Confirmation Hearing Stats: 0 Confirmations so far, 73 Snowflakes Arrested


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
73 arrested, charged amid protests at Kavanaugh hearings

73 Arrests - Disorderly Conduct, 'Crowding', Obstruction, 'Incommoding'.....

“I think it’s really important that people—as well as the judge, the nominee—understand how strongly we feel and why we feel that way. Behind the noise is really a very sincere belief that it’s so important to keep in this country—which is multiethnic, multi-religious, multi-economic—a court that really serves the people and serves this great democracy.”
--- Diane Feinstein, Democrat and 20-year CHINESE SPY FACILITATOR

The man up for confirmation right now is probably 'the most qualified Judge to sit on the USSC if confirmed', ACCORDING TO D-CHUCK SCHUMER...yet the Partisan POS is the orchestrator of the thoroughly coordinated, despicable, game plan the Democrats are carrying out right now against Kavanaugh, again, the man HE said was probably the most qualified of anyone already on the USSC.

The Democrats are crafting together a resume / display of how despicable, intolerant, hypocritical, criminal, disrespectful, unethical, immoral, & dishonest they are ahead of the Mid-Terms.

The GOP could make a complete ad just by playing clips of these criminal snowflake protestors and playing a video of Kavanaugh's daughter, attending the hearing in support of her dad, crying because of the lack of civility and bullying being done to her dad by a '100% committed to Obstruction' Democratic Party supported by thugs and criminals interrupting the hearings, led by Chucky Schumer.

The Democrats have desperately turned the hearing into a combination circus sideshow and shit-storm...and they're the only one who have shit all of themselves.
Listening to them scream and yell like small children just boggles my mind. Any adult that acts like that has SERIOUS mental health issues.
Good for them. There’s never been more anger at the actions of a corrupt and criminal adminstration and their enablers as there is now against Trump and his cabal.
Any Dem that doesn’t participate in the madness will have no one vote for them in their next race.
Good for them. There’s never been more anger at the actions of a corrupt and criminal adminstration and their enablers as there is now against Trump and his cabal.
What are your educational credentials and who’s the illegal in your family?
They're all being paid and bailed out by someone.
The Russians conned snowflakes into organizing and marching for them....paid antifa, BLM, and the Black Fist to spread racial division and violence...for all we know these snowflakes are working for the Rooskies again.....
Good for them. There’s never been more anger at the actions of a corrupt and criminal adminstration and their enablers as there is now against Trump and his cabal.

Ummmmmmm WRONG.....

Just because we didn't act like Snowflake crybabies when Obama was destroying the country, and just because we weren't getting paid by crooked billionaires to go after Obama doesn't mean we weren't angry

Fortunately for you snowflake diaper trash, the Right is always quiet and reserved....."Conservative"...GET IT?

Unfortunately, it's probably also gonna be our downfall. Too much quiet and too much looking the other way.
Good for them. There’s never been more anger at the actions of a corrupt and criminal adminstration and their enablers as there is now against Trump and his cabal.
They need the hearings to be behind closed doors with one public camera feed. This behavior is unacceptable.
McConnell needs to say, 'Enough of this shit' and call for the vote, ending with the GOP ramming it up and breaking it off by confirming Kavanaugh.
Just because we didn't act like Snowflake crybabies when Obama
LOLOLOLOL what world are you living in?! 8 years you pussies cried about the sky falling down. You launched soooo many investigations, and now you can’t even handle the ONE that’s against Trump! :laugh:

Didn’t act like a snowflake... :laugh:

You dumb fucking rube
There’s never been more anger at the actions of a corrupt and criminal adminstration and their enablers as there is now against Trump and his cabal.

As always, a sane, rational, and mature response to not getting one's way ...


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