Confirmed: 450,000 ballots had no down-ballot...only Biden

How many similar ballots have been found with no vote other than for Trump as President? If this is legitimate, then you'd expect to find relatively similar numbers in both directions.
Yes, before I take this as evidence of fraud, I definitely want to know how many voted only for Trump. I have not heard that number yet. How come?

Could it possibly be that there are no such ballots, marked that way? Anything less than, perhaps about a quarter of the number of similarly marked ballots for Biden would be very suspicious. You simply do not expect an irregularity of that sort to affect one side very much more or less than the other.
You don't have to complete every item on the ballot. That's not fraud, and they can't exclude those ballots. That's people who don't follow politics enough to know who the people on the down ballot are. I wonder how many voted just for Trump?

Give it a rest.

Legitimate voters vote for senate and congress at least. This is proof of fraud and you know it, you just don't like it that you've been caught.
Wrong again Skippy

Many people show up only concerned with the Presidential election
Not all at once babe---but nice attempt to try to spin it so you can hide the truth---voters aren't buying this chit though.
How about we do this?

Sidney Powell goes to a court and swears under oath that there were 450,000 votes with just Biden’s name on it?

You don’t get charged with perjury when you lie on Fox
IF they are dead or have moved the ballot gets tossed..
Which means they were never in the original count, doesn't it?
No. Because they were never tossed... and that is the problem. if the log is damaged or not kept they the whole vote count becomes suspect. And that is where we are today.. This states vote count could get tossed and they have but 35 days for the state to fix it.

I was listening to Sidney Powell saying that if the election is found to have pervasive and systemic fraud, that the remedy of the court per the constitution is to throw it to the house.
How about we do this?

Sidney Powell goes to a court and swears under oath that there were 450,000 votes with just Biden’s name on it?

You don’t get charged with perjury when you lie on Fox

451,750 - Maybe
442,364 - Maybe
26,491 - Maybe

450,000 - Highly Unlikely
0 - Impossible

How about we do this?

Sidney Powell goes to a court and swears under oath that there were 450,000 votes with just Biden’s name on it?

You don’t get charged with perjury when you lie on Fox

How about we do this;

Quid Pro Beijing Biden goes to court and swears under oath that he took no money directly OR INDIRECTLY from China or Russia.

You don’t get charged with perjury when you lie during a debate.

Of course democrats don't get charged with any crimes, ever.
You don't have to complete every item on the ballot. That's not fraud, and they can't exclude those ballots. That's people who don't follow politics enough to know who the people on the down ballot are. I wonder how many voted just for Trump?
450, 000 people just didn't bother voting for anyone but Biden. That strains credulity for any normal person.
Don't think the SCOTUS judges will just blindly pass this amazing anomaly over like dimwit Biden
apologists, like you.
You don't have to complete every item on the ballot. That's not fraud, and they can't exclude those ballots. That's people who don't follow politics enough to know who the people on the down ballot are. I wonder how many voted just for Trump?
450, 000 people just didn't bother voting for anyone but Biden. That strains credulity for any normal person.
Don't think the SCOTUS judges will just blindly pass this amazing anomaly over like dimwit Biden
apologists, like you.
How many ballots contain a vote for Trump with no other choices down ballot?
Does Hillary Clinton have that innocence…

I cannot imagine any sane person referring to Hillary Clinton, and innocence, in the same sentence.

Can you show a conviction on anything?
You don’t even have an indictment
We know that Globalists DemNazis of the 666 New World Order will never be punished until Judgment Day. But if you are someone who can't be bought, they will throw the book at you.
The real problem here........

Is that honest Americans know what just happened but still think all they have to do is count on Trump to fix it.

Thomas Jefferson NEVER said "Occasionally the Tree of Liberty must be refreshed by letting out political leaders fix everything"

Where's the meet point?
You don't have to complete every item on the ballot. That's not fraud, and they can't exclude those ballots. That's people who don't follow politics enough to know who the people on the down ballot are. I wonder how many voted just for Trump?
450, 000 people just didn't bother voting for anyone but Biden. That strains credulity for any normal person.
Don't think the SCOTUS judges will just blindly pass this amazing anomaly over like dimwit Biden
apologists, like you.
How many ballots contain a vote for Trump with no other choices down ballot?
Right there is the Winner for PURE LOGIC. Something Demtard DemNazis don't have.

They have LIES, and that is their primary weapon. They spend weeks, months, years crafting their lies, but in an instant, they can be undone with logic &facts.

Well, Done sir!
You don't have to complete every item on the ballot. That's not fraud, and they can't exclude those ballots. That's people who don't follow politics enough to know who the people on the down ballot are. I wonder how many voted just for Trump?
450, 000 people just didn't bother voting for anyone but Biden. That strains credulity for any normal person.
Don't think the SCOTUS judges will just blindly pass this amazing anomaly over like dimwit Biden
apologists, like you.
It's not going to get to SCOTUS because there is nothing illegal about those ballots. Tell me how many ballots only selected Trump. Then I'll shut up.
You don't have to complete every item on the ballot. That's not fraud, and they can't exclude those ballots. That's people who don't follow politics enough to know who the people on the down ballot are. I wonder how many voted just for Trump?
450, 000 people just didn't bother voting for anyone but Biden. That strains credulity for any normal person.
Don't think the SCOTUS judges will just blindly pass this amazing anomaly over like dimwit Biden
apologists, like you.
How many ballots contain a vote for Trump with no other choices down ballot?
EXACTLY! They aren't mentioning that. Why?
Just some quick, back-of-the-$100-bill-calculations ... 400,000 oz = 12.5 tons ... 25 pickup loads ... or maybe a bobtail ...

That's one hell of a lot of ballots to sneak in ...

I am under the firm understanding that in any case, neither would be all one thing or another.
I also know that fraud and corruption occur almost naturally as part of any system.

I was addressing the desire of some to try and qualify what is suspicious as being irrelevant because it doesn't suit one desire or another.
I was talking to OldLady about it, for an entirely different reason.

She has an innocence that the people guarding the door must sacrifice in order to do their job.
That actual innocence is what makes doing their job worth fighting for ... :thup:

Does Hillary Clinton have that innocence, then, that she trusted the voting system when she won the popular vote by 3 million and lost the EC by 80,000 votes in three states? Where were you door watchers then, BlackSand, saying there must have been fraud? The only fraud I ever hear of being committed is by Dems, over and over. It is an orchestrated push by the President to steal the election, and it's been coming for over two years now, starting with that failed Voting Commission that dismally bombed with no findings.

I agree with investigating real voter fraud, and there are people who work very hard to keep our voting system fair. You're right that there will always be some clever folks who try to cheat, but those people who have worked so hard to uncover it have never come up with numbers that would change voting results. Ever. Because it is not widespread and endemic to our system. There are too many checks built into the system.

I don't know, maybe you believe this role of yours, as a protector of the foolish and innocent, but in this case, in 2020, imo the fight is actually about destroying a fair election.

I guess we'll see. I could be wrong.

There is no popular vote
You just sound retarded, when you mention the popular vote.

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