Conference board report


Diamond Member
May 10, 2007
Recession risks recede: Conference Board - Economic Report - MarketWatch

Friday, as its index of leading economic indicators grew 0.9% in October — the largest growth since February — led by gains in building permits.

The index “is pointing to continued growth this winter, possibly even gaining a little momentum by spring,” said Ken Goldstein, a Conference Board economist, in a statement. He added that relatively low consumer confidence has been “the biggest obstacle in generating forward momentum.”

Economists polled by MarketWatch had expected growth of 0.7%. The Conference Board revised September’s result down to 0.1% growth from a prior estimate of 0.2% gain.

The LEI is a weighted gauge of 10 indicators that are designed to signal business-cycle peaks and troughs.

October’s result suggests persistent strong economic activity, said Millan Mulraine, TD Securities’ economics strategist.

“On the whole, this report underscores the positive tone of the recent flow of economic reports pointing to a meaningful pick-up in overall economic activity during the quarter,”
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Consumer confidence?

Now how can you distroy consumer confidence?

By denying any good economic signs
One day this country will again have a republican party ( or another party to replace the dead republican party) that places country over partisan bullshit.

That will be a good day and we who love this country will rejoyce
More "someday things will get better" bullshit from TM. Why did you not just post this in your other thread?
One day this country will again have a republican party ( or another party to replace the dead republican party) that places country over partisan bullshit.

That will be a good day and we who love this country will rejoyce

I heard about your spelling idiosyncrasies but I never imagined they were that bad.

Democrat is spelled d-e-m-o-c-r-a-t. Not r-e-p-u-b-l-i-c-a-n.

lol - just kidding - there's plenty of partisan bullshit on both sides. You represent it well.
One day this country will again have a republican party ( or another party to replace the dead republican party) that places country over partisan bullshit.

That will be a good day and we who love this country will rejoyce

Just wondering when we will have a democratic party that places individual rights and responsibility over nanny government bullshit?

That will be an even greater day and we who love liberty will rejoice.
One day this country will again have a republican party ( or another party to replace the dead republican party) that places country over partisan bullshit.

That will be a good day and we who love this country will rejoyce

Well the democrats sure as helldon't put country over partisan bullshit, otherwise they woulda accepted the repub offer of 300 billion in revenue as a good first step towards resolving the gridlock. But no, they peremptorily shot it down for purely political reasons. As you no doubt know, Obama and the Dems have absolutely nothing to run on if the tax issue is off the table.
the majority should not have to bow to the minority in a democracy.

I wish you cared about this country more than your party and enjoyed the fact we are starting to make real economic progress
the majority should not have to bow to the minority in a democracy.

I wish you cared about this country more than your party and enjoyed the fact we are starting to make real economic progress

Oh we do care. Far more then you and yours do. You insist on passing environmental laws that are proven to not work (and in some cases like the MTBE debacle in CA cause MORE damage then the original problem) and are also proven to destroy jobs and send them overseas.

You really need to look in the mirror there truthiness.
Dude your teams deregulation caused this mess not enviromental laws.

what a pack of lies you spew
Dude your teams deregulation caused this mess not enviromental laws.

what a pack of lies you spew

truthiness is synonomous with lies sweety, once again look in the mirror. The deregulation led to large conglomerates and the end of small trucking companies like my dad used to work for. Environmental buillshit has led to companies leaving the US to manufacture elsewhere.
" Despite October’s gain, longer-term growth in the LEI is slowing. For the six months through October the index rose 3%, compared with a gain of 3.5% in the prior six months.

The Conference Board’s gauge of current economic activity rose 0.2% in October, compared with zero growth in September. In the six months through October, the barometer of current activity rose 0.7%, compared with a gain of 1.3% for the prior six months. "

It's just too soon to be drawing any conclusions about the future. It's nice to see an uptick, but I want to see sustained job growth for 3 or 4 months before I get too giddy. Let me see lowering the UE rate down around 8%, then I'll celebrate.
Dude your teams deregulation caused this mess not enviromental laws.

what a pack of lies you spew

truthiness is synonomous with lies sweety, once again look in the mirror. The deregulation led to large conglomerates and the end of small trucking companies like my dad used to work for. Environmental buillshit has led to companies leaving the US to manufacture elsewhere.


nope cheap labor an a free pass to rape other countries enviroments has made them leave.

You can let your child work at eight years old and drink from streams with copper residue if you want but you will need to move to a third world country for that pleasure
Dude your teams deregulation caused this mess not enviromental laws.

what a pack of lies you spew

In fact Republican capitalist regulation keep those unable to pay for homes from buying them.

Liberal deregulation (Fanny, Freddie,CRA, FHA, Federal Reserve, etc) enabled them to buy homes they could not afford.

Now you too understand the source of the current Great Liberal Recession.
Dude your teams deregulation caused this mess not enviromental laws.

what a pack of lies you spew

In fact Republican capitalist regulation keep those unable to pay for homes from buying them.

Liberal deregulation (Fanny, Freddie,CRA, FHA, Federal Reserve, etc) enabled them to buy homes they could not afford.

Now you too understand the source of the current Great Liberal Recession.

No you fool you have no ideas of what you speak.

that is right wing rabble bait and not fact.

Tell me why ONLY right wing clones believe that meme?
what percentage of the subprime were written by freddy and fanny?

Did the banks that were "forced" as you claim to write these loans make money off them?
Tell me why ONLY right wing clones believe that meme?

If you doubt that liberal programs designed to subvert the free market caused the Great Recession then you need to explain exactly why you doubt it or admit that as a liberal you are too confused to do so.

You might start by reading "Reckless Endangerment" for a blow blow description of how bleeding heart liberalism over 30 years got everyone into homes they could not afford.
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