Confirmed: Fraudulent Polygamy Cult Tipster is Barack Obama Delegate

No. It's not okay with me. But I'm equally outraged when people turn a blind eye to the millions of girls being victimized who then end up in abortion clinics. And are ignored completely, because the consensus is that they are better equipped to make the decision than their counterparts in a religious compound.

It's a double standard, with the perps who get girls pregnant who end up in abortion clinics getting a wink and a nod...while the girls who get pregnant in a religious sect are taken into CUSTODY for being victims.

ADditionally, the victims in the religious sect are punished if it's discovered when they ARE of age by having their children taken from them. But the victims in abortion clinics are just spit back out into the world to do whatever they will.

So if you're a victim and you're Christian, you face detention and having your parental rights terminated.

If you're a victim and you get an abortion, you get a free abortion and no questions asked.


Girls (In Texas Anyway) have to have an adult over 18 to go with them to get an abortion.
If a girl is raped, the rapist is prosecuted.
Even if a girl had sex with her 19 year-old boyfriend, he could get prosecuted.

You have this unproven claim that people are turning blind eyes on millions of girls showing up in abortion clinics while the "perps" are given a wink and a nod. You have no idea what you're talking about. Have you seen how big the sex-offender's list is?????

They shouldn't have been there in the first place, however. This is a case of "end justifies the means". And while they may or may not be married to a sex offender, the offender in question is in jail and hasn't been there in months. So there's really no point to taking the kids away.

There are three important members (that we know of) of this sect that are sex-offenders. The leader of this sect (at one point) beat infants. The other larger leader (Jeffs) is in prison for rape and marrying off underage girl. THESE PEOPLE FOLLOW HIM. Enough Said
That's all fine and good...but if they are the ones breaking the law, then they should be the ones separated from the kids. If they aren't in the home, then where's the justification for taking the kids?
That's all fine and good...but if they are the ones breaking the law, then they should be the ones separated from the kids. If they aren't in the home, then where's the justification for taking the kids?

All of these people believe the same exact thing. That's why they're separated from society. The Texas government had justification to raid the place simply because they're polygamist (BECAUSE IT'S AGAINST THE LAW IN TEXAS). But they didn't. THey actually let them be until they had reason to believe the kids were unsafe. I'm sorry if you feel this unjust, but the Texas law enforcement will not jack with something that ain't broke, and it certainly won't break the law if it doesn't believe the kids are endangered. There is obviously more going on here than you or I know about.
I believe in innocent until proven guilty, and I can't see that these women or kids did anything that even remotely justifies yanking the kids and shipping them off. Particularly since the men weren't even in the homes.

I reiterate. The state generally removes children only when they have good evidence that the children are in immediate and serious danger.
I believe in innocent until proven guilty, and I can't see that these women or kids did anything that even remotely justifies yanking the kids and shipping them off. Particularly since the men weren't even in the homes.

I reiterate. The state generally removes children only when they have good evidence that the children are in immediate and serious danger.
Where were the men then? Where do these husbands stay that impregnated some of these girls and women? Do they have their own home and just call up the girls and women to come over when they wanted sex?

This gets stranger by the minute... to each his own and all, but the underage girls being made to sleep with the elders of their church and be betroved to them is downright child abuse...and it is by our laws in the usa, statutory rape if done to any girl or boy by someone of trust*, under the age of 18 unless legally married, which these girls were not.
Go back and make more excuses for disgusting pedophiles...

Come on , are you going to call all these other people the names you have called me in this thread and the others on this subject? Or is it different cause they are Lawyers and such?

You have consistantly implied I support child rape, polygamy and child abuse. What about these Esteemed people, is it the same for them?
Come on , are you going to call all these other people the names you have called me in this thread and the others on this subject? Or is it different cause they are Lawyers and such?

You have consistantly implied I support child rape, polygamy and child abuse. What about these Esteemed people, is it the same for them?

Jesse Jackson is considered esteemed, so are many other dumbasses. You providing "esteemed" resources is just another way for you to ignore the infamous acts of this sect and others like it. Oh yeah, did you know the leader is a convicted sex-offender and in prison??? HMmmmm....I wonder what he was telling his followers?? It doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure out what these guys were doing. Legally correct or not, I think the Texas Law enforcement should get a giant pat on the back and a raise.:clap2:
Jesse Jackson is considered esteemed, so are many other dumbasses. You providing "esteemed" resources is just another way for you to ignore the infamous acts of this sect and others like it. Oh yeah, did you know the leader is a convicted sex-offender and in prison??? HMmmmm....I wonder what he was telling his followers?? It doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure out what these guys were doing. Legally correct or not, I think the Texas Law enforcement should get a giant pat on the back and a raise.:clap2:

We are well aware you think the rights of the citizenry do not apply for anything YOU think is ok. Remember that if your rights are ever violated.

Again for the slow the State had no cause to remove over 400 children. Most are under 5 and in absolutely no danger what so ever. They probably lied to do the search and they definately fabricated to continue the search.
Pederast, dude.

We are well aware you think the rights of the citizenry do not apply for anything YOU think is ok. Remember that if your rights are ever violated.

Again for the slow the State had no cause to remove over 400 children. Most are under 5 and in absolutely no danger what so ever. They probably lied to do the search and they definately fabricated to continue the search.

Prove it.
What would be the pregnancy percentage of girls 14-17 taken at gunpoint from abortion clinics?

Hey, but those girls are DIFFERENT.

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