Confirmation of Paid Democrat Trolls?

Conservatives tend to be kind of dull-witted. Hence, most anyone can run rings around them. However, they're too stupid to understand how stupid they are. Dunning-Kruger syndrome. Since they vastly overestimate their own intelligence, they overestimate how smart someone would have to be to humiliate them. They rationalize that constant humiliation by declaring a team of "professionals" must be behind it.

And, like I said, they hilariously overestimate their own importance. Nobody cares enough about them to pay someone to post, but their paranoid worldview disagrees. In their raving kook minds, they are a dire threat to somebody. Thus, DarkLord George Soros has personally taken note of the threat, and dispatched an army of paid minions to attack them. And President Obama has personally sent the IRS after them.

So yeah, they're nukkin futz.
I'm a liberal.....we get everything for free

Who is stupid enough not to get paid to post here? I get $5 a post

I have already made $10 on this thread

You're not a shill. Just a run of the mill liberal troll

I made $100,000 posting here last year and got a bonus after the election

^ his bonus came in the form of "benefits" meaning medical care.

But the joke's on leftwhiner.

He just found out that it means "Obamacare."

Conservatives tend to be kind of dull-witted. Hence, most anyone can run rings around them. However, they're too stupid to understand how stupid they are. Dunning-Kruger syndrome. Since they vastly overestimate their own intelligence, they overestimate how smart someone would have to be to humiliate them. They rationalize that constant humiliation by declaring a team of "professionals" must be behind it.

And, like I said, they hilariously overestimate their own importance. Nobody cares enough about them to pay someone to post, but their paranoid worldview disagrees. In their raving kook minds, they are a dire threat to somebody. Thus, DarkLord George Soros has personally taken note of the threat, and dispatched an army of paid minions to attack them. And President Obama has personally sent the IRS after them.

So yeah, they're nukkin futz.

^ the irony is boundless.

There are paid shills in EVERYTHING. Business, politics, everything and both sides. If I could get paid to post I would and so would all of you.

Conservatives tend to be kind of dull-witted. Hence, most anyone can run rings around them. However, they're too stupid to understand how stupid they are. Dunning-Kruger syndrome. Since they vastly overestimate their own intelligence, they overestimate how smart someone would have to be to humiliate them. They rationalize that constant humiliation by declaring a team of "professionals" must be behind it.

And, like I said, they hilariously overestimate their own importance. Nobody cares enough about them to pay someone to post, but their paranoid worldview disagrees. In their raving kook minds, they are a dire threat to somebody. Thus, DarkLord George Soros has personally taken note of the threat, and dispatched an army of paid minions to attack them. And President Obama has personally sent the IRS after them.

So yeah, they're nukkin futz.

^ the irony is boundless.


WTF! I thought you quit this place!
Conservatives tend to be kind of dull-witted. Hence, most anyone can run rings around them. However, they're too stupid to understand how stupid they are. Dunning-Kruger syndrome. Since they vastly overestimate their own intelligence, they overestimate how smart someone would have to be to humiliate them. They rationalize that constant humiliation by declaring a team of "professionals" must be behind it.

And, like I said, they hilariously overestimate their own importance. Nobody cares enough about them to pay someone to post, but their paranoid worldview disagrees. In their raving kook minds, they are a dire threat to somebody. Thus, DarkLord George Soros has personally taken note of the threat, and dispatched an army of paid minions to attack them. And President Obama has personally sent the IRS after them.

So yeah, they're nukkin futz.

^ the irony is boundless.


WTF! I thought you quit this place!

Well, I have been taking some time off.

Sumpin' about "work."

It is amusing to drop in, though, when I can, to see how some of you laughable lolberals are still braying.
You always suspected that a lot of the trolls in here were getting paid. Here's the proof.

Blog: Confirmation of Paid Democrat Trolls?

On Thursday, Democrat tool Chad Henderson claimed to have enrolled in ObamaCare while most others' attempts failed. News organizations eagerly lapped up his story. Apparently, though, the story was "too good to check," because when someone finally did, it fell apart, discrediting Big Media, the Democrats, and ObamaCare.

Conservative and libertarian websites now are reporting the corrected story, and even some Big Media outlets reluctantly are reporting it. But almost as devastating to the left is Mr. Henderson's confession that he is being paid to post pro-Democrat propaganda on the internet:

Secondly, I work for an organization that pays me quarterly to posts [sic] the political stuff as "advocacy" (so it's kind of my job).

He claims to be employed as a "Volunteer at Organizing for America." Does that mean the president's OFA fundraising machine actually has to pay people to post Democrat talking points on other websites?

Does it also pay "trolls" to disrupt civil debate in the comment sections of conservative websites?​

Let me see if I am following you. This is what you are implying:

The news media REPORTS on a story of a single democrat who claimed to have enrolled in ObamaCare but actually didn't and somehow, in your mind, that undermines the general integrity of not only "Big Media", but the whole of democrats and ObamaCare? So does that mean when Bush/Cheney lied and lied some more about the justification to attack Iraq, that somehow undermined the integrity of Republicans in general? Man, talk about standards. You have issues man.

And are you also suggesting there are "democratic paid trolls" on this website?

Man, what planet are you from?

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