Confirmed: 450,000 ballots had no down-ballot...only Biden

You don't have to complete every item on the ballot. That's not fraud, and they can't exclude those ballots. That's people who don't follow politics enough to know who the people on the down ballot are. I wonder how many voted just for Trump?

Give it a rest.

Legitimate voters vote for senate and congress at least. This is proof of fraud and you know it, you just don't like it that you've been caught.
I can't rest when every hour there is some new allegation of fraud when there isn't any. You can use your overactive imagination all you want, but those are valid ballots and my point is that 10,000 plus of them in Georgia will be thrown out.
The you shouldn't mind everyone of them to be verified.
You don't have to complete every item on the ballot. That's not fraud, and they can't exclude those ballots. That's people who don't follow politics enough to know who the people on the down ballot are. I wonder how many voted just for Trump?

Give it a rest.

Legitimate voters vote for senate and congress at least. This is proof of fraud and you know it, you just don't like it that you've been caught.
I can't rest when every hour there is some new allegation of fraud when there isn't any. You can use your overactive imagination all you want, but those are valid ballots and my point is that 10,000 plus of them in Georgia will be thrown out.
How would you know were you there stuffing the ballot box?
The fact you are not concerned about the individual rights being trampled on says it all.
If you were the one being misslead or hindered in voting so your vote was thwarted, you'd be ballistic, and use that as an excuse to loot diapers from Walgreens, right Raising Arizona?

Hindered in voting? You have to be kidding Trumptard - Your team are the MASTERS of voter suppression! ;-)
Name 1 case not concocted by MSM.
You have no sources. Your party asks for evidence then still calls it zero evidence then you want blanket statements to hold wster with unamed sources that don't exist. Must be nice to change the rules to fit your needs like they did with early voting and mail in ballot distribution in order to get an edge that they claimed would be a blowout. -argument failed!
Come back to discuss this, when you have your big boy pants on. ;-)
You don't have to complete every item on the ballot. That's not fraud, and they can't exclude those ballots. That's people who don't follow politics enough to know who the people on the down ballot are. I wonder how many voted just for Trump?

Give it a rest.

Legitimate voters vote for senate and congress at least. This is proof of fraud and you know it, you just don't like it that you've been caught.
Wrong again Skippy

Many people show up only concerned with the Presidential election


A lot of fraud needed to be done quickly. democrat ballot harvesters had to fill out hundreds of thousands of ballots for Biden to overcome the Trump lead, they didn't have time to fill in the rest of the ballot.

Shouldn't be too hard to verify one way or another. The voter's name and address should be on the ballot.
You don't have to complete every item on the ballot. That's not fraud, and they can't exclude those ballots. That's people who don't follow politics enough to know who the people on the down ballot are. I wonder how many voted just for Trump?

Give it a rest.

Legitimate voters vote for senate and congress at least. This is proof of fraud and you know it, you just don't like it that you've been caught.
Wrong again Skippy

Many people show up only concerned with the Presidential election


A lot of fraud needed to be done quickly. democrat ballot harvesters had to fill out hundreds of thousands of ballots for Biden to overcome the Trump lead, they didn't have time to fill in the rest of the ballot.

Shouldn't be too hard to verify one way or another. The voter's name and address should be on the ballot.
And signature and witness......
I barely slept, but this was a great way to wake up!

The war for our Republic just moved into MAGA's favor.

450,000 ballots.... That now must be voter verified before they can be recounted. If they throw out just 25% of these Trump wins. this makes three states that will flip into trumps win column due to verifiable fraud.

The electoral college doesn't vote until Demeter 12th.. We have plenty of time to get this done.

Yeah, but when's Georgia's certification date?
I barely slept, but this was a great way to wake up!

The war for our Republic just moved into MAGA's favor.

You don't have to complete every item on the ballot. That's not fraud, and they can't exclude those ballots. That's people who don't follow politics enough to know who the people on the down ballot are. I wonder how many voted just for Trump?

But Poll workers were committing fraud when they purposely pressed the wrong button when people made mistakes invalidating their ballots and wanted to fix them, instead of the button allowing their vote to go through with the fixed ballot they pushed the one sending the error ballot that would be declined. This gave poll workers the power to control votes. But this was not the only method of poll workers, some told voters not to sign their ballot and others were given purposeful missinformation about where/what district they had to vote in so their vote would be declined.
Many people left never knowing their vote would be removed, so they can't complain or report fraud if most never know their voting rights were hijacked. According to left wing standards, this would be deemed systemic orchestrated fraud.

I have a feeling that didn't happen. I think either people are confused, or they're making stuff up.

So now you are calling Martin Luther King's Niece a Liar (she was told not to sign her ballot)?
Doesn't that make you a racist according to the left's narrative? See how that works, your standards change and your tolerance of cortuption changes and truth changes from your affiliation in comparison to your oppositions. I call that group affiliation pride/ gang mentality group behavior.

This is what she said, and I don't understand-- I've never signed a ballot when I voted. The friend she took to the polls voted in person, so why would she sign her ballot? I don't understand this.

Dr. Alveda King, the niece of the late, Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., publicly reported that she took a friend to the polls to vote in her home state of Georgia. The woman came into the polling station to vote, and she was never asked to sign for her ballot. King relayed that the lady asked about it. “Don’t I have to sign anything?” No signature was required.

Did you even read what she said? She didn't say anything about signing the ballot. She said, "Sign FOR the ballot."
You don't have to complete every item on the ballot. That's not fraud, and they can't exclude those ballots. That's people who don't follow politics enough to know who the people on the down ballot are. I wonder how many voted just for Trump?

Give it a rest.

Legitimate voters vote for senate and congress at least. This is proof of fraud and you know it, you just don't like it that you've been caught.
Wrong again Skippy

Many people show up only concerned with the Presidential election


A lot of fraud needed to be done quickly. democrat ballot harvesters had to fill out hundreds of thousands of ballots for Biden to overcome the Trump lead, they didn't have time to fill in the rest of the ballot.

Shouldn't be too hard to verify one way or another. The voter's name and address should be on the ballot.
And signature and witness......

Well, I believe it was said that they were mailed ballots, so yes.
You don't have to complete every item on the ballot. That's not fraud, and they can't exclude those ballots. That's people who don't follow politics enough to know who the people on the down ballot are. I wonder how many voted just for Trump?

Where what you suggest is entirely plausible, so is the fact that it would take a lot less time to create 400k ballots if you only made one choice.

I'm not suggesting that either case is correct, and I have the understanding that either could be.
I'm just suggesting that your lack of the desire to search for possible flaws in our system, is why your job is not guarding the door ... :smiliehug:

I find it outrageous on its face. It is just too crazy ping pong pizza sounding to me. If they DID do anything that majorly criminal, I hope they're thrown in jail. But of all the things I'm worried about, making up 10,000 or more mail- in ballots and somehow getting them through the long process of checks required to accept them isn't one of them.

Long process of checks? Not really sure what you think is happening after ballots are turned in.
Ballots are coded. The precinct log tells us which ballots and which voter by these numbers. It is traceable if the poll workers are doing thier jobs. As these were done on the mail in voter log it is easily traceable and verifiable.

Not in Oregon ... where do you live where lists are made of how people vote ... is this public information? ...

Here's a partisin website that explains what they think ... hack-site ... proof in in the State Constitutions ...

No one said anything about HOW you vote. I hate to break it to you, but Oregon has a way of telling whether or not a ballot was submitted under your name, just like every other state.

Many people fail to think about the races below the presidency or Congress
Studies have found that in the absence of information, voters make decisions based on candidates’ names, gender, ethnicity, sometimes even ballot position. Researchers from the University of Virginia estimate that candidates listed first on the ballot can receive up to 5 percent more votes than candidates listed lower. More than 30 percent of voters will fail to complete their ballot. Political science professors have called this the SAT effect — when you don’t know, leave it blank.

You can’t blame voters. Our ballots are long and complicated, and even astute political pundits can be flummoxed by the candidates for soil and water conservation commissioner.

Luckily, there are a number of resources that can help voters make sense of their ballot and learn who these elected officials are
There were a few positions/races that I left blank. Mostly things exactly like soil
And water commissioner. If I didn’t know the candidate or position, I left it blank. I’d rather let someone who actually knows what they are voting in decide rather than me guessing.
But speaking for myself, I voted on everything else (president, congress, amendments, etc).

My son left all the judges blank on the back side of his ballot, because he had no idea who they were or whether or not they deserved to be retained. We even tried looking them up before the election, but it's a fact that unless the judge has been involved in a highly-publicized case, it's very unlikely they've been in the news.
This violates the laws of random distribution. All voting is subject to a random distribution curve when the curve is broken it is clear evidence of fraud... More precisly it is direct evidence of fraud!

Where is the distribution curve broken? ... and why do you think votes are randomy distributed over an entire State? ...

what I'm looking for is numbers made public at x time, then numbers made public y time ... and see if indeed Biden's number shown an improbable jump ... and this thread is focused on 450,000 votes ... roughly 7% of the total count in PA ...
I barely slept, but this was a great way to wake up!

The war for our Republic just moved into MAGA's favor.

I believe the Dems have been doing this for years and they have gotten good at it.
Maybe this time, if proven, they will be held accountable.

Nope. This technology knows no party.

The CFR elites sometimes put Democrats into office, sometimes Republicans into office, it depends upon who suits their agendas.

In 2000, they wanted Republicans so they could use a phony "War on Terror," to take away your civil rights and liberties. Point of fact? Every so called terror incident since the reorganization of Homeland, has been actually induced by agents within the agency. The Patriot Act and related legislation hasn't stopped one single incident, it has only helped Big Brother track and control you.

They are doing the same thing now with the other party in regards to the COVID, using it to introduce a whole new control paradigm that won't do anything to keep folks healthier, but will introduce a global police state.

But folks will blame that other party, just like they did in 2000.

This tactic is as old as the Roman Empire itself. It is called "Divide and Conquer."

When folks first blew the whistle on these computers manipulating the vote, they testified, UNDER OATH, that it was going on. . . yet the elites did nothing about it then.

That was when it helped the GOP. So why would they care now? :heehee:

Signature matching: another reason we need a paperless election process.


The only way out of this is for everyone to unite, but the left hates Trump SO MUCH, it will never happen, and that was all planned by the folks in control I suppose, wasn't it?

No one said anything about HOW you vote. I hate to break it to you, but Oregon has a way of telling whether or not a ballot was submitted under your name, just like every other state.

In Oregon, all personal identifying information is printed on the outer envelope ... the ballot itself has none ... the voter signs the outer envelope ... and this signature is checked against the voter registration card ... then and only then is the envelope opened, and the secret ballot removed and added to the pile for the tabulating machine ... the chain of identification is broken ... is it different in your province? ...

23 of the remaining 33 Oregon counties carried The Donald, many by heavy margins ... I don't know where the votes from the 3 lost counties are going, either Idaho or Oregon ... depending on what the courts have to say about counties switching states ...

If what you say it true, then it's a complete secret ... a secret maintained by both parties? ... yeah, right ...
Not looking for the answer, is not the answer.
If you were being honest here, you would admit that my suggested explanation, especially since we know from past elections that some people complete ballots selectively, is as reasonable a conjecture as the OP's. How many people this year voted only for Trump? I'm waiting to hear if those numbers are in line with those who did it for Trump. If they were similar, there is NO reason for suspicion. My argument is not a way to shut out the truth. There are people postulating one theory based on partial information. I am postulating another.

Your explanation makes no difference. because it doesn't answer the question being asked.
It only matters what other people do, when you are tempted by the darkness to rebut with the irrelevant.

If it is causing you doubts, or you are wondering why I bring up with you ... That's a lot easier to explain.
First, I actually think you possess the wherewithal to understand.
And secondly, I hate to see your innocence being tarnished by the desire to support what you know could be wrong.

Statistical anomalies, do not prove anything anymore than they can eliminate the suspicion.
We either investigate, or you surrender to the idea it is okay not to.

No, I don't think we should investigate unless we have the information on this particular incident to show that it IS a statistical anomaly. It would not be investigation but harassment in that case. All I'm asking is, how many voted similarly for Trump. Are you afraid of that answer?
It’s history and we will never truly know what and how it happened, however, with that being said It’s rather interesting in that a person voting would only mark one candidate and not support or reject other candidates and ballot initiatives or measures.
Then again what this indicates is a total disregard for the process and privilege to vote.
It indicates fraud.
No it indicates some people only vote for specific people.

This violates the laws of random distribution. All voting is subject to a random distribution curve when the curve is broken it is clear evidence of fraud... More precisly it is direct evidence of fraud!
What are you talking about? More statements you are going to fail to support with an explanation?
It’s history and we will never truly know what and how it happened, however, with that being said It’s rather interesting in that a person voting would only mark one candidate and not support or reject other candidates and ballot initiatives or measures.
Then again what this indicates is a total disregard for the process and privilege to vote.
It indicates fraud.
No it indicates some people only vote for specific people.
No, it indicates fraud.

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