Confederate statue removed from historic North Carolina courthouse

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You know nothing of honor.
Stop yer constant crybabying. I know that if the traitors fighting to own brown people had not eaten musketballs, they would have been putting musketballs into the more honorable people. You seem to have missed that basic, moral point. So, of the two of us, clearly it is you who needs a lesson in honor.
The overlooked fact is that these monuments were not put up by grieving relatives at the conclusion of the war. They were erected 40 or more years after the war was over as a means to remind blacks of the “good ole days” and keep them in their place.
The erection of monuments coincided with the rise of the klan

A lot of Union war memorials weren't completed until many years after the end of hostilities as well. Ditto with other war memorials, like the WWII Memorial in Washington DC which wasn't erected until the 21st Century.

The coincidence that defunct groups like the Triple K were also arising at the time some memorials were being built is just that, a coincidence.

What the real reason here is that the Liberal Establishment wants to punish Southern Honkies by denying their existence and rubbing any trace of them from the face of the earth.- mainly because they don't put up that well with socialism. This is just one of the fronts they are working on in this quest
There wasn’t a push to construct Union war memorials after 1910. There was for Confederate memorials

There were no memorials on the DC mall until the Vietnam Memorial.
After the Vietnam Memorial was built, Korean War vets about us? Then WWII vets about us?
It was there in 1862 you blithering revisionist history idiot.
WHAT a was there in 1862?
A union before you destroyed it, men enlisted from both sides. Often from same town. They stood arm by arm shoulder by shoulder and died that way.
600,000 died because the South was afraid they would lose their right to own another human
The coincidence that defunct groups like the Triple K were also arising at the time some memorials were being built is just that, a coincidence.


The groundwork was lain for the Klan already with the Lost Cause pushing this revisionist narrative. The KKK rose directly out of the sensation of the movie "Birth of a Nation" which in turn rose out of a wildly popular play based on the wildly popular novel "The Clansman" in 1905. ALL of those were narrative of the Cult of the Lost Cause, ALL of them depicting the worst racial stereotypes and ALL of them penetrated deep into the culture. Simmons' whole point in rekindling the Klan in 1915 was to capitalize on that cultural momentum by making the Klan people saw in the movie into a real thing that people could actually join, and in the process put money in his pocket. So when the Klan became a real thing it did so in a fertile field that was built for it to take off. Within a decade its members numbered in the millions from sea to shining sea, FAR outpacing the reach of the original 1865 Klan.

Moreover ALL of them -- the book, the play, the movie, the race riots, the segregation, the Jim Crow laws --- were taking place simultaneously with the UDC propaganda transmitter campaign. The statue in this thread was erected in 1907. Ten years later they were affixing a plaque to a building in Pulaski Tennessee to "honor" that building as the birthplace of the original KKK.
You sure know your party's history, Dimwinger.
The history of the klan and all white supremacists is firmly with the Republican Party.
There is little difference between the platforms of the KKK and Republican Party
A lot of Union war memorials weren't completed until many years after the end of hostilities as well. Ditto with other war memorials, like the WWII Memorial in Washington DC which wasn't erected until the 21st Century.

The coincidence that defunct groups like the Triple K were also arising at the time some memorials were being built is just that, a coincidence.

What the real reason here is that the Liberal Establishment wants to punish Southern Honkies by denying their existence and rubbing any trace of them from the face of the earth.- mainly because they don't put up that well with socialism. This is just one of the fronts they are working on in this quest
There wasn’t a push to construct Union war memorials after 1910. There was for Confederate memorials

There were no memorials on the DC mall until the Vietnam Memorial.
After the Vietnam Memorial was built, Korean War vets about us? Then WWII vets about us?
It was there in 1862 you blithering revisionist history idiot.
WHAT a was there in 1862?
A union before you destroyed it, men enlisted from both sides. Often from same town. They stood arm by arm shoulder by shoulder and died that way.
600,000 died because the South was afraid they would lose their right to own another human
They were not human. Legally they were property. South had honor, integrity and pride.
The coincidence that defunct groups like the Triple K were also arising at the time some memorials were being built is just that, a coincidence.


The groundwork was lain for the Klan already with the Lost Cause pushing this revisionist narrative. The KKK rose directly out of the sensation of the movie "Birth of a Nation" which in turn rose out of a wildly popular play based on the wildly popular novel "The Clansman" in 1905. ALL of those were narrative of the Cult of the Lost Cause, ALL of them depicting the worst racial stereotypes and ALL of them penetrated deep into the culture. Simmons' whole point in rekindling the Klan in 1915 was to capitalize on that cultural momentum by making the Klan people saw in the movie into a real thing that people could actually join, and in the process put money in his pocket. So when the Klan became a real thing it did so in a fertile field that was built for it to take off. Within a decade its members numbered in the millions from sea to shining sea, FAR outpacing the reach of the original 1865 Klan.

Moreover ALL of them -- the book, the play, the movie, the race riots, the segregation, the Jim Crow laws --- were taking place simultaneously with the UDC propaganda transmitter campaign. The statue in this thread was erected in 1907. Ten years later they were affixing a plaque to a building in Pulaski Tennessee to "honor" that building as the birthplace of the original KKK.
You sure know your party's history, Dimwinger.
The history of the klan and all white supremacists is firmly with the Republican Party.
There is little difference between the platforms of the KKK and Republican Party
Shut the fuck up you communist piece of shit. I want to drop your daughters ass off in South Central or South Chicago. See how long before the savages turn her ass out. You love it so much go live there.
You know nothing of honor.
Stop yer constant crybabying. I know that if the traitors fighting to own brown people had not eaten musketballs, they would have been putting musketballs into the more honorable people. You seem to have missed that basic, moral point. So, of the two of us, clearly it is you who needs a lesson in honor.
Yep. Much better nation now that we have whole communities of poverty, welfare, crime, drug addiction, ignorance, and sexual violence. When you drive down MLK Dr. In ANY fucking city in America there will be drugs an violence going on.
Yep. Much better nation now that we have whole communities of poverty, welfare, crime, drug addiction, ignorance, and sexual violence. When you drive down MLK Dr. In ANY fucking city in America there will be drugs an violence going on.

This is pretty much true. And that why in a referendum in Kansas City this month, the voters overwhelmingly voted to change the name of their MLK Blvd. back to its previous name. They didn't want a crime wave- and the name had just been changed a few months ago.
There wasn’t a push to construct Union war memorials after 1910. There was for Confederate memorials

There were no memorials on the DC mall until the Vietnam Memorial.
After the Vietnam Memorial was built, Korean War vets about us? Then WWII vets about us?
It was there in 1862 you blithering revisionist history idiot.
WHAT a was there in 1862?
A union before you destroyed it, men enlisted from both sides. Often from same town. They stood arm by arm shoulder by shoulder and died that way.
600,000 died because the South was afraid they would lose their right to own another human
They were not human. Legally they were property. South had honor, integrity and pride.
That post is one for the ages...

I’m not going to even bother to respond
The coincidence that defunct groups like the Triple K were also arising at the time some memorials were being built is just that, a coincidence.


The groundwork was lain for the Klan already with the Lost Cause pushing this revisionist narrative. The KKK rose directly out of the sensation of the movie "Birth of a Nation" which in turn rose out of a wildly popular play based on the wildly popular novel "The Clansman" in 1905. ALL of those were narrative of the Cult of the Lost Cause, ALL of them depicting the worst racial stereotypes and ALL of them penetrated deep into the culture. Simmons' whole point in rekindling the Klan in 1915 was to capitalize on that cultural momentum by making the Klan people saw in the movie into a real thing that people could actually join, and in the process put money in his pocket. So when the Klan became a real thing it did so in a fertile field that was built for it to take off. Within a decade its members numbered in the millions from sea to shining sea, FAR outpacing the reach of the original 1865 Klan.

Moreover ALL of them -- the book, the play, the movie, the race riots, the segregation, the Jim Crow laws --- were taking place simultaneously with the UDC propaganda transmitter campaign. The statue in this thread was erected in 1907. Ten years later they were affixing a plaque to a building in Pulaski Tennessee to "honor" that building as the birthplace of the original KKK.
You sure know your party's history, Dimwinger.
The history of the klan and all white supremacists is firmly with the Republican Party.
There is little difference between the platforms of the KKK and Republican Party
Shut the fuck up you communist piece of shit. I want to drop your daughters ass off in South Central or South Chicago. See how long before the savages turn her ass out. You love it so much go live there.
Now, what on earth does that have to to with the Republican Party being the party of white racists?
They were not human. Legally they were property. South had honor, integrity and pride.

That's really not true. Theologians have agreed since antiquity that slaves were human, and were in need of salvation from Almighty God just like anyone else. Missions were sent to preach to slaves consistently through the centuries.
You know nothing of honor.
Stop yer constant crybabying. I know that if the traitors fighting to own brown people had not eaten musketballs, they would have been putting musketballs into the more honorable people. You seem to have missed that basic, moral point. So, of the two of us, clearly it is you who needs a lesson in honor.
Yep. Much better nation now that we have whole communities of poverty, welfare, crime, drug addiction, ignorance, and sexual violence. When you drive down MLK Dr. In ANY fucking city in America there will be drugs an violence going on.
I hate to burst your little snot bubble but most of the welfare goes to the GOP`s deadbeats.

Federal Anti-Poverty Programs Primarily Help the GOP's Base
Helms, Gramm, Lott, Shelby weren't in the Senate in 1964.


Exactly, Pogo claimed Lott was involved in the filibuster of the CRA

BULLSHIT. I said *NO SUCH THING*. Prove me wrong LIAR.

FUCK outta here.
When another one of you Dimwinger half wits claimed a bunch of "Dixiecrats" who filibustered the Civil Rights Act flipped to the Republican party you posted this:

When did Robert C. Byrd, Al Gore Sr., or J William Fulbright flip to the GOP? How about Stennis, or Eastland, or Orval E. Faubus?

Actually, virtually none of the Dems who filibustered Civil Rights switched to the GOP.

BULLSHIT. Thurmond was the first to do so, in September 1964.

You remember Thurmond? Trent Lott said if he'd been elected "we wouldn't have had all these problems down through all these years". Oh yeah Lott switched too.

Now, since I know what a lying hack asshat you are I can tell you what your dumbfuck spin will be: "I didn't say Lott filibustered the CYA"

But I will tell you know that bullshit won't fly because you posted that while quoting multiple quotes discussing who switched because of the CRA.

You lose again, liar.:5_1_12024::5_1_12024::5_1_12024:

Was Strom Thurmond a Dixiecrat?

Was Jessie Helms a Dixiecrat?

Thurmond was the ONLY one. THe rest all returned to the dem party, like good little boys.

Thurmond and Wright (his running mate) were the only ones. After that didn't work they went back to their governor jobs, then Thurmond went to run for the Senate but the state Democrats kicked him off the ballot and he had to run as a write-in, which he did, and won, and that's how he got to the Senate.


And the rest returned to the dem party like good little boys.

Your point that racism is not the defining narrative of those elections, that it was name recognition and not the issue of racism, is a very good one.

Indeed, your point is very, very close to mine, where I pointed out, in the last election of George Wallace, that his voters were NOT turned off by his flipping on the segregation issue, that that election, and thus others, were NOT about racism, as dishonest liberals always claim.

The myth of the Southern White voter, let alone ALL American white voters, being consumed by Evul Racism Hatred, and what have you,

is ironically LIBERALS, being evil and racist and full of hate for a race.

I guess I must say, OTHER liberals now, since you have finally seen the light. GOOD FOR YOU.

I look forward to your help in speaking the truth into their universe of lies.
Helms, Gramm, Lott, Shelby weren't in the Senate in 1964.


Exactly, Pogo claimed Lott was involved in the filibuster of the CRA

BULLSHIT. I said *NO SUCH THING*. Prove me wrong LIAR.

FUCK outta here.
When another one of you Dimwinger half wits claimed a bunch of "Dixiecrats" who filibustered the Civil Rights Act flipped to the Republican party you posted this:

When did Robert C. Byrd, Al Gore Sr., or J William Fulbright flip to the GOP? How about Stennis, or Eastland, or Orval E. Faubus?

Actually, virtually none of the Dems who filibustered Civil Rights switched to the GOP.

BULLSHIT. Thurmond was the first to do so, in September 1964.

You remember Thurmond? Trent Lott said if he'd been elected "we wouldn't have had all these problems down through all these years". Oh yeah Lott switched too.

Now, since I know what a lying hack asshat you are I can tell you what your dumbfuck spin will be: "I didn't say Lott filibustered the CYA"

But I will tell you know that bullshit won't fly because you posted that while quoting multiple quotes discussing who switched because of the CRA.

You lose again, liar.:5_1_12024::5_1_12024::5_1_12024:

Was Strom Thurmond a Dixiecrat?

Was Jessie Helms a Dixiecrat?

Thurmond was the ONLY one. THe rest all returned to the dem party, like good little boys.

No Thurmond wasn't the only one, then we got the next generation who had the same mindset as Thurmond. Trent Lott, Jeff Sessions, Orin Hatch, etc.

Sorry buddy, pick a definition and stick with it. The Dixicrats were brought up to support the insane claim that the South flipped parties based on racism.

Changing the usage of a word, halfway though a discussion, is just you being a liberal.

We already knew that. So you don't need to demonstrate your lack of a soul.
The coincidence that defunct groups like the Triple K were also arising at the time some memorials were being built is just that, a coincidence.


The groundwork was lain for the Klan already with the Lost Cause pushing this revisionist narrative. The KKK rose directly out of the sensation of the movie "Birth of a Nation" which in turn rose out of a wildly popular play based on the wildly popular novel "The Clansman" in 1905. ALL of those were narrative of the Cult of the Lost Cause, ALL of them depicting the worst racial stereotypes and ALL of them penetrated deep into the culture. Simmons' whole point in rekindling the Klan in 1915 was to capitalize on that cultural momentum by making the Klan people saw in the movie into a real thing that people could actually join, and in the process put money in his pocket. So when the Klan became a real thing it did so in a fertile field that was built for it to take off. Within a decade its members numbered in the millions from sea to shining sea, FAR outpacing the reach of the original 1865 Klan.

Moreover ALL of them -- the book, the play, the movie, the race riots, the segregation, the Jim Crow laws --- were taking place simultaneously with the UDC propaganda transmitter campaign. The statue in this thread was erected in 1907. Ten years later they were affixing a plaque to a building in Pulaski Tennessee to "honor" that building as the birthplace of the original KKK.
You sure know your party's history, Dimwinger.

You don't learn history at parties, Dipweed. But yes, I do know whereof I speak before I speak it. What a concept.
Never said anything about “parties”. Learn to read.
The coincidence that defunct groups like the Triple K were also arising at the time some memorials were being built is just that, a coincidence.


The groundwork was lain for the Klan already with the Lost Cause pushing this revisionist narrative. The KKK rose directly out of the sensation of the movie "Birth of a Nation" which in turn rose out of a wildly popular play based on the wildly popular novel "The Clansman" in 1905. ALL of those were narrative of the Cult of the Lost Cause, ALL of them depicting the worst racial stereotypes and ALL of them penetrated deep into the culture. Simmons' whole point in rekindling the Klan in 1915 was to capitalize on that cultural momentum by making the Klan people saw in the movie into a real thing that people could actually join, and in the process put money in his pocket. So when the Klan became a real thing it did so in a fertile field that was built for it to take off. Within a decade its members numbered in the millions from sea to shining sea, FAR outpacing the reach of the original 1865 Klan.

Moreover ALL of them -- the book, the play, the movie, the race riots, the segregation, the Jim Crow laws --- were taking place simultaneously with the UDC propaganda transmitter campaign. The statue in this thread was erected in 1907. Ten years later they were affixing a plaque to a building in Pulaski Tennessee to "honor" that building as the birthplace of the original KKK.
You sure know your party's history, Dimwinger.
The history of the klan and all white supremacists is firmly with the Republican Party.
There is little difference between the platforms of the KKK and Republican Party
Revisionist history.

The Dimwinger party is the party of the KKK.
It was there in 1862 you blithering revisionist history idiot.
WHAT a was there in 1862?
A union before you destroyed it, men enlisted from both sides. Often from same town. They stood arm by arm shoulder by shoulder and died that way.
600,000 died because the South was afraid they would lose their right to own another human
They were not human. Legally they were property. South had honor, integrity and pride.
That post is one for the ages...

I’m not going to even bother to respond
...and yet, you did.
The coincidence that defunct groups like the Triple K were also arising at the time some memorials were being built is just that, a coincidence.


The groundwork was lain for the Klan already with the Lost Cause pushing this revisionist narrative. The KKK rose directly out of the sensation of the movie "Birth of a Nation" which in turn rose out of a wildly popular play based on the wildly popular novel "The Clansman" in 1905. ALL of those were narrative of the Cult of the Lost Cause, ALL of them depicting the worst racial stereotypes and ALL of them penetrated deep into the culture. Simmons' whole point in rekindling the Klan in 1915 was to capitalize on that cultural momentum by making the Klan people saw in the movie into a real thing that people could actually join, and in the process put money in his pocket. So when the Klan became a real thing it did so in a fertile field that was built for it to take off. Within a decade its members numbered in the millions from sea to shining sea, FAR outpacing the reach of the original 1865 Klan.

Moreover ALL of them -- the book, the play, the movie, the race riots, the segregation, the Jim Crow laws --- were taking place simultaneously with the UDC propaganda transmitter campaign. The statue in this thread was erected in 1907. Ten years later they were affixing a plaque to a building in Pulaski Tennessee to "honor" that building as the birthplace of the original KKK.
You sure know your party's history, Dimwinger.
The history of the klan and all white supremacists is firmly with the Republican Party.
There is little difference between the platforms of the KKK and Republican Party
Revisionist history.

The Dimwinger party is the party of the KKK.


TODAY you cant differentiate between the agenda of the GOP and the agenda of the klan
The coincidence that defunct groups like the Triple K were also arising at the time some memorials were being built is just that, a coincidence.


The groundwork was lain for the Klan already with the Lost Cause pushing this revisionist narrative. The KKK rose directly out of the sensation of the movie "Birth of a Nation" which in turn rose out of a wildly popular play based on the wildly popular novel "The Clansman" in 1905. ALL of those were narrative of the Cult of the Lost Cause, ALL of them depicting the worst racial stereotypes and ALL of them penetrated deep into the culture. Simmons' whole point in rekindling the Klan in 1915 was to capitalize on that cultural momentum by making the Klan people saw in the movie into a real thing that people could actually join, and in the process put money in his pocket. So when the Klan became a real thing it did so in a fertile field that was built for it to take off. Within a decade its members numbered in the millions from sea to shining sea, FAR outpacing the reach of the original 1865 Klan.

Moreover ALL of them -- the book, the play, the movie, the race riots, the segregation, the Jim Crow laws --- were taking place simultaneously with the UDC propaganda transmitter campaign. The statue in this thread was erected in 1907. Ten years later they were affixing a plaque to a building in Pulaski Tennessee to "honor" that building as the birthplace of the original KKK.
You sure know your party's history, Dimwinger.
The history of the klan and all white supremacists is firmly with the Republican Party.
There is little difference between the platforms of the KKK and Republican Party
Revisionist history.

The Dimwinger party is the party of the KKK.


TODAY you cant differentiate between the agenda of the GOP and the agenda of the klan

That's bullshit, mainly because the Triple K is down to less than 200 members nationwide, more than half are law enforcement or embedded individuals working for news organizations keeping an eye on the extremists.

The KKK would totally disappear if it wasn't for the publicity given them by CNN and money provided by law enforcement officers paying dues.

The klan is a tool of the media and deep state, if you follow the money, not Republicans or conservatives at all.

BULLSHIT. I said *NO SUCH THING*. Prove me wrong LIAR.

FUCK outta here.
When another one of you Dimwinger half wits claimed a bunch of "Dixiecrats" who filibustered the Civil Rights Act flipped to the Republican party you posted this:

BULLSHIT. Thurmond was the first to do so, in September 1964.

You remember Thurmond? Trent Lott said if he'd been elected "we wouldn't have had all these problems down through all these years". Oh yeah Lott switched too.

Now, since I know what a lying hack asshat you are I can tell you what your dumbfuck spin will be: "I didn't say Lott filibustered the CYA"

But I will tell you know that bullshit won't fly because you posted that while quoting multiple quotes discussing who switched because of the CRA.

You lose again, liar.:5_1_12024::5_1_12024::5_1_12024:

Was Strom Thurmond a Dixiecrat?

Was Jessie Helms a Dixiecrat?

Thurmond was the ONLY one. THe rest all returned to the dem party, like good little boys.

Thurmond and Wright (his running mate) were the only ones. After that didn't work they went back to their governor jobs, then Thurmond went to run for the Senate but the state Democrats kicked him off the ballot and he had to run as a write-in, which he did, and won, and that's how he got to the Senate.


And the rest returned to the dem party like good little boys.

Your point that racism is not the defining narrative of those elections, that it was name recognition and not the issue of racism, is a very good one.

Indeed, your point is very, very close to mine, where I pointed out, in the last election of George Wallace, that his voters were NOT turned off by his flipping on the segregation issue, that that election, and thus others, were NOT about racism, as dishonest liberals always claim.

The myth of the Southern White voter, let alone ALL American white voters, being consumed by Evul Racism Hatred, and what have you,

is ironically LIBERALS, being evil and racist and full of hate for a race.

I guess I must say, OTHER liberals now, since you have finally seen the light. GOOD FOR YOU.

I look forward to your help in speaking the truth into their universe of lies.

BULLSHIT. I said *NO SUCH THING*. Prove me wrong LIAR.

FUCK outta here.
When another one of you Dimwinger half wits claimed a bunch of "Dixiecrats" who filibustered the Civil Rights Act flipped to the Republican party you posted this:

BULLSHIT. Thurmond was the first to do so, in September 1964.

You remember Thurmond? Trent Lott said if he'd been elected "we wouldn't have had all these problems down through all these years". Oh yeah Lott switched too.

Now, since I know what a lying hack asshat you are I can tell you what your dumbfuck spin will be: "I didn't say Lott filibustered the CYA"

But I will tell you know that bullshit won't fly because you posted that while quoting multiple quotes discussing who switched because of the CRA.

You lose again, liar.:5_1_12024::5_1_12024::5_1_12024:

Was Strom Thurmond a Dixiecrat?

Was Jessie Helms a Dixiecrat?

Thurmond was the ONLY one. THe rest all returned to the dem party, like good little boys.

No Thurmond wasn't the only one, then we got the next generation who had the same mindset as Thurmond. Trent Lott, Jeff Sessions, Orin Hatch, etc.

Sorry buddy, pick a definition and stick with it. The Dixicrats were brought up to support the insane claim that the South flipped parties based on racism.

Changing the usage of a word, halfway though a discussion, is just you being a liberal.

We already knew that. So you don't need to demonstrate your lack of a soul.

Really not an argument to make. Conservatism and racism pretty much go hand in hand, wherever you find conservatives you find racist.
When another one of you Dimwinger half wits claimed a bunch of "Dixiecrats" who filibustered the Civil Rights Act flipped to the Republican party you posted this:

Now, since I know what a lying hack asshat you are I can tell you what your dumbfuck spin will be: "I didn't say Lott filibustered the CYA"

But I will tell you know that bullshit won't fly because you posted that while quoting multiple quotes discussing who switched because of the CRA.

You lose again, liar.:5_1_12024::5_1_12024::5_1_12024:

Was Strom Thurmond a Dixiecrat?

Was Jessie Helms a Dixiecrat?

Thurmond was the ONLY one. THe rest all returned to the dem party, like good little boys.

Thurmond and Wright (his running mate) were the only ones. After that didn't work they went back to their governor jobs, then Thurmond went to run for the Senate but the state Democrats kicked him off the ballot and he had to run as a write-in, which he did, and won, and that's how he got to the Senate.


And the rest returned to the dem party like good little boys.

Your point that racism is not the defining narrative of those elections, that it was name recognition and not the issue of racism, is a very good one.

Indeed, your point is very, very close to mine, where I pointed out, in the last election of George Wallace, that his voters were NOT turned off by his flipping on the segregation issue, that that election, and thus others, were NOT about racism, as dishonest liberals always claim.

The myth of the Southern White voter, let alone ALL American white voters, being consumed by Evul Racism Hatred, and what have you,

is ironically LIBERALS, being evil and racist and full of hate for a race.

I guess I must say, OTHER liberals now, since you have finally seen the light. GOOD FOR YOU.

I look forward to your help in speaking the truth into their universe of lies.
When another one of you Dimwinger half wits claimed a bunch of "Dixiecrats" who filibustered the Civil Rights Act flipped to the Republican party you posted this:

Now, since I know what a lying hack asshat you are I can tell you what your dumbfuck spin will be: "I didn't say Lott filibustered the CYA"

But I will tell you know that bullshit won't fly because you posted that while quoting multiple quotes discussing who switched because of the CRA.

You lose again, liar.:5_1_12024::5_1_12024::5_1_12024:

Was Strom Thurmond a Dixiecrat?

Was Jessie Helms a Dixiecrat?

Thurmond was the ONLY one. THe rest all returned to the dem party, like good little boys.

No Thurmond wasn't the only one, then we got the next generation who had the same mindset as Thurmond. Trent Lott, Jeff Sessions, Orin Hatch, etc.

Sorry buddy, pick a definition and stick with it. The Dixicrats were brought up to support the insane claim that the South flipped parties based on racism.

Changing the usage of a word, halfway though a discussion, is just you being a liberal.

We already knew that. So you don't need to demonstrate your lack of a soul.

Really not an argument to make. Conservatism and racism pretty much go hand in hand, wherever you find conservatives you find racist.
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