Confederate statue removed from historic North Carolina courthouse

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Dude. George Wallace was one of the greatest segregationists in our history, and AFTER he flipped on that issue, he ran for the governor ship of a deep south state and won, with his base being, according to you fucktards, the most racist demographic in the country..

DOOD. Wallace by then was more than well known, not only around the state where he'd been running since the '50s but nationally. He won for the same reason Rump did --- name recognition.


Really? A man who personified segregation, flips on the issue, AND DOES NOT LOSE HIS SUPPORTERS, even in the DEEP SOUTH?

That is an incredibly powerful historical fact, and it destroys your race baiting narrative.



Yep. And the fact that your only response is an unrelated Googly Image shows you're beaten.

Err, there were words there, that made a point?

Oh, wait, you were just lying. Sorry, don't know why I didn't consider that first.

Your lie is dismissed. You are a lying asshole.

And George Wallace won the Governorship of a Deep South State, with the support of the most rural and poor white voters in the state, despite running on a pro-civil rights platform.

This fact, completely destroys your race baiting narrative. You lose, loser.

Once AGAIN for the intellectually bereft, he ran on his NAME. That's all he needed by then, even by well before then. For fuck's sake he ran his WIFE in the mid-'60s and SHE won on his name. Decisively.

And if your view of the world was true, his "betrayal" of segregation, would have spread like wildfire though the voters of the Deep South, and they would have turned on him, is a racist rage.

Instead, they didn't seem to care at all. If anything, they followed him gladly.

Your world view, conflicts with documented history. Mine does not.

Are you able to deal with this, in anything resembling a sane fashion?
This George Wallace?


Nape. The George Wallace who was actually active in politics.

"I am having nothing to do with this so-called civil rights bill. The liberal left-wingers have passed it. Now let them employ some pinknik social engineers in Washington, D.C., to figure out what to do with it."

But your quote from much later in his life is an inspiring reminder that people can change. Thanks for that.
The Civil Right Act of 1964 was a violation of the 10th Amendment and interfered with private businesses. Liberals like to hold-up the biggest piece of shit Amendment passed by the radical Republicans after the war...the 14th. Most abused Amendment of the Constitution. 13th and 15th are fine. Bill of Rights over time has been selectively incorporated to the states. 14th is moot. Court didn’t need the 14th to do this.

The Republicans of the period immediately after (and before) the War WERE the Liberals, Dumbass.

They were radicals in their desire to conserve the Enlightenment Era ideals of the Founding Fathers.

Today, we republicans are still the same.

Meanwhile, you dems then and now are doing all you can to destroy that.

Do you believe in God Given Rights?

Do you believe it was a God Given Right to enslave another human being?

Do you believe that your breath doesn't smell like shit, even though your mouth is actually an anus, where nothing but shit comes out of?
The Republicans of the period immediately after (and before) the War WERE the Liberals, Dumbass.

They were radicals in their desire to conserve the Enlightenment Era ideals of the Founding Fathers.

I didn't use the word radical, but I agree with that.

Today, we republicans are still the same.


Hardly. "Republicans" (what I posted) and "republicans" (what you posted) are two different things, and I see what you tried to do there.

Even if you meant "Republicans" it couldn't be supported. Republicans of 1860 have as much in common as a whole ideologically as does the radio station called WANK-FM that one day ceases playing classical music and goes to Hip Hop. It's still called WANK-FM buuuuut..... slllllightly different audience.

The idea that ANY political party is some fixed entity that never changes with the times is naïve and absurd on its face.

Meanwhile, you dems then and now are doing all you can to destroy that.

I'm not a "dem", Dumbass.

Do you believe in God Given Rights?


1. I did not claim that you used the word "radical" so, i dont' know why you posted that.

2. The GOP was founded on the Enlightenment Era principles of our founding fathers, and we have never wavered, and are still right there.

3. As demonstrated by our continued belief in God Given Rights. While you, "liberals" believe that the all powerful STATE, gives rights to people. This harkens back to the Divine Right of Kings, a very Dark Ages concept and insanely regressive.

1. You tried to echo what I had just posted inserting a new term. Again, I don't disagree with that term. Radical means 'to the root'. That's not in dispute.

2. Again you introduce a new term. I will not use "GOP" as the Republican Party is the younger of the two. And I believe it was founded on Abolition, which got done. After that things.... evolved. The RP started taking on the interests of the wealthy, the railroads and corporations, Wall Street, while the DP absorbed the Populist movement and party and took on the interest of immigrants, labor and minorities. Because political parties change with the times, always have, always will, and to pretend otherwise is to live in a world of self-delusion.

3. Neither Liberalism nor political parties have anything to do with any "God". That would be religion. The whole point of Liberalism was to reject the divine right of kings and that racket run by royalty and clergy. We are NOT a theocracy no matter how much you whine and stomp your feet about it. We run on We the People and to coin a phase, "God" will not replace us. We had enough of that shit, that's why we threw it away.

We shouldn't be at all surprised that the apologists trying to preserve a bullshit propaganda campaign shit all over this thread with bullshit-level crapola trying to turn Liberalism into conservatism and vice versa, making up quotes and events out of whole cloth and generally just lying through your teeth because you can't handle the realities. It's par for the coarse.

1. I made a point. You focused on semantics, to avoid the point. Typical liberal.

2. Issues changed, but underlying principles, or lack there of, remained.

3. The question of whether the Government grants rights or whether they are inherent, is a political question, and one that modern day democrats, are far more likely to side on "government" and modern day republicans are far more likely to side with "God Given" or inherent. What you are throwing away, is what America has always been about.

I DIDN'T BRING UP ANYTHING ABOUT 'GOVERNMENT' you slackjawed hack --- YOU did. YOU trotted "God" in and when that didn't work, subbed with "government". NEITHER OF THOSE CAME FROM ME, Jackass.

As I said above, your dishonest fabrications go hand-in-hand with your desperate flailing attempts to preserve protect and defend somebody else's bullshit propaganda campaign. It's the same thing. Can't handle the facts, so you make your own.
Helms, Gramm, Lott, Shelby weren't in the Senate in 1964.


Exactly, Pogo claimed Lott was involved in the filibuster of the CRA

BULLSHIT. I said *NO SUCH THING*. Prove me wrong LIAR.

FUCK outta here.
When another one of you Dimwinger half wits claimed a bunch of "Dixiecrats" who filibustered the Civil Rights Act flipped to the Republican party you posted this:

You don't assign me homework, fool.

Robert KKK Byrd, Grand Kleagle of the KKK and Dem Senator until 2010,

Which party filibustered the Civil Rights Act?

The Dixiecrats who flipped Republican over civil rights hissyfits.

When did Robert C. Byrd, Al Gore Sr., or J William Fulbright flip to the GOP? How about Stennis, or Eastland, or Orval E. Faubus?

Actually, virtually none of the Dems who filibustered Civil Rights switched to the GOP.

BULLSHIT. Thurmond was the first to do so, in September 1964.

You remember Thurmond? Trent Lott said if he'd been elected "we wouldn't have had all these problems down through all these years". Oh yeah Lott switched too.

Now, since I know what a lying hack asshat you are I can tell you what your dumbfuck spin will be: "I didn't say Lott filibustered the CYA"

But I will tell you know that bullshit won't fly because you posted that while quoting multiple quotes discussing who switched because of the CRA.

You lose again, liar.:5_1_12024::5_1_12024::5_1_12024:

Was Strom Thurmond a Dixiecrat?

Was Jessie Helms a Dixiecrat?

Thurmond was the ONLY one. THe rest all returned to the dem party, like good little boys.
Helms, Gramm, Lott, Shelby weren't in the Senate in 1964.


Exactly, Pogo claimed Lott was involved in the filibuster of the CRA

BULLSHIT. I said *NO SUCH THING*. Prove me wrong LIAR.

FUCK outta here.
When another one of you Dimwinger half wits claimed a bunch of "Dixiecrats" who filibustered the Civil Rights Act flipped to the Republican party you posted this:

No known political party members were involved in the forming of the KKK, which point we did here seven hundred posts ago as well as over and over and over and over and over and over and over through the years here. Oh and that includes BOTH KKKs, the original one of 1865 and the much larger one of 1915. Now some historians will say there was a third KKK in 1949, that one actually never got off the ground but if you count that, no party for that guy either.

As for KKK and elections, here's some homework for ya.
  1. Owen Brewster
  2. Rice Means
  3. Ed Jackson
  4. D.C. Stephenson
  5. Ben Paulen
  6. George Luis Baker
  7. Albert Johnson
  8. Clarence Morley
  9. Herbert Hoover
  10. Calvin Coolidge
Guess the political party, win a prize. The prize is you get to go back and read the early part of the thread where this shit was debunked, complete with pictures.
You don't assign me homework, fool.

Robert KKK Byrd, Grand Kleagle of the KKK and Dem Senator until 2010,

Which party filibustered the Civil Rights Act?

The Dixiecrats who flipped Republican over civil rights hissyfits.

When did Robert C. Byrd, Al Gore Sr., or J William Fulbright flip to the GOP? How about Stennis, or Eastland, or Orval E. Faubus?

Actually, virtually none of the Dems who filibustered Civil Rights switched to the GOP.

BULLSHIT. Thurmond was the first to do so, in September 1964.

You remember Thurmond? Trent Lott said if he'd been elected "we wouldn't have had all these problems down through all these years". Oh yeah Lott switched too.

Now, since I know what a lying hack asshat you are I can tell you what your dumbfuck spin will be: "I didn't say Lott filibustered the CYA"

But I will tell you know that bullshit won't fly because you posted that while quoting multiple quotes discussing who switched because of the CRA.

You lose again, liar.:5_1_12024::5_1_12024::5_1_12024:

GO LEARN HOW TO READ, MORON. Lott is in there because I brought him in. As a CLUE to who Thurmond was. I made it bold so even a dickhead like you might be able to see it.

Fucking cretin.
Helms, Gramm, Lott, Shelby weren't in the Senate in 1964.


Exactly, Pogo claimed Lott was involved in the filibuster of the CRA

BULLSHIT. I said *NO SUCH THING*. Prove me wrong LIAR.

FUCK outta here.
When another one of you Dimwinger half wits claimed a bunch of "Dixiecrats" who filibustered the Civil Rights Act flipped to the Republican party you posted this:

The Dixiecrats who flipped Republican over civil rights hissyfits.

When did Robert C. Byrd, Al Gore Sr., or J William Fulbright flip to the GOP? How about Stennis, or Eastland, or Orval E. Faubus?

Actually, virtually none of the Dems who filibustered Civil Rights switched to the GOP.

BULLSHIT. Thurmond was the first to do so, in September 1964.

You remember Thurmond? Trent Lott said if he'd been elected "we wouldn't have had all these problems down through all these years". Oh yeah Lott switched too.

Now, since I know what a lying hack asshat you are I can tell you what your dumbfuck spin will be: "I didn't say Lott filibustered the CYA"

But I will tell you know that bullshit won't fly because you posted that while quoting multiple quotes discussing who switched because of the CRA.

You lose again, liar.:5_1_12024::5_1_12024::5_1_12024:

Was Strom Thurmond a Dixiecrat?

Was Jessie Helms a Dixiecrat?

Thurmond was the ONLY one. THe rest all returned to the dem party, like good little boys.

Thurmond and Wright (his running mate) were the only ones. After that didn't work they went back to their governor jobs, then Thurmond went to run for the Senate but the state Democrats kicked him off the ballot and he had to run as a write-in, which he did, and won, and that's how he got to the Senate.

Helms, Gramm, Lott, Shelby weren't in the Senate in 1964.


Exactly, Pogo claimed Lott was involved in the filibuster of the CRA

BULLSHIT. I said *NO SUCH THING*. Prove me wrong LIAR.

FUCK outta here.
When another one of you Dimwinger half wits claimed a bunch of "Dixiecrats" who filibustered the Civil Rights Act flipped to the Republican party you posted this:

The Dixiecrats who flipped Republican over civil rights hissyfits.

When did Robert C. Byrd, Al Gore Sr., or J William Fulbright flip to the GOP? How about Stennis, or Eastland, or Orval E. Faubus?

Actually, virtually none of the Dems who filibustered Civil Rights switched to the GOP.

BULLSHIT. Thurmond was the first to do so, in September 1964.

You remember Thurmond? Trent Lott said if he'd been elected "we wouldn't have had all these problems down through all these years". Oh yeah Lott switched too.

Now, since I know what a lying hack asshat you are I can tell you what your dumbfuck spin will be: "I didn't say Lott filibustered the CYA"

But I will tell you know that bullshit won't fly because you posted that while quoting multiple quotes discussing who switched because of the CRA.

You lose again, liar.:5_1_12024::5_1_12024::5_1_12024:

Was Strom Thurmond a Dixiecrat?

Was Jessie Helms a Dixiecrat?

Thurmond was the ONLY one. THe rest all returned to the dem party, like good little boys.

No Thurmond wasn't the only one, then we got the next generation who had the same mindset as Thurmond. Trent Lott, Jeff Sessions, Orin Hatch, etc.
Helms, Gramm, Lott, Shelby weren't in the Senate in 1964.


Exactly, Pogo claimed Lott was involved in the filibuster of the CRA

BULLSHIT. I said *NO SUCH THING*. Prove me wrong LIAR.

FUCK outta here.
When another one of you Dimwinger half wits claimed a bunch of "Dixiecrats" who filibustered the Civil Rights Act flipped to the Republican party you posted this:

You don't assign me homework, fool.

Robert KKK Byrd, Grand Kleagle of the KKK and Dem Senator until 2010,

Which party filibustered the Civil Rights Act?

The Dixiecrats who flipped Republican over civil rights hissyfits.

When did Robert C. Byrd, Al Gore Sr., or J William Fulbright flip to the GOP? How about Stennis, or Eastland, or Orval E. Faubus?

Actually, virtually none of the Dems who filibustered Civil Rights switched to the GOP.

BULLSHIT. Thurmond was the first to do so, in September 1964.

You remember Thurmond? Trent Lott said if he'd been elected "we wouldn't have had all these problems down through all these years". Oh yeah Lott switched too.

Now, since I know what a lying hack asshat you are I can tell you what your dumbfuck spin will be: "I didn't say Lott filibustered the CYA"

But I will tell you know that bullshit won't fly because you posted that while quoting multiple quotes discussing who switched because of the CRA.

You lose again, liar.:5_1_12024::5_1_12024::5_1_12024:

GO LEARN HOW TO READ, MORON. Lott is in there because I brought him in. As a CLUE to who Thurmond was. I made it bold so even a dickhead like you might be able to see it.

Fucking cretin.
Yep, YOU brought him into the discussion where the other Dimwinger fuckwit claimed those racist Dimwingers who filibustered the CRA flipped to the Republican party.

I busted you on your lie, Fuckwit.
Dimwingers are working overtime today on their revisionist history.

Your party is the party of Jim Crow, filibustering the Civil Rights Act, electing KKK Leaders as Senate Majority Leader, and the formation of the KKK.

No known political party members were involved in the forming of the KKK, which point we did here seven hundred posts ago as well as over and over and over and over and over and over and over through the years here. Oh and that includes BOTH KKKs, the original one of 1865 and the much larger one of 1915. Now some historians will say there was a third KKK in 1949, that one actually never got off the ground but if you count that, no party for that guy either.

As for KKK and elections, here's some homework for ya.
  1. Owen Brewster
  2. Rice Means
  3. Ed Jackson
  4. D.C. Stephenson
  5. Ben Paulen
  6. George Luis Baker
  7. Albert Johnson
  8. Clarence Morley
  9. Herbert Hoover
  10. Calvin Coolidge
Guess the political party, win a prize. The prize is you get to go back and read the early part of the thread where this shit was debunked, complete with pictures.
You don't assign me homework, fool.

Robert KKK Byrd, Grand Kleagle of the KKK and Dem Senator until 2010,

Which party filibustered the Civil Rights Act?

For fuck's sake, once again, the breakdown has to be trotted out for the brain-dead.

The divide was north vs. south, not Republican vs. Democrat...


And when broken down by north versus south, Democrats voted for in greater percentages:

Dem/North (95%)
GOP/North (85%)

Dem/South (9%)
GOP/South (0%)

So it's not that the vote was divided over party lines, it wasn't...

Dem: 64%
GOP: 80%

It's that the vote was divided by region:


North: 353 (90%)
South: 9 (7%)


North: 38 (10%)
South: 115 (93%)​

There were just so few Republicans in the racist south.
Helms, Gramm, Lott, Shelby weren't in the Senate in 1964.


Exactly, Pogo claimed Lott was involved in the filibuster of the CRA

BULLSHIT. I said *NO SUCH THING*. Prove me wrong LIAR.

FUCK outta here.
When another one of you Dimwinger half wits claimed a bunch of "Dixiecrats" who filibustered the Civil Rights Act flipped to the Republican party you posted this:

The Dixiecrats who flipped Republican over civil rights hissyfits.

When did Robert C. Byrd, Al Gore Sr., or J William Fulbright flip to the GOP? How about Stennis, or Eastland, or Orval E. Faubus?

Actually, virtually none of the Dems who filibustered Civil Rights switched to the GOP.

BULLSHIT. Thurmond was the first to do so, in September 1964.

You remember Thurmond? Trent Lott said if he'd been elected "we wouldn't have had all these problems down through all these years". Oh yeah Lott switched too.

Now, since I know what a lying hack asshat you are I can tell you what your dumbfuck spin will be: "I didn't say Lott filibustered the CYA"

But I will tell you know that bullshit won't fly because you posted that while quoting multiple quotes discussing who switched because of the CRA.

You lose again, liar.:5_1_12024::5_1_12024::5_1_12024:

GO LEARN HOW TO READ, MORON. Lott is in there because I brought him in. As a CLUE to who Thurmond was. I made it bold so even a dickhead like you might be able to see it.

Fucking cretin.
Yep, YOU brought him into the discussion where the other Dimwinger fuckwit claimed those racist Dimwingers who filibustered the CRA flipped to the Republican party.

I busted you on your lie, Fuckwit.

Once AGAIN for the illiterates, I didn't connect Lott with the CRA. I DID however correct Wimpy's dates, when he had two GOVERNORS "filibustering" a 1964 bill in 1948.

Too bad you never learned to FUCKING READ.
Dimwingers are working overtime today on their revisionist history.

Your party is the party of Jim Crow, filibustering the Civil Rights Act, electing KKK Leaders as Senate Majority Leader, and the formation of the KKK.

No known political party members were involved in the forming of the KKK, which point we did here seven hundred posts ago as well as over and over and over and over and over and over and over through the years here. Oh and that includes BOTH KKKs, the original one of 1865 and the much larger one of 1915. Now some historians will say there was a third KKK in 1949, that one actually never got off the ground but if you count that, no party for that guy either.

As for KKK and elections, here's some homework for ya.
  1. Owen Brewster
  2. Rice Means
  3. Ed Jackson
  4. D.C. Stephenson
  5. Ben Paulen
  6. George Luis Baker
  7. Albert Johnson
  8. Clarence Morley
  9. Herbert Hoover
  10. Calvin Coolidge
Guess the political party, win a prize. The prize is you get to go back and read the early part of the thread where this shit was debunked, complete with pictures.
You don't assign me homework, fool.

Robert KKK Byrd, Grand Kleagle of the KKK and Dem Senator until 2010,

Which party filibustered the Civil Rights Act?

For fuck's sake, once again, the breakdown has to be trotted out for the brain-dead.

The divide was north vs. south, not Republican vs. Democrat...


That chart also illustrates why Thurmond then did the unthinkable and jumped to the party of Lincoln, and why the others followed. It finally sunk in that they were going to get nowhere with the Democrats. Thurmond kind of learned that lesson in 1948 when he walked out of the convention but that just shows how unthinkable it had been.
Helms, Gramm, Lott, Shelby weren't in the Senate in 1964.


Exactly, Pogo claimed Lott was involved in the filibuster of the CRA

BULLSHIT. I said *NO SUCH THING*. Prove me wrong LIAR.

FUCK outta here.
When another one of you Dimwinger half wits claimed a bunch of "Dixiecrats" who filibustered the Civil Rights Act flipped to the Republican party you posted this:

When did Robert C. Byrd, Al Gore Sr., or J William Fulbright flip to the GOP? How about Stennis, or Eastland, or Orval E. Faubus?

Actually, virtually none of the Dems who filibustered Civil Rights switched to the GOP.

BULLSHIT. Thurmond was the first to do so, in September 1964.

You remember Thurmond? Trent Lott said if he'd been elected "we wouldn't have had all these problems down through all these years". Oh yeah Lott switched too.

Now, since I know what a lying hack asshat you are I can tell you what your dumbfuck spin will be: "I didn't say Lott filibustered the CYA"

But I will tell you know that bullshit won't fly because you posted that while quoting multiple quotes discussing who switched because of the CRA.

You lose again, liar.:5_1_12024::5_1_12024::5_1_12024:

GO LEARN HOW TO READ, MORON. Lott is in there because I brought him in. As a CLUE to who Thurmond was. I made it bold so even a dickhead like you might be able to see it.

Fucking cretin.
Yep, YOU brought him into the discussion where the other Dimwinger fuckwit claimed those racist Dimwingers who filibustered the CRA flipped to the Republican party.

I busted you on your lie, Fuckwit.

Once AGAIN for the illiterates, I didn't connect Lott with the CRA. I DID however correct Wimpy's dates, when he had two GOVERNORS "filibustering" a 1964 bill in 1948.

Too bad you never learned to FUCKING READ.
Thanks for confirming you are a moron.
Lincoln was one of the biggest liberals of his day.
That is why the south seceded
If he could see what society looks like now...he would never had did what he did.

This land mass would be much better off if euros "had never did what they did".
Built this nation. Wrote the Constitution. Freed the slaves. Won two world wars and passed Civil Rights Act of 1964 and put a man on the Moon. Yep...white people are so bad.
Freed the slaves from who?
Other white men?
Blacks held slaves too.............


Black slave owners in the United States

Oh yes.....more revisionist history ignoring 4 Million blacks held in slavery by.....May I say it?

The Republicans of the period immediately after (and before) the War WERE the Liberals, Dumbass.
Lincoln was one of the biggest liberals of his day.
That is why the south seceded

Lincoln never advocated for Socialized Medicine or recognizing men in dresses as "broads".

What makes you think he was a lib? In actuality, Honest Abe- the proto-ditto-head, wanted to get black people off of the Democrat plantations.
I'm guessing he thinks Lincoln was a lib because he was a warmonger and hated State's rights.

Liberal views of Lincoln

human rights
Worker protections
Those are Conservative views, Dummy.


You need to look up liberal vs conservative
If he could see what society looks like now...he would never had did what he did.

This land mass would be much better off if euros "had never did what they did".
Built this nation. Wrote the Constitution. Freed the slaves. Won two world wars and passed Civil Rights Act of 1964 and put a man on the Moon. Yep...white people are so bad.
Freed the slaves from who?
Other white men?
Blacks held slaves too.............


Black slave owners in the United States

Oh yes.....more revisionist history ignoring 4 Million blacks held in slavery by.....May I say it?

Held in slavery by Cherokee and other blacks as well. So who sold the original African slaves to European and Arab traders?
Held in slavery by Cherokee and other blacks as well.
But mostly by whites.
Mostly by other Africans in Africa and the Spanish.
Oh, sorry, we are talking about the United States of America, and about the traitors who started a war with the united states of America. Please pay attention, so that you dont waste people's time.
Oh, the people who had a constitutional right to secede?
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