Confessions of an Economic Hitman.


Gold Member
Jun 18, 2008
Did anyone watch a show on Direct tv satellite chanelle 375, about "Confessions of an Economic Hitman" .

About how the U.S. government goes into many third world countries, and offers them loans that they know that they will not be able to repay, and then when the country defaults on the loan and can not pay it back, the U.S. government starts to direct the
internal and external political affairs of the country. Including all the economic decisions
of the country given the loan, and tells them that they will have to use what ever natural resources they have to repay the initial loan proceeds.

"Chanell 375 Link TV"--->google this info for more on the story and show.
Did anyone watch what's going on right now

wherethe Chinese government goes into the US and offers them loans that they know that they will not be able to repay, and then when the country defaults on the loan and can not pay it back, the Chinese government starts to direct the
internal and external political affairs of the US. Including all the economic decisions
of the country given the loan, and tells them that they will have to use what ever natural resources they have to repay the initial loan proceeds.

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☭proletarian☭;2111412 said:
Did anyone watch what's going on right now

wherethe Chinese government goes into the US and offers them loans that they know that they will not be able to repay, and then when the country defaults on the loan and can not pay it back, the Chinese government starts to direct the
internal and external political affairs of the US. Including all the economic decisions
of the country given the loan, and tells them that they will have to use what ever natural resources they have to repay the initial loan proceeds.


Is that what the Chinese are doing?.WoW:razz:
"Economic hit men (EHMs) are highly paid professionals who cheat countries around the globe out of trillions of dollars. They funnel money from the World Bank, the US Agency for International Development (USAID) and other foreign "aid" organizations into the coffers of huge corporations and the pockets of a few wealthy families who control the planet's natural resources.

"Their tools include fraudulent financial reports, rigged elections, payoffs, extortion, sex, and murder. They play a game as old as empire, but one that has taken on new and terrifying dimensions during this time of globalization.

"I should know; I was an EHM."

So wrote John Perkins, author of Confessions of an Economic Hit Man, in 1982. The book John was working on at that time was dedicated to two men whom Perkins respected and thought of as kindred spirits.

Jaime Roldos, president of Ecuador and Omar Torrijos, president of Panama had been John's clients and both had recently died in fiery crashes.

Perkins again:

"Their deaths were not accidental. They were assassinated because they opposed that fraternity of corporate, government, and banking heads whose goal is global empire.

"We EHMs failed to bring Roldos and Torrijos around, and the other type of hit men, CIA-sanctioned jackals who were always right behind us, stepped in.

Over the next 20 years John stated writing his story four different times. Threats or bribes convinced him to stop until finally in 2004 his book was published.

What the Masters of the Universe paid John to do in places like Iran, Colombia, and Iraq are now on full display at your local steel mill or car dealer or homeless encampment.
As I have been saying for years now, there is a climate of corruption that has taken over the entirety of the United States from small business to major corporations to Big Banks and to government itself. Short of a all encompassing religious revival that sweeps the world, the only solution is draconian punishment for all of the offenders. We need to return to morals and ethics. Anything else is wrong.
"Short of an all encompassing religious revival that sweeps the world..."

We should all be careful what we wish for.

In 1978 John Perkins, future author of Confessions of an Economic Hit Man, was sitting in a bar off the lobby of the Hotel InterContinental in Tehran when a friend he hadn't seen in over a decade tapped his shoulder.

"Things are falling apart here. You've got to get out."

The friend handed John an airline ticket and days later they watched on television from Rome as the 1979 Iranian Revolution lead by Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini drove the "King of Kings" from the Peacock throne in Iran.

To paraphrase Sinclare Lewis, that religious revival in this country would probably arrive with an assault rifle in one hand and a cross wrapped up in Old Glory in the other.

It seems like there has to be a great moral awakening in America if we're to survive, but I'm not sure if religion or Wall Street poses the bigger obstacle to its arrival .

Given our massive and growing debt levels, it looks like our current government has taken out a hit on the U.S.
"Short of an all encompassing religious revival that sweeps the world..."

We should all be careful what we wish for.

In 1978 John Perkins, future author of Confessions of an Economic Hit Man, was sitting in a bar off the lobby of the Hotel InterContinental in Tehran when a friend he hadn't seen in over a decade tapped his shoulder.

"Things are falling apart here. You've got to get out."

The friend handed John an airline ticket and days later they watched on television from Rome as the 1979 Iranian Revolution lead by Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini drove the "King of Kings" from the Peacock throne in Iran.

To paraphrase Sinclare Lewis, that religious revival in this country would probably arrive with an assault rifle in one hand and a cross wrapped up in Old Glory in the other.

It seems like there has to be a great moral awakening in America if we're to survive, but I'm not sure if religion or Wall Street poses the bigger obstacle to its arrival .

Hear, Hear! Well said. We need to avoid Savonarolas at all costs. I favor the system that is most efficient buy not radical religious. I am certain that I could survive religious tribunals, but some of my best friends would not. And for them I would wish that religion hold on to what is religious and honesty, integrity and morality come to the fore in our society.

Now, I ask you, "Is that possible without religion.....?"
There are much longer interviews with John available on YouTube, this one is short and provides a good understanding of an economic hitman...

[ame=]YouTube - John Perkins Interview: Confessions of an Economic HIt Man[/ame]
In the preface to his book Confessions of an Economic Hit Man, John Perkins suggests corporations, banks, and governments function as a corporatocracy in their pursuit of global empire.

"History tells us...(e)mpires never last. Every one of them has failed terribly. They destroy many cultures as they race toward greater domination, and then they themselves fall.

"No country or combination of countries can thrive in the long run by exploiting others."

Currently private bankers on Wall Street in conjunction with the Federal Reserve provide crucial support for the American Empire and earn $billions in blood money.

Given the low esteem most Americans currently feel toward Wall Street and the Fed here are three steps that could Change Everything.

1. Incorporate the Federal Reserve into the US Treasury Dept. where all new money is created by government as money, not interest-bearing debt.

2. Stop private banks from creating money through fractional reserve lending.

3. Spend the new money into circulation on infrastructure, including education and health care needed for a growing society, starting with the $1.6 trillion the American Society for Civil Engineers estimate is needed for US infrastructure repair; creating good jobs across our nation, re-invigorating local economies, and re-funding government at all levels.

Think about combining these Federal changes with your own state bank modeled on the State Bank of North Dakota.

Think about 2% mortgages. 6% credit cards and 6% CD returns.

A Democrat running for governor in Florida, who also has a PhD in Economics, claims over time a State Bank in Florida could reduce then eliminate all state and local taxes.

Too good to be true?
Only one way to find out.
Is it possible that a group of countries, or a corporation put an Economic hit on the American economy,
that may have caused the recent economic recession.?
Is it possible that a group of countries, or a corporation put an Economic hit on the American economy, that may have caused the recent economic recession.?

We did it to our selves. This hit job was done from the inside. I vote for spending cuts & not unpaid for tax cuts & growing spending. We can not grow our way out of this debt. We have to cut entitlements & spending period. We can't allow them to raise taxes until they cut spending first to prove they are willing to save us. This is what the TEA Party stands for.

GSEs Fannie & Freddie were the biggest debt creators. They made 80% of the mortgages in the US. Medicare debt liability is 5 times larger than the next biggest US liability witch is Social Security. The economic meltdown was an inside job.
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Is it possible that a group of countries, or a corporation put an Economic hit on the American economy, that may have caused the recent economic recession.?

We did it to our selves. This hit job was done from the inside. I vote for spending cuts & not unpaid for tax cuts & growing spending. We can not grow our way out of this debt. We have to cut entitlements & spending period. We can't allow them to raise taxes until they cut spending first to prove they are willing to save us. This is what the TEA Party stands for.

GSEs Fannie & Freddie were the biggest debt creators. They made 80% of the mortgages in the US. Medicare debt liability is 5 times larger than the next biggest US liability witch is Social Security. The economic meltdown was an inside job.

I agree with you. A hell of a lot of government incompetence led us to where we are now. That deserves to be quoted, too
Noam Chomsky believes it is:

"The war against working people should be understood to be a real war...Specifically in the US, which happens to have a highly class-conscious business class...And they have long seen themselves as fighting a bitter class war, except they don't want anybody else to know about it."

Corporations and governments along with GSEs aren't particularly democratic institutions at this time. They all respond more quickly to capital than to labor or voters. As I understand it, our current recession was Made in America, an inside job, that primarily worked for the benefit of the richest 1% of the richest 1% of Americans.

We are bitterly divided by important social issues like abortion and gay marriage.

I think the American Rich use those vital life-or-death concerns as the thin edge of a very thick wedge to divide 99% of us on the crucial issue of class war.

We're on the brink of disaster with a president hand-picked by Goldman Sachs to preside over the greatest FALL in the American standard of living in history.

If today's cons and libs don't find common ground on the class war, their children probably won't be allowed to debate abortion or gay marriage or tax and spend.
Is it possible that a group of countries, or a corporation put an Economic hit on the American economy,
that may have caused the recent economic recession.?

It is called disaster capitalism...

Ironic, America is in a position Grover Norquist and Republicans have worked for, on the precipice of collapse....then they can kill government by drowning it in their imaginary bathtub...
As long as private property exists some form of government (monopoly of violence) is essential. Grover and some Republicans seem to prefer a corporate as opposed to an "elected" government.

I used quotation marks around elected because I believe Wall Street has captured both major political parties in this country, and it's only a minor consequence to the bankers whether Repubs or Dems control our elected government.

As corrupt and unresponsive as our current system is, a regional or world-wide corporate government seems like a return to feudal times with 21st Century surveillance technology ensuring the corporate version of private property.

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