Confederate statue removed from historic North Carolina courthouse

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Held in slavery by Cherokee and other blacks as well.
But mostly by whites.
Mostly by other Africans in Africa and the Spanish.
Oh, sorry, we are talking about the United States of America, and about the traitors who started a war with the united states of America. Please pay attention, so that you dont waste people's time.
Oh, the people who had a constitutional right to secede?
No, the vile traitors who threw their neghbors' kids in front of musket balls so they could continue to own brown people. Again, pay attention, we can't slow down the entire class for one slow kid.
The Republicans of the period immediately after (and before) the War WERE the Liberals, Dumbass.
Lincoln was one of the biggest liberals of his day.
That is why the south seceded
If he could see what society looks like now...he would never had did what he did.

This land mass would be much better off if euros "had never did what they did".
Built this nation. Wrote the Constitution. Freed the slaves. Won two world wars and passed Civil Rights Act of 1964 and put a man on the Moon. Yep...white people are so bad.

Up until your last line where you had to insert colors were none existed --- you were describing Liberals. Great timing.
Don’t think I was outside Lyndon Johnson.
Held in slavery by Cherokee and other blacks as well.
But mostly by whites.
Mostly by other Africans in Africa and the Spanish.
Oh, sorry, we are talking about the United States of America, and about the traitors who started a war with the united states of America. Please pay attention, so that you dont waste people's time.
Oh, the people who had a constitutional right to secede?
No, the vile traitors who threw their neghbors' kids in front of musket balls so they could continue to own brown people. Again, pay attention, we can't slow down the entire class for one slow kid.
They marched off to defend their rights with great enthusiasm. Better brush-up on your history.
Dimwingers are working overtime today on their revisionist history.

Your party is the party of Jim Crow, filibustering the Civil Rights Act, electing KKK Leaders as Senate Majority Leader, and the formation of the KKK.
3873 comments ago I asked one of you cucks to name me one prominent conservative who was along side of MLK during the Civil Rights movement....

And 3873 comments later.....still not one single answer......

View attachment 291970
Charlton Heston for starters. But he was Hollywood and they seem to have a “thing” for communist. Michael King was a hard-Corps Marxist.
Hey, I was told pictures are great at explaining things to kids....

See the people sitting at the lunch counter, peacefully demonstrating and fighting "AGAINST" Jim Crow segregation...those are the liberals....the people you are defending 50 years after the fact, the side that lost...they are called conservatives....

Notice how the lame attempt at attaching parties to this makes you look like idiots??View attachment 291964
The students pouring sugar and creamer on the other students heads were Dixiecrats.
Confederate statue removed from historic North Carolina courthouse

"A North Carolina county removed a Confederate statue from a historic courthouse early on Wednesday, joining the handful of places around the state where such monuments have come down in recent years despite a law protecting them.

News outlets reported that a subdued crowd of several dozen people watched as the statue of a soldier was taken down overnight outside the historic Chatham county courthouse, where it had stood since 1907. By dawn, even the base was gone..."

Burning books will be next...
Let's not forget the Warren plan for that:

Elizabeth Warren calls to remove Confederate monuments ‘and put them in museums where they belong’
And the problem with that is?????View attachment 291968
Orwellian 1984 revisionist history.
Just making the point that he was elected in the deep south, after he flipped on the segregation issue, with a base in the rural white poor.

Just another example of real history conflicting with the leftard fantasy that history was all about race.
When Wallace ran for president, why didn't he run as a Democrat??

Oh I remember...because he would have been rejected....

Can you tell me the liberal policies that Wallace ran on??

I really do get tired of having to slap the shit out of closet racists with facts...but I got time today.....

"But by the fall of 1968, George Wallace had pulled the major parties to the right" <<-- liberals don't pull both parties to the right do they??

"Republican presidential nominee Richard Nixon conceded the Deep South to him and came up with a “southern strategy” designed to appeal to white backlash over civil rights." <<-- Who were the ones pissed off at the civil rights movement?? Liberals or Conservatives??

"[Wallace] boasted of his crowd sizes; complained of “rigged polls” and accused the media of treating him unfairly, all while working to ensure the spotlight stayed on him." Like Trump....

His platform was very much conservative, instead of "Make America Great Again" -- Wallace named his campaign "Stand Up For America" -- and his supporters were known for saying things like “When George Wallace is elected president, he’s going to line up all these n-----s and shoot them,’’ Tom Turnipseed recalled. “I said, ‘Oh, hell no’ … this guy was dead serious.”

Stand Up For America: George Wallace's chaotic, prophetic campaign

We have seen this before...and we have also seen how folks like you will blatantly try to rewrite that history because once again, you are on the wrong side of it....sounds like a personal problem to me

Why did you not address my point, about what happened after he flipped on that issue?
I have 50 years of policy and facts that tells what happened.....

50 years later, it is the Republican party (CONSERVATIVES) who are still butt hurt about the civil rights movement....

50 years later, it is the Republican party (CONSERVATIVES) who are still trying to gut the Voting Rights Act....

50 years later, it is the Republican party (CONSERVATIVES) who are still trying to pass policies that discriminate against minority groups....

Now, who are these prominent conservatives who were standing along side of MLK during the civil rights movement?
What a pantload.
Refute one single thing I said or shut the fuck up....

Trump Administration Asks Supreme Court to Legalize Workplace Discrimination Against Gay Employees

GOP Congressman: Refusing to Sell Your House to a Gay Person Is a Right

Republicans are brazenly gutting voting rights in the lame duck before they lose power
So you’re a gay Muslim. Get it. #1 is opinion, #2 is a sellers right,#3 is just fucking ridiculous.
You mean like George Wallace?

What you want a statue for him now.

Just making the point that he was elected in the deep south, after he flipped on the segregation issue, with a base in the rural white poor.

Just another example of real history conflicting with the leftard fantasy that history was all about race.
When Wallace ran for president, why didn't he run as a Democrat??

Oh I remember...because he would have been rejected....

Can you tell me the liberal policies that Wallace ran on??

I really do get tired of having to slap the shit out of closet racists with facts...but I got time today.....

"But by the fall of 1968, George Wallace had pulled the major parties to the right" <<-- liberals don't pull both parties to the right do they??

"Republican presidential nominee Richard Nixon conceded the Deep South to him and came up with a “southern strategy” designed to appeal to white backlash over civil rights." <<-- Who were the ones pissed off at the civil rights movement?? Liberals or Conservatives??

"[Wallace] boasted of his crowd sizes; complained of “rigged polls” and accused the media of treating him unfairly, all while working to ensure the spotlight stayed on him." Like Trump....

His platform was very much conservative, instead of "Make America Great Again" -- Wallace named his campaign "Stand Up For America" -- and his supporters were known for saying things like “When George Wallace is elected president, he’s going to line up all these n-----s and shoot them,’’ Tom Turnipseed recalled. “I said, ‘Oh, hell no’ … this guy was dead serious.”

Stand Up For America: George Wallace's chaotic, prophetic campaign

We have seen this before...and we have also seen how folks like you will blatantly try to rewrite that history because once again, you are on the wrong side of it....sounds like a personal problem to me

Why did you not address my point, about what happened after he flipped on that issue?
I have 50 years of policy and facts that tells what happened.....

50 years later, it is the Republican party (CONSERVATIVES) who are still butt hurt about the civil rights movement....

50 years later, it is the Republican party (CONSERVATIVES) who are still trying to gut the Voting Rights Act....

50 years later, it is the Republican party (CONSERVATIVES) who are still trying to pass policies that discriminate against minority groups....

Now, who are these prominent conservatives who were standing along side of MLK during the civil rights movement?
You have nothing. George Wallace was leading in Democratic primaries in 1972 until his shooting in Maryland.
Good post. From your link:

>> “As a presidential hopeful, do you have any plans on addressing the removal, or lack thereof, of the reminders of the nation’s dark past, or have any plans on preserving the nation’s history in a way that explains it in a more education sense versus showing praise to the losing side?” an audience member asked.

Ms Warren responded forcefully, saying she would “support removing Confederate celebrations from federal land and putting them in museums, where they belong”. <<
I am sure that will be a big winner for her in Pennsylvania where they make a lot of money on Civil War tourism.
Nothing wrong with confederate displays on a battlefield like Gettysburg

The problem is with displays at a county courthouse celebrating the Confederacy
Indeed. I`m a member of the Gettysburg Foundation and the Virginia monument on Seminary Ridge is a gem and it is on National park property.
Now that you “outed it” Antifa and news media will bring it down.
Nape. The George Wallace who was actually active in politics.

"I am having nothing to do with this so-called civil rights bill. The liberal left-wingers have passed it. Now let them employ some pinknik social engineers in Washington, D.C., to figure out what to do with it."

But your quote from much later in his life is an inspiring reminder that people can change. Thanks for that.
The Civil Right Act of 1964 was a violation of the 10th Amendment and interfered with private businesses. Liberals like to hold-up the biggest piece of shit Amendment passed by the radical Republicans after the war...the 14th. Most abused Amendment of the Constitution. 13th and 15th are fine. Bill of Rights over time has been selectively incorporated to the states. 14th is moot. Court didn’t need the 14th to do this.

The Republicans of the period immediately after (and before) the War WERE the Liberals, Dumbass.
Lincoln was one of the biggest liberals of his day.
That is why the south seceded

Rather a dumbass move as it turns out.

As has so many times been the case, the "Haves" railroading their states into something the "Have Nots" wanted no part of. The moneyed élite drove all that. Around this region it was very unpopular as there was no slave economy around here. East Tennessee would have seceded from the secession like northwest Virginia did, but for the fact that there were more Union troops in northwest Virginia and more Confederate troops in Tennessee. Once it snowballed pockets of resistance sprang up in Texas, Arkansas, Mississippi, Alabama and northwest Georgia around Chattanooga. And of course tons of deserters.
Because support for the Union cause was so great in rural Ohio, rural Pennsylvania, New York City, and southern Illinois. Sure.
The Republicans of the period immediately after (and before) the War WERE the Liberals, Dumbass.
Lincoln was one of the biggest liberals of his day.
That is why the south seceded
If he could see what society looks like now...he would never had did what he did.

This land mass would be much better off if euros "had never did what they did".
Built this nation. Wrote the Constitution. Freed the slaves. Won two world wars and passed Civil Rights Act of 1964 and put a man on the Moon. Yep...white people are so bad.

Up until your last line where you had to insert colors were none existed --- you were describing Liberals. Great timing.
Revisionist history as an example. The real story is that a white man had been killed over slavery and it weakened the abolitionist cause as majority of Americans saw them as kooks that were dividing America.
Today in History - November 7
Lincoln never advocated for Socialized Medicine or recognizing men in dresses as "broads".

What makes you think he was a lib? In actuality, Honest Abe- the proto-ditto-head, wanted to get black people off of the Democrat plantations.

You continue to dig the earth of cluelessness with a post-hole digger. Going all the way to China?

Liberalism has NOTHING to do with "Socialize Medicine"or "recognizing men in dresses as "broads", whatever that means.

Liberalism has very much to do with Abolition. You might have got a clue about that from the line "all men are created equal". Then again I believe you were the same asshat that tried to get away with characterizing the Birmingham church bomber as a "Liberal", of which he would be the antithesis.

Further, I'm afraid there was no such thing as "the Democrat plantations". Obviously no one needed a political party to run a plantation, let alone one that wasn't even in existence until the 1830s, but also the Democrat domination of the "Solid South" didn't even begin until AFTER that War. Curses, Linear Time strikes again.

Liberalism is against abolition. I don't know if remember Dr. Ben Carson back during the 2016 campaign comparing Obamacare with slavery. Getting rid of the ACA is the modern moral equivalent of the abolitionist movement. Leading ministers railed against slavery back in the early to mid 19th century, same today with Socialized Medicine where leading theologians like John Hagee and Robert Jeffress preach against it.

Abolition *IS* Liberalism. The whole essence of "all men are created equal". I told you before, you have NO clue what you're babbling about incoherently. Liberalism and the noble experiment threw off the idea that an authoritarian King and Clergy should run things, said fuck that and put the people in charge of themselves. That was the whole POINT.
Liberals believe men are unequal. They need poverty and government dependency in order for their politics of victimology to exist.
To bail out Wall Street with socialism?
Trying to cover fact that the banking crisis of 2008 was result of Clinton’s policies to attempt to provide more homes for minorities that in the end defaulted on their loans.
Lincoln never advocated for Socialized Medicine or recognizing men in dresses as "broads".

What makes you think he was a lib? In actuality, Honest Abe- the proto-ditto-head, wanted to get black people off of the Democrat plantations.

You continue to dig the earth of cluelessness with a post-hole digger. Going all the way to China?

Liberalism has NOTHING to do with "Socialize Medicine"or "recognizing men in dresses as "broads", whatever that means.

Liberalism has very much to do with Abolition. You might have got a clue about that from the line "all men are created equal". Then again I believe you were the same asshat that tried to get away with characterizing the Birmingham church bomber as a "Liberal", of which he would be the antithesis.

Further, I'm afraid there was no such thing as "the Democrat plantations". Obviously no one needed a political party to run a plantation, let alone one that wasn't even in existence until the 1830s, but also the Democrat domination of the "Solid South" didn't even begin until AFTER that War. Curses, Linear Time strikes again.

Liberalism is against abolition. I don't know if remember Dr. Ben Carson back during the 2016 campaign comparing Obamacare with slavery. Getting rid of the ACA is the modern moral equivalent of the abolitionist movement. Leading ministers railed against slavery back in the early to mid 19th century, same today with Socialized Medicine where leading theologians like John Hagee and Robert Jeffress preach against it.

Abolition *IS* Liberalism. The whole essence of "all men are created equal". I told you before, you have NO clue what you're babbling about incoherently. Liberalism and the noble experiment threw off the idea that an authoritarian King and Clergy should run things, said fuck that and put the people in charge of themselves. That was the whole POINT.
Let us recall that those who blathered on about "all men are created equal" were genocidal slavers who envisioned a system in which only white male aristocrats had any representation at all.

Not all of them (second POTUS for example). It was the ideal --- the pressing issue of the time was getting rid of King George. However those same Liberals wrote into the Constitution that the slave trade had to stop.
There were no liberals in 1787. There were regional conflicts over wealth and the New England ruling class didn’t like the accumulated wealth of the Southern ruling class.
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