Confirmed: 450,000 ballots had no down-ballot...only Biden

You cannot prove that those ballots were any more legit than the ones in question now.
If you don't look for accurate and legitimate answers to serious questions, then you will never find the truth.

Don't be tempted ... Not looking for the answer, is not the answer.
Assuming data will answer a question is wasn't tasked with answering, is not the answer.

The question is not how many ballots with only Presidential choices were counted,
The question is whether or not the ballots counted were legitimate.
It doesn't matter what election they were counted in, because that's not the question.

No it indicates some people only vote for specific people.
Half a million people are not SOME people. That's what makes your putrid lies so outrageous and insupportable.
What? 1.7 million people isn't either. I am not lying. How many people this election voted only for Trump? A lot of people don't spend their time on politics, probably some of them don't even know who their senators are. But a lot of people this year had an opinion on who they wanted for Pres. That is not lying.
Why the hell would people only wanting to vote on presidential election be suspicious?

The strawgrasping by rightwingers is seriously getting out of control. You've lost your damn minds.
Why would you NOT find nearly half a million people not even bothering to vote for their state's congress people or ANY OTHER office at all NOT suspicious?

The only possible reason would be you recognize ballot fraud when you see it, like everyone else,
and you are anxious to pretend you see nothing wrong.
Move to China, you corrupt fucking liar.

If this is really fraud, then why the hell would they not put votes down the Democrat ticket? Use your damn head.

Some people just wanted to vote against Trump/ for Biden and cound't be bothered to descide on the rest. To say that this is definetly some sort of fraud is rediculous fantasizing.

Because it takes time and the democrats were in a hurry to get ballots stuffed in time to meet various deadlines.

Rip through a stack of ballots marking "Biden" was expedient. Further, the party bosses didn't tell the fraudster drones which down ballot choices to make.
We are talking prison
That's tiresome leftist bullshit! Nobody would ever go to prison at all if the threat of prison time deterred law breakers.
We just saw some social worker in a little podunk Texas county go to prison for voter fraud when her crimes
made no difference in the outcome of the election at all.

Fuck off with your tiresome leftist talking points, jackass!

I barely slept, but this was a great way to wake up!

The war for our Republic just moved into MAGA's favor.

You don't have to complete every item on the ballot. That's not fraud, and they can't exclude those ballots. That's people who don't follow politics enough to know who the people on the down ballot are. I wonder how many voted just for Trump?

But Poll workers were committing fraud when they purposely pressed the wrong button when people made mistakes invalidating their ballots and wanted to fix them, instead of the button allowing their vote to go through with the fixed ballot they pushed the one sending the error ballot that would be declined. This gave poll workers the power to control votes. But this was not the only method of poll workers, some told voters not to sign their ballot and others were given purposeful missinformation about where/what district they had to vote in so their vote would be declined.
Many people left never knowing their vote would be removed, so they can't complain or report fraud if most never know their voting rights were hijacked. According to left wing standards, this would be deemed systemic orchestrated fraud.

I have a feeling that didn't happen. I think either people are confused, or they're making stuff up.

At this point they are tossing a big pot of week-old spaghetti against the wall to see if any of it sticks overnight. It won't ;)

The fact you are not concerned about the individual rights being trampled on says it all.
If you were the one being misslead or hindered in voting so your vote was thwarted, you'd be ballistic, and use that as an excuse to loot diapers from Walgreens, right Raising Arizona?
The fact you are not concerned about the individual rights being trampled on says it all.
If you were the one being misslead or hindered in voting so your vote was thwarted, you'd be ballistic, and use that as an excuse to loot diapers from Walgreens, right Raising Arizona?

Hindered in voting? You have to be kidding Trumptard - Your team are the MASTERS of voter suppression! ;-)
Not looking for the answer, is not the answer.
If you were being honest here, you would admit that my suggested explanation, especially since we know from past elections that some people complete ballots selectively, is as reasonable a conjecture as the OP's. How many people this year voted only for Trump? I'm waiting to hear if those numbers are in line with those who did it for Trump. If they were similar, there is NO reason for suspicion. My argument is not a way to shut out the truth. There are people postulating one theory based on partial information. I am postulating another.
Does Hillary Clinton have that innocence…

I cannot imagine any sane person referring to Hillary Clinton, and innocence, in the same sentence.

Can you show a conviction on anything?
You don’t even have an indictment

Just some quick, back-of-the-$100-bill-calculations ... 400,000 oz = 12.5 tons ... 25 pickup loads ... or maybe a bobtail ...

That's one hell of a lot of ballots to sneak in ...

I am under the firm understanding that in any case, neither would be all one thing or another.
I also know that fraud and corruption occur almost naturally as part of any system.

I was addressing the desire of some to try and qualify what is suspicious as being irrelevant because it doesn't suit one desire or another.
I was talking to OldLady about it, for an entirely different reason.

She has an innocence that the people guarding the door must sacrifice in order to do their job.
That actual innocence is what makes doing their job worth fighting for ... :thup:

Does Hillary Clinton have that innocence, then, that she trusted the voting system when she won the popular vote by 3 million and lost the EC by 80,000 votes in three states? Where were you door watchers then, BlackSand, saying there must have been fraud? The only fraud I ever hear of being committed is by Dems, over and over. It is an orchestrated push by the President to steal the election, and it's been coming for over two years now, starting with that failed Voting Commission that dismally bombed with no findings.

I agree with investigating real voter fraud, and there are people who work very hard to keep our voting system fair. You're right that there will always be some clever folks who try to cheat, but those people who have worked so hard to uncover it have never come up with numbers that would change voting results. Ever. Because it is not widespread and endemic to our system. There are too many checks built into the system.

I don't know, maybe you believe this role of yours, as a protector of the foolish and innocent, but in this case, in 2020, imo the fight is actually about destroying a fair election.

I guess we'll see. I could be wrong.

There is no popular vote
You just sound retarded, when you mention the popular vote.

this needed to be said.
What? 1.7 million people isn't either. I am not lying. How many people this election voted only for Trump? A lot of people don't spend their time on politics, probably some of them don't even know who their senators are. But a lot of people this year had an opinion on who they wanted for Pres. That is not lying.
NO. That is you not even knowing what your own citation shows. It says in 33 different states (and the District of Columbia) 1.7 million didn't even vote for president.

That was the president...not the down ballot choices so you can't seem to get anything right.
And this Biden only anomaly was in one single state! One single state where a half million people
didn't give a fuck about their representation in Congress or any local races at all! Odd, right?

Go take a nap.
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Every single poll worker in every single elections office is on the inside ...

Not one, not a single person has stepped forward and submitted an affidavit into a court of law ... "I saw illegal Biden ballots being counted" ...

It's only Monday ... maybe, just maybe, a shred of evidence will come forward ... otherwise this just repeats what The Donald said back in early 2016 ... "Trump Accuses Cruz of Stealing Iowa Caucuses through Fraud" -- Reuters -- Feb 3rd 2016
Hindered in voting? You have to be kidding Trumptard - Your team are the MASTERS of voter suppression!
Really? Did they disenfranchise an entire nation of voters by fraudulently manufacturing votes for Joe Biden?
A man who couldn't even be bothered to run a campaign?
I don't think so, moron.
Not looking for the answer, is not the answer.
If you were being honest here, you would admit that my suggested explanation, especially since we know from past elections that some people complete ballots selectively, is as reasonable a conjecture as the OP's. How many people this year voted only for Trump? I'm waiting to hear if those numbers are in line with those who did it for Trump. If they were similar, there is NO reason for suspicion. My argument is not a way to shut out the truth. There are people postulating one theory based on partial information. I am postulating another.

Your explanation makes no difference. because it doesn't answer the question being asked.
It only matters what other people do, when you are tempted by the darkness to rebut with the irrelevant.

If it is causing you doubts, or you are wondering why I bring up with you ... That's a lot easier to explain.
First, I actually think you possess the wherewithal to understand.
And secondly, I hate to see your innocence being tarnished by the desire to support what you know could be wrong.

Statistical anomalies, do not prove anything anymore than they can eliminate the suspicion.
We either investigate, or you surrender to the idea it is okay not to.

Every single poll worker in every single elections office is on the inside ...

Not one, not a single person has stepped forward and submitted an affidavit into a court of law ... "I saw illegal Biden ballots being counted" ...
A couple of postal workers have come forward claiming they were ordered to post date ballots for Joe.

But remember how Trump had a commanding lead until suddenly these states started sending poll workers home? And then magically when returning to count ballots Biden amazingly begin to blitz Trump?

You won't find anyone who saw anything, because they were all sent home when all the fraud took place.
Figure it out for yourself, Matlock!
You don't have to complete every item on the ballot. That's not fraud, and they can't exclude those ballots. That's people who don't follow politics enough to know who the people on the down ballot are. I wonder how many voted just for Trump?

Give it a rest.

Legitimate voters vote for senate and congress at least. This is proof of fraud and you know it, you just don't like it that you've been caught.
Wrong again Skippy

Many people show up only concerned with the Presidential election
Well then you should have no problem with double checking all the ballots to make sure the person on that ballot is legit, alive, and only voted once.
It’s history and we will never truly know what and how it happened, however, with that being said It’s rather interesting in that a person voting would only mark one candidate and not support or reject other candidates and ballot initiatives or measures.
Then again what this indicates is a total disregard for the process and privilege to vote.
It indicates fraud.
No it indicates some people only vote for specific people.

This violates the laws of random distribution. All voting is subject to a random distribution curve when the curve is broken it is clear evidence of fraud... More precisly it is direct evidence of fraud!

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