Confederate Republicans protesting and chanting "Russia is our friend".

I know you can't be honest Bubs, there is no denial from honest people that Russia attacked US and influenced the US Prez election in favor of Trumpov, the ONLY debate left is how much influence AND whether Trumpov and co,p were involved Bubs
they attacked us? where? what should we do? oh no ewwwwwww.
Russia is being accused of sharing intelligence and providing weapons to the Taliban in Afghanistan. Same Taliban being fought by US Troops.

US intelligence agencies insist Russia interfered with US Presidential elections.

Russia enjoys and benefits from rw dupes who echo the Russian lines of propaganda, misinformation and fake news.

Republicans chant "Russia is our friend" during protests in the US.

US Troops are deployed in Europe to reinforce troops already there and to be able to respond to Russian forces who have deployed on borders and threaten nations allied with the US. The deployed Russian forces consistently take aggressive actions against US military ships and aircraft operating in international waters.

See how the far left will justify the illegal wars of Obama?
It would be epic if you ever agree to a discussion without falling back to the past and Obama, but just for fun, which items in my post refer to what you describe as "illegal wars Obama"? Please try to be specific to the items in my post, since my post is what you responded to.

See how the far left wants to ignore their past and not admit to backing the illegal wars of Obama/Clinton?

Then again this drone does Support FDR in attacking a country that did not attack the US, by locking up Americans and giving them loyalty tests and not to mention lied the US in a war! Also the socialist policies he put in place and how he wanted to stack the Supreme court to get his socialist/communist style New Deal through the courts!

Something all far left drones can be proud of!

The dishonest one STILL dodging direct questions? I'm shocked, shocked I tell you :)
I know you can't be honest Bubs, there is no denial from honest people that Russia attacked US and influenced the US Prez election in favor of Trumpov, the ONLY debate left is how much influence AND whether Trumpov and co,p were involved Bubs
they attacked us? where? what should we do? oh no ewwwwwww.
Russia is being accused of sharing intelligence and providing weapons to the Taliban in Afghanistan. Same Taliban being fought by US Troops.

US intelligence agencies insist Russia interfered with US Presidential elections.

Russia enjoys and benefits from rw dupes who echo the Russian lines of propaganda, misinformation and fake news.

Republicans chant "Russia is our friend" during protests in the US.

US Troops are deployed in Europe to reinforce troops already there and to be able to respond to Russian forces who have deployed on borders and threaten nations allied with the US. The deployed Russian forces consistently take aggressive actions against US military ships and aircraft operating in international waters.

See how the far left will justify the illegal wars of Obama?
It would be epic if you ever agree to a discussion without falling back to the past and Obama, but just for fun, which items in my post refer to what you describe as "illegal wars Obama"? Please try to be specific to the items in my post, since my post is what you responded to.
yeah cause like you and obummer never blamed bush right? see it's shit like that that shows you have no morals. you can't even admit what you did.

What happened after 2 UNFUNDED tax cuts and 8 years of Dubya/GOP job creator" policies again? Oh right the biggest economic downturn since the first GOP great depression. Hint POLICY MATTERS, when Dubya/GOP decided to invade a nation on false premises AND THEN CUT REVENUES VIA TAX CUTS AND TOOK REGULATORS OFF THE BEAT, YES, THERE WAS CREDIT TO GIVE THE DUBYA/GOPer POLICIES! !
yeah cause like you and obummer never blamed bush right? see it's shit like that that shows you have no morals. you can't even admit what you did.

obama's first 4 years were blaming bush.

Yes, after 8 years of Dubya/GOP "job creator" policies someone needed to explain it to you right wing nuttjobbers! You can't gut revenues by 25% to less than 15% of GDP in tax revenues AS you blow up spending by 20% (24% of GDP) AND then "believe" markets would self regulate like you guys "believed"...
Protesters Chant ‘Russia Is Our Friend’ During Pro-Confederate Statue Rally (WATCH)

Demonstrators, including self-described supporters of white culture, showed up Saturday in Charlottesville, Virginia to protest the sale of a statue commemorating a Confederate general. One politician said it evoked KKK rallies meant to intimidate people of color.

At some point, they even started chanting “Russia is our friend.”


Is this really any surprise? Seriously?
yes, it's a surprise to see so many traitors to our nation! :eek: Never in a million years would I have guessed Republicans siding with Russia over the USA////

the Russians infiltration and propaganda has worked on them! AMAZING!

Your lies are noted.

Where were all you tough liberals when the Sovs had ten thousand tank in the middle of Germany?

That war the CONservatives wanted to stay out of and PROGRESSIVE FDR wanted to go into???
It does seem unbelievable that most American will not admit how much we've meddled in other country's politics. We basically destroyed democracy in the 'third world' back in the 1950s - 1980s. A whole lot of the problems we have now are a result.

Maybe Conservatives really don't care about democracy or national sovereignty - they just want to force their economic and social order on everyone everywhere no matter what.

Good points. But in fairness, Democrats are the main force pushing this new Cold War with Russia. They've aligned themselves with the Neocons on it. It's mostly about them not getting over the fact they lost an Election. It's so misguided.

I can't agree that the new cold war is about Hillary losing. It was started by Pres. Obama long before the election - and I think it was a huge mistake.

It seems to me that Putin was openly disdainful of Obama for years. So Obama got a bug under his craw. When the neo-cons tried to sell Obama on the idea of supporting the rebellion in the Ukraine, Obama went for it - more as a personal grudge. That was a BIG mistake.

I still resent Russia meddling in the U.S. elections, but even more, I resent all the dumb ass Americans that believed and/or promoted the obvious lies that the Russians posted. I was kinda sick - they knew that all the bullshit posted about Clinton was just that, but they went along with it like a bunch of drunk morons.

The Conservatives have an alternate agenda - one that's so hideous that they wouldn't dare admit it publicly. That's why they operate by promoting pure BULLSHIT.

What 'lies' about Clinton did the 'Russians post?'

Too funny, the Trumpov Russians get to throw out BS with no "there, there" to confuse the low informed and Trumpov admits in his first post election rally to knowing that it (the klown parade of "lock her up") was for the election AND there is no jail in her future, but you Klowns hold onto BS

Well, her and her husband are corrupt criminals. Jail time? Probably not gonna happen. But should there be jail time? Probably so. And i don't believe the Russians 'posted' any 'lies' about Hillary Clinton.

LMAOROG, No family has had more money spent "investigating" them than the Clinton's and ALL you Klowns EVER got was he lied about consensual sex *shaking head*

AND now you Klowns support a con man like Trumpov, simply amazing.

The "lies" about Hil was the BS premise that there was ANYTHING of substance on Wiki AND the repeated right wing LIES presented as "news" that was 100% FAKE.

Hil gained from Clinton Foundation? Hil and the Uranium? 4 dead in Banggggggggazzi that 7 PREVIOUS GOP investigations said there was no there, there?

You just "believe" apparently the right wing infotainment complex BS machine!
Protesters Chant ‘Russia Is Our Friend’ During Pro-Confederate Statue Rally (WATCH)

Demonstrators, including self-described supporters of white culture, showed up Saturday in Charlottesville, Virginia to protest the sale of a statue commemorating a Confederate general. One politician said it evoked KKK rallies meant to intimidate people of color.

At some point, they even started chanting “Russia is our friend.”


Is this really any surprise? Seriously?

In 2012, President Obama was overheard over a hot microphone telling President Dmitri Medvedev of Russia he would have "more flexibility" to negotiate with Putin after the election

FACT CHECK: Obama Pledged 'More Flexibility' Toward Russia After 2012 Election

Your link:

Obama was overheard asking for time — “particularly with missile defense” — until he is in a better position politically to resolve such issues.

Russia hasn't done anything harmful. Democrats on the other hand can't make that claim.

Syria, Crimea, Ukraine and Afghanistan just for starters.
You are filled with your propaganda.

Syria. Russia in Syria is the ONLY legal army. Only they were officially invited by authorities of Syria. All others are intervents! All others are war criminals! And NATO lead by the USA is the main one.
For more than 3 years of NATO's so called fighting against ISIS the territory of ISIS was growing. After a year of Russians coming ISIS is close to its end.
And ISIS has grown out of Al-caeda, which comes from Afghanistan where it was created by CIA for fighting against the USSR.

Crimea. Crimea was a part of Russia since 17th century. Crimea came back to Russia without a single shot, with 0 killed. Crimea came back to Russia after the referendum and more than 90% voted for joining Russia. Now people there are happy.

Ukraine. Nuland confessed the USA invested 5 billion usd in "development of democracy" which means creating of terroristic nazi organizations and anti Russian propaganda. As a result - revolution of 2014, thousands dead and civil war in the east of the country. Nazi are in power. 6-8 million ran away from Ukraine and its criminal authorities , more than 2 millions ran to Russia (I am one of them!).

Afghanistan. Do you mean 1979-1989?
Check the history. The USSR was forced to enter its army for protection of authorities against terrorists of Taliban created by CIA.
By 1979 several factories were built, many hospitals and schools. Afghanistan was being changed from wild to civilized by soviets until the USA decided not to allow it happen.
Russia hasn't done anything harmful. Democrats on the other hand can't make that claim.

Syria, Crimea, Ukraine and Afghanistan just for starters.
You are filled with your propaganda.

Syria. Russia in Syria is the ONLY legal army. Only they were officially invited by authorities of Syria. All others are intervents! All others are war criminals! And NATO lead by the USA is the main one.
For more than 3 years of NATO's so called fighting against ISIS the territory of ISIS was growing. After a year of Russians coming ISIS is close to its end.
And ISIS has grown out of Al-caeda, which comes from Afghanistan where it was created by CIA for fighting against the USSR.

Crimea. Crimea was a part of Russia since 17th century. Crimea came back to Russia without a single shot, with 0 killed. Crimea came back to Russia after the referendum and more than 90% voted for joining Russia. Now people there are happy.

Ukraine. Nuland confessed the USA invested 5 billion usd in "development of democracy" which means creating of terroristic nazi organizations and anti Russian propaganda. As a result - revolution of 2014, thousands dead and civil war in the east of the country. Nazi are in power. 6-8 million ran away from Ukraine and its criminal authorities , more than 2 millions ran to Russia (I am one of them!).

Afghanistan. Do you mean 1979-1989?
Check the history. The USSR was forced to enter its army for protection of authorities against terrorists of Taliban created by CIA.
By 1979 several factories were built, many hospitals and schools. Afghanistan was being changed from wild to civilized by soviets until the USA decided not to allow it happen.

How much does Putin pay you Klowns for your propaganda Bubs?
Protesters Chant ‘Russia Is Our Friend’ During Pro-Confederate Statue Rally (WATCH)

Demonstrators, including self-described supporters of white culture, showed up Saturday in Charlottesville, Virginia to protest the sale of a statue commemorating a Confederate general. One politician said it evoked KKK rallies meant to intimidate people of color.

At some point, they even started chanting “Russia is our friend.”


Is this really any surprise? Seriously?

In 2012, President Obama was overheard over a hot microphone telling President Dmitri Medvedev of Russia he would have "more flexibility" to negotiate with Putin after the election

FACT CHECK: Obama Pledged 'More Flexibility' Toward Russia After 2012 Election

the election in 2012 was corrupt, invading Crimea, battle for the Ukraine etc etc etc....

so we issued Sanctions....

Oh please that had little effect, it's when we started messing with Iran that Saudi started fucking with the price of oil...

It crashed Russia and our Fracking industry.

What you can't tell us in your own words?

Why not?


Because you are nothing but a right wing tool who wouldn't accept truth and FACTS if it bit your face off :)
this coming from a left wing tool who can't even make sense of their own statements.

17 said so! here's 3 of them!!! private firms!!! WAHGUAH!!!!! STOP MAKING ME GIVE *FACTS* CAUSE I CAN'T!!!

I know you can't be honest Bubs, there is no denial from honest people that Russia attacked US and influenced the US Prez election in favor of Trumpov, the ONLY debate left is how much influence AND whether Trumpov and co,p were involved Bubs
they attacked us? where? what should we do? oh no ewwwwwww.

Weird how right wing get all upset about a BS meme about "election fraud" and push voter ID laws to RESTRICT legal voters but yawn at a foreign power trying to influence a Prez election and the fake "news" it pushes *shaking head*

Again what fake news?


Because you are nothing but a right wing tool who wouldn't accept truth and FACTS if it bit your face off :)
this coming from a left wing tool who can't even make sense of their own statements.

17 said so! here's 3 of them!!! private firms!!! WAHGUAH!!!!! STOP MAKING ME GIVE *FACTS* CAUSE I CAN'T!!!

I know you can't be honest Bubs, there is no denial from honest people that Russia attacked US and influenced the US Prez election in favor of Trumpov, the ONLY debate left is how much influence AND whether Trumpov and co,p were involved Bubs
they attacked us? where? what should we do? oh no ewwwwwww.

Weird how right wing get all upset about a BS meme about "election fraud" and push voter ID laws to RESTRICT legal voters but yawn at a foreign power trying to influence a Prez election and the fake "news" it pushes *shaking head*

Again what fake news?


How Russian Twitter Bots Pumped Out Fake News During The 2016 Election
How Russian Twitter Bots Pumped Out Fake News During The 2016 Election

Russia hired 1,000 people to create anti-Clinton 'fake news' in key US states during election, Trump-Russia hearings leader reveals
Russia targeted key states with anti-Clinton fake news, Trump-Russia hearings chairman reveals

Trump's campaign tactics, trolls strengthened Russia's election meddling, expert says
Trump's campaign tactics, trolls strengthened Russia's election meddling, expert says
this coming from a left wing tool who can't even make sense of their own statements.

17 said so! here's 3 of them!!! private firms!!! WAHGUAH!!!!! STOP MAKING ME GIVE *FACTS* CAUSE I CAN'T!!!

I know you can't be honest Bubs, there is no denial from honest people that Russia attacked US and influenced the US Prez election in favor of Trumpov, the ONLY debate left is how much influence AND whether Trumpov and co,p were involved Bubs
they attacked us? where? what should we do? oh no ewwwwwww.

Weird how right wing get all upset about a BS meme about "election fraud" and push voter ID laws to RESTRICT legal voters but yawn at a foreign power trying to influence a Prez election and the fake "news" it pushes *shaking head*

Again what fake news?


How Russian Twitter Bots Pumped Out Fake News During The 2016 Election
How Russian Twitter Bots Pumped Out Fake News During The 2016 Election

Russia hired 1,000 people to create anti-Clinton 'fake news' in key US states during election, Trump-Russia hearings leader reveals
Russia targeted key states with anti-Clinton fake news, Trump-Russia hearings chairman reveals

Trump's campaign tactics, trolls strengthened Russia's election meddling, expert says
Trump's campaign tactics, trolls strengthened Russia's election meddling, expert says

Again you didn't give me any specifics, what fake news?

Hillary's server?

Debbie having to step down?

Hillary erasing 30,000 e mails?

What fake news?

I know you can't be honest Bubs, there is no denial from honest people that Russia attacked US and influenced the US Prez election in favor of Trumpov, the ONLY debate left is how much influence AND whether Trumpov and co,p were involved Bubs
they attacked us? where? what should we do? oh no ewwwwwww.

Weird how right wing get all upset about a BS meme about "election fraud" and push voter ID laws to RESTRICT legal voters but yawn at a foreign power trying to influence a Prez election and the fake "news" it pushes *shaking head*

Again what fake news?


How Russian Twitter Bots Pumped Out Fake News During The 2016 Election
How Russian Twitter Bots Pumped Out Fake News During The 2016 Election

Russia hired 1,000 people to create anti-Clinton 'fake news' in key US states during election, Trump-Russia hearings leader reveals
Russia targeted key states with anti-Clinton fake news, Trump-Russia hearings chairman reveals

Trump's campaign tactics, trolls strengthened Russia's election meddling, expert says
Trump's campaign tactics, trolls strengthened Russia's election meddling, expert says

Again you didn't give me any specifics, what fake news?

Hillary's server?

Debbie having to step down?

Hillary erasing 30,000 e mails?

What fake news?


Sorry Bubs, those are just "news" with no "there, there" you righties LOVE :(

Fake news: Hillary Clinton is running a child sex ring out of a pizza shop.

Fake news: Democrats want to impose Islamic law in Florida.

Fake news found a willing enabler in Trump, who at times uttered outrageous falsehoods and legitimized made-up reports

Bad actors would create fictitious Web pages that people couldn’t resist sharing: claims that Pope Francis endorsed Donald Trump, or that Hillary Clinton sold weapons to ISIS, or that she helped fund ISIS. (None of those things is true.)

The popular website BuzzFeed analyzed the interest in these fake stories and found that they got more shares, reactions and comments during the final three months of the campaign than real stories from the New York Times, the Washington Post and CNN, for example.

PolitiFact's 2016 Lie of the Year: Fake news

Social Media and Fake News in the 2016 Election

they attacked us? where? what should we do? oh no ewwwwwww.

Weird how right wing get all upset about a BS meme about "election fraud" and push voter ID laws to RESTRICT legal voters but yawn at a foreign power trying to influence a Prez election and the fake "news" it pushes *shaking head*

Again what fake news?


How Russian Twitter Bots Pumped Out Fake News During The 2016 Election
How Russian Twitter Bots Pumped Out Fake News During The 2016 Election

Russia hired 1,000 people to create anti-Clinton 'fake news' in key US states during election, Trump-Russia hearings leader reveals
Russia targeted key states with anti-Clinton fake news, Trump-Russia hearings chairman reveals

Trump's campaign tactics, trolls strengthened Russia's election meddling, expert says
Trump's campaign tactics, trolls strengthened Russia's election meddling, expert says

Again you didn't give me any specifics, what fake news?

Hillary's server?

Debbie having to step down?

Hillary erasing 30,000 e mails?

What fake news?


Sorry Bubs, those are just "news" with no "there, there" you righties LOVE :(

Fake news: Hillary Clinton is running a child sex ring out of a pizza shop.

Fake news: Democrats want to impose Islamic law in Florida.

Fake news found a willing enabler in Trump, who at times uttered outrageous falsehoods and legitimized made-up reports

Bad actors would create fictitious Web pages that people couldn’t resist sharing: claims that Pope Francis endorsed Donald Trump, or that Hillary Clinton sold weapons to ISIS, or that she helped fund ISIS. (None of those things is true.)

The popular website BuzzFeed analyzed the interest in these fake stories and found that they got more shares, reactions and comments during the final three months of the campaign than real stories from the New York Times, the Washington Post and CNN, for example.

PolitiFact's 2016 Lie of the Year: Fake news

Social Media and Fake News in the 2016 Election


Those are your fucking examples..

LMFAO ......

So you telling me the server was true, Debbie stepping down because of corruption was true, Hillary erasing 30,000 e mails were true

Russia is about the same percentage of Russians, as America does Whites.

There's millions of illegal immigrants in Russia, and most of them are Muslim, and Putin has done nothing about it.

Some of this isn't correct.

Corporate power is well regulated by Fascism by Councils, and Cartels to benefit national interest.

The Nazis had great labor rights, as the German Labour Front proved.

Nazis had the best technology at the time, because they invested in it, hardly a disdain for intellect.
Russia hasn't done anything harmful. Democrats on the other hand can't make that claim.

Syria, Crimea, Ukraine and Afghanistan just for starters.
You are filled with your propaganda.

Syria. Russia in Syria is the ONLY legal army. Only they were officially invited by authorities of Syria. All others are intervents! All others are war criminals! And NATO lead by the USA is the main one.
For more than 3 years of NATO's so called fighting against ISIS the territory of ISIS was growing. After a year of Russians coming ISIS is close to its end.
And ISIS has grown out of Al-caeda, which comes from Afghanistan where it was created by CIA for fighting against the USSR.

Crimea. Crimea was a part of Russia since 17th century. Crimea came back to Russia without a single shot, with 0 killed. Crimea came back to Russia after the referendum and more than 90% voted for joining Russia. Now people there are happy.

Ukraine. Nuland confessed the USA invested 5 billion usd in "development of democracy" which means creating of terroristic nazi organizations and anti Russian propaganda. As a result - revolution of 2014, thousands dead and civil war in the east of the country. Nazi are in power. 6-8 million ran away from Ukraine and its criminal authorities , more than 2 millions ran to Russia (I am one of them!).

Afghanistan. Do you mean 1979-1989?
Check the history. The USSR was forced to enter its army for protection of authorities against terrorists of Taliban created by CIA.
By 1979 several factories were built, many hospitals and schools. Afghanistan was being changed from wild to civilized by soviets until the USA decided not to allow it happen.

How much does Putin pay you Klowns for your propaganda Bubs?
Russia hasn't done anything harmful. Democrats on the other hand can't make that claim.

Syria, Crimea, Ukraine and Afghanistan just for starters.
You are filled with your propaganda.

Syria. Russia in Syria is the ONLY legal army. Only they were officially invited by authorities of Syria. All others are intervents! All others are war criminals! And NATO lead by the USA is the main one.
For more than 3 years of NATO's so called fighting against ISIS the territory of ISIS was growing. After a year of Russians coming ISIS is close to its end.
And ISIS has grown out of Al-caeda, which comes from Afghanistan where it was created by CIA for fighting against the USSR.

Crimea. Crimea was a part of Russia since 17th century. Crimea came back to Russia without a single shot, with 0 killed. Crimea came back to Russia after the referendum and more than 90% voted for joining Russia. Now people there are happy.

Ukraine. Nuland confessed the USA invested 5 billion usd in "development of democracy" which means creating of terroristic nazi organizations and anti Russian propaganda. As a result - revolution of 2014, thousands dead and civil war in the east of the country. Nazi are in power. 6-8 million ran away from Ukraine and its criminal authorities , more than 2 millions ran to Russia (I am one of them!).

Afghanistan. Do you mean 1979-1989?
Check the history. The USSR was forced to enter its army for protection of authorities against terrorists of Taliban created by CIA.
By 1979 several factories were built, many hospitals and schools. Afghanistan was being changed from wild to civilized by soviets until the USA decided not to allow it happen.

How much does Putin pay you Klowns for your propaganda Bubs?

It's funny how such as you behave. If some information is not one you like you call it propaganda, if someone blames USA and explains truth about Russia he is paid by Putin...
Why cannot you just check the facts?
Get information from absolute different sources about some events to be argued, try to build logical chains to understand who was benefiting in some certain case... try to do something like Oliver Stone has done when he realized the truth and decided to make a movie "The untold history of the USA". I strongly recommend to watch that movie.

Why cannot I suppose you are paid by ...globalists? Why your information is not supposed to be propaganda?
Protesters Chant ‘Russia Is Our Friend’ During Pro-Confederate Statue Rally (WATCH)

Demonstrators, including self-described supporters of white culture, showed up Saturday in Charlottesville, Virginia to protest the sale of a statue commemorating a Confederate general. One politician said it evoked KKK rallies meant to intimidate people of color.

At some point, they even started chanting “Russia is our friend.”


Is this really any surprise? Seriously?

In 2012, President Obama was overheard over a hot microphone telling President Dmitri Medvedev of Russia he would have "more flexibility" to negotiate with Putin after the election

FACT CHECK: Obama Pledged 'More Flexibility' Toward Russia After 2012 Election

the election in 2012 was corrupt, invading Crimea, battle for the Ukraine etc etc etc....

so we issued Sanctions....

And what did those sanctions do? Especially since Iran and China would not cooperate?

Sanctions only hurt the people not the dictators in charge. Sanctions alone have never worked!

It was a feel good moment for the far left and always did very little to fix the problem.

Just like the line drawn in the sand that allowed Russia to come to power!

Some of this isn't correct.

Corporate power is well regulated by Fascism by Councils, and Cartels to benefit national interest.

The Nazis had great labor rights, as the German Labour Front proved.

Nazis had the best technology at the time, because they invested in it, hardly a disdain for intellect.


" Nazis had great labor rights"

Just months after Hitler was appointed Chancellor, he took the decision to end trade unions in Nazi Germany.

Trade Unions and Nazi Germany - History Learning Site

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