Confirmed: Fraudulent Polygamy Cult Tipster is Barack Obama Delegate

If they carry them to term, they deserve to have their kids taken from them, their families questioned, and DNA testing for all because OBVIOUSLY something is very, very wrong.
If they carry them to term, they deserve to have their kids taken from them, their families questioned, and DNA testing for all because OBVIOUSLY something is very, very wrong.

In Wisconsin the girl is emancipated from her family when she becomes pregnant if over 16 I believe, and she can leave her parents house at that point without permission.

My point being is that EACH STATE has its own laws on statutory rape, age of consent, age of marriage...texas age of consent is 17.

What you are advocating is unconstitutional if you are mandating that the federal government legislate something like you are suggesting.

I would not be surprised at this point if States already have laws regarding underage girls being pregnant and following through if statutory rape has occurred...why not advocate such FOR YOUR OWN STATE if you think it is not happening and not come off as though you want it mandated by the feds for all states?

The point I'm making is that the same people who are all righteous indignation over the fact that underaged girls are having sex with grown men, and who think the SUSPICION of such is enough to justify an armed raid of the girls' (many of whom are now women) home in this case, don't think there's any justification for investigating the case of the 14 year old girl who gets an abortion.

They don't like underaged girls having sex if they're doing it as part of their religious code. But they could care less if they're having sex otherwise. They're willing to set aside due process in the event of girls living in a religious community. But they will fight till they die to risk violating the "privacy" of underaged girls in abortion clinics.

That's the only point I'm making. They have a double standard, and they're hypocrites. Besides thinking the law is there to break.
The point I'm making is that the same people who are all righteous indignation over the fact that underaged girls are having sex with grown men, and who think the SUSPICION of such is enough to justify an armed raid of the girls' (many of whom are now women) home in this case, don't think there's any justification for investigating the case of the 14 year old girl who gets an abortion.

They don't like underaged girls having sex if they're doing it as part of their religious code. But they could care less if they're having sex otherwise.

Well, I personally think that if I were to have a daughter and she was pregnant at any age up to the age of 18 I would want to know about it and want her to tell me about such before running to an abortion clinic....

But this has a great deal to do with how one raises their own daughter and the trust the mother/daughter have developed over the years.

I would want to be notified, if a parent of an under the age of 18 child of mine, went for an abortion....some states have changed their laws for such...not giving the parent the right to STOP the abortion, but giving the parent the right to be notified of such.

I primarily feel this way because I think that my daughter would need her mother during such a difficult situation and because IT IS A MEDICAL procedure on a minor that is in my care....if something would to go wrong in the surgery, it would be ME held responsible for the additional medical bills or me the parent that would have to deal with my child's death, while under my care if something really bad happened, or their future scarring that could make them unable to have children in the future...or their mental state could be damaged at such an early age from remorse....

I don't have any children so I would never be faced with it....but unless the child is pregnant from an incestuous situation I think the parents should be notified..... if incestuous then the authorities should be notified.

I submit this thread as Exhibit n in support of my thesis that AllieBaba is democrat mole, posting here with the objective of making republicans look uber-retarded.
Not as retarded as dems who, having nothing intelligent to add to the conversation, simply troll and stage personal attacks.
I submit this thread as Exhibit n in support of my thesis that AllieBaba is democrat mole, posting here with the objective of making republicans look uber-retarded.

She or he? AIN'T a Democrat....and probably is not a devout Republican either, more authoritarian perhaps, unless it is regarding certain christian cults.....? lol...j/k allie
I submit this thread as Exhibit n in support of my thesis that AllieBaba is democrat mole, posting here with the objective of making republicans look uber-retarded.

Ya know, that was my idea you skanky thief.
Not as retarded as dems who, having nothing intelligent to add to the conversation, simply troll and stage personal attacks.

First, I'm not a dem and second, that's all you're good for since you don't actually discuss ideas sincerely.
Honestly, I haven't made it a point to research it in depth. However, from my limited understanding, I'd say they were not afforded due process. I'd hate to think my daughter could be taken away on account of a neighbor's phone call.

They couldn't be taken away based on a phone call. CPS would make a visit and see if it were true. If CPS showed up and nothing was evident of what the caller had suggested....then your children would not be taken.

When the CPS showed up at the compound and found a frickin bed in the temple, as well as women who had babies at young ages, as well as underaged girls married to sex-offenders....then there obviously was something going on that is illegal in Texas

They shouldn't have been there in the first place, however. This is a case of "end justifies the means". And while they may or may not be married to a sex offender, the offender in question is in jail and hasn't been there in months. So there's really no point to taking the kids away.

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