Confirmed: 450,000 ballots had no down-ballot...only Biden

So now you are calling Martin Luther King's Niece a Liar (she was told not to sign her ballot)?

YES ... you Russian hack ... we're ALL told not to sign our ballots ... moron ... it's a SECRET ELECTION ...
MY NAME IS Hebrew, but thanks for revealing your party's created Xenophobia against Russians/Russian Americans and making Russians your excuse for everything.
I barely slept, but this was a great way to wake up!

The war for our Republic just moved into MAGA's favor.

OMG... looks like the Right Wing has its own fair share of Moonbats... :auiqs.jpg:

After 4 years of the left claiming "RUSSIA STOLE THE ELECTION" the left and their corrupt media have no leg to stand on.
Like that matters. When have they had a leg to stand on?
their economic policies are always failures. Their foreign policy is always a failure, just look at what Obongo did with the Middle East for the most recent example. Look at how they kid glove China, Iran, etc.
Their social policies are a disaster. Everywhere they gain power, they run the place into the ground with debt, crumbling social services, cost of living sky rockets along with taxes, while quality of life goes to shit. They constantly are warned that their policies will result in XYZ, and then when it does exactly that they ignore the fact that they caused the problem and their answer is to double down.
If it weren’t for double standards, the left would have no standards.
Sadly, they are amazing propagandists. Look at all the people here who vote with them. I bet money that if given a survey/questioners on social/economic/political factors that didn’t tell them which is a democrat/Republican position, many will pick the conservative answers.

Many people fail to think about the races below the presidency or Congress
Studies have found that in the absence of information, voters make decisions based on candidates’ names, gender, ethnicity, sometimes even ballot position. Researchers from the University of Virginia estimate that candidates listed first on the ballot can receive up to 5 percent more votes than candidates listed lower. More than 30 percent of voters will fail to complete their ballot. Political science professors have called this the SAT effect — when you don’t know, leave it blank.

You can’t blame voters. Our ballots are long and complicated, and even astute political pundits can be flummoxed by the candidates for soil and water conservation commissioner.

Luckily, there are a number of resources that can help voters make sense of their ballot and learn who these elected officials are
Ballots are coded. The precinct log tells us which ballots and which voter by these numbers. It is traceable if the poll workers are doing thier jobs. As these were done on the mail in voter log it is easily traceable and verifiable.

Not in Oregon ... where do you live where lists are made of how people vote ... is this public information? ...

Here's a partisin website that explains what they think ... hack-site ... proof in in the State Constitutions ...
Just some quick, back-of-the-$100-bill-calculations ... 400,000 oz = 12.5 tons ... 25 pickup loads ... or maybe a bobtail ...

That's one hell of a lot of ballots to sneak in ...

I am under the firm understanding that in any case, neither would be all one thing or another.
I also know that fraud and corruption occur almost naturally as part of any system.

I was addressing the desire of some to try and qualify what is suspicious as being irrelevant because it doesn't suit one desire or another.
I was talking to OldLady about it, for an entirely different reason.

She has an innocence that the people guarding the door must sacrifice in order to do their job.
That actual innocence is what makes doing their job worth fighting for ... :thup:

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Where what you suggest is entirely plausible, so is the fact that it would take a lot less time to create 400k ballots if you only made one choice.

Just some quick, back-of-the-$100-bill-calculations ... 400,000 oz = 12.5 tons ... 25 pickup loads ... or maybe a bobtail ...

That's one hell of a lot of ballots to sneak in ...
85% votes in 400,000+ lead
89% votes in lead cut to 200,000+
Here's the head scratcher the next number should have been 90% votes in, nah the news reports 87% in (backwards) and lead I THINK down to 47,000
Then CAME 90% IN LEAD DOWN TO 24,000 OR something to that affect.
Calculate that obvious additional ballots.
You do not kick out someone for video taping sudden hauls of black trash bags for nothing.

I did the calculations at 85%in you'd need
100-0 %Biden favored ballots to just tie the race.
PA should have been declared Trumps at 85% in.
The fact it wasn't and all these weird stoppages took place to retool the number of ballots is proof fraud took place.
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You don't have to complete every item on the ballot. That's not fraud, and they can't exclude those ballots. That's people who don't follow politics enough to know who the people on the down ballot are. I wonder how many voted just for Trump?

Where what you suggest is entirely plausible, so is the fact that it would take a lot less time to create 400k ballots if you only made one choice.

I'm not suggesting that either case is correct, and I have the understanding that either could be.
I'm just suggesting that your lack of the desire to search for possible flaws in our system, is why your job is not guarding the door ... :smiliehug:

See folks (mostly libs), this post above is called integrity. You all screamed and cried about “Russia hacking and collusion” for years, and even impeached the president over what we now know (concrete evidence, not just common sense) was absolute bullshit. A narrative was dreamt up, a “dossier” (fancy word for bullshit make believe story) was drawn up alleging a bunch of nonsense, then fisa warrants were obtained using lies (the court was lied to by omission, that’s proven too). This was then used to spy on president Trump. “Russian collusion” was then used as an excuse to investigate every aspect of his life, business, and anybody around him. Essentially, they picked a man and then went investigating, looking for evidence of crimes. The exact opposite of how justice works in America. After turning trumps asshole inside out, along with everyone around him, and string arming the people around him destroying them financially and threatening their families, and raising their homes woth full on swat teams (totally necessary, I heard 79 year old roger stone is a total badassed killer), what was found? Manifort cheating on his taxes. Flynn being set up with “lying to the fbi”, which even the agent who questioned him says he didn’t do. A bunch of nothing. What did Russia do? Buy ads in Facebook.
You all smeared Trump, called him illegitimate, “resisted” him, impeached him, and screamed the election was stolen for 4 years.
Now, when some rather odd and improbable things occur in this election, you have all done a complete 180 and swear up and down the election is on the level, our voting system is solid as can be, etc.
It’s pathetic.
And it’s exactly the reason why nothing will ever be fixed. Whoever wins completely turns a blind eye to obvious flaws in our voting system.

Many people fail to think about the races below the presidency or Congress
Studies have found that in the absence of information, voters make decisions based on candidates’ names, gender, ethnicity, sometimes even ballot position. Researchers from the University of Virginia estimate that candidates listed first on the ballot can receive up to 5 percent more votes than candidates listed lower. More than 30 percent of voters will fail to complete their ballot. Political science professors have called this the SAT effect — when you don’t know, leave it blank.

You can’t blame voters. Our ballots are long and complicated, and even astute political pundits can be flummoxed by the candidates for soil and water conservation commissioner.

Luckily, there are a number of resources that can help voters make sense of their ballot and learn who these elected officials are
There were a few positions/races that I left blank. Mostly things exactly like soil
And water commissioner. If I didn’t know the candidate or position, I left it blank. I’d rather let someone who actually knows what they are voting in decide rather than me guessing.
But speaking for myself, I voted on everything else (president, congress, amendments, etc).
You don't have to complete every item on the ballot. That's not fraud, and they can't exclude those ballots. That's people who don't follow politics enough to know who the people on the down ballot are. I wonder how many voted just for Trump?
Legitimate voters vote for senate and congress at least. This is proof of fraud and you know it, you just don't like it that you've been caught.

Not absolute proof, but very, very, very suspicious, at the very least. How many similar ballots have been found with no vote other than for Trump as President? If this is legitimate, then you'd expect to find relatively similar numbers in both directions.

Part of a broader overall pattern, that (nearly?) all reported irregularities favor Biden.

Remembering all the counts and recounts and different interpretations of ambiguous ballots in Florida in 2000—whatever different ways they tried, to differently interpret ballots where the voter's intent was less than entirely clear, they got the same result, a slight lead for Bush over Gore. This is about what should have been expected if there was no cheating, that any irregularities would occur about equally for both candidates, and that neither candidate would benefit from any change in how they were interpreted. That certainly does not seem to be what we are seeing here.

“Some circumstantial evidence is very strong, as when you find a trout in the milk.” — Henry David Thoreau​
IF they are dead or have moved the ballot gets tossed..
Which means they were never in the original count, doesn't it?
No. Because they were never tossed... and that is the problem. if the log is damaged or not kept they the whole vote count becomes suspect. And that is where we are today.. This states vote count could get tossed and they have but 35 days for the state to fix it.
Just some quick, back-of-the-$100-bill-calculations ... 400,000 oz = 12.5 tons ... 25 pickup loads ... or maybe a bobtail ...

That's one hell of a lot of ballots to sneak in ...

I am under the firm understanding that in any case, neither would be all one thing or another.
I also know that fraud and corruption occur almost naturally as part of any system.

I was addressing the desire of some to try and qualify what is suspicious as being irrelevant because it doesn't suit one desire or another.
I was talking to OldLady about it, for an entirely different reason.

She has an innocence that the people guarding the door must sacrifice in order to do their job.
That actual innocence is what makes doing their job worth fighting for ... :thup:

Does Hillary Clinton have that innocence, then, that she trusted the voting system when she won the popular vote by 3 million and lost the EC by 80,000 votes in three states? Where were you door watchers then, BlackSand, saying there must have been fraud? The only fraud I ever hear of being committed is by Dems, over and over. It is an orchestrated push by the President to steal the election, and it's been coming for over two years now, starting with that failed Voting Commission that dismally bombed with no findings.

I agree with investigating real voter fraud, and there are people who work very hard to keep our voting system fair. You're right that there will always be some clever folks who try to cheat, but those people who have worked so hard to uncover it have never come up with numbers that would change voting results. Ever. Because it is not widespread and endemic to our system. There are too many checks built into the system.

I don't know, maybe you believe this role of yours, as a protector of the foolish and innocent, but in this case, in 2020, imo the fight is actually about destroying a fair election.

I guess we'll see. I could be wrong.
IF they are dead or have moved the ballot gets tossed..
Which means they were never in the original count, doesn't it?
No. Because they were never tossed... and that is the problem. if the log is damaged or not kept they the whole vote count becomes suspect. And that is where we are today.. This states vote count could get tossed and they have but 35 days for the state to fix it.
Give me an article explaining exactly what happened, Billy. From the Clerk or SOS please. I'm so confused right now I don't even know what state we're talking about anymore.
I barely slept, but this was a great way to wake up!

The war for our Republic just moved into MAGA's favor.

If this was a bout I'd say prez Trumps left lead is just starting to land from long range. If all goes to plan for prez Trump the range will close & that left lead will give way to full power house combinations!
How many similar ballots have been found with no vote other than for Trump as President? If this is legitimate, then you'd expect to find relatively similar numbers in both directions.
Yes, before I take this as evidence of fraud, I definitely want to know how many voted only for Trump. I have not heard that number yet. How come?
I think I will just sit back and watch as the courts tear the voter fraud machine apart....

Arguing with Idiots is a fools errand....
After you bring me a real link, right? You did the same thing yesterday. If you're going to spread this stuff around, back it up with some details.

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