Confederate Republicans protesting and chanting "Russia is our friend".


Some of this isn't correct.

Corporate power is well regulated by Fascism by Councils, and Cartels to benefit national interest.

The Nazis had great labor rights, as the German Labour Front proved.

Nazis had the best technology at the time, because they invested in it, hardly a disdain for intellect.


" Nazis had great labor rights"

Just months after Hitler was appointed Chancellor, he took the decision to end trade unions in Nazi Germany.

Trade Unions and Nazi Germany - History Learning Site

The Nazis created one giant Socialist Labor Union, called the German Labour Front.

German Labour Front - Wikipedia

The German Labour Front gave workers free, or cheap vacations, they gave workers wages which weren't too high, or low, workers canteens, smoke free rooms, and even lounges, clubs and gyms in the workplaces.
they attacked us? where? what should we do? oh no ewwwwwww.

Weird how right wing get all upset about a BS meme about "election fraud" and push voter ID laws to RESTRICT legal voters but yawn at a foreign power trying to influence a Prez election and the fake "news" it pushes *shaking head*

Again what fake news?


How Russian Twitter Bots Pumped Out Fake News During The 2016 Election
How Russian Twitter Bots Pumped Out Fake News During The 2016 Election

Russia hired 1,000 people to create anti-Clinton 'fake news' in key US states during election, Trump-Russia hearings leader reveals
Russia targeted key states with anti-Clinton fake news, Trump-Russia hearings chairman reveals

Trump's campaign tactics, trolls strengthened Russia's election meddling, expert says
Trump's campaign tactics, trolls strengthened Russia's election meddling, expert says

Again you didn't give me any specifics, what fake news?

Hillary's server?

Debbie having to step down?

Hillary erasing 30,000 e mails?

What fake news?

Flynn had a private server while working at the DOD. But that was OK.

Powell had an AOL account on his iPhone. But that was OK.

Powell and Condi turned over ZERO emails when ordered to. But that was OK.

Trump gave out Top Secret to our nations enemies. But that was OK.

Someone sent Hillary classified material, she didn't send it to anyone. Obviously she deserves prison.

Rules are only for Democrats. Everyone knows that.

You forgot the BIGLY

The George W. Bush White House 'Lost' 22 Million Emails (ON PRIVATE SERVERS OF GOP IN THE WHITE HOUSE)

Between 2003 and 2005, the George W. Bush White House “lost” around 5 million emails, including messages related to the firing of federal prosecutors who didn't adhere to Bush’s conservative agenda. A federal judge ruled that the White House didn’t have to look for them.

Those emails were among some 22 million messages that the Bush administration “lost” during its time in power, most from right around the period that it was crafting a scaffolding of lies to sell what turned out to be the greatest American foreign policy debacle in a generation: the Iraq War.

The long Hillary Clinton email furor reveals hypocrisy on the right wing
I can't agree that the new cold war is about Hillary losing. It was started by Pres. Obama long before the election - and I think it was a huge mistake.

It seems to me that Putin was openly disdainful of Obama for years. So Obama got a bug under his craw. When the neo-cons tried to sell Obama on the idea of supporting the rebellion in the Ukraine, Obama went for it - more as a personal grudge. That was a BIG mistake.

I still resent Russia meddling in the U.S. elections, but even more, I resent all the dumb ass Americans that believed and/or promoted the obvious lies that the Russians posted. I was kinda sick - they knew that all the bullshit posted about Clinton was just that, but they went along with it like a bunch of drunk morons.

The Conservatives have an alternate agenda - one that's so hideous that they wouldn't dare admit it publicly. That's why they operate by promoting pure BULLSHIT.

What 'lies' about Clinton did the 'Russians post?'

Too funny, the Trumpov Russians get to throw out BS with no "there, there" to confuse the low informed and Trumpov admits in his first post election rally to knowing that it (the klown parade of "lock her up") was for the election AND there is no jail in her future, but you Klowns hold onto BS

Well, her and her husband are corrupt criminals. Jail time? Probably not gonna happen. But should there be jail time? Probably so. And i don't believe the Russians 'posted' any 'lies' about Hillary Clinton.

LMAOROG, No family has had more money spent "investigating" them than the Clinton's and ALL you Klowns EVER got was he lied about consensual sex *shaking head*

AND now you Klowns support a con man like Trumpov, simply amazing.

The "lies" about Hil was the BS premise that there was ANYTHING of substance on Wiki AND the repeated right wing LIES presented as "news" that was 100% FAKE.

Hil gained from Clinton Foundation? Hil and the Uranium? 4 dead in Banggggggggazzi that 7 PREVIOUS GOP investigations said there was no there, there?

You just "believe" apparently the right wing infotainment complex BS machine!

The Clintons are the most corrupt politicians in America, maybe the world. But hey, you wanna worship them, so be it i guess. And you still haven't presented any 'lies' the Russians 'posted' about Hillary Clinton.

Your inability to be honest noted :(
So which is it, schizos?

Are the Civil War "patriots" of the South rat bastard Democratic racist slavers, or part of your heritage to be protected?


Are you saying we should eradicate that part of our history because it triggers snowflakes?

Fighting the Nazis is a party of our history, too. So should we fly Nazi flags and call them "German patriots"?

Which is it, schizo? Are the Civil War "patriots" of the South rat bastard Democratic racist slavers, or part of your heritage to be protected?

Don't sit there and pretend the protesters hate the Confederates as Democratic racist slavers. We're not as stupid as you.

They idolize the slavery-loving losers.

Positively schizophrenic.

Democrats slave ownership is part of our history, why erase that?
It's not being erased. But those old time Christian terrorists shouldn't be idolized the way Southern Republicans worship them.

No more than Nazi and Commie history isn't being erased just because some twisted fucks are told they shouldn't be idolizing Hitler or a KGB thug.

In fact, that idolization shows the worshipers have a serious lack of knowledge about history.


It's not bring erased?


Some of this isn't correct.

Corporate power is well regulated by Fascism by Councils, and Cartels to benefit national interest.

The Nazis had great labor rights, as the German Labour Front proved.

Nazis had the best technology at the time, because they invested in it, hardly a disdain for intellect.


" Nazis had great labor rights"

Just months after Hitler was appointed Chancellor, he took the decision to end trade unions in Nazi Germany.

Trade Unions and Nazi Germany - History Learning Site

The Nazis created one giant Socialist Labor Union, called the German Labour Front.

German Labour Front - Wikipedia

The German Labour Front gave workers free, or cheap vacations, they gave workers wages which weren't too high, or low, workers canteens, smoke free rooms, and even lounges, clubs and gyms in the workplaces.

Workers' trade unions ensure that workers get fair wages and working conditions. Hitler didn't like trade unions. He believed that they supported socialism and communism. Trade unions were banned in Germany
BBC - GCSE Bitesize: How did Nazi economic and social policy affect life in Germany?

Beauty of Labour
(Schönheit der Arbeit) was a propaganda organisation of the Nazi government from the period 1934 to its eventual disbandment in 1945. Initially a propaganda machine, the SdA worked bilaterally with its counterpart organisation Strength Through Joy (KdF) to achieve an overall appeasement of the general population. The Beauty of Labour was one of the many areas that made up the Nazi labour union, the Deutsche Arbeitsfront (DAF or "German Labour Front").

Beauty of Labour - Wikipedia

So which is it, schizos?

Are the Civil War "patriots" of the South rat bastard Democratic racist slavers, or part of your heritage to be protected?


Are you saying we should eradicate that part of our history because it triggers snowflakes?

Fighting the Nazis is a party of our history, too. So should we fly Nazi flags and call them "German patriots"?

Which is it, schizo? Are the Civil War "patriots" of the South rat bastard Democratic racist slavers, or part of your heritage to be protected?

Don't sit there and pretend the protesters hate the Confederates as Democratic racist slavers. We're not as stupid as you.

They idolize the slavery-loving losers.

Positively schizophrenic.

Democrats slave ownership is part of our history, why erase that?

CONservatives from the Southern Traitorous States of AmeriKKKa? Today's GOP base?

Some of this isn't correct.

Corporate power is well regulated by Fascism by Councils, and Cartels to benefit national interest.

The Nazis had great labor rights, as the German Labour Front proved.

Nazis had the best technology at the time, because they invested in it, hardly a disdain for intellect.


" Nazis had great labor rights"

Just months after Hitler was appointed Chancellor, he took the decision to end trade unions in Nazi Germany.

Trade Unions and Nazi Germany - History Learning Site

The Nazis created one giant Socialist Labor Union, called the German Labour Front.

German Labour Front - Wikipedia

The German Labour Front gave workers free, or cheap vacations, they gave workers wages which weren't too high, or low, workers canteens, smoke free rooms, and even lounges, clubs and gyms in the workplaces.

Workers' trade unions ensure that workers get fair wages and working conditions. Hitler didn't like trade unions. He believed that they supported socialism and communism. Trade unions were banned in Germany
BBC - GCSE Bitesize: How did Nazi economic and social policy affect life in Germany?

Beauty of Labour
(Schönheit der Arbeit) was a propaganda organisation of the Nazi government from the period 1934 to its eventual disbandment in 1945. Initially a propaganda machine, the SdA worked bilaterally with its counterpart organisation Strength Through Joy (KdF) to achieve an overall appeasement of the general population. The Beauty of Labour was one of the many areas that made up the Nazi labour union, the Deutsche Arbeitsfront (DAF or "German Labour Front").

Beauty of Labour - Wikipedia


Now you know why we call liberals the Anti smoking Nazis....

Liberals like Nazis banned smoking

Protesters Chant ‘Russia Is Our Friend’ During Pro-Confederate Statue Rally (WATCH)

Demonstrators, including self-described supporters of white culture, showed up Saturday in Charlottesville, Virginia to protest the sale of a statue commemorating a Confederate general. One politician said it evoked KKK rallies meant to intimidate people of color.

At some point, they even started chanting “Russia is our friend.”


Is this really any surprise? Seriously?
Protesters Chant ‘Russia Is Our Friend’ During Pro-Confederate Statue Rally (WATCH)

Demonstrators, including self-described supporters of white culture, showed up Saturday in Charlottesville, Virginia to protest the sale of a statue commemorating a Confederate general. One politician said it evoked KKK rallies meant to intimidate people of color.

At some point, they even started chanting “Russia is our friend.”


Is this really any surprise? Seriously?

It's the first thing they teach at Media Matters, Alinsky 101, go to the enemies meeting, pretend to fit in and say and do things to embarrass them

Some of this isn't correct.

Corporate power is well regulated by Fascism by Councils, and Cartels to benefit national interest.

The Nazis had great labor rights, as the German Labour Front proved.

Nazis had the best technology at the time, because they invested in it, hardly a disdain for intellect.


" Nazis had great labor rights"

Just months after Hitler was appointed Chancellor, he took the decision to end trade unions in Nazi Germany.

Trade Unions and Nazi Germany - History Learning Site

The Nazis created one giant Socialist Labor Union, called the German Labour Front.

German Labour Front - Wikipedia

The German Labour Front gave workers free, or cheap vacations, they gave workers wages which weren't too high, or low, workers canteens, smoke free rooms, and even lounges, clubs and gyms in the workplaces.

Workers' trade unions ensure that workers get fair wages and working conditions. Hitler didn't like trade unions. He believed that they supported socialism and communism. Trade unions were banned in Germany
BBC - GCSE Bitesize: How did Nazi economic and social policy affect life in Germany?

Beauty of Labour
(Schönheit der Arbeit) was a propaganda organisation of the Nazi government from the period 1934 to its eventual disbandment in 1945. Initially a propaganda machine, the SdA worked bilaterally with its counterpart organisation Strength Through Joy (KdF) to achieve an overall appeasement of the general population. The Beauty of Labour was one of the many areas that made up the Nazi labour union, the Deutsche Arbeitsfront (DAF or "German Labour Front").

Beauty of Labour - Wikipedia


Uh, the German Labour Front was a Socialist trade Union for the Nazis.

Liberals seem to be getting really desperate, and dumb . LOL
Protesters Chant ‘Russia Is Our Friend’ During Pro-Confederate Statue Rally (WATCH)

Demonstrators, including self-described supporters of white culture, showed up Saturday in Charlottesville, Virginia to protest the sale of a statue commemorating a Confederate general. One politician said it evoked KKK rallies meant to intimidate people of color.

At some point, they even started chanting “Russia is our friend.”


Is this really any surprise? Seriously?

Is there some point you are trying to make?
You really want Russia for an enemy?
Something evil about protests? Or white culture (if there is such a thing). Or remembering our "Civil War" patriots?

Every month or so, the pseudocons expend a lot of energy creating and discussing the fact that those "Civil War patriots" were Democrats and racist slavers.

Why are they then defending those very same "patriots"?

Positively schizophrenic.

And why the hell would they be fellating Russia, when in fact Russia is our number one enemy?

You flatter yourself with the delusion that you have any foggiest idea who a Confederate patriot was or our #1 enemy is? How cute! Educate yourself.

Because you are nothing but a right wing tool who wouldn't accept truth and FACTS if it bit your face off :)
this coming from a left wing tool who can't even make sense of their own statements.

17 said so! here's 3 of them!!! private firms!!! WAHGUAH!!!!! STOP MAKING ME GIVE *FACTS* CAUSE I CAN'T!!!

I know you can't be honest Bubs, there is no denial from honest people that Russia attacked US and influenced the US Prez election in favor of Trumpov, the ONLY debate left is how much influence AND whether Trumpov and co,p were involved Bubs
they attacked us? where? what should we do? oh no ewwwwwww.
Russia is being accused of sharing intelligence and providing weapons to the Taliban in Afghanistan. Same Taliban being fought by US Troops.

US intelligence agencies insist Russia interfered with US Presidential elections.

Russia enjoys and benefits from rw dupes who echo the Russian lines of propaganda, misinformation and fake news.

Republicans chant "Russia is our friend" during protests in the US.

US Troops are deployed in Europe to reinforce troops already there and to be able to respond to Russian forces who have deployed on borders and threaten nations allied with the US. The deployed Russian forces consistently take aggressive actions against US military ships and aircraft operating in international waters.

See how the far left will justify the illegal wars of Obama?

What wars did Clinton or Obama start? Libya was Obama's only military incursion and that was a UN Security Council/NATO operation lasting 2 weeks.
Can someone explain me why being a friend of Russia is a sin?
You want to know why being the friend of a mass murdering KGB thug who hates America is a sin? The guy who invaded Georgia and the Ukraine.

Just how stupid are you?
You are a stupid sheep.
You've mentioned Georgia and if so you don't even try to know truth.
Several international investigations made the same conclusion.
The war was begun by Saakashvili Georgian president. Being sure he is backed by the USA he attacked civilian city Tskhinvali. UN soldiers were killed and hundreds of civilians. The next day Russia entered Georgia and stopped that aggression within several days. Russia attacked only military objects. 30 modern American Hummers were taken and the USA tried to get them back.

All those conclusions are open for public but nobody pays attention and everyone in media every politician says about "Russian aggression against Georgia" though they are all informed about the reality.
It's nothing but lies and propaganda. That propaganda thanks to which sheep like you say "KGB mass killings" and other alike bs.

Ukraine- USA created that revolution. It is their favorite game - changing regimes. You lead nazis to rule Ukraine and you blame Russia for not allowing to mass kill people in Ukraine who disagree with new authorities...
Jesus...I am shocked with your stupidity and blind belief in you mass media.

Some of this isn't correct.

Corporate power is well regulated by Fascism by Councils, and Cartels to benefit national interest.

The Nazis had great labor rights, as the German Labour Front proved.

Nazis had the best technology at the time, because they invested in it, hardly a disdain for intellect.


" Nazis had great labor rights"

Just months after Hitler was appointed Chancellor, he took the decision to end trade unions in Nazi Germany.

Trade Unions and Nazi Germany - History Learning Site

The Nazis created one giant Socialist Labor Union, called the German Labour Front.

German Labour Front - Wikipedia

The German Labour Front gave workers free, or cheap vacations, they gave workers wages which weren't too high, or low, workers canteens, smoke free rooms, and even lounges, clubs and gyms in the workplaces.

Workers' trade unions ensure that workers get fair wages and working conditions. Hitler didn't like trade unions. He believed that they supported socialism and communism. Trade unions were banned in Germany
BBC - GCSE Bitesize: How did Nazi economic and social policy affect life in Germany?

Beauty of Labour
(Schönheit der Arbeit) was a propaganda organisation of the Nazi government from the period 1934 to its eventual disbandment in 1945. Initially a propaganda machine, the SdA worked bilaterally with its counterpart organisation Strength Through Joy (KdF) to achieve an overall appeasement of the general population. The Beauty of Labour was one of the many areas that made up the Nazi labour union, the Deutsche Arbeitsfront (DAF or "German Labour Front").

Beauty of Labour - Wikipedia


Uh, the German Labour Front was a Socialist trade Union for the Nazis.

Liberals seem to be getting really desperate, and dumb . LOL


Beauty of Labour (Schönheit der Arbeit was a propaganda organisation of the Nazi government from the period 1934 to its eventual disbandment in 1945. Initially a propaganda machine, the SdA worked bilaterally with its counterpart organisation Strength Through Joy (KdF) to achieve an overall appeasement of the general population.

The Beauty of Labour was one of the many areas that made up the Nazi labour union, the Deutsche Arbeitsfront (DAF or "German Labour Front")

Beauty of Labour - Wikipedia
Some of this isn't correct.

Corporate power is well regulated by Fascism by Councils, and Cartels to benefit national interest.

The Nazis had great labor rights, as the German Labour Front proved.

Nazis had the best technology at the time, because they invested in it, hardly a disdain for intellect.


" Nazis had great labor rights"

Just months after Hitler was appointed Chancellor, he took the decision to end trade unions in Nazi Germany.

Trade Unions and Nazi Germany - History Learning Site

The Nazis created one giant Socialist Labor Union, called the German Labour Front.

German Labour Front - Wikipedia

The German Labour Front gave workers free, or cheap vacations, they gave workers wages which weren't too high, or low, workers canteens, smoke free rooms, and even lounges, clubs and gyms in the workplaces.

Workers' trade unions ensure that workers get fair wages and working conditions. Hitler didn't like trade unions. He believed that they supported socialism and communism. Trade unions were banned in Germany
BBC - GCSE Bitesize: How did Nazi economic and social policy affect life in Germany?

Beauty of Labour
(Schönheit der Arbeit) was a propaganda organisation of the Nazi government from the period 1934 to its eventual disbandment in 1945. Initially a propaganda machine, the SdA worked bilaterally with its counterpart organisation Strength Through Joy (KdF) to achieve an overall appeasement of the general population. The Beauty of Labour was one of the many areas that made up the Nazi labour union, the Deutsche Arbeitsfront (DAF or "German Labour Front").

Beauty of Labour - Wikipedia


Uh, the German Labour Front was a Socialist trade Union for the Nazis.

Liberals seem to be getting really desperate, and dumb . LOL


Beauty of Labour (Schönheit der Arbeit was a propaganda organisation of the Nazi government from the period 1934 to its eventual disbandment in 1945. Initially a propaganda machine, the SdA worked bilaterally with its counterpart organisation Strength Through Joy (KdF) to achieve an overall appeasement of the general population.

The Beauty of Labour was one of the many areas that made up the Nazi labour union, the Deutsche Arbeitsfront (DAF or "German Labour Front")

Beauty of Labour - Wikipedia

Starting in 1933, KdF provided affordable leisure activities such as concerts, plays, libraries, day trips and holidays.[1] Large ships, such as Wilhelm Gustloff, were built specifically for KdF cruises. They rewarded workers with taking them and their families to the movies, to parks, keep-fit clubs, hiking, sporting activities, film shows and concerts. Borrowing from the Italian fascist organization Dopolavoro "After Work", but extending its influence into the workplace as well, KdF rapidly developed a wide range of activities, and quickly grew into one of Nazi Germany's largest organizations. The official statistics showed that in 1934, 2.3 million people took KdF holidays. By 1938, this figure rose to 10.3 million.[4]
Can someone explain me why being a friend of Russia is a sin?
You want to know why being the friend of a mass murdering KGB thug who hates America is a sin? The guy who invaded Georgia and the Ukraine.

Just how stupid are you?
You are a stupid sheep.
You've mentioned Georgia and if so you don't even try to know truth.
Several international investigations made the same conclusion.
The war was begun by Saakashvili Georgian president. Being sure he is backed by the USA he attacked civilian city Tskhinvali. UN soldiers were killed and hundreds of civilians. The next day Russia entered Georgia and stopped that aggression within several days. Russia attacked only military objects. 30 modern American Hummers were taken and the USA tried to get them back.

All those conclusions are open for public but nobody pays attention and everyone in media every politician says about "Russian aggression against Georgia" though they are all informed about the reality.
It's nothing but lies and propaganda. That propaganda thanks to which sheep like you say "KGB mass killings" and other alike bs.

Ukraine- USA created that revolution. It is their favorite game - changing regimes. You lead nazis to rule Ukraine and you blame Russia for not allowing to mass kill people in Ukraine who disagree with new authorities...
Jesus...I am shocked with your stupidity and blind belief in you mass media.

The five-day-long, 2008 war between Russia and Georgia created controversy, with both sides blaming each other for starting the war.

Although the Russian authorities have claimed that it was Georgia that started the war, many reports and researchers (among them independent Russian experts) concluded that the conflict started much earlier than the Georgian military operation began on 7 August at 23:35 and Russia was responsible.
Responsibility for the Russo-Georgian War - Wikipedia

"...the referendum was deemed unconstitutional by the Constitutional Court of Ukraine, and most UN member countries consider Crimea to be Ukrainian territory."

Crimea - Wikipedia

" Nazis had great labor rights"

Just months after Hitler was appointed Chancellor, he took the decision to end trade unions in Nazi Germany.

Trade Unions and Nazi Germany - History Learning Site

The Nazis created one giant Socialist Labor Union, called the German Labour Front.

German Labour Front - Wikipedia

The German Labour Front gave workers free, or cheap vacations, they gave workers wages which weren't too high, or low, workers canteens, smoke free rooms, and even lounges, clubs and gyms in the workplaces.

Workers' trade unions ensure that workers get fair wages and working conditions. Hitler didn't like trade unions. He believed that they supported socialism and communism. Trade unions were banned in Germany
BBC - GCSE Bitesize: How did Nazi economic and social policy affect life in Germany?

Beauty of Labour
(Schönheit der Arbeit) was a propaganda organisation of the Nazi government from the period 1934 to its eventual disbandment in 1945. Initially a propaganda machine, the SdA worked bilaterally with its counterpart organisation Strength Through Joy (KdF) to achieve an overall appeasement of the general population. The Beauty of Labour was one of the many areas that made up the Nazi labour union, the Deutsche Arbeitsfront (DAF or "German Labour Front").

Beauty of Labour - Wikipedia


Uh, the German Labour Front was a Socialist trade Union for the Nazis.

Liberals seem to be getting really desperate, and dumb . LOL


Beauty of Labour (Schönheit der Arbeit was a propaganda organisation of the Nazi government from the period 1934 to its eventual disbandment in 1945. Initially a propaganda machine, the SdA worked bilaterally with its counterpart organisation Strength Through Joy (KdF) to achieve an overall appeasement of the general population.

The Beauty of Labour was one of the many areas that made up the Nazi labour union, the Deutsche Arbeitsfront (DAF or "German Labour Front")

Beauty of Labour - Wikipedia

Starting in 1933, KdF provided affordable leisure activities such as concerts, plays, libraries, day trips and holidays.[1] Large ships, such as Wilhelm Gustloff, were built specifically for KdF cruises. They rewarded workers with taking them and their families to the movies, to parks, keep-fit clubs, hiking, sporting activities, film shows and concerts. Borrowing from the Italian fascist organization Dopolavoro "After Work", but extending its influence into the workplace as well, KdF rapidly developed a wide range of activities, and quickly grew into one of Nazi Germany's largest organizations. The official statistics showed that in 1934, 2.3 million people took KdF holidays. By 1938, this figure rose to 10.3 million.[4]

Can someone explain me why being a friend of Russia is a sin?
You want to know why being the friend of a mass murdering KGB thug who hates America is a sin? The guy who invaded Georgia and the Ukraine.

Just how stupid are you?
You are a stupid sheep.
You've mentioned Georgia and if so you don't even try to know truth.
Several international investigations made the same conclusion.
The war was begun by Saakashvili Georgian president. Being sure he is backed by the USA he attacked civilian city Tskhinvali. UN soldiers were killed and hundreds of civilians. The next day Russia entered Georgia and stopped that aggression within several days. Russia attacked only military objects. 30 modern American Hummers were taken and the USA tried to get them back.

All those conclusions are open for public but nobody pays attention and everyone in media every politician says about "Russian aggression against Georgia" though they are all informed about the reality.
It's nothing but lies and propaganda. That propaganda thanks to which sheep like you say "KGB mass killings" and other alike bs.

Ukraine- USA created that revolution. It is their favorite game - changing regimes. You lead nazis to rule Ukraine and you blame Russia for not allowing to mass kill people in Ukraine who disagree with new authorities...
Jesus...I am shocked with your stupidity and blind belief in you mass media.

If Crimean isn't Ukrainian, because it's majority Russian.... Then Chechnya isn't Russian, because it's majority Chechen.

Putin's a moron..... He got Russians killed in Chechnya... All Russia got was free movement of Chechen Muslims into Moscow, Saint Petersburg etc... Which includes some terrorist attacks.

Let's not forget Putin's Russia has 4 million or so illegal immigrants... Most whom are Muslims.
The Nazis created one giant Socialist Labor Union, called the German Labour Front.

German Labour Front - Wikipedia

The German Labour Front gave workers free, or cheap vacations, they gave workers wages which weren't too high, or low, workers canteens, smoke free rooms, and even lounges, clubs and gyms in the workplaces.

Workers' trade unions ensure that workers get fair wages and working conditions. Hitler didn't like trade unions. He believed that they supported socialism and communism. Trade unions were banned in Germany
BBC - GCSE Bitesize: How did Nazi economic and social policy affect life in Germany?

Beauty of Labour
(Schönheit der Arbeit) was a propaganda organisation of the Nazi government from the period 1934 to its eventual disbandment in 1945. Initially a propaganda machine, the SdA worked bilaterally with its counterpart organisation Strength Through Joy (KdF) to achieve an overall appeasement of the general population. The Beauty of Labour was one of the many areas that made up the Nazi labour union, the Deutsche Arbeitsfront (DAF or "German Labour Front").

Beauty of Labour - Wikipedia


Uh, the German Labour Front was a Socialist trade Union for the Nazis.

Liberals seem to be getting really desperate, and dumb . LOL


Beauty of Labour (Schönheit der Arbeit was a propaganda organisation of the Nazi government from the period 1934 to its eventual disbandment in 1945. Initially a propaganda machine, the SdA worked bilaterally with its counterpart organisation Strength Through Joy (KdF) to achieve an overall appeasement of the general population.

The Beauty of Labour was one of the many areas that made up the Nazi labour union, the Deutsche Arbeitsfront (DAF or "German Labour Front")

Beauty of Labour - Wikipedia

Starting in 1933, KdF provided affordable leisure activities such as concerts, plays, libraries, day trips and holidays.[1] Large ships, such as Wilhelm Gustloff, were built specifically for KdF cruises. They rewarded workers with taking them and their families to the movies, to parks, keep-fit clubs, hiking, sporting activities, film shows and concerts. Borrowing from the Italian fascist organization Dopolavoro "After Work", but extending its influence into the workplace as well, KdF rapidly developed a wide range of activities, and quickly grew into one of Nazi Germany's largest organizations. The official statistics showed that in 1934, 2.3 million people took KdF holidays. By 1938, this figure rose to 10.3 million.[4]


The German Labour Front was way more Socialist... Than the Labor Unions in the U.S.A.... bubs.

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