Confirmed: 450,000 ballots had no down-ballot...only Biden

Does Hillary Clinton have that innocence, then, that she trusted the voting system when she won the popular vote by 3 million and lost the EC by 80,000 votes in three states? Where were you door watchers then, BlackSand, saying there must have been fraud? The only fraud I ever hear of being committed is by Dems, over and over. It is an orchestrated push by the President to steal the election, and it's been coming for over two years now, starting with that failed Voting Commission that dismally bombed with no findings.

I agree with investigating real voter fraud, and there are people who work very hard to keep our voting system fair. You're right that there will always be some clever folks who try to cheat, but those people who have worked so hard to uncover it have never come up with numbers that would change voting results. Ever. Because it is not widespread and endemic to our system. There are too many checks built into the system.

I don't know, maybe you believe this role of yours, as a protector of the foolish and innocent, but in this case, in 2020, imo the fight is actually about destroying a fair election.

I guess we'll see. I could be wrong.

No one, including Hillary Clinton, that walks the razor's edge between the light and the darkness, still has their innocence.
We know what's on the other side, we know it cannot be defeated, and we know that no matter our efforts it will always return.

Your faith and goodness is the only thing that helps keep the people who walk the edge from embracing the darkness and being lost to the abyss.
Don't be seduced by the darkness ... You are not equipped to handle it.
That's what makes you special and our job worth doing.

I don't just see it as being my job, I have literally served this country doing it.

You gonna answer my question or not?

NO one has to answer to you.

If you (or g5000 ) want to allege that Republicans engage in voter fraud then you have to post links supporting your claims; or, conversely, if you want to deny or disparage or neutralize our claims (that are supported by links), then you have provide your own substantive link as well.

We have fulfilled our burden to provide links to our claims, now you fulfill yours.
No, just in swing states and just in certain precincts. Have you been following ghe news at all?
What are your news sources and what have you seen about voter fraud? Specifically.

450,000 votes in which precincts? ... ones that have voted Democrat for the last 3 decades? ...

I've been following the actual numbers being reported by the various Sec. of State offices ... only then do I check commercial news sources ... as I consider public news sources far too biased in this election ...

My apologies for getting carried away with my "millions" comment ... but we're still in the "hundreds" area ... that's an extremely dim view of conservative poll workers ... [shakes head] ... Republicans feasting on Republican when INSTEAD y'all need to get your guns and head to Georgia ... they're running off their two Senate seats in January and that will determine who controls the Senate ...

As a liberal, I DO NOT want to see Democrats in complete control ... Lord have mercy, I'd have to move to California ...
You don't have to complete every item on the ballot. That's not fraud, and they can't exclude those ballots. That's people who don't follow politics enough to know who the people on the down ballot are. I wonder how many voted just for Trump?

Give it a rest.

Legitimate voters vote for senate and congress at least. This is proof of fraud and you know it, you just don't like it that you've been caught.
Wrong again Skippy

Many people show up only concerned with the Presidential election
That claim just isn't credible.
No, just in swing states and just in certain precincts. Have you been following ghe news at all?
What are your news sources and what have you seen about voter fraud? Specifically.

450,000 votes in which precincts? ... ones that have voted Democrat for the last 3 decades? ...

I've been following the actual numbers being reported by the various Sec. of State offices ... only then do I check commercial news sources ... as I consider public news sources far too biased in this election ...

My apologies for getting carried away with my "millions" comment ... but we're still in the "hundreds" area ... that's an extremely dim view of conservative poll workers ... [shakes head] ... Republicans feasting on Republican when INSTEAD y'all need to get your guns and head to Georgia ... they're running off their two Senate seats in January and that will determine who controls the Senate ...

As a liberal, I DO NOT want to see Democrats in complete control ... Lord have mercy, I'd have to move to California ...
You mean you check with the criminals who are perpetrating this fraud?
No, just in swing states and just in certain precincts. Have you been following ghe news at all?
What are your news sources and what have you seen about voter fraud? Specifically.

450,000 votes in which precincts? ... ones that have voted Democrat for the last 3 decades? ...

I've been following the actual numbers being reported by the various Sec. of State offices ... only then do I check commercial news sources ... as I consider public news sources far too biased in this election ...

My apologies for getting carried away with my "millions" comment ... but we're still in the "hundreds" area ... that's an extremely dim view of conservative poll workers ... [shakes head] ... Republicans feasting on Republican when INSTEAD y'all need to get your guns and head to Georgia ... they're running off their two Senate seats in January and that will determine who controls the Senate ...

As a liberal, I DO NOT want to see Democrats in complete control ... Lord have mercy, I'd have to move to California ...

There has been rampant questionable actions in swing states and in certain districts. Philadelphia has been huge.

Counters telling watchers they are stopping the counts, then resuming once the watchers leave. 170,000 Biden only mail in ballots dropping at once.

You need to go to the decentralized news on the internet and see the evidence for yourself. People learning how to be counters recorded trainers telling them how to cheat. Wactchers only being allowed Within 25 feet.

Go to Duck Duck Go and search on “Election fraud”. There are tons of stories. You can validate their validity yourself. When a counter is telling a watcher they are not allowed in the building AND ITS ON VIDEO....there is an issue.

Funny how there is no known fraud in runaway states.
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Such an event is not necessarily sinister or illegal.

Maybe Dem operatives took ballots to some eligible voters who were not planning to vote.

The operatives explained about all the goodies that would be coming their way if Mr. Biden was elected. Besides, the operatives explained, "You don't want a racist to be reelected, do you?"

Those 450,000 may have replied, "OK, I'll vote for Uncle Joe, but I'm not interested in any other ballot choices."
You gonna answer my question or not?

There are losses and gains in every battle.

If you are asking as to whether or not the people guarding the door have failed in their job, then the answer is 'yes'.
Failure is inherent in every aspect of life ... It is unavoidable ... And that is why Continuous Improve should be our goal.

But the fact you cannot recognize that on your own, is the darkness seducing you.
If you keep giving into it ... You are going to fail.

I'm not being seduced by the dark side by thinking critically and asking questions.

I'm going to give you the benefit of the doubt that you mean well. It's equally possible you're being manipulative as hell.

We'll just have to see.
Does Hillary Clinton have that innocence, then, that she trusted the voting system when she won the popular vote by 3 million and lost the EC by 80,000 votes in three states? Where were you door watchers then, BlackSand, saying there must have been fraud? The only fraud I ever hear of being committed is by Dems, over and over. It is an orchestrated push by the President to steal the election, and it's been coming for over two years now, starting with that failed Voting Commission that dismally bombed with no findings.

I agree with investigating real voter fraud, and there are people who work very hard to keep our voting system fair. You're right that there will always be some clever folks who try to cheat, but those people who have worked so hard to uncover it have never come up with numbers that would change voting results. Ever. Because it is not widespread and endemic to our system. There are too many checks built into the system.

I don't know, maybe you believe this role of yours, as a protector of the foolish and innocent, but in this case, in 2020, imo the fight is actually about destroying a fair election.

I guess we'll see. I could be wrong.

No one, including Hillary Clinton, that walks the razor's edge between the light and the darkness, still has their innocence.
We know what's on the other side, we know it cannot be defeated, and we know that no matter our efforts it will always return.

Your faith and goodness is the only thing that helps keep the people who walk the edge from embracing the darkness and being lost to the abyss.
Don't be seduced by the darkness ... You are not equipped to handle it.
That's what makes you special and our job worth doing.

I don't just see it as being my job, I have literally served this country doing it.

You gonna answer my question or not?

NO one has to answer to you.

If you (or g5000 ) want to allege that Republicans engage in voter fraud then you have to post links supporting your claims; or, conversely, if you want to deny or disparage or neutralize our claims (that are supported by links), then you have provide your own substantive link as well.

We have fulfilled our burden to provide links to our claims, now you fulfill yours.
My question to BlackSand was not about that kind of evidence. And (s)he doesn't need your white knighting. So thanks for interfering.

I've been asking questions because that's what you do when a serious allegation comes up. G and I are being perfectly reasonable asking how many Trump voters also voted only for him. Care4all put up a legitimate site that shows it is not uncommon.

If that refutes or neutralizes your claim, maybe your claim ain't so hot. Find us the answer!
I'm not being seduced by the dark side by thinking critically and asking questions.

I'm going to give you the benefit of the doubt that you mean well. It's equally possible you're being manipulative as hell.

We'll just have to see.

The darkness is seducing you because you cannot realize that in everything I have mentioned in our discussion, it doesn't choose a side in the political disagreement.
All I have asked is that we locate where failures have occurred, and address the concerns to whatever degree they exist.

The fact that you need to doubt what is nothing more than attempts to improve our system ... Is the darkness.
The idea that me wanting to locate the errors that occurred, because they simply cannot be avoided in any system at any time,
somehow means I have been manipulated ... Is the darkness seducing you.

I have told you that you cannot handle it ... And it is becoming apparent that you can't.
In this, I have obviously failed, you have failed and we are doomed to repeat it all again ... :thup:

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Are we supposed to believe that basement Biden who barely campaigned landed millions more votes than Obama did in his prime? While Dem's lost seats in the House? And Republicans held the Senate? On it's face this is utterly ridiculous. Math and science says Dems are cheaters.
During the Civil Rights Movement in the 60's.....people took to the streets in protest and resisted with non violence.

It's time for ALL conservatives to march for their Rights....maybe even their lives.

Never concede! Never cooperate with illegitimate Marxists who stole your country!

The Socialists / Marxists are now suddenly calling for "Unity" and cooperation.........Eff that
I'm not being seduced by the dark side by thinking critically and asking questions.

I'm going to give you the benefit of the doubt that you mean well. It's equally possible you're being manipulative as hell.

We'll just have to see.

The darkness is seducing you because you cannot realize that in everything I have mentioned in our discussion, it doesn't choose a side in the political disagreement.
All I have asked is that we locate where failures have occurred, and address the concerns to whatever degree they exist.

The fact that you need to doubt what is nothing more than attempts to improve our system ... Is the darkness.
The idea that me wanting to locate the errors that occurred, because they simply cannot be avoided in any system at any time,
somehow means I have been manipulated ... Is the darkness seducing you.

I have told you that you cannot handle it ... And it is becoming apparent that you can't.

I heard you saying that the first time. It's why I gave you the benefit of the doubt.

Here's to improvement.
You mean you check with the criminals who are perpetrating this fraud?

Who are you checking with? ... Georgia's Sec. of State is a Republican ... Brad Raffensperger ... are you calling Republicans criminals? ...

BOTH parties conspired to defraud the American voters ... nice, very nice ...
There has been rampant questionable actions in swing states and in certain districts. Philadelphia has been huge.

Counters telling watchers they are stopping the counts, then resuming once the watchers leave. 170,000 Biden only mail in ballots dropping at once.

You need to go to the decentralized news on the internet and see the evidence for yourself. People learning how to be counters recorded trainers telling them how to cheat. Wactchers only being allowed Within 25 feet.

Go to Duck Duck Go and search on “Election fraud”. There are tons of stories. You can validate them validity yourself. When a counter is telling a watcher they are not allowed in the building AND ITS ON VIDEO....there is an issue.

Funny how there is no known fraud in runaway states.

That's vague ... which precinct specifically? ... which numbers show the truth to your claims ... when did 7 pickup loads of ballots sneak in without anyone noticing ...

Why do you think it's unusual for Pennsylvania to vote Democratic 7 of the past 8 Presidential elections? ...

But you're right ... we can't post anything to the internet unless it's true ... no way would a Democrat leaning State ever vote Democrat ... sheesh ...
There has been rampant questionable actions in swing states and in certain districts. Philadelphia has been huge.

Counters telling watchers they are stopping the counts, then resuming once the watchers leave. 170,000 Biden only mail in ballots dropping at once.

You need to go to the decentralized news on the internet and see the evidence for yourself. People learning how to be counters recorded trainers telling them how to cheat. Wactchers only being allowed Within 25 feet.

Go to Duck Duck Go and search on “Election fraud”. There are tons of stories. You can validate them validity yourself. When a counter is telling a watcher they are not allowed in the building AND ITS ON VIDEO....there is an issue.

Funny how there is no known fraud in runaway states.

That's vague ... which precinct specifically? ... which numbers show the truth to your claims ... when did 7 pickup loads of ballots sneak in without anyone noticing ...

Why do you think it's unusual for Pennsylvania to vote Democratic 7 of the past 8 Presidential elections? ...

But you're right ... we can't post anything to the internet unless it's true ... no way would a Democrat leaning State ever vote Democrat ... sheesh ...
You mean you check with the criminals who are perpetrating this fraud?

Who are you checking with? ... Georgia's Sec. of State is a Republican ... Brad Raffensperger ... are you calling Republicans criminals? ...

BOTH parties conspired to defraud the American voters ... nice, very nice ...
Voter Fraud 2020 – 2020 Election "Irregularities"

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