Confirmation Hearing Stats: 0 Confirmations so far, 73 Snowflakes Arrested

That was you from 2009 to 2016. Go fuck yourself.


Blackfag incognito
73 arrested, charged amid protests at Kavanaugh hearings

73 Arrests - Disorderly Conduct, 'Crowding', Obstruction, 'Incommoding'.....

“I think it’s really important that people—as well as the judge, the nominee—understand how strongly we feel and why we feel that way. Behind the noise is really a very sincere belief that it’s so important to keep in this country—which is multiethnic, multi-religious, multi-economic—a court that really serves the people and serves this great democracy.”
--- Diane Feinstein, Democrat and 20-year CHINESE SPY FACILITATOR

The man up for confirmation right now is probably 'the most qualified Judge to sit on the USSC if confirmed', ACCORDING TO D-CHUCK SCHUMER...yet the Partisan POS is the orchestrator of the thoroughly coordinated, despicable, game plan the Democrats are carrying out right now against Kavanaugh, again, the man HE said was probably the most qualified of anyone already on the USSC.

The Democrats are crafting together a resume / display of how despicable, intolerant, hypocritical, criminal, disrespectful, unethical, immoral, & dishonest they are ahead of the Mid-Terms.

The GOP could make a complete ad just by playing clips of these criminal snowflake protestors and playing a video of Kavanaugh's daughter, attending the hearing in support of her dad, crying because of the lack of civility and bullying being done to her dad by a '100% committed to Obstruction' Democratic Party supported by thugs and criminals interrupting the hearings, led by Chucky Schumer.

The Democrats have desperately turned the hearing into a combination circus sideshow and shit-storm...and they're the only one who have shit all of themselves.
The ad for me would say, this is what Diane Feinstein and the Dems think of your vote for Donald Trump for President.

If I was ever filmed acting like this I would be devastated. Listen to their asinine chant. They want to talk to him my ass. Buch of fucking losers.
Apparently this is George Soros again paying protesters to disrupt the proceedings.

Wonder why Mueller never investigates this guy?
Listening to them scream and yell like small children just boggles my mind. Any adult that acts like that has SERIOUS mental health issues.
they are paid to do that by Diane Feinstein. she has as much stated it was her doing here.
Good for them. There’s never been more anger at the actions of a corrupt and criminal administration and their enablers...

Sadly, you are right.

The Liberal Extremists and Snowflakes who supported a proven criminal and treasonous candidate who compromised national security, the easily emotionally manipulated snowflakes who were conned through social media by the Russians to organize and march for them, thankfully do not make up the majority of the people in America, despite the Democrats' and their propaganda-pushing Fake News media's best effort to convince people they are....

...but, again, sadly you are right.

Obama spent 8 years financing, supplying, arming, training, supporting, aiding, abetting, protecting, defending, appeasing, and even dragging the US into multiple Un-Constitutional Un-Authorized wars to help TERRORISTS, to include Al Qaeda who slaughtered 3,000 ... and 4 ... Americans. Al Qaeda, ISIS, Hamas, Hezbollah, the Taliban, The Muslim Brotherhood, etc....

...and not one damn snowflake condemned him for his treason, got angry and condemned him for his treason.

Obama spent 8 years refusing to enforce US law, spent 8 years violating both the US Constitution and US Law, being held in Contempt of Court multiple times for refusing to comply with Judges' orders and being found by the USSC to be in violation of the US Constitution....

...and not one damn snowflake condemned him for his treason, got angry and condemned him for his treason.

Obama spent 8 years aiding and abetting / protecting / arming Mexican Drug Cartels, Human Traffickers, violent illegal gangs, violent criminal illegals, and federal law-violating criminals who provide sanctuary to all of them...

...and not one damn snowflake condemned him for his treason, got angry and condemned him for his treason.

Obama spent 8 years protecting his criminal Cabinet members from indictment and prison, yet who were part of History-making by being the 1st US Presidential administration Cabinet Member to ever be Censured by Congress....administration officials who repeatedly perpetrated Obstruction, targeting, perjury, etc....

...and not one damn snowflake condemned him for his treason, got angry and condemned him for his treason.

Obama spent 8 years helping this nation's enemies - Iran, Russia....with Un-Constitutional Treaties, ransoms, attempts to give them access to the US Banking system, 20% of the US supply of uranium, Crimea, Top Secret+ data from Hillary's illegal server...

...and not one damn snowflake condemned him for his treason, got angry and condemned him for his treason.

Obama spent 8 years illegally spying on Americans, reporters, the media, US SENATORS, & even USSC Justices....

...and not one damn snowflake condemned him for his treason, got angry and condemned him for his treason.

Obama weaponized the IRS and used it against Americans who were legally opposing his re-election.....

...and not one damn snowflake condemned him for his treason, got angry and condemned him for his treason.


Good for them. There’s never been more anger at the actions of a corrupt and criminal administration and their enablers...

Sadly, you are right.

The Liberal Extremists and Snowflakes who supported a proven criminal and treasonous candidate who compromised national security, the easily emotionally manipulated snowflakes who were conned through social media by the Russians to organize and march for them, thankfully do not make up the majority of the people in America, despite the Democrats' and their propaganda-pushing Fake News media's best effort to convince people they are....

...but, again, sadly you are right.

Obama spent 8 years financing, supplying, arming, training, supporting, aiding, abetting, protecting, defending, appeasing, and even dragging the US into multiple Un-Constitutional Un-Authorized wars to help TERRORISTS, to include Al Qaeda who slaughtered 3,000 ... and 4 ... Americans. Al Qaeda, ISIS, Hamas, Hezbollah, the Taliban, The Muslim Brotherhood, etc....

...and not one damn snowflake condemned him for his treason, got angry and condemned him for his treason.

Obama spent 8 years refusing to enforce US law, spent 8 years violating both the US Constitution and US Law, being held in Contempt of Court multiple times for refusing to comply with Judges' orders and being found by the USSC to be in violation of the US Constitution....

...and not one damn snowflake condemned him for his treason, got angry and condemned him for his treason.

Obama spent 8 years aiding and abetting / protecting / arming Mexican Drug Cartels, Human Traffickers, violent illegal gangs, violent criminal illegals, and federal law-violating criminals who provide sanctuary to all of them...

...and not one damn snowflake condemned him for his treason, got angry and condemned him for his treason.

Obama spent 8 years protecting his criminal Cabinet members from indictment and prison, yet who were part of History-making by being the 1st US Presidential administration Cabinet Member to ever be Censured by Congress....administration officials who repeatedly perpetrated Obstruction, targeting, perjury, etc....

...and not one damn snowflake condemned him for his treason, got angry and condemned him for his treason.

Obama spent 8 years helping this nation's enemies - Iran, Russia....with Un-Constitutional Treaties, ransoms, attempts to give them access to the US Banking system, 20% of the US supply of uranium, Crimea, Top Secret+ data from Hillary's illegal server...

...and not one damn snowflake condemned him for his treason, got angry and condemned him for his treason.

Obama spent 8 years illegally spying on Americans, reporters, the media, US SENATORS, & even USSC Justices....

...and not one damn snowflake condemned him for his treason, got angry and condemned him for his treason.

Obama weaponized the IRS and used it against Americans who were legally opposing his re-election.....

...and not one damn snowflake condemned him for his treason, got angry and condemned him for his treason.


^ :cuckoo:

Meanwhile: Robert Mueller
Good for them. There’s never been more anger at the actions of a corrupt and criminal administration and their enablers...

Sadly, you are right.

The Liberal Extremists and Snowflakes who supported a proven criminal and treasonous candidate who compromised national security, the easily emotionally manipulated snowflakes who were conned through social media by the Russians to organize and march for them, thankfully do not make up the majority of the people in America, despite the Democrats' and their propaganda-pushing Fake News media's best effort to convince people they are....

...but, again, sadly you are right.

Obama spent 8 years financing, supplying, arming, training, supporting, aiding, abetting, protecting, defending, appeasing, and even dragging the US into multiple Un-Constitutional Un-Authorized wars to help TERRORISTS, to include Al Qaeda who slaughtered 3,000 ... and 4 ... Americans. Al Qaeda, ISIS, Hamas, Hezbollah, the Taliban, The Muslim Brotherhood, etc....

...and not one damn snowflake condemned him for his treason, got angry and condemned him for his treason.

Obama spent 8 years refusing to enforce US law, spent 8 years violating both the US Constitution and US Law, being held in Contempt of Court multiple times for refusing to comply with Judges' orders and being found by the USSC to be in violation of the US Constitution....

...and not one damn snowflake condemned him for his treason, got angry and condemned him for his treason.

Obama spent 8 years aiding and abetting / protecting / arming Mexican Drug Cartels, Human Traffickers, violent illegal gangs, violent criminal illegals, and federal law-violating criminals who provide sanctuary to all of them...

...and not one damn snowflake condemned him for his treason, got angry and condemned him for his treason.

Obama spent 8 years protecting his criminal Cabinet members from indictment and prison, yet who were part of History-making by being the 1st US Presidential administration Cabinet Member to ever be Censured by Congress....administration officials who repeatedly perpetrated Obstruction, targeting, perjury, etc....

...and not one damn snowflake condemned him for his treason, got angry and condemned him for his treason.

Obama spent 8 years helping this nation's enemies - Iran, Russia....with Un-Constitutional Treaties, ransoms, attempts to give them access to the US Banking system, 20% of the US supply of uranium, Crimea, Top Secret+ data from Hillary's illegal server...

...and not one damn snowflake condemned him for his treason, got angry and condemned him for his treason.

Obama spent 8 years illegally spying on Americans, reporters, the media, US SENATORS, & even USSC Justices....

...and not one damn snowflake condemned him for his treason, got angry and condemned him for his treason.

Obama weaponized the IRS and used it against Americans who were legally opposing his re-election.....

...and not one damn snowflake condemned him for his treason, got angry and condemned him for his treason.


shit he invited MS-13 gang members in.
73 arrested, charged amid protests at Kavanaugh hearings

73 Arrests - Disorderly Conduct, 'Crowding', Obstruction, 'Incommoding'.....

“I think it’s really important that people—as well as the judge, the nominee—understand how strongly we feel and why we feel that way. Behind the noise is really a very sincere belief that it’s so important to keep in this country—which is multiethnic, multi-religious, multi-economic—a court that really serves the people and serves this great democracy.”
--- Diane Feinstein, Democrat and 20-year CHINESE SPY FACILITATOR

The man up for confirmation right now is probably 'the most qualified Judge to sit on the USSC if confirmed', ACCORDING TO D-CHUCK SCHUMER...yet the Partisan POS is the orchestrator of the thoroughly coordinated, despicable, game plan the Democrats are carrying out right now against Kavanaugh, again, the man HE said was probably the most qualified of anyone already on the USSC.

The Democrats are crafting together a resume / display of how despicable, intolerant, hypocritical, criminal, disrespectful, unethical, immoral, & dishonest they are ahead of the Mid-Terms.

The GOP could make a complete ad just by playing clips of these criminal snowflake protestors and playing a video of Kavanaugh's daughter, attending the hearing in support of her dad, crying because of the lack of civility and bullying being done to her dad by a '100% committed to Obstruction' Democratic Party supported by thugs and criminals interrupting the hearings, led by Chucky Schumer.

The Democrats have desperately turned the hearing into a combination circus sideshow and shit-storm...and they're the only one who have shit all of themselves.

U mad, bro?
73 arrested, charged amid protests at Kavanaugh hearings

73 Arrests - Disorderly Conduct, 'Crowding', Obstruction, 'Incommoding'.....

“I think it’s really important that people—as well as the judge, the nominee—understand how strongly we feel and why we feel that way. Behind the noise is really a very sincere belief that it’s so important to keep in this country—which is multiethnic, multi-religious, multi-economic—a court that really serves the people and serves this great democracy.”
--- Diane Feinstein, Democrat and 20-year CHINESE SPY FACILITATOR

The man up for confirmation right now is probably 'the most qualified Judge to sit on the USSC if confirmed', ACCORDING TO D-CHUCK SCHUMER...yet the Partisan POS is the orchestrator of the thoroughly coordinated, despicable, game plan the Democrats are carrying out right now against Kavanaugh, again, the man HE said was probably the most qualified of anyone already on the USSC.

The Democrats are crafting together a resume / display of how despicable, intolerant, hypocritical, criminal, disrespectful, unethical, immoral, & dishonest they are ahead of the Mid-Terms.

The GOP could make a complete ad just by playing clips of these criminal snowflake protestors and playing a video of Kavanaugh's daughter, attending the hearing in support of her dad, crying because of the lack of civility and bullying being done to her dad by a '100% committed to Obstruction' Democratic Party supported by thugs and criminals interrupting the hearings, led by Chucky Schumer.

The Democrats have desperately turned the hearing into a combination circus sideshow and shit-storm...and they're the only one who have shit all of themselves.

U mad, bro?
Good for them. There’s never been more anger at the actions of a corrupt and criminal administration and their enablers...

Sadly, you are right.

The Liberal Extremists and Snowflakes who supported a proven criminal and treasonous candidate who compromised national security, the easily emotionally manipulated snowflakes who were conned through social media by the Russians to organize and march for them, thankfully do not make up the majority of the people in America, despite the Democrats' and their propaganda-pushing Fake News media's best effort to convince people they are....

...but, again, sadly you are right.

Obama spent 8 years financing, supplying, arming, training, supporting, aiding, abetting, protecting, defending, appeasing, and even dragging the US into multiple Un-Constitutional Un-Authorized wars to help TERRORISTS, to include Al Qaeda who slaughtered 3,000 ... and 4 ... Americans. Al Qaeda, ISIS, Hamas, Hezbollah, the Taliban, The Muslim Brotherhood, etc....

...and not one damn snowflake condemned him for his treason, got angry and condemned him for his treason.

Obama spent 8 years refusing to enforce US law, spent 8 years violating both the US Constitution and US Law, being held in Contempt of Court multiple times for refusing to comply with Judges' orders and being found by the USSC to be in violation of the US Constitution....

...and not one damn snowflake condemned him for his treason, got angry and condemned him for his treason.

Obama spent 8 years aiding and abetting / protecting / arming Mexican Drug Cartels, Human Traffickers, violent illegal gangs, violent criminal illegals, and federal law-violating criminals who provide sanctuary to all of them...

...and not one damn snowflake condemned him for his treason, got angry and condemned him for his treason.

Obama spent 8 years protecting his criminal Cabinet members from indictment and prison, yet who were part of History-making by being the 1st US Presidential administration Cabinet Member to ever be Censured by Congress....administration officials who repeatedly perpetrated Obstruction, targeting, perjury, etc....

...and not one damn snowflake condemned him for his treason, got angry and condemned him for his treason.

Obama spent 8 years helping this nation's enemies - Iran, Russia....with Un-Constitutional Treaties, ransoms, attempts to give them access to the US Banking system, 20% of the US supply of uranium, Crimea, Top Secret+ data from Hillary's illegal server...

...and not one damn snowflake condemned him for his treason, got angry and condemned him for his treason.

Obama spent 8 years illegally spying on Americans, reporters, the media, US SENATORS, & even USSC Justices....

...and not one damn snowflake condemned him for his treason, got angry and condemned him for his treason.

Obama weaponized the IRS and used it against Americans who were legally opposing his re-election.....

...and not one damn snowflake condemned him for his treason, got angry and condemned him for his treason.


^ :cuckoo:

Meanwhile: Robert Mueller
I disagree. You snowflakes are not 'NUTS' because you did not express anger or condemn Obama for his crimes, treason, terrorist aiding and abetting, etc.... You're un-American Party-1st pieces of shite who, again, are ok with politicians breaking laws as long as it is the Democrats breaking them and the GOP getting the shaft from the Democrats.
U mad, bro?
Not at all. I am very calm pointing out the despicable and criminal actions of the desperate, panicked, triggered Left.

Ah. You kinda sound like a triggered lefty. I was concerned, which is why I asked. Gotta keep that blood pressure down.
it's called energized. Now wearing vaginas on your head is triggered. and I bet you made no comment on your peers, right? LOL :auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg:
U mad, bro?
Not at all. I am very calm pointing out the despicable and criminal actions of the desperate, panicked, triggered Left.

Ah. You kinda sound like a triggered lefty. I was concerned, which is why I asked. Gotta keep that blood pressure down.
it's called energized. Now wearing vaginas on your head is triggered. and I bet you made no comment on your peers, right? LOL :auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg:

You never make any sense, you fucktard. Explain yourself, or go on my ignore list. I find you a completely worthless partisan hack poster.

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