Confirmed: Fracking responsible for earthquakes in Oklahoma


Cat Lady =^..^=
Apr 27, 2013
The speculation is over, and revealing e-mails disclose that oil and gas millionaire
Harold Hamm has been trying to keep the fact that fracking may be responsible, under wraps.

Is it worth it?

Confirmed: Oklahoma Earthquakes Caused By Fracking

Despite the enormous increase in earthquakes in Oklahoma that started at the same time as heavy fracking began there—with the number of earthquakes over 3.0 magnitude skyrocketing from an average of less than two a year to 585 last year—the state has been in official denial about the cause.


Now the state has not only admitted that the injection into deep underground wells of fluid byproducts from drilling operations is behind the quakes, but it put up a website titledEarthquakes in Oklahoma that is a “one-stop source for information on earthquakes in Oklahoma.” The site includes an interactive map that displays the dramatic change not only in the number of earthquakes but in their distribution. Instead of a scattering around the state, they’re clustered heavily in areas where drilling operations are disposing of fracking wastewater.

The new website says, in a post dated April 21, “The Oklahoma Geological Survey announced today the majority of recent earthquakes in central and north-central Oklahoma are likely triggered by the injection of produced water in disposal wells.”

Confirmed Oklahoma Earthquakes Caused By Fracking EcoWatch

Hillary Clinton’s emails aren’t the only ones making news, at least not in Oklahoma. A trove of emails were released by the Oklahoma Geological Survey (OGS), which regulates the state’s oil and gas industries, in response to public records requests from news outlets such as Bloombergand EnergyWire. They appear to reveal that oil and gas billionaire Harold Hamm, known as the founding father of the U.S. fracking boom, inserted himself into the conversation about whether fracking was causing a dramatic upsurge in earthquakes in the state.

“Holland had been studying possible links between a rise in seismic activity in Oklahoma and the rapid increase in oil and gas production, the state’s largest industry,” wrote Bloomberg reporters Benjamin Elgin and Matthew Phillips. “Hamm requested that Holland be careful when publicly discussing the possible connection between oil and gas operations and a big jump in the number of earthquakes, which geological researchers were increasingly tying to the underground disposal of oil and gas wastewater, a byproduct of the fracking boom that Continental has helped pioneer.”

“It was just a little bit intimidating,” said Holland. When he emailed a colleague that he had been summoned to have “coffee” with Boren and Hamm, she replied, “Gosh, I guess that’s better than having Kool-Aid with them. I guess.”

Oil and Gas Billionaire Pressured Oklahoma Scientist to Ignore Fracking-Earthquake Link EcoWatch
Its collateral damage.

Same as how the welfare state has created a generation of lazy entitled spoiled criminal brats.

Worth it?
Throw your phone and all of your electronic communication devices away since they rely so heavily on petroleum products. That will kill two birds with one stone.
Its collateral damage.

Same as how the welfare state has created a generation of lazy entitled spoiled criminal brats.

Worth it?

Let me don't live in Oklahoma, right? What does this have to do with welfare?
Throw your phone and all of your electronic communication devices away since they rely so heavily on petroleum products. That will kill two birds with one stone.

Yeah, and the people in Oklahoma, well, they should just move to another state. Sounds like conservative logic.
Hey everyone

Walking across the street MIGHT get you killed. so knock it off. fly instead..:eusa_doh:
Hey everyone

Walking across the street MIGHT get you killed. so knock it off. fly instead..:eusa_doh:

What an idiot. I guess if it happened where you live you might be singing a different tune....or not, you're too ignorant to know any better.
It will be more than interesting to see what happens to those watered down chemicals over time. Will they float? Or will they sink? What kind of chemical reaction will transform the magma down below the surface. Will any of these chemicals get ingested by humans thru drinking water and transform the genetics of humans for generations to come? Could the chemicals in the water cause an explosive reaction now or in the future? And if so , if it flows to an underground active volcanic source, what could happen then?
I am unable to turn the Italics off? Why is this?
Hey everyone

Walking across the street MIGHT get you killed. so knock it off. fly instead..:eusa_doh:

What an idiot. I guess if it happened where you live you might be singing a different tune....or not, you're too ignorant to know any better.

Listen up dear. I lived in Alaska for 15 years. the State that has the MOST earthquakes of even California. Went thought a 7.9 earthquake OMG and lived.

It will be more than interesting to see what happens to those watered down chemicals over time. Will they float? Or will they sink? What kind of chemical reaction will transform the magma down below the surface. Will any of these chemicals get ingested by humans thru drinking water and transform the genetics of humans for generations to come? Could the chemicals in the water cause an explosive reaction now or in the future? And if so , if it flows to an underground active volcanic source, what could happen then?
I am unable to turn the Italics off? Why is this?

Did you try clicking on the I on the menu line? Shouldn't get stuck from one post to the next...
Throw your phone and all of your electronic communication devices away since they rely so heavily on petroleum products. That will kill two birds with one stone.

Yeah, and the people in Oklahoma, well, they should just move to another state. Sounds like conservative logic.
That would be more like lefties telling me I should move because feral criminals created by lefty agendas have taken over the locale.
My post was a little more sarcastic..
Having lived in Oklahoma for a couple of years, I am sure that the will tell you that god caused the earthquakes because of something a couple of gays did together in Tulsa.
Oh, sure, go ahead! It's easy to criticize fracking! But it helps keep oil prices low. How else are we supposed to keep down intelligent choices of alternative energy?
“The primary suspected source of triggered seismicity is not from hydraulic fracturing but from the injection/disposal of water associated with oil and gas production,” the report from the Oklahoma Geological Survey (OGS) reads.


If there was no frakking there wouldn't be any toxic water to dispose of either. And FYI if they can't dispose of the toxic water underground they can't continue frakking.


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