Confederate statue removed from historic North Carolina courthouse

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Oh, the people who had a constitutional right to secede?
Where is that in the Constitution?
Where is it prohibited? 9th and 10th would be legal basis. Also, the STATES gave birth to the nation. I don’t give a shit what Marshall said in McCulloch v. Maryland 1819.
Doesn’t work like that

You think you are allowed to do everything that is not prohibited in the Constitution? Murder? Rape?

Comparing murder and rape to the political act of succession is sort of stupid.
Secession killed 600,000 soldiers

FDR's Raw Deal caused WWII, and the deaths of 6 million. After all, if Roosevelt hadn't decimated the military budget for the WPA and other stupidity, the Germans would have never risked pissing America off with the Holocaust and WWII would have never occurred.
I so wish Confederate soldiers (many of whom were trained at WEST POINT, NEW YORK) would come back to life and chop up the insane bastards attacking statues representative of our history in the USA. Negroes were generally freaked out after the insane Civil War and hated leaving their plantation area where the White guy took care of them.
Oh, sorry, we are talking about the United States of America, and about the traitors who started a war with the united states of America. Please pay attention, so that you dont waste people's time.
Oh, the people who had a constitutional right to secede?
No, the vile traitors who threw their neghbors' kids in front of musket balls so they could continue to own brown people. Again, pay attention, we can't slow down the entire class for one slow kid.
They marched off to defend their rights with great enthusiasm. Better brush-up on your history.
The right to own other people
They were legally property at the time. Just the truth of it. Hindsight is 20/20 and slavery was never considered the major issue of the war until socialist Carl Sandburg wrote his biography of Lincoln in 1930’s. Released 1940.

"The General Government, as the common agent, passed laws to carry into effect these stipulations of the States. For many years these laws were executed. But an increasing hostility on the part of the non-slaveholding States to the institution of slavery, has led to a disregard of their obligations, and the laws of the General Government have ceased to effect the objects of the Constitution." ~ South Carolina
Dimwingers are working overtime today on their revisionist history.

Your party is the party of Jim Crow, filibustering the Civil Rights Act, electing KKK Leaders as Senate Majority Leader, and the formation of the KKK.
3873 comments ago I asked one of you cucks to name me one prominent conservative who was along side of MLK during the Civil Rights movement....

And 3873 comments later.....still not one single answer......

View attachment 291970
Charlton Heston for starters. But he was Hollywood and they seem to have a “thing” for communist. Michael King was a hard-Corps Marxist.

The tremendous Sammy Davis was a hardcore conservative who marched for civil rights as well. And the RINO Romney family, then in Michigan, did as well.

What libs fail to realize is that Liberals were always the most bigoted.
And yet, it's the racist conservative south who fought for (and lost) their independence to keep their slaves. Especially in the Bible Belt.
If he could see what society looks like now...he would never had did what he did.

This land mass would be much better off if euros "had never did what they did".
Built this nation. Wrote the Constitution. Freed the slaves. Won two world wars and passed Civil Rights Act of 1964 and put a man on the Moon. Yep...white people are so bad.
Freed the slaves from who?
Other white men?
Blacks held slaves too.............


Oh yes.....more revisionist history ignoring 4 Million blacks held in slavery by.....May I say it?

I didn't revise or ignore anything. I provided a fact to educate the ignorant.
Where is that in the Constitution?
Where is it prohibited? 9th and 10th would be legal basis. Also, the STATES gave birth to the nation. I don’t give a shit what Marshall said in McCulloch v. Maryland 1819.
Doesn’t work like that

You think you are allowed to do everything that is not prohibited in the Constitution? Murder? Rape?

Comparing murder and rape to the political act of succession is sort of stupid.
Secession killed 600,000 soldiers

FDR's Raw Deal caused WWII, and the deaths of 6 million. After all, if Roosevelt hadn't decimated the military budget for the WPA and other stupidity, the Germans would have never risked pissing America off with the Holocaust and WWII would have never occurred.
So we went to war with Germany because of the Holocaust?
Where is it prohibited? 9th and 10th would be legal basis. Also, the STATES gave birth to the nation. I don’t give a shit what Marshall said in McCulloch v. Maryland 1819.
Doesn’t work like that

You think you are allowed to do everything that is not prohibited in the Constitution? Murder? Rape?

Comparing murder and rape to the political act of succession is sort of stupid.
Secession killed 600,000 soldiers

FDR's Raw Deal caused WWII, and the deaths of 6 million. After all, if Roosevelt hadn't decimated the military budget for the WPA and other stupidity, the Germans would have never risked pissing America off with the Holocaust and WWII would have never occurred.
So we went to war with Germany because of the Holocaust?

The Holocaust was a violation of human rights that Germany started to piss us off. They thought they could get away with it, because FDR had largely defunded the military.
Doesn’t work like that

You think you are allowed to do everything that is not prohibited in the Constitution? Murder? Rape?

Comparing murder and rape to the political act of succession is sort of stupid.
Secession killed 600,000 soldiers

FDR's Raw Deal caused WWII, and the deaths of 6 million. After all, if Roosevelt hadn't decimated the military budget for the WPA and other stupidity, the Germans would have never risked pissing America off with the Holocaust and WWII would have never occurred.
So we went to war with Germany because of the Holocaust?

The Holocaust was a violation of human rights that Germany started to piss us off. They thought they could get away with it, because FDR had largely defunded the military.
Was this before or after the Germans bombed Pearl Harbor?

Comparing murder and rape to the political act of succession is sort of stupid.
Secession killed 600,000 soldiers

FDR's Raw Deal caused WWII, and the deaths of 6 million. After all, if Roosevelt hadn't decimated the military budget for the WPA and other stupidity, the Germans would have never risked pissing America off with the Holocaust and WWII would have never occurred.
So we went to war with Germany because of the Holocaust?

The Holocaust was a violation of human rights that Germany started to piss us off. They thought they could get away with it, because FDR had largely defunded the military.
Was this before or after the Germans bombed Pearl Harbor?


The Japanese were the ones who pulled the Pearl Harbor Job on America in December 1941, not the Germans.

Coincidentally, the site they bombed in Hawaii was called "Pearl Harbor".

The odds of that coincidence were astronomical, that the very place they would commit the Pearl Harbor job was called "Pearl Harbor"
Trying to cover fact that the banking crisis of 2008 was result of Clinton’s policies to attempt to provide more homes for minorities that in the end defaulted on their loans.
You really think homes for minorities brought down the US economy?

Poor people were not speculating in Real Estate

Actually, they were. Poor people were borrowing too much, exercising too much leverage to buy property at speculative levels. Those properties subsequently collapsed in price, the indigent were no longer able to pay their notes and the result was a financial panic.
Actually, it was RICH people speculating on an artificially inflated real estate market

Some wealthy people did as well, sure.

But the impoverished were in worse shape to bounce back when the bubble collapsed. It was their speculation which was worse for the economy, but the Democrat led Congress did nothing in 07-08 so we were screwed. Part of the Democrat scheme to destroy the economy so they could remake it by winning in 08 which they did.

The Great Bush Recession of 2008 has been used by Conservatives and was blamed on the poor

It was poor people being able to buy houses that caused the collapse.

Meanwhile, it was the rich people speculating on a real estate bubble, it was the one percent who owned the banks.

Once the economy crashed, it was the poor people who lost their jobs while we bailed out the wealthy.
W warned of the housing crisis as far back as 2003. Dimwingers said there wasn't a problem.

Watch and get an education for once.

You really think homes for minorities brought down the US economy?

Poor people were not speculating in Real Estate

Actually, they were. Poor people were borrowing too much, exercising too much leverage to buy property at speculative levels. Those properties subsequently collapsed in price, the indigent were no longer able to pay their notes and the result was a financial panic.
Actually, it was RICH people speculating on an artificially inflated real estate market

Some wealthy people did as well, sure.

But the impoverished were in worse shape to bounce back when the bubble collapsed. It was their speculation which was worse for the economy, but the Democrat led Congress did nothing in 07-08 so we were screwed. Part of the Democrat scheme to destroy the economy so they could remake it by winning in 08 which they did.

The Great Bush Recession of 2008 has been used by Conservatives and was blamed on the poor

It was poor people being able to buy houses that caused the collapse.

Meanwhile, it was the rich people speculating on a real estate bubble, it was the one percent who owned the banks.

Once the economy crashed, it was the poor people who lost their jobs while we bailed out the wealthy.
W warned of the housing crisis as far back as 2003. Dimwingers said there wasn't a problem.

Watch and get an education for once.

Unfortunately President Bush was pretty much low-energy, and really didn't fight the libs back on this.

Trump is different, he fights the libs every day of the week- and that's the real meaning behind the new "Trump is Rocky Balboa" tweet.
You continue to dig the earth of cluelessness with a post-hole digger. Going all the way to China?

Liberalism has NOTHING to do with "Socialize Medicine"or "recognizing men in dresses as "broads", whatever that means.

Liberalism has very much to do with Abolition. You might have got a clue about that from the line "all men are created equal". Then again I believe you were the same asshat that tried to get away with characterizing the Birmingham church bomber as a "Liberal", of which he would be the antithesis.

Further, I'm afraid there was no such thing as "the Democrat plantations". Obviously no one needed a political party to run a plantation, let alone one that wasn't even in existence until the 1830s, but also the Democrat domination of the "Solid South" didn't even begin until AFTER that War. Curses, Linear Time strikes again.

Liberalism is against abolition. I don't know if remember Dr. Ben Carson back during the 2016 campaign comparing Obamacare with slavery. Getting rid of the ACA is the modern moral equivalent of the abolitionist movement. Leading ministers railed against slavery back in the early to mid 19th century, same today with Socialized Medicine where leading theologians like John Hagee and Robert Jeffress preach against it.

Abolition *IS* Liberalism. The whole essence of "all men are created equal". I told you before, you have NO clue what you're babbling about incoherently. Liberalism and the noble experiment threw off the idea that an authoritarian King and Clergy should run things, said fuck that and put the people in charge of themselves. That was the whole POINT.
Let us recall that those who blathered on about "all men are created equal" were genocidal slavers who envisioned a system in which only white male aristocrats had any representation at all.

Not all of them (second POTUS for example). It was the ideal --- the pressing issue of the time was getting rid of King George. However those same Liberals wrote into the Constitution that the slave trade had to stop.
There were no liberals in 1787. There were regional conflicts over wealth and the New England ruling class didn’t like the accumulated wealth of the Southern ruling class.

"No Liberals in 1787" :rofl:

Who the fuck was congregating in Philadelphia writing the Constitution? The friggin' Bolshoi Ballet?
Oh, sorry, we are talking about the United States of America, and about the traitors who started a war with the united states of America. Please pay attention, so that you dont waste people's time.
Oh, the people who had a constitutional right to secede?
No, the vile traitors who threw their neghbors' kids in front of musket balls so they could continue to own brown people. Again, pay attention, we can't slow down the entire class for one slow kid.
They marched off to defend their rights with great enthusiasm. Better brush-up on your history.
The right to own other people
They were legally property at the time. Just the truth of it. Hindsight is 20/20 and slavery was never considered the major issue of the war until socialist Carl Sandburg wrote his biography of Lincoln in 1930’s. Released 1940.

Then it's odd that all the seceding states specifically cited it as the issue, innit. Did "socialist Carl Sandburg" have a frickin' time machine to go back and write that in?

He musta used it to write this in too:

>> Jefferson in his forecast, had anticipated this, as the "rock upon which the old Union would split." He was right. What was conjecture with him, is now a realized fact. But whether he fully comprehended the great truth upon which that rock stood and stands, may be doubted. The prevailing ideas entertained by him and most of the leading statesmen at the time of the formation of the old constitution, were that the enslavement of the African was in violation of the laws of nature; that it was wrong in principle, socially, morally, and politically. It was an evil they knew not well how to deal with, but the general opinion of the men of that day was that, somehow or other in the order of Providence, the institution would be evanescent and pass away. This idea, though not incorporated in the constitution, was the prevailing idea at that time.

The constitution, it is true, secured every essential guarantee to the institution while it should last, and hence no argument can be justly urged against the constitutional guarantees thus secured, because of the common sentiment of the day. Those ideas, however, were fundamentally wrong. They rested upon the assumption of the equality of races. This was an error. It was a sandy foundation, and the government built upon it fell when the "storm came and the wind blew."

Our new government is founded upon exactly the opposite idea; its foundations are laid, its corner- stone rests, upon the great truth that the negro is not equal to the white man; that slavery subordination to the superior race is his natural and normal condition. This, our new government, is the first, in the history of the world, based upon this great physical, philosophical, and moral truth.

.... With us, all of the white race, however high or low, rich or poor, are equal in the eye of the law. Not so with the negro. Subordination is his place. He, by nature, or by the curse against Canaan, is fitted for that condition which he occupies in our system. << --- "Cornerstone" speech by Alexander Stephens, CSA Vice-President, introducing the CSA constitution, March 21, 1861
You really think homes for minorities brought down the US economy?

Poor people were not speculating in Real Estate

Actually, they were. Poor people were borrowing too much, exercising too much leverage to buy property at speculative levels. Those properties subsequently collapsed in price, the indigent were no longer able to pay their notes and the result was a financial panic.
Actually, it was RICH people speculating on an artificially inflated real estate market

Some wealthy people did as well, sure.

But the impoverished were in worse shape to bounce back when the bubble collapsed. It was their speculation which was worse for the economy, but the Democrat led Congress did nothing in 07-08 so we were screwed. Part of the Democrat scheme to destroy the economy so they could remake it by winning in 08 which they did.

The Great Bush Recession of 2008 has been used by Conservatives and was blamed on the poor

It was poor people being able to buy houses that caused the collapse.

Meanwhile, it was the rich people speculating on a real estate bubble, it was the one percent who owned the banks.

Once the economy crashed, it was the poor people who lost their jobs while we bailed out the wealthy.
W warned of the housing crisis as far back as 2003. Dimwingers said there wasn't a problem.

Watch and get an education for once.

The Buck stops here
That means the President has responsibility

Bush was celebrating the economy that the real estate bubble brought him
He was not about to bust it
Actually, they were. Poor people were borrowing too much, exercising too much leverage to buy property at speculative levels. Those properties subsequently collapsed in price, the indigent were no longer able to pay their notes and the result was a financial panic.
Actually, it was RICH people speculating on an artificially inflated real estate market

Some wealthy people did as well, sure.

But the impoverished were in worse shape to bounce back when the bubble collapsed. It was their speculation which was worse for the economy, but the Democrat led Congress did nothing in 07-08 so we were screwed. Part of the Democrat scheme to destroy the economy so they could remake it by winning in 08 which they did.

The Great Bush Recession of 2008 has been used by Conservatives and was blamed on the poor

It was poor people being able to buy houses that caused the collapse.

Meanwhile, it was the rich people speculating on a real estate bubble, it was the one percent who owned the banks.

Once the economy crashed, it was the poor people who lost their jobs while we bailed out the wealthy.
W warned of the housing crisis as far back as 2003. Dimwingers said there wasn't a problem.

Watch and get an education for once.

Unfortunately President Bush was pretty much low-energy, and really didn't fight the libs back on this.

Trump is different, he fights the libs every day of the week- and that's the real meaning behind the new "Trump is Rocky Balboa" tweet.

Trump fights everyone

republicans, Democrats, our allies around the world, Mexico, Canada

Hell, he even fights Greenland
Actually, it was RICH people speculating on an artificially inflated real estate market

Some wealthy people did as well, sure.

But the impoverished were in worse shape to bounce back when the bubble collapsed. It was their speculation which was worse for the economy, but the Democrat led Congress did nothing in 07-08 so we were screwed. Part of the Democrat scheme to destroy the economy so they could remake it by winning in 08 which they did.

The Great Bush Recession of 2008 has been used by Conservatives and was blamed on the poor

It was poor people being able to buy houses that caused the collapse.

Meanwhile, it was the rich people speculating on a real estate bubble, it was the one percent who owned the banks.

Once the economy crashed, it was the poor people who lost their jobs while we bailed out the wealthy.
W warned of the housing crisis as far back as 2003. Dimwingers said there wasn't a problem.

Watch and get an education for once.

Unfortunately President Bush was pretty much low-energy, and really didn't fight the libs back on this.

Trump is different, he fights the libs every day of the week- and that's the real meaning behind the new "Trump is Rocky Balboa" tweet.

Trump fights everyone

republicans, Democrats, our allies around the world, Mexico, Canada

Hell, he even fights Greenland

Fights facts, every day.
Fights the English language: would means wouldn't
Fights linear time: continental army took over the airports
Fights geography: The Bronx's excellent adventure in Germany
Fought the NFL: and lost
Fought fraud lawsuit: and lost
Fought to fry Central Park Five: and lost
Where is it prohibited? 9th and 10th would be legal basis. Also, the STATES gave birth to the nation. I don’t give a shit what Marshall said in McCulloch v. Maryland 1819.
Doesn’t work like that

You think you are allowed to do everything that is not prohibited in the Constitution? Murder? Rape?

Comparing murder and rape to the political act of succession is sort of stupid.
Secession killed 600,000 soldiers

FDR's Raw Deal caused WWII, and the deaths of 6 million. After all, if Roosevelt hadn't decimated the military budget for the WPA and other stupidity, the Germans would have never risked pissing America off with the Holocaust and WWII would have never occurred.
So we went to war with Germany because of the Holocaust?
These were men who stood shoulder to shoulder because no man wanted to go back to his town a coward. Before a major battle there would be a brown streak behind the grass on both the Union and Confederate lines. Men so scared they shit themselves. But you lousy piece of shit 2020 liberal Marxist want to quantify that in a moral context.Fuck you. Just poor kids on both sides fighting for their country.
Doesn’t work like that

You think you are allowed to do everything that is not prohibited in the Constitution? Murder? Rape?

Comparing murder and rape to the political act of succession is sort of stupid.
Secession killed 600,000 soldiers

FDR's Raw Deal caused WWII, and the deaths of 6 million. After all, if Roosevelt hadn't decimated the military budget for the WPA and other stupidity, the Germans would have never risked pissing America off with the Holocaust and WWII would have never occurred.
So we went to war with Germany because of the Holocaust?
These were men who stood shoulder to shoulder because no man wanted to go back to his town a coward.

You've been watching too many Klingon movies, Wimp.

>> During both of Robert E. Lee's invasions of the North—the Maryland Campaign during the fall of 1862 and the Gettysburg Campaign the following summer—the Army of Northern Virginia suffered serious attrition from "straggling" and desertion. Lee himself estimated that a third of his force was absent at the Battle of Antietam on September 17, 1862. Some of these men were too weak to maintain the year's punishing schedule of marching, especially after the grueling campaigns from the Seven Days through Second Manassas. Men suffered from a critical lack of shoes, clothing, and food, and, following the campaign, Lee quickly moved to fix problems in the Confederate quartermaster department. Other soldiers deserted not for lack of supplies but because they opposed on principle Lee's decision to take the war north. Still others probably deserted with no intention of returning, even when the army returned to Virginia.

... In August 1863, following defeat at Gettysburg, Confederate president Jefferson Davis offered a full amnesty for deserters in order to replenish the army's depleted ranks. French leaves, meanwhile, were authorized on the company level in order to help ward off longer-term desertions.

Desertions escalated substantially in the final months of the war, as Union general-in-chief Ulysses S. Grant finally broke through Lee's defense of Richmond and Petersburg, on April 2, 1865, and sent the Confederate army west in retreat. As many as several hundred men per night fled the army even before Richmond fell. On the march toward Appomattox, thousands more also deserted—mostly Virginians and North Carolinians, whose homes were already temptingly close.<< --- Desertion (Confederate) During the Civil War
Draft dodging and outright resistance was rampant as well, but this thread isn't about what went on during the War, Wimp. It's about the propaganda campaign that went on AFTER that War with the purpose of redefining what that War was for, Wimp. You and your Klingon GI Joe dolls are off topic.
Comparing murder and rape to the political act of succession is sort of stupid.
Secession killed 600,000 soldiers

FDR's Raw Deal caused WWII, and the deaths of 6 million. After all, if Roosevelt hadn't decimated the military budget for the WPA and other stupidity, the Germans would have never risked pissing America off with the Holocaust and WWII would have never occurred.
So we went to war with Germany because of the Holocaust?
These were men who stood shoulder to shoulder because no man wanted to go back to his town a coward.

You've been watching too many Klingon movies, Wimp.

>> During both of Robert E. Lee's invasions of the North—the Maryland Campaign during the fall of 1862 and the Gettysburg Campaign the following summer—the Army of Northern Virginia suffered serious attrition from "straggling" and desertion. Lee himself estimated that a third of his force was absent at the Battle of Antietam on September 17, 1862. Some of these men were too weak to maintain the year's punishing schedule of marching, especially after the grueling campaigns from the Seven Days through Second Manassas. Men suffered from a critical lack of shoes, clothing, and food, and, following the campaign, Lee quickly moved to fix problems in the Confederate quartermaster department. Other soldiers deserted not for lack of supplies but because they opposed on principle Lee's decision to take the war north. Still others probably deserted with no intention of returning, even when the army returned to Virginia.

... In August 1863, following defeat at Gettysburg, Confederate president Jefferson Davis offered a full amnesty for deserters in order to replenish the army's depleted ranks. French leaves, meanwhile, were authorized on the company level in order to help ward off longer-term desertions.

Desertions escalated substantially in the final months of the war, as Union general-in-chief Ulysses S. Grant finally broke through Lee's defense of Richmond and Petersburg, on April 2, 1865, and sent the Confederate army west in retreat. As many as several hundred men per night fled the army even before Richmond fell. On the march toward Appomattox, thousands more also deserted—mostly Virginians and North Carolinians, whose homes were already temptingly close.<< --- Desertion (Confederate) During the Civil War
Draft dodging and outright resistance was rampant as well, but this thread isn't about what went on during the War, Wimp. It's about the propaganda campaign that went on AFTER that War with the purpose of redefining what that War was for, Wimp. You and your Klingon GI Joe dolls are off topic.
The overlooked fact is that these monuments were not put up by grieving relatives at the conclusion of the war. They were erected 40 or more years after the war was over as a means to remind blacks of the “good ole days” and keep them in their place.
The erection of monuments coincided with the rise of the klan
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