Confirmed: CHINA OWNS JOE - Joe Biden's Dirty Little Secret / Influence Peddling Exposed

You mean because the Biden campaign said they couldn't find anything on official calendar for them? That is what they said you know. I mean, did anyone expect him to have "Meet with Bursima execs to discuss what favors are needed and how much to pay Hunter" on his official calendar?

Except that access to the Vice President is a lot more controlled than that.... The Secret Service knows exactly who he met with...

Pictures don't, but his emails and text certainly do have quite a bit to do with Joe, especially since we actually have Joe on video talking about withholding money. If they find that he was withholding US aid because he was asked to by Burisma and/or to protect his son, he is toast.

Except we already know that we withheld aide because the IMF, EU and Republican in Congress insisted we do so because Shonkin was corrupt. We went over this all during impeachment... when you all ignored Trump's criminality. I know it SEEMS like a long time ago, since then, Trump has killed 220,000 people, lost 60 million jobs, ran up 3 TRILLION in debt, wiped out 160,000 businesses... and had riots in the streets....

Oh, but wait, maybe Biden had a meeting with someone once.... that's what's important. And Nancy got a haircut.

No you don't. Most of the mental midgets that vote for Joe only vote for him because Trump is a poopy head. Most can't name a policy they don't like but even the majority of these thoughtless lemmings aren't dumb enough to blame a worldwide pandemic and deaths on Trump.

Actually, that the Trump is a racist, a misogynist, a homophobe, is corrupt, mocks the disabled, mocks Gold Star Families, mocks veterans and soldiers... yes, that makes him a bad person. But most of us know he really failed on the pandemic and you can't trust a thing he says.

Yeah, go figure. I mean there is no way the FBI and the CIA have been compromised, right? I mean, we only had the lead investigator into Trump sending clearly biased texts to his girlfriend, Brennan appearing on CNN on a daily basis and taking handwritten notes about the Hillary campaign trying to "stir up a scandal" and of course the FBI modifying documents in order to get a warrant from the FISA court to surveil Trump. It is unbelievable just how far you lefties will go to get your way. You will sell the country down the river because you simply can't admit fault. It is foolish, irresponsible behavior...just like spoiled children.

Here's the thing, guy. If people at the CIA and FBI think Trump is a buffoon and is unfit for office, it's that he probably is. Of course, the majority of the American people thought that, too... that's why he lost by 3 million votes.

Trump isn't the country. He's going down. Deal with it.

Then think about what you did wrong in your movement that you thought a completely defective human being like Trump was the best representative you could come up with.

The ironic thing was you guys had about 10 truly qualified governors and senators who would have easily beaten Hillary legitimately, given you 90% of what you wanted and wouldn't have wrecked the country the way Trump has.
Biden is a Pedophile, a Bigot and a Racist. He sold out the United States of America to enrich himself as a Politician. All of this is in front of us.

Trump is the one who sells his office. The kids participate. This is the crime family.
US authorities are investigating that the emails were from Russian agents. CNN is still waiting to see if they are authentic



(gotta link to this investigation, Kilroy2 ?)
And apparently, you're trying to claim the FBI is legally blind, too...

After all, it shouldn't take almost a year just to look at the emails and be able to tell us whether or not they're legit...

But what can I say, other than the FBI obviously doesn't have any proof that they aren't legit!!!!

Except we don't know how long they've had it...

We already know that the emails aren't legit because the meetings described inthem didn't happen.
How do you know they didn't happen? Because Plug's campaign said he didn't put it on his official calendar? Please tell me you aren't that stupid.
More alleged kiddie porn participation by Hunted..... this shit will drip out for the next several years. There's literally tons of it. Tsk Tsk

57 states just turned red.

You mean because the Biden campaign said they couldn't find anything on official calendar for them? That is what they said you know. I mean, did anyone expect him to have "Meet with Bursima execs to discuss what favors are needed and how much to pay Hunter" on his official calendar?

Except that access to the Vice President is a lot more controlled than that.... The Secret Service knows exactly who he met with...

Pictures don't, but his emails and text certainly do have quite a bit to do with Joe, especially since we actually have Joe on video talking about withholding money. If they find that he was withholding US aid because he was asked to by Burisma and/or to protect his son, he is toast.

Except we already know that we withheld aide because the IMF, EU and Republican in Congress insisted we do so because Shonkin was corrupt. We went over this all during impeachment... when you all ignored Trump's criminality. I know it SEEMS like a long time ago, since then, Trump has killed 220,000 people, lost 60 million jobs, ran up 3 TRILLION in debt, wiped out 160,000 businesses... and had riots in the streets....

Oh, but wait, maybe Biden had a meeting with someone once.... that's what's important. And Nancy got a haircut.

No you don't. Most of the mental midgets that vote for Joe only vote for him because Trump is a poopy head. Most can't name a policy they don't like but even the majority of these thoughtless lemmings aren't dumb enough to blame a worldwide pandemic and deaths on Trump.

Actually, that the Trump is a racist, a misogynist, a homophobe, is corrupt, mocks the disabled, mocks Gold Star Families, mocks veterans and soldiers... yes, that makes him a bad person. But most of us know he really failed on the pandemic and you can't trust a thing he says.

Yeah, go figure. I mean there is no way the FBI and the CIA have been compromised, right? I mean, we only had the lead investigator into Trump sending clearly biased texts to his girlfriend, Brennan appearing on CNN on a daily basis and taking handwritten notes about the Hillary campaign trying to "stir up a scandal" and of course the FBI modifying documents in order to get a warrant from the FISA court to surveil Trump. It is unbelievable just how far you lefties will go to get your way. You will sell the country down the river because you simply can't admit fault. It is foolish, irresponsible behavior...just like spoiled children.

Here's the thing, guy. If people at the CIA and FBI think Trump is a buffoon and is unfit for office, it's that he probably is. Of course, the majority of the American people thought that, too... that's why he lost by 3 million votes.

Trump isn't the country. He's going down. Deal with it.

Then think about what you did wrong in your movement that you thought a completely defective human being like Trump was the best representative you could come up with.

The ironic thing was you guys had about 10 truly qualified governors and senators who would have easily beaten Hillary legitimately, given you 90% of what you wanted and wouldn't have wrecked the country the way Trump has.
Biden is a Pedophile, a Bigot and a Racist. He sold out the United States of America to enrich himself as a Politician. All of this is in front of us.

Trump is the one who sells his office. The kids participate. This is the crime family.
4 years of non-stop treason based on ZERO crime, zero evidence, & zero witnesses has resulted in exposed, proven criminal traitor Democrats & the 2nd Presidential election in a row in which the Democrats' candidate is proven to be worthy of being in prison on election day instead of on a ballot!
I bet Joe Biden never thought his crack-head son and his a bunch of his e-mails would be his downfall.

Its fiction.
Your brain is fiction....Because you dont have one.
Confucius say: "Joe kiss Xi ass."
I bet Joe Biden never thought his crack-head son and his a bunch of his e-mails would be his downfall.

And they aren't. Take a look at Tramp kids before you pick on Hunter. They were born in wealth (on paper only)
Hunter was snorting cocaine off of a kid. Its beyond appalling and depraved.
He needs to be in rehab. Left to his Family Crime Boss, Joe Biden, he was being dispatched to suck up bribes in exchange for Family Crime Boss Biden selling out the American People, for a cut delivered by his son who was rapidly heading for a grave. This scandal may save Hunter's life by getting him away from his terrible horrible exploitive father.

Of course, the issue isn’t Hunter–a sad, drug-addled case–but rather the light that the documents shed on the corrupt career of Joe Biden.

The Post’s documents show a level of corruption that is remarkable even by Swamp standards–for example, Joe Biden proposing to take equity in a Chinese company secretly, through a 10 percent stake held on his behalf by Hunter. But how do we know that they are genuine?

First, because Biden hasn’t denied that the hard drive belonged to Hunter, and the documents contained thereon are real. His calling the Post’s stories a “smear” was a non-denial denial.

Second, because there is a witness. The Democrats have to be careful, because there is a real, live repair shop owner who is ready to explain what happened and to vouch for the integrity of the hard drive. I think this is largely why Biden et al. have gone to ground rather than seriously contest the corruption to which Hunter’s files testify.

At Townhall, Rudy Giuliani explains the provenance of the Hunter Biden hard drive:

“The way I came to have this was my lawyer was contacted by this gentleman who owns this store that fixes hard drives. Hunter Biden had come into the store probably a year ago, turned over three devices. The guy couldn’t fix one, fixed the other immediately and had to keep the hard drive,” Giuliani explained. “Hunter Biden came back in two days and brought him some kind of keyboard that would help and within a fairly short period of time he had it fixed. He started calling Biden to pick it up. Couldn’t get any answer, any response, didn’t get paid.”
“For some reason Hunter Biden never showed up. One of the reasons may be, the gentleman says, Hunter Biden was so drunk that he had a little trouble even getting his name out. And since I’ve now looked at the hard drive I find that to be very credible because – and this may be an exaggeration – but he looks like he’s high on crack every other day for the last five or six years.”
According to Giuliani, the computer store owner made four copies of the hard drive but turned the original over to the FBI. He gave two copies to his friends in case he was killed. He waited four or five months before he sent letters to various Republicans asking if they would be interested in the data.
“We were the first to respond, or the only ones to respond,” the president’s personal attorney explained.
Giuliani’s attorney, Bob Costello, met up with the store owner and spent about a week reviewing the information it contained to make sure it was legal to release. The contract Hunter Biden signed said that if the computer wasn’t picked up in 90 days it would be considered abandoned and the owner would obtain possession.
The information, however, wasn’t validated until Giuliani received a copy and reviewed the information. Based on dates and information from a confidential informant, Giuliani was able to validate it was, in fact, Hunter’s computer.
More details at the link. One wonders, why hasn’t the FBI done anything, given that it has had Hunter’s hard drive for ten months?

Based on what’s known, Giuliani stated Hunter Biden should be in prison for failing to register as a foreign agent, which is what Paul Manafort went to jail for.
Good point! Did Hunter register as a foreign agent? Giuliani says that he didn’t. Is that still a crime, or was it a one-time-only expedient to be used against associates of President Trump?

Joe Biden is perhaps the ultimate swamp creature. What we know about his corruption is plenty bad enough, but my guess is that what has come to light is only the tip of the iceberg.

Rudy Giuliani has been identified by the FBI as a conduit for Russian misinformation on Joe Biden. Hunter Biden would not bring a computer in to a non-descript computer store.. He would have someone come out to fix it. This story sounds phony. The shop- owner is a Trump supporter which would explain why he would be used by a Russian misinformation campaign.

Hunter Biden does not have to register as a foreign agent. He did not do any lobbying nor does he have to register as a foreign agent to sit on a board.

Trump is the corrupt bastard.

Hunter is a crackhead. The story isn't phony. The russia thing was a hoax though and you bought the lie.
Thank you very much for admitting Joe Biden is a lying, treasonous piece of shit!

Joe Biden claimed he knew nothing about what Hunter was doing...despite the e-mails and his 14-hour flight to China during they never spoke about how Hunter was tagging along on the tax payer-funded flight to sell out the US and sell his dad's influence while there?!

Okay, I realize you think this is something that I should care about... but I don't.

You know what I care about? The tens of thousands of dollars I've lost in Trump's recession.

That's what most people are going to care about.
so what policy did the president create that caused the recession?
why are you making excuses ? you could care less if its all true ! selling out to your communist allies is a badge of honor for a democrat !

1) I doubt they are true.
2) If they were true, it has nothing to do with Joe Biden.
3) Even if Joe Biden knew his son was engaged with some bad people, Trump is still a lot worse, as 220,000 dead and 60 million unemployed will attest to.

View attachment 403145
I doubt you lost Tens of thousands of dollars
unlike this real news bombshell
I bet Joe Biden never thought his crack-head son and his a bunch of his e-mails would be his downfall.

Please refer to Russian election interference/Giuliani useful idiot 1.0 you stupid fucking Trumptoid.
Please refer to it happening and the election is irrelevant
Should people who commit crimes run for the presidency to prevent from being prosecuted for their crimes?
Of course, you have nothing to say about the Trump kids, they're good, hard working people who are successful. What would you have to say?

Well, here's what we COULD say...

View attachment 403423

I should point out that all the Trump kids (except Tiffany and Barron) are under investigation right now by the State of New York.
well yes Biden money laundering should be investigated the end
So Joe tell me how a 47 years politicians become a millionaire?
And apparently, you're trying to claim the FBI is legally blind, too...

After all, it shouldn't take almost a year just to look at the emails and be able to tell us whether or not they're legit...

But what can I say, other than the FBI obviously doesn't have any proof that they aren't legit!!!!

Except we don't know how long they've had it...

We already know that the emails aren't legit because the meetings described inthem didn't happen.
How do you know they didn't happen? Because Plug's campaign said he didn't put it on his official calendar? Please tell me you aren't that stupid.

But the recipients of that meeting put it on thiers and thanked Hunter for the meeting....
I bet Joe Biden never thought his crack-head son and his a bunch of his e-mails would be his downfall.

Kaboom. If america had a free press . Biden would be in jail . Instead he is running for president.

There has to be crimes before you send people to jail. You want to skip that part.
So its your opinion that bidens committerd no crimes? I bet you voted for hillary .
I bet Joe Biden never thought his crack-head son and his a bunch of his e-mails would be his downfall.

Im sure all of the career politicians do the same thing . Nobody cares until election time . Democrats hate america .
And apparently, you're trying to claim the FBI is legally blind, too...

After all, it shouldn't take almost a year just to look at the emails and be able to tell us whether or not they're legit...

But what can I say, other than the FBI obviously doesn't have any proof that they aren't legit!!!!

Except we don't know how long they've had it...

We already know that the emails aren't legit because the meetings described inthem didn't happen.
How do you know they didn't happen? Because Plug's campaign said he didn't put it on his official calendar? Please tell me you aren't that stupid.

But the recipients of that meeting put it on thiers and thanked Hunter for the meeting....
cultists like Joe knows it's to late to say he's fucked up and will drink the Koolaid so he cannot face his stupidity
How do you know they didn't happen? Because Plug's campaign said he didn't put it on his official calendar? Please tell me you aren't that stupid.

Because Access to the VP is strictly controlled by the Secret Service...

well yes Biden money laundering should be investigated the end
So Joe tell me how a 47 years politicians become a millionaire?

Writing books, solid investments, his wife is a highly successful doctor....

We've seen all of Biden's financials, unlike Trump, who is still hiding how much he owes the Russians.
How do you know they didn't happen? Because Plug's campaign said he didn't put it on his official calendar? Please tell me you aren't that stupid.

Because Access to the VP is strictly controlled by the Secret Service...

well yes Biden money laundering should be investigated the end
So Joe tell me how a 47 years politicians become a millionaire?

Writing books, solid investments, his wife is a highly successful doctor....

We've seen all of Biden's financials, unlike Trump, who is still hiding how much he owes the Russians.
no we haven't seen Biden finical statements
FYI writing three half-assed books doesn't make you a millionaire and could it be Joe created legislation that would benefit his own wallet?
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