in his first post election rally to knowing that it (the klown parade of "lock her up") was for the election AND there is no jail in her future, but you Klowns hold onto BS

Well, her and her husband are corrupt criminals. Jail time? Probably not gonna happen. But should there be jail time? Probably so. And i don't believe the Russians 'posted' any 'lies' about Hillary Clinton.

LMAOROG, No family has had more money spent "investigating" them than the Clinton's and ALL you Klowns EVER got was he lied about consensual sex *shaking head*

AND now you Klowns support a con man like Trumpov, simply amazing.

The "lies" about Hil was the BS premise that there was ANYTHING of substance on Wiki AND the repeated right wing LIES presented as "news" that was 100% FAKE.

Hil gained from Clinton Foundation? Hil and the Uranium? 4 dead in Banggggggggazzi that 7 PREVIOUS GOP investigations said there was no there, there?

You just "believe" apparently the right wing infotainment complex BS machine!

The Clintons are the most corrupt politicians in America, maybe the world. But hey, you wanna worship them, so be it i guess. And you still haven't presented any 'lies' the Russians 'posted' about Hillary Clinton.

Your inability to be honest noted :(

Pretty weak. Movin on...
Eastern Ukrainians must be real morons.... No people on Earth got more brutalized by the Soviet regime than Eastern Ukraine... The Holodomor mostly hit Eastern Ukraine, orchestrated by Soviets, as a result millions from Eastern Ukraine starved to death.... Millions of Eastern Ukrainians ended up in Soviet Gulags too, many even died....

Yet... There go the Eastern Ukrainians supporting Soviet symbols, and Soviet statues.
Lies! I tell you that being Ukrainian!!!
So called 'holodomor' was a great tragedy. Millions suffered in Russia, Ukraine and Kazakhstan. It happened due to fatal mistake of government. They sold too much corn abroad to gain money and next 2 years were unusually dry resulting very low harvest.
Ukrainian anti Russian propaganda insists that was genocide of Ukrainians but it is absolute nonsense. Tragedy which is used today in political games...very dirty trick. As we call it 'dancing on the bones'

Eastern Ukraine was region most industrially developed in the USSR. Ukraine in common was the richest republic. Ukraine was never supposed to be another country, its name is translated as edge...Ukraine was always edge of Russia, its border region.

You don't sound like a Ukrainian, but rather like a Russian.

Ukraine was never supposed to be another country from Russia?

Yet, you call yourself a Ukrainian? Hilarious!

Ukrainians, and Russians might share some similarities, but they're most certainly not the same people.
Eastern Ukrainians must be real morons.... No people on Earth got more brutalized by the Soviet regime than Eastern Ukraine... The Holodomor mostly hit Eastern Ukraine, orchestrated by Soviets, as a result millions from Eastern Ukraine starved to death.... Millions of Eastern Ukrainians ended up in Soviet Gulags too, many even died....

Yet... There go the Eastern Ukrainians supporting Soviet symbols, and Soviet statues.
Lies! I tell you that being Ukrainian!!!
So called 'holodomor' was a great tragedy. Millions suffered in Russia, Ukraine and Kazakhstan. It happened due to fatal mistake of government. They sold too much corn abroad to gain money and next 2 years were unusually dry resulting very low harvest.
Ukrainian anti Russian propaganda insists that was genocide of Ukrainians but it is absolute nonsense. Tragedy which is used today in political games...very dirty trick. As we call it 'dancing on the bones'

Eastern Ukraine was region most industrially developed in the USSR. Ukraine in common was the richest republic. Ukraine was never supposed to be another country, its name is translated as edge...Ukraine was always edge of Russia, its border region.

You don't sound like a Ukrainian, but rather like a Russian.

Ukraine was never supposed to be another country from Russia?

Yet, you call yourself a Ukrainian? Hilarious!

Ukrainians, and Russians might share some similarities, but they're most certainly not the same people.
I have written my point of view on that subject in another topic.
Here it is:
Ethnically I am Ukrainian, born by Ukrainians in Ukraine. But I refuse to call myself Ukrainian because I don't admit that such nation exists.

If we go back to 9th century we know that Slavic nations didn't have their centralized government but they had cities from Scandinavia to Kiev at south, Volga at the east and Dnestr at the west. Vikings went to their raids together with Varyags (Slavic warriors from Ladoga, not far from modern Sant Petersburg) and they called Slavic country Gardarika (land of cities), vikings came here to be hired as soldiers of fortune.
In 9th century Ryurik, varyag who is supposed to take part in viking's invasion to Britain and France took power of cityVladimir and joined Slavic cities into a single country. His friend Oleg (his son's Igor mentor) after Ryurik's death took Kiev and called it a capital.
Since that time Ryurik's dynasty ruled Russia with capital in Kiev and from 1147 in Moscow. Kiev was supposed to have not vey safe geographical position. Territory around Kiev and to the west, south and east was a kind of safety buffer, border edge (Okraina). Here appears the name of this region, not country or nation.
Kazaks were warriors who had to protect Russia (Rus') from enemy. They were freed from any tax as a paiment for serving. BTW Kazakhstan took its name from Kazaks in 1925.

If one knows history he will realize that Russians and Ukrainians are one nation, the greatest one, who protected all nations from any evil and who allowed all other nations to keep their culture. That's why we have more than 200 nations in Russia.
We stopped Tatars, who invaded lands from China to Europe, we stopped Osman empire, we stopped Napoleon, Hitler... our army twice freed Western Europe and never tried to invade it.
But all our history we are being lied by British and opposed by them in different places of the world.

Sorry for such a long story but I like history and I am proud of my nation.
Protesters Chant ‘Russia Is Our Friend’ During Pro-Confederate Statue Rally (WATCH)

Demonstrators, including self-described supporters of white culture, showed up Saturday in Charlottesville, Virginia to protest the sale of a statue commemorating a Confederate general. One politician said it evoked KKK rallies meant to intimidate people of color.

At some point, they even started chanting “Russia is our friend.”


Is this really any surprise? Seriously?

Is there some point you are trying to make?
You really want Russia for an enemy?
Something evil about protests? Or white culture (if there is such a thing). Or remembering our "Civil War" patriots?

" Or remembering our "Civil War" patriots?"


Only by idiots and assholes.
And now, states are releasing information on which ones the Russians attempted to hack.

To patriotic Americans, this is an outrage.

But to most Republicans, they see it as a "good thing".

Go ahead USMB Republicans, keep defending the Russians.
And now, states are releasing information on which ones the Russians attempted to hack.

To patriotic Americans, this is an outrage.

So in other words you're fanatically pro-Russian. You most certainly aren't a patriot, except maybe to NAMBLA or Rd China.
Russia hasn't done anything harmful. Democrats on the other hand can't make that claim.
What did Democrats do?

When Hillary was Secretary of State, she signed off on selling Russia 20% of our uranium supply which is required to make nuclear weapons. I'm sure it was just a coincidence that Bill was then invited to give a speech in Moscow for $500,000 and the Russians made a $5,000,000 donation to the Clinton Foundation!
Russia hasn't done anything harmful. Democrats on the other hand can't make that claim.
What did Democrats do?

When Hillary was Secretary of State, she signed off on selling Russia 20% of our uranium supply which is required to make nuclear weapons. I'm sure it was just a coincidence that Bill was then invited to give a speech in Moscow for $500,000 and the Russians made a $5,000,000 donation to the Clinton Foundation!

How many times have we said this is FAKE NEWS...

But hey does matter, you will not listen either..
Russia hasn't done anything harmful. Democrats on the other hand can't make that claim.
What did Democrats do?

When Hillary was Secretary of State, she signed off on selling Russia 20% of our uranium supply which is required to make nuclear weapons. I'm sure it was just a coincidence that Bill was then invited to give a speech in Moscow for $500,000 and the Russians made a $5,000,000 donation to the Clinton Foundation!

How many times have we said this is FAKE NEWS...

But hey does matter, you will not listen either..

I think it is you who will not listen! By the way, if your counting on Snopes to accurately verify the truthfulness of anything, you should know they are funded by George Soros, which is why I don't believe anything Snopes, Media Matters, etc. has to say. Now check out the link and then tell me I posed fake news!

Oops: The New York Times Accidentally Exposed 'The Hillary Clinton-Russia Nexus'!
Russia hasn't done anything harmful. Democrats on the other hand can't make that claim.
What did Democrats do?

When Hillary was Secretary of State, she signed off on selling Russia 20% of our uranium supply which is required to make nuclear weapons. I'm sure it was just a coincidence that Bill was then invited to give a speech in Moscow for $500,000 and the Russians made a $5,000,000 donation to the Clinton Foundation!

The State Department was one of 9 federal departments which signed off on the deal. Clinton signed on the recommendation of her technical advisors at State who analyzed the the contract. The uranium mine has no export permit for the uranium which cannot be sold outside the US. So no Hillary, did not sell uranium to Russia.

Bribes are paid BEFORE you get what you want, not after. Why would anyone pay a bribe after they had already received the favour? There is no longer a need to hand over the cash if you already got what you wanted. Only a fool would give a favour without getting the cash up front as there's no incentive to give it and no guarantee of payment after it's given.

Bill's speech was 2 years after the sale of the uranium mine - what took them so long? The donation was even further after the fact.

You really have to be desperate to make pay for play connections to try to spin this into a bribery scheme. Republicans are just that desperate.
Russia hasn't done anything harmful. Democrats on the other hand can't make that claim.
What did Democrats do?

When Hillary was Secretary of State, she signed off on selling Russia 20% of our uranium supply which is required to make nuclear weapons. I'm sure it was just a coincidence that Bill was then invited to give a speech in Moscow for $500,000 and the Russians made a $5,000,000 donation to the Clinton Foundation!
This is Trump's misunderstanding of a Russian deal with a Toronto-based energy company from 2009-2013. This company had 20% of US uranium production capacity. The state department was only one of nine agencies who signed off on this deal. Obama was the only one who could have blocked this deal. This deal was for Russia to send us enriched fuel from their decommissioned warheads (for our power plants) in exchange for us sending them raw uranium.
Protesters Chant ‘Russia Is Our Friend’ During Pro-Confederate Statue Rally (WATCH)

Demonstrators, including self-described supporters of white culture, showed up Saturday in Charlottesville, Virginia to protest the sale of a statue commemorating a Confederate general. One politician said it evoked KKK rallies meant to intimidate people of color.

At some point, they even started chanting “Russia is our friend.”


Is this really any surprise? Seriously?

Is there some point you are trying to make?
You really want Russia for an enemy?
Something evil about protests? Or white culture (if there is such a thing). Or remembering our "Civil War" patriots?
Or remembering our "Civil War" patriots?


Civil war patriots?

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