Confirmation Hearing Stats: 0 Confirmations so far, 73 Snowflakes Arrested

U mad, bro?
Not at all. I am very calm pointing out the despicable and criminal actions of the desperate, panicked, triggered Left.

Ah. You kinda sound like a triggered lefty. I was concerned, which is why I asked. Gotta keep that blood pressure down.
it's called energized. Now wearing vaginas on your head is triggered. and I bet you made no comment on your peers, right? LOL :auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg:

You never make any sense, you fucktard. Explain yourself, or go on my ignore list. I find you a completely worthless partisan hack poster.
put me on fking ignore asswipe I give two shits. you go there right afterward. so? you wish to make a circus, I'm willing to call you on it any fking day. ENERGIZED is what I said. too bad for you I guess. need a tissue?
U mad, bro?
Not at all. I am very calm pointing out the despicable and criminal actions of the desperate, panicked, triggered Left.

Ah. You kinda sound like a triggered lefty. I was concerned, which is why I asked. Gotta keep that blood pressure down.
it's called energized. Now wearing vaginas on your head is triggered. and I bet you made no comment on your peers, right? LOL :auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg:

You never make any sense, you fucktard. Explain yourself, or go on my ignore list. I find you a completely worthless partisan hack poster.
put me on fking ignore asswipe I give two shits. you go there right afterward. so? you wish to make a circus, I'm willing to call you on it any fking day. ENERGIZED is what I said. too bad for you I guess. need a tissue?

U mad, bro?
Not at all. I am very calm pointing out the despicable and criminal actions of the desperate, panicked, triggered Left.

Ah. You kinda sound like a triggered lefty. I was concerned, which is why I asked. Gotta keep that blood pressure down.
LOL. I am not the one panicked, crying, committing crimes, being despicably disrespectful, and showing my ass - that is, as everyone can see, the Democrats and snowflakes.
Not at all. I am very calm pointing out the despicable and criminal actions of the desperate, panicked, triggered Left.

Ah. You kinda sound like a triggered lefty. I was concerned, which is why I asked. Gotta keep that blood pressure down.
it's called energized. Now wearing vaginas on your head is triggered. and I bet you made no comment on your peers, right? LOL :auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg:

You never make any sense, you fucktard. Explain yourself, or go on my ignore list. I find you a completely worthless partisan hack poster.
put me on fking ignore asswipe I give two shits. you go there right afterward. so? you wish to make a circus, I'm willing to call you on it any fking day. ENERGIZED is what I said. too bad for you I guess. need a tissue?

Good for them. There’s never been more anger at the actions of a corrupt and criminal administration and their enablers...

Sadly, you are right.

The Liberal Extremists and Snowflakes who supported a proven criminal and treasonous candidate who compromised national security, the easily emotionally manipulated snowflakes who were conned through social media by the Russians to organize and march for them, thankfully do not make up the majority of the people in America, despite the Democrats' and their propaganda-pushing Fake News media's best effort to convince people they are....

...but, again, sadly you are right.

Obama spent 8 years financing, supplying, arming, training, supporting, aiding, abetting, protecting, defending, appeasing, and even dragging the US into multiple Un-Constitutional Un-Authorized wars to help TERRORISTS, to include Al Qaeda who slaughtered 3,000 ... and 4 ... Americans. Al Qaeda, ISIS, Hamas, Hezbollah, the Taliban, The Muslim Brotherhood, etc....

...and not one damn snowflake condemned him for his treason, got angry and condemned him for his treason.

Obama spent 8 years refusing to enforce US law, spent 8 years violating both the US Constitution and US Law, being held in Contempt of Court multiple times for refusing to comply with Judges' orders and being found by the USSC to be in violation of the US Constitution....

...and not one damn snowflake condemned him for his treason, got angry and condemned him for his treason.

Obama spent 8 years aiding and abetting / protecting / arming Mexican Drug Cartels, Human Traffickers, violent illegal gangs, violent criminal illegals, and federal law-violating criminals who provide sanctuary to all of them...

...and not one damn snowflake condemned him for his treason, got angry and condemned him for his treason.

Obama spent 8 years protecting his criminal Cabinet members from indictment and prison, yet who were part of History-making by being the 1st US Presidential administration Cabinet Member to ever be Censured by Congress....administration officials who repeatedly perpetrated Obstruction, targeting, perjury, etc....

...and not one damn snowflake condemned him for his treason, got angry and condemned him for his treason.

Obama spent 8 years helping this nation's enemies - Iran, Russia....with Un-Constitutional Treaties, ransoms, attempts to give them access to the US Banking system, 20% of the US supply of uranium, Crimea, Top Secret+ data from Hillary's illegal server...

...and not one damn snowflake condemned him for his treason, got angry and condemned him for his treason.

Obama spent 8 years illegally spying on Americans, reporters, the media, US SENATORS, & even USSC Justices....

...and not one damn snowflake condemned him for his treason, got angry and condemned him for his treason.

Obama weaponized the IRS and used it against Americans who were legally opposing his re-election.....

...and not one damn snowflake condemned him for his treason, got angry and condemned him for his treason.


^ :cuckoo:

Meanwhile: Robert Mueller
I disagree. You snowflakes are not 'NUTS' because you did not express anger or condemn Obama for his crimes, treason, terrorist aiding and abetting, etc.... You're un-American Party-1st pieces of shite who, again, are ok with politicians breaking laws as long as it is the Democrats breaking them and the GOP getting the shaft from the Democrats.
Obama committed no crimes. No convictions from his administration or campaigns. Can’t say the same about your treasonous dotard.
U mad, bro?
Not at all. I am very calm pointing out the despicable and criminal actions of the desperate, panicked, triggered Left.

Ah. You kinda sound like a triggered lefty. I was concerned, which is why I asked. Gotta keep that blood pressure down.
it's called energized. Now wearing vaginas on your head is triggered. and I bet you made no comment on your peers, right? LOL :auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg:

You never make any sense, you fucktard. Explain yourself, or go on my ignore list. I find you a completely worthless partisan hack poster.
put me on fking ignore asswipe I give two shits. you go there right afterward. so? you wish to make a circus, I'm willing to call you on it any fking day. ENERGIZED is what I said. too bad for you I guess. need a tissue?
I put that asshat on ignore the day I met him.
Listening to them scream and yell like small children just boggles my mind. Any adult that acts like that has SERIOUS mental health issues.
They are paid to act that way.
Paid to make a mockery of our freedoms.


This really what we've come to?

Just like Clinton paid thugs to assault Trump Supporters at Trump rallies and had TV reporters on standby to film it.

In my opinion paying protesters and paying thugs to assault people should be a crime.
Obama committed no crimes. No convictions from his administration or campaigns. Can’t say the same about your treasonous dotard.
You, BlackFlag, are a f*ing LIAR.

I have posted links, articles, even court reports many times.

Barak Obama violated Judges' orders on several occasions and was held in Contempt of Court. (Deep Water Drilling Ban, ring a bell? Probably not - you are too stupid / too dishonest to admit it).

Obama was determined to have violated the Constitution on several occasions. ('Congressional Recess Appointments' should ring a bell, but as I already mentioned even if it does you are too partisan / dishonest to admit it).

Obama committed a WAR CRIME by invading Syria without being given permission by the President of Syria to enter his country, and he did so without Congressional Authorization, a violation of the War Powers Act, you lying douche!

Oh, Obama was great at protecting his criminal Cabinet Members from going to prison - it helped that he OWNED the DOJ, CIA, NIA, and FBI. Holder was protected, but Congress was so outraged at the criminal / unethical / immoral act that a BI-PARTISAN Congress CENSURED the US AG for his crimes, making him the only Presidential Cabinet Member in all of US history to be Censured for his crimes...another great Obama Legacy!

As I pointed out in my original post, it is truly sad that partisan Pieces of fecal matter like you are so completely freaking out over Trump, potentially one of the most successful Presidents in US history, beating Hillary, yet you continue to lie, deny, justify, and defend the most criminal President and administration in US history, based on documented / reported FACT!

Definitive Example: Obama vowed to run the 'Most Transparent Administration Evuh'; yet, Obama left office having set the US Presidential Administration record for Most criminal non-compliance with the FOIA!

Now you are going to prove me right, how accurate I am, by coming back with some lame defense of these recorded FACTS! Go for it, meat. :p
Listening to them scream and yell like small children just boggles my mind. Any adult that acts like that has SERIOUS mental health issues.
They are paid to act that way.
Paid to make a mockery of our freedoms.


This really what we've come to?

Just like Clinton paid thugs to assault Trump Supporters at Trump rallies and had TV reporters on standby to film it.

In my opinion paying protesters and paying thugs to assault people should be a crime.
inciting violence, there already is one.
Listening to them scream and yell like small children just boggles my mind. Any adult that acts like that has SERIOUS mental health issues.
they are paid to do that by Diane Feinstein. she has as much stated it was her doing here.
How is it DiFi is not being investigated? She had a Chinese spy working for her for 16 YEARS! Notice how the government run media has dropped this story like a hot potato.

It is ludicrous that she is still in the Senate, let alone on this committee. What a bad joke our government has become.
Listening to them scream and yell like small children just boggles my mind. Any adult that acts like that has SERIOUS mental health issues.
they are paid to do that by Diane Feinstein. she has as much stated it was her doing here.
How is it DiFi is not being investigated? She had a Chinese spy working for her for 16 YEARS! Notice how the government run media has dropped this story like a hot potato.

It is ludicrous that she is still in the Senate, let alone on this committee. What a bad joke our government has become.
They are as crooked as many white collar criminals

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